Topic: World War Three (Rant)
HuckleberryFinn's photo
Wed 11/04/09 07:38 PM
World War Three (Rant)

No guns
just tons
of dope
killing hope
crack vials
crooked trials
senseless death
last breath
can't speak
to weak
to stand upright
losing the fight
of dedication
to my nation
that wants to drown
be renown
for liberty
that can't see
just "us"
means trust "us"
while you bust "us"
with rules
your jewels
power tools
that control
the soul
that is lost
the cost
our kids
hitting the skids
their pride
is suicide
their thrill
to kill
our obsession
needs regression
we're tired
of being mired
in your democracy
A.K.A. hypocrisy
all the same
"it's in the game"
no more
let's settle the score
then humiliate
the powers that be
in world war three....

The soldiers in this war
get fewer and fewer each
passing year, we have stopped
caring about our communities,
our children, our schools,
our elderly, our homeless,
and our dreams of the true
essence of life....happiness

shall we give up without a fight?

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 07:49 PM
Edited by Ainjel on Wed 11/04/09 07:49 PM
Your rant speaks TRUTH...:heart:

Shall we give up without a fight...?....Never....

kc0003's photo
Wed 11/04/09 08:49 PM
nicely done...

too bad we cant just call down to the front desk
and order a wake-up call...

jimz's photo
Thu 11/05/09 06:22 AM

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Thu 11/05/09 01:34 PM
If only everyone cared... good write Huck flowers