Topic: Hmmm. That's strange !
JimNastics4u's photo
Wed 11/04/09 03:46 PM
Two middle aged business men, Tom & George went to a gym for a workout.

As they changed into their workout outfits, Tom noticed that
George was wearing a corset under his business shirt.

So, Tom asked him, "how long have you been wearing a corset ?"

"About 2 weeks now", replied George.

"Does it help ?", questioned Tom.

"Oh yes, it's really helped me save $ thousands", responds George.

Tom is really puzzled now and asks, "how does it save you so much money ?"

"Well, I've been wearing it ever since my wife found it under the back seat of my car." oops


franshade's photo
Wed 11/04/09 03:49 PM
rofl rofl

chickayoshi's photo
Wed 11/04/09 03:53 PM
Ah ha! Lol! laugh