Topic: How sad
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Fri 10/30/09 02:24 PM
Aww that's so sad, sorry to hear that.

I had a cat Tanner that got hit by a car. He lived but was in pain and suffering, I had to make the decision to have him put to sleep to put him out of his misery. He was looking at me while I was looking at him comforting him, talking to him, then I saw the life leave his eyes. Something I will never forget but my Tanner trusted me and the last thing he saw was the person the loved him.

To make an animal suffer is wrong. Now that is inhumane.

Poor dogsad2

Edy_ca's photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:27 PM
im sorry! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

PetitePrettyLady's photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:28 PM
So sad. I have had pets my whole life so that is a decision I have made many times. It's hard but I never want something or someone I love to suffer.

TxsSun's photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:55 PM
I agree. It is selfish and very inhumane!

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:58 PM
How's he doing, Baby-girl? :cry:

TxsSun's photo
Fri 10/30/09 03:01 PM
I think he is waiting on his Daddy to get home so he can go, honestly. I have been holding him for quite some time now.

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 03:04 PM

I'm sitting here holding a dog that has been sick for a week.
I don't think he will make much longer(through the night) and the vet agrees. The owners are being selfish because they won't just let him go. I had to make the choice to let my Dad go. It wasn't easy, but it was the right thing to do.

My question is, if you had to make the horrible choice of letting go of someone or something that you loved, would you? Or would you be selfish?
I could tell you some very long stories, but I won't,wink..
But I have seen many pets KEPT,,,for only their owners lack of being able to put them down,,,and THATS JUST NOT RIGHT!
Blind,,,deaf,,,,crippled to have to walk with a dragged foot and stoping to pant badly every two feet acrossed a rug,

But as to letting someone you love go,,,,depends solely on the why?

But if its for YOUR abilities to move forward with living a better life,,,or THEM living a better life,,,,
Always knowing YOU done it for THAT reasoning and heart of the matter..
Live to NEVER have regrets by not doing what you know was wrong in the first place,,,,THATS MYB LINE,,,anyway,wink,,:heart:

msdestinbooty's photo
Fri 10/30/09 03:05 PM
Thats like the ASPCA commerical or whatever. I hate seeing those sad little faces and eyes looking at you. Every time I see that I cry!! At least you are holding him and comforting him

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 03:08 PM

I'm sitting here holding a dog that has been sick for a week.
I don't think he will make much longer(through the night) and the vet agrees. The owners are being selfish because they won't just let him go. I had to make the choice to let my Dad go. It wasn't easy, but it was the right thing to do.

My question is, if you had to make the horrible choice of letting go of someone or something that you loved, would you? Or would you be selfish?

What I decide is my own choice and I will not force my choice/belief on somebody else.

I would not let the dog suffer but that is me and sadly that is not my dog.tears tears

Socratease's photo
Fri 10/30/09 03:13 PM
Keep the love and memories,but let the suffering go out with dignity and in a respectful manner.It will hurt the one u love as well as yourself to stay with the pain and waste away,and thats disrespectful....and selfishnesss is never real love imho,but its understandable

TxsSun's photo
Sat 10/31/09 08:07 AM
Ok, happy/sad update......

They have finally decided to let him go. He is on his way to the vet now...

I will miss you Pepe'......I am just sooooo glad you don't have to suffer anymore....

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/31/09 08:19 AM
Well glad they finally decided that.........a friend of mine had to put his dog down a couple of years ago after having her by his side everywhere he went for 14 years. I mean this dog was never left at home he would work at the constructions sites and in the summer left his truck running all day long for her to stay out of the heat.... It was a sad day when he finally had to make that choice. He even waited till I could get off work to go with him. That was one of the hardest things to me but the vet was great as big as she was she was gone in a split second and she even walked right up to the vet she was ready to go she had suffered with cancer for a while.....:cry:

TxsSun's photo
Sat 10/31/09 08:29 AM
Oh wow Kristi, that is a sad story!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/31/09 08:45 AM
Ohhhh girl it was heartbreaking for sure I have a tribute to her on my yahoo 360 page with a picture and poem she was one of the smartest dogs I have ever came across and so loving as well.... The poem is what actually happen that last day..... :cry:

earthytaurus76's photo
Sat 10/31/09 08:54 AM
I had to let my cat Patrick go when I was 12. He came out into the yard with me, and hung out, and for some reason he saw a van coming, and ran right out into the street right in front of him.

I had to hold him in my lap on the way to the vet that night..

We brought him in the room a pet, and came out emptyhanded.

Had to put him down, he had suffered too much.

What an awesome cat! I STILL miss him. tears

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 10/31/09 09:00 AM

I'm sitting here holding a dog that has been sick for a week.
I don't think he will make much longer(through the night) and the vet agrees. The owners are being selfish because they won't just let him go. I had to make the choice to let my Dad go. It wasn't easy, but it was the right thing to do.

My question is, if you had to make the horrible choice of letting go of someone or something that you loved, would you? Or would you be selfish?

If he is suffering...without a second thought I would let him go, my dog is getting old and on his last limb. Sad thing is I won't be here with him when he passes, but I will get his ashes...he knows I have to leave, and hopefully I do see him again before he passes away but that isn't likely.

no photo
Sat 10/31/09 09:00 AM

Ok, happy/sad update......

They have finally decided to let him go. He is on his way to the vet now...

I will miss you Pepe'......I am just sooooo glad you don't have to suffer anymore....

I'm so glad they decided to let him go.

How lucky both you and he were to have been such pals. I'm sorry for your pain ((TxsSun))

TxsSun's photo
Sat 10/31/09 09:11 AM
Thank you Cal and Lil...I agree.....I was born at 11:28 am and this poor dog will be gone at almost the same time....How ironic!

Earthy, it is awful but love is love!

Monier's photo
Sat 10/31/09 09:37 AM

It's the merciful thing to do with animals. I'm not sure how I would make a decision regarding a loved one, but for myself, I've made it clear to my family that unless I am completely brain dead, I want to be kept alive no matter the pain.

As for others doing the right thing or being selfish, I'd say that's their call. People may handle things differently, but you have to respect their wishes.

TxsSun's photo
Sat 10/31/09 09:44 AM
He is gone!