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Topic: Evidence for a Designer...
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Tue 11/03/09 06:04 PM

Give them a few more decades, a century at the most, and they will have a complete in-depth picture of precisely how we evolved including every single animal species in the entire line that lead up to us. (even including extinct species that we might not even have fossil for).

About what you said about genetic engineering.

Here is my prediction: It will be sabotaged. I suspect that the powers that be do not want us to know our true origins. As you say, it will completely destroy a lot of religious ideas about Adam and Eve etc. It could even reveal genetic tampering by aliens.

Well, we already know that part of our DNA contains viral information, maybe that was one way to accomplish the task or something similar. But I hope all the research continues to be shared internationally it might prevent any single power from corrupting the findings or the release of data from those findings.

One can only hope it will.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 11/03/09 06:05 PM

Even the atheists speak about "Natural Processes Evolution". That's already an idea of an on-going continuous creation. In fact, as ironic as this may seem, the atheistic "Natural Evolution" picture of "Creation" only verified that Jeanniebean is right on the money!

If the atheists hold that this universe is 'created' by "natural processes of evolution", then they have NO CHOICE but to bow down and worship Jeanniebean as speaking the untimate wisdom of enlightenment!

For all she's doing is saying, "Look here you idiots! If you believe that natural processes of evolution is what "Created" this unvierse, then guess what! We have already evolved to a state of sentience, therefore by your very own definition that "creation" is a "natural process of evolution" then You have BECOME Gods! Because now you are able to take control of the "Creation" of your own lives!"


All Jeanniebean is telling the atheists is that if they could take themselves seriously even for two seconds they'd recognize that they have just concluded that they are the "Creators" of this universe NOW!

They are no longer "victims" of natural processes and they need to start recognizing that the "process of natural selection" is OVER, it has now become a "process of conscious selection!

So wake up and start realizing that YOU ARE GOD! You are the creators of your own lives and you are the "process of conscious evolution" now!

So quit preaching utterly stupid atheism and start realizing that You ARE the conscious cosmic mind manifest in physical form!

What does it take to get through to you half-evolved morons?


Whew! This was fun post to write. laugh

Well, one think is for sure we certainly don't have the kind of divinity that is typically attributed to a god. In fact it seems that it takes many millions of people creating a chain of events to influence whatever creative avenue I choose to take.

If I'm the one creating my very existence then I should have complete control over the process. Instead I am limited not only by this physical form but by the environment I am bound to and by all the interactions that affect my creativity in uncontrolable ways.

So, for me, that does constitute a valid reason to believe in the idea of a single intelligence designing/creating the universe.

And furthermore, if there is any question, I do not see any reasonable ideas to support a mult-designer idea either - without manipulative immagined communities and categories we can't even find enough commonality between us to get along, much less design a universe of such complexity.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 11/03/09 06:07 PM
So my question would be: Are things that don’t follow any known laws of physics considered to be external to the system under consideration?

It depends - do you think we have uncovered all the possible laws that govern how this universe functions???

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 11/03/09 06:22 PM
Why do those extremely few atoms just happen to be in the abundances they are?

If you were familiar with big bang instead of that watered down version they start teaching kids in first grade you'd-
well, I'll just try to describe it a bit (but I admit I'm leaving out some important things to keep it from getting much much longer than this.)

Picture that moment after the very start. There was a whole lot of energy uniformly spread everywhere in the universe but things were very compact then so you had so much energy at any particular point that it was just too hot for atoms.

-but as the whole universe stretched there was more room and less dense energy means lower temperatures so in a fashion a little bit like raindrops forming from a cloud of water vapor you had protons, electrons, and neutrons form from a cooling cloud of energy. As I'm sure you know when you put these together they form atoms. One proton can grab one electron (sometimes more or less but it easily gives them away or grabs another one,) so with just one proton you get hydrogen. Things were still pretty hot though so about one in four atoms had two protons stuck together and those are hydrogen. A small number even had three which means lithium but with the temperatures changing the way they did that's as high as things went from this particular trend.

So what about all the others? Well, with enough energy you can fuse these atoms together and if it's a more stable it will even give off more energy that can fuse others and so on.
And where do we find high temperatures after the background cooled off? Well obviously those funky spots where gravity pulled a lot of those gasses together into one of those big balls we call stars.

It's easiest to fuse hydrogen but helium is heavier so after long enough it moves to the middle (down) and takes up all the hottest areas. If the star was big enough it will eventually push down with enough pressure that it will be hot enough to fuse helium. Next element builds up and so on until iron. Iron is a bit tricky as it has the lowest energy configuration- it just sucks up even more heat to be fused without giving any off. This means this whole "star" trend ends at that element.

But there's a way to get enough energy to keep going. If a star is really freaking huge and gets to the iron point of fusion there's something else that can happen. Heat is the main thing that pushes out from inside of a star but because iron just keeps sucking it up pretty soon you've only got gravity pushing things down. With small stars they hold their weight but the big ones are so heavy that the forces of the atoms themselves can't hold it up and the star collapses in on itself until things are so compact that everything turns into neutrons. It turns out at that heat it's actually smaller than the space neutrons take up and they have enough force to hold everything up so it bounces back to a bigger shape and there is so much energy involved in that that we see the star explode as a supernova. These explosions give us all of the elements up to tricky 92.
*Realistically I'd expect a lot of them make heavier stuff but since those elements decay so quickly and already take the most energy to make meaning there are fewer of those atoms anyway they all decay really quickly and we just see 1 through 92.

I absolutely, totally enjoyed your post and I just had to reply before I read any more because I needed a moment to stop laughing.

Now that I have, I can only say - ABRA, it's ok, calm down now, you're amongst friends, really. OH BOY I'M LAUGHING AGAIN

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 06:22 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 11/03/09 06:55 PM

Even the atheists speak about "Natural Processes Evolution". That's already an idea of an on-going continuous creation. In fact, as ironic as this may seem, the atheistic "Natural Evolution" picture of "Creation" only verified that Jeanniebean is right on the money!

If the atheists hold that this universe is 'created' by "natural processes of evolution", then they have NO CHOICE but to bow down and worship Jeanniebean as speaking the untimate wisdom of enlightenment!

For all she's doing is saying, "Look here you idiots! If you believe that natural processes of evolution is what "Created" this unvierse, then guess what! We have already evolved to a state of sentience, therefore by your very own definition that "creation" is a "natural process of evolution" then You have BECOME Gods! Because now you are able to take control of the "Creation" of your own lives!"


All Jeanniebean is telling the atheists is that if they could take themselves seriously even for two seconds they'd recognize that they have just concluded that they are the "Creators" of this universe NOW!

They are no longer "victims" of natural processes and they need to start recognizing that the "process of natural selection" is OVER, it has now become a "process of conscious selection!

So wake up and start realizing that YOU ARE GOD! You are the creators of your own lives and you are the "process of conscious evolution" now!

So quit preaching utterly stupid atheism and start realizing that You ARE the conscious cosmic mind manifest in physical form!

What does it take to get through to you half-evolved morons?


Whew! This was fun post to write. laugh

Well, one think is for sure we certainly don't have the kind of divinity that is typically attributed to a god. In fact it seems that it takes many millions of people creating a chain of events to influence whatever creative avenue I choose to take.

If I'm the one creating my very existence then I should have complete control over the process. Instead I am limited not only by this physical form but by the environment I am bound to and by all the interactions that affect my creativity in uncontrolable ways.

So, for me, that does constitute a valid reason to believe in the idea of a single intelligence designing/creating the universe.

And furthermore, if there is any question, I do not see any reasonable ideas to support a mult-designer idea either - without manipulative immagined communities and categories we can't even find enough commonality between us to get along, much less design a universe of such complexity.

"Getting along" is an important part of the over all evolution going on with 'mankind.' Cooperation is imperative for the rapid advancement of technology and information.

On the subconscious level, we DO cooperate and share information. We have not yet learned or evolved to the point where we realize this and consciously cooperate with each other and share information and technology because we are too busy going to battle and engaging in wars and misunderstanding.

The "single intelligence" is not really a single entity who creates the universe.. apart from us. It is the connection and the sharing of information and intelligence that is going on via the subconscious level all the time.

Primitive man (and our ancestors and even us modern humans) has elevated and worshiped those who came before us and designed us and this world to the status of Gods simply because they were not able to understand the advanced technology involved. If you went back in time to only 150 or 200 years ago and demonstrated a simple piece of technology to the people there, they would either worship you as a god or burn you as a witch.

Yes, I believe we (and this world) were seeded and designed by beings similar to us. I believe there are many designs of sentient beings throughout the universe and I believe there are many universes.

To think that we are the first sentient beings or the only sentient beings in all of the universes is simply unimaginably arrogant and illogical.

The direction we are going with our own science demonstrates clearly that we will be helping to contribute to the re-designing of the human body and seeding worlds, and creating new life in the laboratories. Where else would it lead?

1. Clones
2. Androids
3. Artificial persons built by nannites.
4. Human bodies with the ability to regrow a severed limb
5. Increasing the normal life span of humans to about 1000 years.

If I were a genetic engineer, I would certainly be doing all of this. I would be called a mad scientist, I'm sure.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 11/03/09 06:24 PM

reads to me like he is interested if anybody has evidence of a "single designer" and not "designers" of the universe.

Well if he meant 'a single designer' he did not say 'single' designer. "a designer" only means he only needs evidence of one designer and does not care about the others. laugh laugh
Yeah, that's pretty much how I took it too.

And looking back on all that's been said in this thread, particularly by the OP himslef, I'm not even sure what he would consider evidence.

It seems to me that, from his perspective, any evidence of a design would necessarily require a viewpoint that is external to the system under consideration ("the universe" in this case).

So the question itself contains an inherent contradition - "I want to see evidence of the existence of something external to the system, but the only evidence you're allowed to present is from inside the system."

Silliness. Pure and simple.

Well when I asked Dragoness what kind of evidence she would accept or what she would consider as 'proof' she admitted that she did not believe there was any proof or that I had any proof. Which means that she is not prepared to consider anything at all to be "evidence" or "proof" because it is outside the scope of her belief system.

It is the same as my asking a Christian for proof that their God exists or that Jesus is God and they give "The Bible says so" as their proof and I say, "that is not proof" "That is not evidence."

So I think what we failed to do is define and clarify what Creative is asking for, and define "intelligent design" before wasting our time.

I thing the question posed is a valid one.

evidence can only be regarded as proof when there has been a pre-existing agreement between the parties involved as to the means of validation for the kind of evidence that would constitute proof.


And whoever address the concept of asking for proof of something that exists 'outside' of the system whilst demanding that the evidence exists only 'within' the system is being unreasonable anyway.

Besides, what's often referred to is the utterly meaninglessly idea of a 'pink elephantic smooge' to explain something.

But if a 'pink elephantic smooge' happens to have the properties requried to explain something, then why not?

The problem with a 'pink elephantic smooge' is that it metaphorically implies a meaningless concept (i.e. it wouldn't explain anything even if it did exist)

What about String Theory? Replace "String" with "pink elephantic smooge" and what do you get?

The only difference is that a "pink elephantic smooge" wouldn't explain what is seen, whilst a "string" would.

Well, the same thing is true of the date for intelligent design. A "pink elehantic smooge" wouldn't help unless it was known to be an "Intelligent pink elephantic smooge", then it would help. laugh

It's the attribute of "Intelligence" that is being postulated as the explanation.

In other words, it's simply being suggested that there is something going on than pure random happenstance can't explain.

The numbers that I was attempting to get at in my presentation concerning the numbers of different kinds of atoms in the unvierse was basically this:

For all intents and purposes, there are basically infinitely many atoms in the universe. Yet there are only 100 different kinds.

Comparing those numbers, we may as well say that there is basically ONE complex atom!

In fact, knowing what we know about quantum mechanics, and the period table all these atoms are indeed constructed from basically just a handful of sub-atomic particle. Basically THREE! Protons, Neutrons, and electrons.

So the point is that, for all intents and purposes we could genuinely look at this problem as being one where there are damn near an infinity of atoms in the universe and only ONE atom appears that can do all these wonderful things!

That's the point I'm trying to make.

100 compared to infintely many isn't really any different from 1 compared to infinitely many.

So the bottom line is that we basically have one random chance atom that just happened to have the properties to produce a living universe?

Now I know that people are going to scream that I'm reducing 100 to 1 pretty loosely. But that's the whole point of the presentation.

100 compared to infinity isn't any different from 1 compared to infintity for all practical purposes.

One silly "flexible" atom (that can become a mere 100) produces a living universe of this grand complexity?

Pure random happenstance explains this? huh

I can't believe anyone would seriously consider happenstance as a "viable explanation" for this situation.

That makes absolutely no sense to me at all.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 11/03/09 06:31 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Tue 11/03/09 06:35 PM

5. Increasing the normal life span of humans to about 1000 years.

If I were a genetic engineer, I would certainly be doing all of this. I would be called a mad scientist, I'm sure.

Once this truly sinks in and the public begins to realize that this is indeed possible, the political resistence to genetic engineering will quickly give way to overwhelming support. laugh

Right now people either, don't realize the potential, or simply don't yet believe it's possible.

But once it's demonstrated on laboratory rats, everyone will be offering to pay higher taxes to fund the human version of the trick. :wink:

I only hope that if they do this, they also offer a free and respectable euthanasia program for those who get tired of living after about 500 years and want to call it quits. bigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 11/03/09 06:39 PM
By the way, if they start designing people to live for 1000 years, they better address birth control and population control issues as well.

Like, maybe if you're going to live for 1000 years you have to give up procreation (or something like that)

Could you imagine if all the people who had ever lived were still alive today and continued to multiply at without restraint all that time? What would be the world's population today? A lot more than it already is, that's for sure! And not just from the people who lived longer, but from the increased offspring that they would have continued to produce (and the offspring of their offspring, etc, etc, etc.).

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 07:02 PM

I don't even need to reference science to see that the Bible is false.

You say that so many of life's unknowns are explained in the Bible. Could you share a few?

I've been all through that book and I never seen anything useful in it that was even remotely unique from any other source.

If you're speaking about the Christain Bible that includes the New Testament with Jesus, all I can say about that is that Jesus didn't even agree with Yahweh. I don't how anyone could believe that he was his son. He was crucified for blaspheme precisely as Yahweh had commanded his followers to murder such heathens.

Of course, if you're sticking only to the Old Testament or Torah, then at least you avoid that contradiction. But I have tons of problems even with that. It's just looks like Zeus on LSD to me.

Even Zeus wasn't as jealous and as male-chuavinistic as Yahweh. Although I guess they were both appeased by blood sacrifices.

I have a hard time taking any mythologies seriously that have their gods being appeased by blood sacrifices.

Like wux was saying earlier, if we're going to consider an Intelligent Designer let's try to stay focused on the "Intelligent" part. Whatever being created this universe is already in deep **** with wux. No need to have the "Intelligent Designer" lusting for blood sacrifices, asking people to stone their unruly children to death, or being obsessed with desire to become the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to rule over a bunch of pathetic humans who supposedly can't even keep from sinning unless he gives them the strength to refrain from it.

With all due respect, if the creator of this universe is like the Bible describes, I'd be so disappointed, I'd rather atheism was true. We'd be better off with no god at all that to have a glorified Hilter as a God. Picking and choosing only a very few people to serve him and casting the rest into a fiery furnace?

Wasn't one Hitler enough? huh

I don't think we need any gods like that, thank you.

Ab, I'm not going to get into a debate about religion in the Science & Philosophy forum with anyone who is close minded. I only mentioned the Bible here bacause I was responding the "proof is agreement" statement. If you REALLY want to discuss your distorted view of religions, start a thread in General Religion and I'll respond if I don't think you're trolling...

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 07:03 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 11/03/09 07:07 PM

By the way, if they start designing people to live for 1000 years, they better address birth control and population control issues as well.

Like, maybe if you're going to live for 1000 years you have to give up procreation (or something like that)

Could you imagine if all the people who had ever lived were still alive today and continued to multiply at without restraint all that time? What would be the world's population today? A lot more than it already is, that's for sure! And not just from the people who lived longer, but from the increased offspring that they would have continued to produce (and the offspring of their offspring, etc, etc, etc.).

I believe the natural "human" or humanoid design that we were patterned after ..(unaltered) is designed to produce offspring slowly and only by conscious choice, because of the different space-time environments they came from and the length of life spans there.

I imagine that the sex drive that we earth humans have and experience (and are a slave to) was purposely re-designed for this environment and installed by our designers who wanted to populate the earth quickly in order to have slaves. (The "gods" (designers) told them to "go forth and multiply." And the humans could not help but do so because their sex drives were enhanced.

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 07:04 PM
Ab, I'm not going to get into a debate about religion in the Science & Philosophy forum with anyone who is close minded. I only mentioned the Bible here bacause I was responding the "proof is agreement" statement. If you REALLY want to discuss your distorted view of religions, start a thread in General Religion and I'll respond if I don't think you're trolling...

Thank you, I for one appreciate that. flowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:08 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Tue 11/03/09 09:11 PM

Why do those extremely few atoms just happen to be in the abundances they are?

If you were familiar with big bang instead of that watered down version they start teaching kids in first grade you'd-
well, I'll just try to describe it a bit (but I admit I'm leaving out some important things to keep it from getting much much longer than this.)

Picture that moment after the very start. There was a whole lot of energy uniformly spread everywhere in the universe but things were very compact then so you had so much energy at any particular point that it was just too hot for atoms.

-but as the whole universe stretched there was more room and less dense energy means lower temperatures so in a fashion a little bit like raindrops forming from a cloud of water vapor you had protons, electrons, and neutrons form from a cooling cloud of energy. As I'm sure you know when you put these together they form atoms. One proton can grab one electron (sometimes more or less but it easily gives them away or grabs another one,) so with just one proton you get hydrogen. Things were still pretty hot though so about one in four atoms had two protons stuck together and those are hydrogen. A small number even had three which means lithium but with the temperatures changing the way they did that's as high as things went from this particular trend.

So what about all the others? Well, with enough energy you can fuse these atoms together and if it's a more stable it will even give off more energy that can fuse others and so on.
And where do we find high temperatures after the background cooled off? Well obviously those funky spots where gravity pulled a lot of those gasses together into one of those big balls we call stars.

It's easiest to fuse hydrogen but helium is heavier so after long enough it moves to the middle (down) and takes up all the hottest areas. If the star was big enough it will eventually push down with enough pressure that it will be hot enough to fuse helium. Next element builds up and so on until iron. Iron is a bit tricky as it has the lowest energy configuration- it just sucks up even more heat to be fused without giving any off. This means this whole "star" trend ends at that element.

But there's a way to get enough energy to keep going. If a star is really freaking huge and gets to the iron point of fusion there's something else that can happen. Heat is the main thing that pushes out from inside of a star but because iron just keeps sucking it up pretty soon you've only got gravity pushing things down. With small stars they hold their weight but the big ones are so heavy that the forces of the atoms themselves can't hold it up and the star collapses in on itself until things are so compact that everything turns into neutrons. It turns out at that heat it's actually smaller than the space neutrons take up and they have enough force to hold everything up so it bounces back to a bigger shape and there is so much energy involved in that that we see the star explode as a supernova. These explosions give us all of the elements up to tricky 92.
*Realistically I'd expect a lot of them make heavier stuff but since those elements decay so quickly and already take the most energy to make meaning there are fewer of those atoms anyway they all decay really quickly and we just see 1 through 92.

I absolutely, totally enjoyed your post and I just had to reply before I read any more because I needed a moment to stop laughing.

Now that I have, I can only say - ABRA, it's ok, calm down now, you're amongst friends, really. OH BOY I'M LAUGHING AGAIN

Well, I don't see the point to the post.

I didn't learn anything there that I didn't already know. I'm fully aware of how the stars form the atoms. That totally misses the point that I'm making.

Why these atoms?

This "explanation" is not an "explanation" at all. All this is, is an observation of how the elements are formed.

What was explained other than that?


Once again. The question wasn't "how" do the processes of this unvierse unfold. The question was "why" are the elments the way they are?

By the way, just to offer Mr. Shoku a little bit of an education, it's not the nucleosysthesis within the stars that dictate this process. But rather it's the laws of Quantum Mechanics that dictate how the stars must burn.

So all Mr. Shoku has described is the forced process that occurs after the fact that the quantum field had already designed how sub-atomic particles will behave.

So Mr. Shoku is still not understanding the question.

All he's doing is describing "how" these processes unfold. But that doesn't even begin to address "why" they can only unfold the way they do?

The answer to "Why" they can only unfold the way they do, is because this universe only contains a very limited number of sub-atomic particles.

I was actually referring to 'atoms' to try to make this whole scenario more palatable to the laymen who might read this, but actually if we want to get down to why their are only a few different kinds of quark, leptons, and bosons, that even narrows it down futher. Also, that would totally eliminate any observations of nucleosynthesis in the kitchen of stars because it's these fundmental building blocks that determine how stars burn, not the other way around which Mr. Shoku is attempting to paint a picture of with the atoms.

I quess that was partly my fault for indeed watering down the scenario for the sake of this being a layman forum.

The bottom line in all of this is that the extremely limited number of fundamental particles in this universe is extremely small (which happenstance does not "explain"). Moroever, for such a very small set of fundamental particles to have just accidently produced molecules (and habitable environments) that can self-program themselves to produce conscious living beings is not something that would be expected by a happenstance event that is based on those numbers.

This isn't about describing processes after the fact.

That's already past the 'design stage' if indeed this universe was designed.

If we're going to consider a concept of design, we need to look at the "actual design" and ask whether or not it appears to be happenstance, or something more than that. We can't be taking the design for granted and merely explaining the processes that occur after the design. That makes no sense.

In fact, that's precisely what the "process of natural selection" does with evolution. It just accepts the DNA "seed" and programming capabilities of the molecule and then just describes what the program is actually doing and calls that an "explanation".

That's no explanation. That's merely an observation of what DNA is capable of doing! After it already exists! (i.e. After it's already been designed!)

That just accepts the design as being a "natural event in this universe" and then merely describes what it does.

That's no explanation of how it came to be. That's just an observation of how it unfolds after it already exists.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:10 PM

So my question would be: Are things that don’t follow any known laws of physics considered to be external to the system under consideration?

It depends - do you think we have uncovered all the possible laws that govern how this universe functions???

Definitely not.

creativesoul's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:16 PM
All I can do is shake my head...


Abracadabra's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:18 PM

Ab, I'm not going to get into a debate about religion in the Science & Philosophy forum with anyone who is close minded.

That's fine with me. And yes, I have closed my mind on that particular religion. Unless some new doctrines have been discovered recently? I've already heard everything that's in the old doctrines. So there's nothing new to discuss as far as I'm aware. That religion is over 2000 years old. :wink:

Dragoness's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:22 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Tue 11/03/09 09:28 PM

reads to me like he is interested if anybody has evidence of a "single designer" and not "designers" of the universe.

Well if he meant 'a single designer' he did not say 'single' designer. "a designer" only means he only needs evidence of one designer and does not care about the others. laugh laugh
Yeah, that's pretty much how I took it too.

And looking back on all that's been said in this thread, particularly by the OP himslef, I'm not even sure what he would consider evidence.

It seems to me that, from his perspective, any evidence of a design would necessarily require a viewpoint that is external to the system under consideration ("the universe" in this case).

So the question itself contains an inherent contradition - "I want to see evidence of the existence of something external to the system, but the only evidence you're allowed to present is from inside the system."

Silliness. Pure and simple.

Well when I asked Dragoness what kind of evidence she would accept or what she would consider as 'proof' she admitted that she did not believe there was any proof or that I had any proof. Which means that she is not prepared to consider anything at all to be "evidence" or "proof" because it is outside the scope of her belief system.

It is the same as my asking a Christian for proof that their God exists or that Jesus is God and they give "The Bible says so" as their proof and I say, "that is not proof" "That is not evidence."

So I think what we failed to do is define and clarify what Creative is asking for, and define "intelligent design" before wasting our time.

You assume too much.

I said YOU did not have proof, not that NOONE could have proof...lol

You did not resolve anything about what equates proof or evidence either.

There cannot be proof in this forum of a designer because we cannot feel or touch it or them here.

I will meet you at a designated spot and you can introduce me to the designers and the designers of the designers and we would be able to agree on the intelligent design.

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:23 PM
Abra, I totally get what you are talking about. drinker flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:27 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 11/03/09 09:28 PM

reads to me like he is interested if anybody has evidence of a "single designer" and not "designers" of the universe.

Well if he meant 'a single designer' he did not say 'single' designer. "a designer" only means he only needs evidence of one designer and does not care about the others. laugh laugh
Yeah, that's pretty much how I took it too.

And looking back on all that's been said in this thread, particularly by the OP himslef, I'm not even sure what he would consider evidence.

It seems to me that, from his perspective, any evidence of a design would necessarily require a viewpoint that is external to the system under consideration ("the universe" in this case).

So the question itself contains an inherent contradition - "I want to see evidence of the existence of something external to the system, but the only evidence you're allowed to present is from inside the system."

Silliness. Pure and simple.

Well when I asked Dragoness what kind of evidence she would accept or what she would consider as 'proof' she admitted that she did not believe there was any proof or that I had any proof. Which means that she is not prepared to consider anything at all to be "evidence" or "proof" because it is outside the scope of her belief system.

It is the same as my asking a Christian for proof that their God exists or that Jesus is God and they give "The Bible says so" as their proof and I say, "that is not proof" "That is not evidence."

So I think what we failed to do is define and clarify what Creative is asking for, and define "intelligent design" before wasting our time.

You assume too much.

*I said YOU did not have proof, not that NOONE could have proof...lol

You did not resolve anything about what equates proof or evidence either.

There cannot be proof in this forum of a designer because we cannot fell or touch it or them here.

I will meet you at a designated spot and you can introduce me to the designers and the designers of the designers and we would be able to agree on the intelligent design.

*And yet you demanded "proof."laugh

What would make you and I so special that they would agree to a meeting just to solve a silly debate? I'm quite sure they have better things to do. laugh laugh laugh laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:30 PM

Abra, I totally get what you are talking about. drinker flowerforyou


I make my point and he comes back with a lecture on how nucleosynthesis takes place in stars.

Like as if that even has anything at all to do with what I'm talking about. whoa

I guess these people truly are in denial of the real question. That's all I can figure.

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Tue 11/03/09 09:33 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 11/03/09 09:36 PM
*You did not resolve anything about what equates proof or evidence either.

Yes I did. If not, I will here:

1. Evidence must be accepted as evidence and considered by the opposition.

2. Evidence must be judged or deemed to be "sufficient" to be weighed as "proof" by the deciding authority(s).

3. Said "proof" must be convincing and agreed upon in order to even be considered "proof."

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