Topic: Swine Flu!!!!
hellkitten54's photo
Mon 10/26/09 05:57 PM

But the hype with swine flu...isn't it convenient that it coincides with a massive health care reform? I mean who is NOT getting the vaccinations? probably those that can't afford them/don't have health insurance but if you don't get it you may die..but they can't afford it so why wouldn't they vote for a healthcare reform? I just think it is over-hyped for a political you it will calm down all of the sudden once every thing is official with the health care bill.Of course they will say it is because of the vaccinations..but I know it is because they will stop covering it on the nightly news and the mass herd of followers that we have become will listen and go along with it passively talking about how 'lucky' we were to get the vaccination etc etc etc....

I was just reading, that not even Obama's daughter getting any vaccine shots.

Not everyone can take the vaccine, egg is a very common food allergen. I'm not saying she has it, but you never know why someone doesn't do something.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 10/26/09 06:00 PM

Hummm well it is part of life why not discuss it better then who farted in the elevator. :laughing: :laughing:

Just like many have doubts on taking the H1N1 shot due to it is new what they don't realize is that each year the regular flu shot is new as well for it is for a different strain almost every year....

But regardless it is one thing that is fully on peoples minds at this time... at least it gives some a topic to discuss...


hellkitten54's photo
Mon 10/26/09 06:03 PM

But the hype with swine flu...isn't it convenient that it coincides with a massive health care reform? I mean who is NOT getting the vaccinations? probably those that can't afford them/don't have health insurance but if you don't get it you may die..but they can't afford it so why wouldn't they vote for a healthcare reform? I just think it is over-hyped for a political you it will calm down all of the sudden once every thing is official with the health care bill.Of course they will say it is because of the vaccinations..but I know it is because they will stop covering it on the nightly news and the mass herd of followers that we have become will listen and go along with it passively talking about how 'lucky' we were to get the vaccination etc etc etc....

I was just reading, that not even Obama's daughter getting any vaccine shots.

Not everyone can take the vaccine, egg is a very common food allergen. I'm not saying she has it, but you never know why someone doesn't do something.

But I also just read the article and they can't get it cause it isn't available to them.

bedlum1's photo
Mon 10/26/09 06:07 PM
if u think about it..human beings are the true virus on this planet

BONEaFIED's photo
Mon 10/26/09 06:11 PM

Swine Flu

If you wake up looking like this DON'T GO TO WORK!

no photo
Mon 10/26/09 07:53 PM

They just closed all the public school in my area because of swine flu.....

But my kid has mono!!!!!!
:heart: To be REAL here with this.
WE have lost about two hundred children from 22 down to new Born's. THEY the states health dept. have said that many who died had some type of respiratory problems(asthma,weak lungs) But for ALL the healthy ones who died they said,,,,,,WE DON'T KNOW what killed them,HUH?????????
So, if I had any young kids, I would keep them out of school to, until I knew THEY were treated with the vixen,,and even THAT, has caused many issues as well..
SOMEONE somewhere, has worked on crossing animal viruses with human virussis..And our government doesn't want to TELL US THAT!

THESE are hard times for worry, but panic is close to follow..
WE are only human, and fear breeds fear..
And in this case, truth warrants precautions,wink..:wink:

bedlum1's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:19 PM
Edited by bedlum1 on Mon 10/26/09 08:20 PM
precaution please..not gossip,rumors,paranoia, panic and fear based rants..something intelligent please thank you...drinker

markecephus's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:32 PM

Yes, I agree, It's a good thread, and is of interest to everyone. Let's not take it into the political arena, please.


bedlum1's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:38 PM

Yes, I agree, It's a good thread, and is of interest to everyone. Let's not take it into the political arena, please.

thank youdrinker

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:39 PM
Hummm how much you want to bet things may start rolling around the DFW area now?

They just announced that a very prominent Lawyer in Dallas died today and yes it started with the swine flu and went into pneumonia. They stated prior to this he was very healthy with no existing conditions that would have caused any concerns prior to him contacting the swine flu.......he was 54 years old and very healthy....whoa

This is not the first case in this area where the person was healthy but first one that rubbed the shoulders with the rich.......

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:48 PM

They just closed all the public school in my area because of swine flu.....

But my kid has mono!!!!!!
:heart: To be REAL here with this.
WE have lost about two hundred children from 22 down to new Born's. THEY the states health dept. have said that many who died had some type of respiratory problems(asthma,weak lungs) But for ALL the healthy ones who died they said,,,,,,WE DON'T KNOW what killed them,HUH?????????
So, if I had any young kids, I would keep them out of school to, until I knew THEY were treated with the vixen,,and even THAT, has caused many issues as well..
SOMEONE somewhere, has worked on crossing animal viruses with human virussis..And our government doesn't want to TELL US THAT!

THESE are hard times for worry, but panic is close to follow..
WE are only human, and fear breeds fear..
And in this case, truth warrants precautions,wink..:wink:
:smile: There is nothing out of the ordinary about the vaccine.:smile:The rumors are a hoax.:smile:There is just a shortage.:smile:Viruses mutate from animal to human frequently.:smile:It is how a lot of outbreaks start.:smile:Its a natural proccess.:smile: Viruses mutate naturally:smile: No one worked on it.:smile:

no photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:54 PM
What I wrote is a fact? And THIS flu has taken more kids, than any other flu we have ever had in the US.
Its one thing to fear that your child MAY GET SICK? Its another STORY all together to even try and THINK, they might DIE, from catching something like this h1n1 flu.
I am 52 and I raised my threee kids, THEY nor I ever had to fear DEATH from ANY SCHOOL germs, or bugs,wink..
So if THATS not REAL and facts,,I can't help ya any more,wink.

artman48's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:58 PM

they were giving free swine flu vaccines to the kids at my school .. after some research i said hell no... CDC pushes alot of vaccines that arent considered safe enough by the W.H.O. to give to kids or even adults on mass scale... like the hepatitus one that theyre givin to kids at birth... our autism rate has skyrocketed since we started that...

Thank you-- because you are right! How many women died when old carter had a bunch shot up???

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 10/26/09 09:01 PM

What I wrote is a fact? And THIS flu has taken more kids, than any other flu we have ever had in the US.
Its one thing to fear that your child MAY GET SICK? Its another STORY all together to even try and THINK, they might DIE, from catching something like this h1n1 flu.
I am 52 and I raised my threee kids, THEY nor I ever had to fear DEATH from ANY SCHOOL germs, or bugs,wink..
So if THATS not REAL and facts,,I can't help ya any more,wink.
flowerforyouIt's good that you have the facts,but I dont see how any of that relates to anything I saiddrinkerI am assuming you were replying to me:thumbsup:

bedlum1's photo
Mon 10/26/09 09:07 PM
my doctor has been giving kids and prego girls the vac shot,,no problems like fox news/glen beck..spread tons of bs and fear to the populace..all vacs through history have had some bad reactions...because everyones body is DIFFERENT..find out whats in them if your kids have alergies. to be sure plus there is tamaflu if they contract it

artman48's photo
Mon 10/26/09 09:16 PM

my doctor has been giving kids and prego girls the vac shot,,no problems like fox news/glen beck..spread tons of bs and fear to the populace..all vacs through history have had some bad reactions...because everyones body is DIFFERENT..find out whats in them if your kids have alergies. to be sure plus there is tamaflu if they contract it

The powers that be are moving to mandatory shots--What if we say no?

Yes I know--TV and radio are to blame.- But the question is, If you didn't want it, would you take it if the fed said you had Zero choice?

jadday's photo
Mon 10/26/09 09:40 PM
We have had so many people around here test positive for H1N1 that the hospital and clinic have actually stopped testing for it. They are telling everyone to not even come in unless their fever is 105 or higher. The only suggestion they have is to take Theraflu and Ibuprofen. Both of my kids have had it already. My son had a fever of 104 for 2 days and my daughter's was 103. It took about a week for both of them to start feeling like themselves again. I am just hoping I don't get it now.

Monier's photo
Mon 10/26/09 09:42 PM

Swine Flu is God's way of getting back at us for all of those
'oh yeah?....when pigs fly!!' jokes

not possible...there is no such thing as god indifferent

one's focus is their reality

Jtevans's photo
Mon 10/26/09 09:54 PM

They just closed all the public school in my area because of swine flu.....

But my kid has mono!!!!!!

my nephew has been sick and went to the dr today and they are testing him for swing flu.if he has it than the rest of us have already been exposed to it

if i don't wake up tomorrow than i wanna let yall know,it's been nice knowing yall frown sad

no photo
Mon 10/26/09 10:03 PM

What I wrote is a fact? And THIS flu has taken more kids, than any other flu we have ever had in the US.
Its one thing to fear that your child MAY GET SICK? Its another STORY all together to even try and THINK, they might DIE, from catching something like this h1n1 flu.
I am 52 and I raised my threee kids, THEY nor I ever had to fear DEATH from ANY SCHOOL germs, or bugs,wink..
So if THATS not REAL and facts,,I can't help ya any more,wink.
flowerforyouIt's good that you have the facts,but I dont see how any of that relates to anything I saiddrinkerI am assuming you were replying to me:thumbsup:
:wink: NOPE, not to you
But, Seeing as we are now ,lol,,Can you give me another virus recently say with-in ten years that has left the animal kingdom and joined man's list of infectious disease? Just wondering?
I mean thats like saying BEWARE your dogs heart worms can now attack your system.. Or the mange now can cause you to lose your hair?:wink: