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Topic: The truth
JimNastics4u's photo
Sun 10/25/09 10:02 PM
Edited by JimNastics4u on Sun 10/25/09 10:08 PM

Back in the day a blew the speakers out in my van, cranking up the Eric Clapton, Doobie Brothers, etc.

The sound systems are a bit better these days, kids be crankin' what they like, just like I did.drinker

That will ALWAYS be true. That is how most become initially exposed to 'music'. However, only some will grow & explore beyond what the music executives shove down their throats, but most will willingly gobble up the commercial garbage forever.

daniel48706's photo
Sun 10/25/09 10:13 PM

Back in the day a blew the speakers out in my van, cranking up the Eric Clapton, Doobie Brothers, etc.

The sound systems are a bit better these days, kids be crankin' what they like, just like I did.drinker

hat is true; however, thankfully, laws have been passed over the past few years that prohibit the playing of certain types of rap, classically known as gangsta rap, in pubic where anyone can hear it. I am referring to cd's that have been rated NCR17 and above, of course, due to language, content, and connotation behind the words used. Depending on where you are at, you can receive something as little as a ticket for playing these cd's where anyone can hear them (that includes by raising the volume up so it can be heard outside of your home or car) all the way up to being arrested on the spot fort he contribution to the delinquency of a minor. And if you don't believe me, ask the guy who slipped in a public park and rolled down a hill yelling f&^% SH*& and several other choice words the entire way with about fifteen or twenty kids nearby.

My point here is, call it what you will, but respect everyone elses right to NOT listen to it just as you have the right to listen to it. Cause more and more people are getting to the same point I have been at and ARE calling the police and filing charges when they hear this kind of thing. Again, this time ask a former neighbor of mine. I asked her five times to turn her stereo down or use headphones so that me and my children did nto have to listen to her cd which was going on about women being gang banged and how they were nothing but b!thces and hoes, etc. I finally called the cops and filed a formal complaint about it as I did not want my children listening to that crap. When the cops came over and told her to turn the volume down or use headphones she refused and they arrested her on the spot. She spent the weekend in lock up waiting for the judge to arrive Monday morning, and got fined something like 250 dollars. And before anyone tries going off on me, remember I did nothing illegal, nothing immoral or anything wrong at all. I started out trying to handle it civilly and after 5 failed attempts I exercised my legal rights and called the police to ask them to intervene.

JimNastics4u's photo
Mon 10/26/09 07:34 AM
Decades from now, rap will be looked back on as a larger music industry hoax, than Milli Vanilli.

Darkside412's photo
Mon 10/26/09 11:36 AM

That will ALWAYS be true. That is how most become initially exposed to 'music'. However, only some will grow & explore beyond what the music executives shove down their throats, but most will willingly gobble up the commercial garbage forever.

It is obvious that you have not explored beyond what is commercially available when forming your conclusions about rap music, or hip-hop. There are very many quality artists that take their beat making and lyric writing to a highly artistic level, but you must look for them. The radio only plays music intended for the mindless.Expand your horizons bro...or stay ignorant...like Black Sheep says "The choice is yours!!!!"

isaac_dede's photo
Mon 10/26/09 11:47 AM

Rap is a form of expression and just because it may not apeal does not mean it is crap.

In matter of fact, many words are very profound and one should stay open minded to the most profound way of expression.

Did you like the music of your parents ? Most likely not as a teenager.

What about later on and, how to rappers like your music of the 60ths and 70ths ?

Be - and stay open minded and you will discover all sorts of Marvells not only in RAP but in different cultural approaches.

Music is a mans (womans) soul and just because not all souls are shining does not mean that they are not brilliant and have feelings to be expressed...


Music has a melody. Rap is not music.
If you want to present the idea that it is
rudimentary poetry for the uneducated, I can accept that.
But, it CLEARLY is not music.

you're assuming all rappers are uneducated...well let me educate you for a second.

Chuck D(one of the members of Public Enemy #1) got his degree in Graphic design from Adelphi University

Common(Formely Common Sense) Studied Business at Florida University

David Banner has a Bachelor's in business from Southern University and a Masters in Education from the University of Maryland...

I can name about 20+ more rappers that all went college not the least of which also included Kanye West

JimNastics4u's photo
Mon 10/26/09 03:42 PM

Rap is a form of expression and just because it may not apeal does not mean it is crap.

In matter of fact, many words are very profound and one should stay open minded to the most profound way of expression.

Did you like the music of your parents ? Most likely not as a teenager.

What about later on and, how to rappers like your music of the 60ths and 70ths ?

Be - and stay open minded and you will discover all sorts of Marvells not only in RAP but in different cultural approaches.

Music is a mans (womans) soul and just because not all souls are shining does not mean that they are not brilliant and have feelings to be expressed...


Music has a melody. Rap is not music.
If you want to present the idea that it is
rudimentary poetry for the uneducated, I can accept that.
But, it CLEARLY is not music.

you're assuming all rappers are uneducated...well let me educate you for a second.

Chuck D(one of the members of Public Enemy #1) got his degree in Graphic design from Adelphi University

Common(Formely Common Sense) Studied Business at Florida University

David Banner has a Bachelor's in business from Southern University and a Masters in Education from the University of Maryland...

I can name about 20+ more rappers that all went college not the least of which also included Kanye West

I didn't say the rappers are uneducated. Indeed, they are smart to
reap rewards from such little effort. In general (not all) of the buyers of that crap are the uneducated.

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