Topic: Self Defense | |
Hello to all! I eat clean, work out 5-6 days a week (cardio and weights)and my health is fantastic. I would like to add self defense because I was always fascinated as a youngster with martial arts. As I get older, I set goals that I tackle and some take a little more time and effort.
As I have mentioned, I would like to take up self defense for protection and also for fitness. A friend of mine said that an instructor had mentioned that it is difficult for short people (I am 4'11") to take self defense. What do you think? True or false? |
The long story converted to short is that is false.Go for it!
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The long story converted to short is that is false.Go for it! ![]() ![]() Cy plays Hockey & he's my hero *sighs* |
Hello to all! I eat clean, work out 5-6 days a week (cardio and weights)and my health is fantastic. I would like to add self defense because I was always fascinated as a youngster with martial arts. As I get older, I set goals that I tackle and some take a little more time and effort. As I have mentioned, I would like to take up self defense for protection and also for fitness. A friend of mine said that an instructor had mentioned that it is difficult for short people (I am 4'11") to take self defense. What do you think? True or false? I believe that is false. For example, some of the fastest human sprinters are of a short stature. This is true because they can generate a faster turnover with their legs and stride. Many forms of martial arts and self-defense use the principles of "leverage" and your opponent's own energy as their foundations. Meaning, you can use your opponent's own limbs and offensive thrusts to your advantage. A "defense" has a strategic advantage because the goal is to remain unharmed; you do not have to do anything but maintain your health. When someone directs an offensive thrust at you, the burden is on them to cause something to happen. While they are lunging, punching, or kicking at you; they expose themselves to reprisal. Many of the world's greatest martial artists are Asian. Generally, Asians have a short stature. I would encourage you to look into "Krav Maga". That is an Israeli form of practical "street self-defense". It teaches you how to respond in "real world" situations and how to use common objects to defend yourself, [car keys, writing pens, etc.]. By the way, I read your profile and I was moved to message you. But, I do not think I could "keep my thoughts platonic" and behave. |
The long story converted to short is that is false.Go for it! ![]() ![]() Cy plays Hockey & he's my hero *sighs* {{{{ ![]() ![]() |
The long story converted to short is that is false.Go for it! ![]() ![]() Cy plays Hockey & he's my hero *sighs* {{{{ ![]() ![]() hee hee ![]() |
and btw pretty lady, go for it!
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I have heard about Krav Maga and have never seen it demonstrated. Would be interesting. Take a chance and message me. I would never turn a friend away. ![]() |
Hello to all! I eat clean, work out 5-6 days a week (cardio and weights)and my health is fantastic. I would like to add self defense because I was always fascinated as a youngster with martial arts. As I get older, I set goals that I tackle and some take a little more time and effort. As I have mentioned, I would like to take up self defense for protection and also for fitness. A friend of mine said that an instructor had mentioned that it is difficult for short people (I am 4'11") to take self defense. What do you think? True or false? False. Being shorter would make it easier to punch them in the nut-sack. But seriously. By pure size, you could be at a disadvantage in some circumstances, but by no means should that be a reason not to learn how to defend yourself. I know there are about 100 different self-defense classes in my area, especially with MMA becoming more popular. Just do a little research on the internet to find out what would be best for you, before plunking down any money. |
A friend of mine said that an instructor had mentioned that it is difficult for short people (I am 4'11") to take self defense.
What do you think? True or false? FALSE! Many martial arts forms uses the attacker's weight against him! Try Hap Ki Do or Ti Ji Tsu. Any martial art focusing on the defensive rather than the offensive (like Jijitsu, Judo, etc) will be a great option. See what disciplins are in your area, do some research, visit them, take a tour/sample class, and see which one works best for you. Go for it, you sound like the type of personality that will excell. Good luck! |
self defense - 9 mm
i don't need to work out..... |
It's false.We had a self defense training during our orientation in the hospital.That was to teach us how to defend ourselves when somebody attacks us. The hospital management thinks hospital employees,especially female nurses have to learn this because we usually go home late at night. The trainer taught us that the most important thing actually is not your size and strength, but presence of mind.
But...if you want to excel in martial arts it needs years of training and continuous practice. If you quit, you would also slowly lose your flexibility. I like Lucy Liu and Uma Thurman.They're really good at it. |
May the studies of Wushu find the path for you
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