Topic: MADNESS | |
shame its a wet one.
![]() then ![]() ![]() |
Good morning, everyone!
Peacekeeper, I feel that you are being utterly sincere and open, and I want to thank you for this. To everyone else, I say: don't tar Peacekeeper with the patterns we have experienced with another Army poster. Peacekeeper is not attacking anyone here, he is not insulting anyone, he is not repeating himself endlessly, his thinking is not self-confirming. He is open to discussion. He has put himself out there honestly, and laid out a part of his reality that he must have known would make him vulnerable to criticism. So, PLEASE, everyone, look at Peacekeeper with new eyes and with a heart more generous. Yes, his statement startled me too -- you can see this from my first post to him -- but Peacekeeper is here, I feel as a friend. Let us reciprocate that friendship, all while we seek to understand his thinking. This man is genuine....and desrves for that alone our unfailing coutesy and respect. And that doesn't mean that we have to agree, or offer him the insulting 'We support our troops' bromides. And it doesn't mean that he has to agree with everyone, either. Nor is he asking us to. Let's not beat him into the ground, simply because, as I do, some of us so disagree with him on what he has posted. Please. To my friend KariZ, I say: maybe this is a time to learn, rather than to assert, to question rather than to condemn. To you, Peacekeeper, I apologize for my initial posting. I would like to know more about your thinking, your life, and what brought you to the position you are in. I wonder whether you can understand our horror at the notion that needing to earn a living can suffice as a motive for putting yourself in a situation where you kill others? Can life be so cheap? This is my question, and understanding your answer and more is important to me. I ask you to be patient, and help me understand how this came to be. Oceans |
Many young people here in Ireland join the army, for some it is really a
choice between that, living on the dole or leaving the country. Would I blame them? No, I won't. My son in Germany chose to do a stint in the army because he had the possibility there to further his education. Would I blame him? No, I won't, though I wasn't happy with his choice. People have reasons for doing things and before we place blame, we should ask why. |
Before anyone decides yes or no on 'Genuine' I must drop a small seed of
doubt. Having spent some small amount of time in the army I will just say that if I was on STAFF DUTY and caught on of my CQ's playing on the internet I would have had his feet out from under him in a flash. CQ is a responsibility. Any man that has pulled 3 combat gigs knows that responsibility with a sureness that comes to those that have smelled cordite. You don't play when given a responsibility it could cost lives. So I have to ask. What does a street market smell like after the firefight. |
i dont have any problem patronizing ignorant patriots. there is no
justification for the existence of any soldier doing evil work for evil autocrats, any war is an exersize in one ever wins a war countrys just go broke fighting wars America is going down the drain this war is killing your country.WAKE UP AMERICA . |
no nambi pambi bullsshhiitt from me folks you think any one who studies
war isnt a fuken dipssiitt well im sorry folks butt i dont and sorry folks tere is no justification for any one to learn the art of KILLING. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
sorry folks i made a typo my typing finger went Bezerk
I DO think they are dip SSHHIITTSS
Oh, KariZ, I know all that. But my question to you is: Is there nothing
left for you to learn from others? Is there no dialog left that can deepen your understanding of things? Do you already know enough, and have no desire for more? Do you have no wish to be more effective in influencing things around you? With hope, Oceans |
i am sickened by war and any one who supports any fuken war machine any
where in the fuken world humanity sucks im fuken angry man. ![]() |
KariZ, friend.
So am I. And if the anger gets in the way of being effective, what's the point? |
dosent fuken seem like it does it! fuken makes me
![]() JUSTIFICATION FOR ANY WAR ! WATT DONT YOU FUKEN IDIOTS GET about the futility of war?????? you people have no idea do you |
Fred, of course we have an idea, but ranting and raving doesn't do
anything. You have to keep a clear head to bring forward valid arguments. ![]() |
Yes if your not clear, rational and calm no one is going to pay
attention to the words you say... I can understand where Peacekeeper is coming from. He volunteered for the Army, lots of people do. If no one did, do you think America would not have an Army? No of course not, if no one volunteered we would have drafts and force people to join. Not that I'm saying I agree with the war, anyone who knows me knows that I'm against fighting at all costs... ![]() Peacekeeper can't control the goverments actions in this war, and he volunteered to go back again.. cheers on that because that's one less soul who has to go that doesn't want to. Hopefully you will never have to fire your weapon on your next deployment, and that you will stay safe. I'd really like to see this useless war end as soon as possible and bring our boys and girls home.... ![]() |
i have no
![]() all life on this planet, but i am starting to love humanity less we are a ![]() appologies for my anger ill go and flogg the crap out of the drums i have in my living room that always gets rid of my anger. i ripped my conscription card up was austrisized for that i walk my talk.i dont like leaving wopping dirty great footprints were i go.i love were i am liveing amongst the trees on the 60acres of natural bush I designated for the habitat of wild life.i make my liveing using wood left behind after loggers have done their greedy deeds.Planet Earth is No Place to Waste. war is wasteing this planet. |
I know all that, Fred, and I know your feelings about it.
It's just so that anger blinds us in many ways. We should have our mind open and try to figure out ways to make ourselves heard in the right places. ![]() |
well there are plenty of dippshhiitts dont no watts going on right in
here and they would not hear weather i was cool calm and collected or as angry and as ![]() of people are listening to gw fuken bush still. no soldiers no wars simple as that MUTINY! |
i cant help my anger sorry Andrea this planet is on the eve of
destruction and you dont think i should not be angry,i use my anger when i need to. no appologies and i do not hate any one dislike yes .im really bloody frustrated and keep askin myself my god why am here a ****en lone in this world gone mad. |
Fred, and anger is a necessary part of acheiving what results you
want. Channelled in a productive way, harnessed, you can perform miracles... How many times have you gone out to the chopping block in a temper and split a quarter tonne of wood in a record time...just to shift that hot energy of anger? So harness this anger...look to the opportunities to harness these emotions, so that they are you think I don't want to SCREAM from every rooftop how angry this slaughtering of innocent people, and delusional young folk??? But all that has done is give me a sore throat....and so, I learn, if I learn that ways of the beast, and how our young are infected, then I have a way to create an antidote to their infection. I want my outrage to be productive, for the greater good of all... Fred we both love this planet, and ALL on it...I cannot say I select this one and that one, and they don't get a chance...ALL have the right, even the broken ones... |
i look at it like we are all composing the paragraph and KariZ is the
exclamation point at the end....hahhahahahahaaa |