Topic: relationships
richb180's photo
Mon 10/12/09 08:19 PM
if anyone says real love dont hurt they are wroung.Been in love twice and both times had my heart riped out and ate by the girls. I say girls cause only a child would do the things they did. Best thing in a relationship is honesty if thier is even any in it. Love comes at a price of pain. Pain is what u bargin with when u play with love. Happy for a while till they get tired or feel like change guess my boy was right, you can have so many red mm's till you want a blue one. Hopefully, it will all fall in place in the end. I got two female friends been togather since 8th grade, happy as can be. What am i doing wroung.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 10/12/09 08:21 PM
Your not doing anything wrong..your only 23.
Time is on your side, relax, have fun, travel, make money...
love will come.

no photo
Mon 10/12/09 08:24 PM
You simply haven't met the one you are supposed to be with yet....have patience...and enjoy will know it when she shows up

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 10/12/09 08:27 PM
If what you have been doing isn't working in your relationships you should try something different.

richb180's photo
Mon 10/12/09 08:27 PM

Gator76's photo
Mon 10/12/09 08:37 PM
Obviously, you're still hurting from the last relationship. You have to go through this one can do it for you...and we all take it on at different pace and intensity. But you will survive, then thrive. Remember, you define your own dreams. Focus on other things in life...making your dreams come true. The relationships will just seem to evolve. It's the ride my friend...not always the destination. Good luck. You'll be fine!:wink: