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Topic: Conversation With A Rabid Right Winger
Bestinshow's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:14 PM
Anyone who has ever had a conservation similar to the following understands the hopelessness of getting through the steel reinforced, concrete wall, that is ignorance. Many conservatives wear their ignorance proudly on their sleeves, for all the world to see. It is utterly impossible to discuss the issues of the day in rational and logical terms with a person so ignorant he would deny reality itself to further his pointless argument. Following is a conversation with such a person.

“I only have a minute, David. Glenn Beck is coming on.”
“You watch Glenn Beck? Why?”
“I’ll tell you why. He’s the only one on television who tells the truth.”
“Aw, Marie. Please tell me you’re kidding.”
“Listen, David. You can’t understand Glenn. You’ve been brainwashed by the liberal media. You probably think Obama is a good president when anyone with an ounce of sense knows he’s a communist.”
“A communist? He may be a jerk, Marie. But a communist?”
“And so aren’t you, David. You’re a communist too.”
“I am? I may be a socialist. But I’m not a communist.”
“They’re the same things, David.”
“They are? I don’t think they’re the same at all, Marie.”
“Oh, yeah? Well, David the know it all. Do you happen to know that Obama is planning to murder everyone over 55?”
“I didn’t know that, Marie. Is that what Beck says?”
“Yup. And Rush, Bill and Sean. If it weren’t for them there would be no truth out there. Larry and I keep their books right here on the living room coffee table, and our friends feel the same way about them as we do. So you just run along and watch your liberal television shows and stay stupid.”
“But, Marie. I don’t own a television. Partly from fear that I might be channel surfing into Beck or Limbaugh bloviating. I‘d throw up on my new recliner.”
“Then read your liberal newspapers. You’ve got to be getting your liberal lies from somewhere. Your favorite president was a communist too. Roosevelt turned this country into a communist state, and people like George Bush have been trying to repair it ever since. That’s why Larry and I go to tea parties.”
“Tea Parties? Do you wear a triangular hat? And, Marie? Roosevelt tried to soften the depression by giving people jobs. Among other things those jobs built the Interstate Highway System. After the roads were built the automobile industry took off because Americans had highways to drive their cars on.”
“Yeah, right David. He gave handouts to people by taxing the hell out of those with any money. And he didn’t build a damn thing but a communist state. He was never anything but a big, fat liar, and if you’d listen to Glenn and Rush you’d know that.”
“Marie? You should read a history book. And speaking of lies, Marie. Your hero Bush lied us straight into a pair of wars.”
“Yes, he did. And do you know what would have happened if he hadn’t?”
“Pray, tell.”
“Saddam Hussein would be over her bombing our cities!”
“That would be horrible, Marie. But Iraq doesn’t have any bombs or weapons of mass destruction, and their airplanes couldn’t make it here when they still had a few. The war is about oil, and establishing a strategic position in the Middle East.”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake. Now I’ve heard it all. The war was about getting the son-of-a-***** who bombed the Twin Towers, and those Iraqi’s are only getting what they deserve.”
“You mean the million dead civilians who never heard of the Twin Towers, and wouldn’t know what they were if they had seen them in broad daylight?”
“How can you be so naïve, David? Everyone knows the Arabs hate us. And everyone knows they bombed the Towers. Everyone but you, that is. And now you’re telling me we shouldn’t have taken their oil? For what they did?”
“Yup. It wasn’t ours to take, and they didn‘t bomb anything. You’re all mixed up, Marie. The defense contractors, the oil companies and all their corporate lobbyists are the only real winners of the wars. The taxpayers got stuck with the bill, and have you noticed gas prices dropping back to prewar levels?”
“The lobbyists are all Americans, David. They bring the things that need doing to Congress so people like you don’t turn America into a communist state.”
“I don’t know how to respond to that one, Marie.”
“Oh, I bet you don’t.”
So, Marie. The idea of corporate lobbyists bribing Congress isn’t real to you?”
“Real? Hell, no! More liberal crap. Where the hell would anyone work if it weren’t for businesses? And all the government can do is tax them out of existence.”
“Now, Marie. They’re hardly taxed at all. And when their existence is threatened the taxpayers are called to repair the damage they’ve done to themselves and the economy. I’d say a $10 trillion return on the little they pay in taxes isn’t such a bad deal for them.”
“You need help, David. You’re obviously smoking illegal drugs. You’re at least drinking like a dried up sponge. I’d try to help you, but the kind of help you need you won’t take.”
“A clinic, you mean? A drunk tank?”
“No, stupid. A television so you can listen to the truth. Glenn Beck, Rush - there’s a few true Americans left who could set you right if you’d only listen to them, but you‘re a commie socialist and you‘ll never listen to anyone but another Russian.”
“You know, Marie? You must be looking forward to the day when you can tell the government to stick its Social Security check. Social Security, Marie? As in socialism?”
“I don’t give a damn. I’ve worked all my adult life, and that check is mine.”
“O.K, Marie.”

Marie hung up. She could not bear to have such honest, patriotic Americans, as Glenn Beck and Limbaugh disparaged. But if there are millions of Maries out there, how can the country possibly survive them all? Is it entirely hopeless - getting the Maries of the world to accept that some things are true in spite of what Beck, Limbaugh, O’Reilly et al, say? Being reminded, again, that deeply entrenched ignorance wears a human face, and transcends all logic and reason, is a profoundly startling experience. Realizing there is absolutely no defense against those who cannot, or will not think, is frightening.

There are many millions of Americans who, because their lives don’t come into close proximity with the truly ignorant, think there is some hope for bringing such people, if not enlightenment, than at least some degree of factually based knowledge. It’s probably for the best that knowing the extent of blind ignorance, as a destructive force, never becomes apparent to those millions who would, if given a choice, remain unaware that such gross ignorance commonly exists.

There may be a way to force Marie to learn along with her millions of abysmally ignorant colleagues. Offer anyone who can prove the existence of ghosts $100 million. Who knows what they might learn while they study the possibilities of constructing a ghost trap clever enough to catch that most wily of all creatures! Beck, Limbaugh and all the other right wing droolers would weigh in with their ideas, and soon the catching of ghosts would eclipse the directed hatred against all the liberal communists. As the ghosts constantly outsmarted and eluded them they would transfer their hate onto them, and those whose skulls are occupied by something other than a marble or two, could govern the country.


MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:22 PM

Anyone who has ever had a conservation similar to the following understands the hopelessness of getting through the steel reinforced, concrete wall, that is ignorance. Many conservatives wear their ignorance proudly on their sleeves, for all the world to see. It is utterly impossible to discuss the issues of the day in rational and logical terms with a person so ignorant he would deny reality itself to further his pointless argument. Following is a conversation with such a person.

“I only have a minute, David. Glenn Beck is coming on.”
“You watch Glenn Beck? Why?”
“I’ll tell you why. He’s the only one on television who tells the truth.”
“Aw, Marie. Please tell me you’re kidding.”
“Listen, David. You can’t understand Glenn. You’ve been brainwashed by the liberal media. You probably think Obama is a good president when anyone with an ounce of sense knows he’s a communist.”
“A communist? He may be a jerk, Marie. But a communist?”
“And so aren’t you, David. You’re a communist too.”
“I am? I may be a socialist. But I’m not a communist.”
“They’re the same things, David.”
“They are? I don’t think they’re the same at all, Marie.”
“Oh, yeah? Well, David the know it all. Do you happen to know that Obama is planning to murder everyone over 55?”
“I didn’t know that, Marie. Is that what Beck says?”
“Yup. And Rush, Bill and Sean. If it weren’t for them there would be no truth out there. Larry and I keep their books right here on the living room coffee table, and our friends feel the same way about them as we do. So you just run along and watch your liberal television shows and stay stupid.”
“But, Marie. I don’t own a television. Partly from fear that I might be channel surfing into Beck or Limbaugh bloviating. I‘d throw up on my new recliner.”
“Then read your liberal newspapers. You’ve got to be getting your liberal lies from somewhere. Your favorite president was a communist too. Roosevelt turned this country into a communist state, and people like George Bush have been trying to repair it ever since. That’s why Larry and I go to tea parties.”
“Tea Parties? Do you wear a triangular hat? And, Marie? Roosevelt tried to soften the depression by giving people jobs. Among other things those jobs built the Interstate Highway System. After the roads were built the automobile industry took off because Americans had highways to drive their cars on.”
“Yeah, right David. He gave handouts to people by taxing the hell out of those with any money. And he didn’t build a damn thing but a communist state. He was never anything but a big, fat liar, and if you’d listen to Glenn and Rush you’d know that.”
“Marie? You should read a history book. And speaking of lies, Marie. Your hero Bush lied us straight into a pair of wars.”
“Yes, he did. And do you know what would have happened if he hadn’t?”
“Pray, tell.”
“Saddam Hussein would be over her bombing our cities!”
“That would be horrible, Marie. But Iraq doesn’t have any bombs or weapons of mass destruction, and their airplanes couldn’t make it here when they still had a few. The war is about oil, and establishing a strategic position in the Middle East.”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake. Now I’ve heard it all. The war was about getting the son-of-a-***** who bombed the Twin Towers, and those Iraqi’s are only getting what they deserve.”
“You mean the million dead civilians who never heard of the Twin Towers, and wouldn’t know what they were if they had seen them in broad daylight?”
“How can you be so naïve, David? Everyone knows the Arabs hate us. And everyone knows they bombed the Towers. Everyone but you, that is. And now you’re telling me we shouldn’t have taken their oil? For what they did?”
“Yup. It wasn’t ours to take, and they didn‘t bomb anything. You’re all mixed up, Marie. The defense contractors, the oil companies and all their corporate lobbyists are the only real winners of the wars. The taxpayers got stuck with the bill, and have you noticed gas prices dropping back to prewar levels?”
“The lobbyists are all Americans, David. They bring the things that need doing to Congress so people like you don’t turn America into a communist state.”
“I don’t know how to respond to that one, Marie.”
“Oh, I bet you don’t.”
So, Marie. The idea of corporate lobbyists bribing Congress isn’t real to you?”
“Real? Hell, no! More liberal crap. Where the hell would anyone work if it weren’t for businesses? And all the government can do is tax them out of existence.”
“Now, Marie. They’re hardly taxed at all. And when their existence is threatened the taxpayers are called to repair the damage they’ve done to themselves and the economy. I’d say a $10 trillion return on the little they pay in taxes isn’t such a bad deal for them.”
“You need help, David. You’re obviously smoking illegal drugs. You’re at least drinking like a dried up sponge. I’d try to help you, but the kind of help you need you won’t take.”
“A clinic, you mean? A drunk tank?”
“No, stupid. A television so you can listen to the truth. Glenn Beck, Rush - there’s a few true Americans left who could set you right if you’d only listen to them, but you‘re a commie socialist and you‘ll never listen to anyone but another Russian.”
“You know, Marie? You must be looking forward to the day when you can tell the government to stick its Social Security check. Social Security, Marie? As in socialism?”
“I don’t give a damn. I’ve worked all my adult life, and that check is mine.”
“O.K, Marie.”

Marie hung up. She could not bear to have such honest, patriotic Americans, as Glenn Beck and Limbaugh disparaged. But if there are millions of Maries out there, how can the country possibly survive them all? Is it entirely hopeless - getting the Maries of the world to accept that some things are true in spite of what Beck, Limbaugh, O’Reilly et al, say? Being reminded, again, that deeply entrenched ignorance wears a human face, and transcends all logic and reason, is a profoundly startling experience. Realizing there is absolutely no defense against those who cannot, or will not think, is frightening.

There are many millions of Americans who, because their lives don’t come into close proximity with the truly ignorant, think there is some hope for bringing such people, if not enlightenment, than at least some degree of factually based knowledge. It’s probably for the best that knowing the extent of blind ignorance, as a destructive force, never becomes apparent to those millions who would, if given a choice, remain unaware that such gross ignorance commonly exists.

There may be a way to force Marie to learn along with her millions of abysmally ignorant colleagues. Offer anyone who can prove the existence of ghosts $100 million. Who knows what they might learn while they study the possibilities of constructing a ghost trap clever enough to catch that most wily of all creatures! Beck, Limbaugh and all the other right wing droolers would weigh in with their ideas, and soon the catching of ghosts would eclipse the directed hatred against all the liberal communists. As the ghosts constantly outsmarted and eluded them they would transfer their hate onto them, and those whose skulls are occupied by something other than a marble or two, could govern the country.

drinker laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:24 PM
now THAT was funny

I don't see one whit of difference between you and Marie

just on the other side

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:27 PM
So you admit to being a socialist?

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:37 PM
Here is the political forum on mingle:

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:40 PM

So you admit to being a socialist?

Where did it say that?

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:41 PM

Here is the political forum on mingle:

laugh laugh I try to be nice, but sometimes I gotta slap some people! rofl

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:42 PM
She actually showed quite bit of ignorance to the reality of it all. Incorrect information abounded in her answers.

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:42 PM

So you admit to being a socialist?

Where did it say that?

sorry you can't read..

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:44 PM

So you admit to being a socialist?

Where did it say that?

sorry you can't read..

It did not say that so maybe you can't read.

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:45 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Thu 10/08/09 05:47 PM

So you admit to being a socialist?

Where did it say that?

sorry you can't read..

It did not say that so maybe you can't read.

check again.. ninth line of the "dialogue"

“A communist? He may be a jerk, Marie. But a communist?”
“And so aren’t you, David. You’re a communist too.”
“I am? I may be a socialist. But I’m not a communist.”

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:55 PM

So you admit to being a socialist?

Where did it say that?

sorry you can't read..

It did not say that so maybe you can't read.

check again.. ninth line of the "dialogue"

“A communist? He may be a jerk, Marie. But a communist?”
“And so aren’t you, David. You’re a communist too.”
“I am? I may be a socialist. But I’m not a communist.”

So what? How did that imply the OP was a socialist still?

Come on. slaphead

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 10/08/09 05:57 PM
the person who wrote the article admits being a socialist, not the thread starter. Unless it's the same person, but I doubt that.

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:00 PM

the person who wrote the article admits being a socialist, not the thread starter. Unless it's the same person, but I doubt that.

nahhh he NEVER writes his own stuff

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:03 PM

So you admit to being a socialist?

Where did it say that?

sorry you can't read..

It did not say that so maybe you can't read.

check again.. ninth line of the "dialogue"

“A communist? He may be a jerk, Marie. But a communist?”
“And so aren’t you, David. You’re a communist too.”
“I am? I may be a socialist. But I’m not a communist.”

So what? How did that imply the OP was a socialist still?

Come on. slaphead

you really are a parody, aren't you?

the op himself implied he was a socialist.. actually didn't imply it at all.. he came out and said it..

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:05 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Thu 10/08/09 06:06 PM

So you admit to being a socialist?

Where did it say that?

sorry you can't read..

It did not say that so maybe you can't read.

check again.. ninth line of the "dialogue"

“A communist? He may be a jerk, Marie. But a communist?”
“And so aren’t you, David. You’re a communist too.”
“I am? I may be a socialist. But I’m not a communist.”

So what? How did that imply the OP was a socialist still?

Come on. slaphead

you really are a parody, aren't you?

the op himself implied he was a socialist.. actually didn't imply it at all.. he came out and said it..

The person talking with the rabid conservative admitted to being socialist, not the thread starter nor the author of the peice.

So who is a parady?

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:06 PM
are socialists bad? can we please start another angry thread about what the definition of socialist is? I always thought being social was a good thing,,,,,,maybe Im in the wrong forum,

cottonelle's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:08 PM
wich coversation are we talking about? lol

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:09 PM

are socialists bad? can we please start another angry thread about what the definition of socialist is? I always thought being social was a good thing,,,,,,maybe Im in the wrong forum,

rabid not my term by the way, just keeping in line with the thread, use liberal, socialist, communist, main stream media, etc... to mean one thing, bad, with no real consideration for any valid definition.

Ask them to define it without looking it up and then look it up to

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:20 PM

are socialists bad? can we please start another angry thread about what the definition of socialist is? I always thought being social was a good thing,,,,,,maybe Im in the wrong forum,

rabid not my term by the way, just keeping in line with the thread, use liberal, socialist, communist, main stream media, etc... to mean one thing, bad, with no real consideration for any valid definition.

Ask them to define it without looking it up and then look it up to

good suggestion,,,

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