Topic: The Green Dragon's Inn
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Mon 10/26/09 12:31 PM
Edited by smiless on Mon 10/26/09 12:32 PM
XI (day 96) of the time of the luminescence era

The legendary cleric (level 20) Milanitor Seriner has entered the town and is selling his special healing potions to any interested. He is good friends with Criani Peracien the Green Dragon’s Inns owner as he sits at the corner of the tavern eating the special meal of the day and having a nice glass of grapan (sweet liquor from the hobbits). Perhaps if you speak with him he will offer you a healing potion for a small price.

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Mon 10/26/09 12:38 PM

Finally let your PCs get their just desserts! Rather than going Into the Desert, this product takes you Into the Desserts. Taking a brief break from our usual realistic terrain descriptions, Tabletop Adventures instead brings you to the banquet table. These luscious descriptions are based on historical dishes from the 14th to 18th centuries and are suitable for a king's feast or a celebratory dinner in honor of a quest fulfilled. If your mind runs in more devious directions, these delicacies could appear as part of a fool's feast, seasoned with some obscure poison. Sweet!

Bits of the Banquet: Into the Desserts features four pages with twenty delectable descriptions, suitable for any game system because they are light and fluffy, without any crunch. In addition to utility in a fantasy setting, they could be used to help simulate an historical dinner held in the modern era, or provide ideas for dishes on some distant world.

Augment your imagination with products from Tabletop Adventures.

It would be nice to have a thread on Mingle2 where a bakery would take place in Nurenhill. The booklet I am offering is free and if you want to get some ideas then don’t hesitate to email me for the free pdf book to get more ideas. It is well written.

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Mon 10/26/09 12:39 PM
Edited by smiless on Mon 10/26/09 01:32 PM
Darkness Awakens is a 533 page partially illustrated novel that involves Dark Elves, Wood Elves, Halflings, Demons, gargoyles, hobgoblins, and much more! Here is the link -

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Mon 10/26/09 04:47 PM
Edited by smiless on Mon 10/26/09 04:47 PM
All rpg players,creators, and enthusiasts please do me a favor. When we hit 999 replies then please post the following below so the second beginning (part 2) which creates a new thread will have a proper introduction. Thank youdrinker


IMPORTANT: This fantasy roleplaying game is for members who have created a character and are playing a email fantasy game with the storyteller. To join the game contact smiless for details.


Welcome fellow traveler to the busiest town in the Bavidirian Lands. Where folklore- fantasy and more than a few dragon stories thrive in the historic waterfront town of Nurenhill- a charming neighborhood full of ancient shops- exquisite markets- and gullible taverns. And in the middle of it all is the Green Dragon’s Inn- a quaint- two story inn that boasts stately rooms- an intimate pub- and new innovative food experiences. The Green Dragon’s Inn is better than ever- thanks to recent renovations financed personally by Lord Elkinsinan. Enjoy fine dwarven craftsmanship furnishings- crackling fireplaces- new hardwood floors and foreign exotic rugs- plush beds- pedestal tubs and all the glorious details that make the Green Dragon’s Inn such a cozy and inviting place to stay. So come join us and enjoy a pint of Hobgoblin's Brew or a taste of our famous sweet and smooth grapan from the hills of the halflings. Let me bring a bard and give a riddle or a story that could enhance your interest in becoming the next famous adventurer!

The owner is Criani Peracien is a level 15 female human warrior retired. Her last adventure was entering a dragon’s lair and stealing some bags of jewels and gold. The dragon awoke and attacked. Luckily she owned a magical shield at the time and managed to take the awesome blow almost losing her life. She managed to run into a narrow tunnel and make it to Nurenhill safely with her win. She then with the gold opened the Green Dragon’s Inn to commemorate the event of the Green Dragon she encountered.

One of her favorite journeymen is Boromir Riniken a son of the town’s armor smith. He is 6 feet tall with an eye patch. He was once a cook for a famous pirate, but now he cooks and serves for the tavern.

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Mon 10/26/09 04:52 PM
Edited by smiless on Mon 10/26/09 05:08 PM
I once had a title, name, and event for each building 2 years ago when I played rpg here on justsayhi, which is now called Mingle:cry:

I lost the complete file to it. Now I only have the map of the town with building numbers. Building 24 is the Green Dragon's Inn. The other buildings could use names. If anyone is up to it then please create title, names, and events for each building for this town map of Nurenhill. Who knows it might be fun to create?

We need a towns armory or two, weaponsmith, bookstore, library, potion shop, towns wizard, lord's residency, marshall's office, Captain of the Guard, some aristrocratic homes, fighter's-mages-thieves-and adventure Guilds, bakery, pubs, shipwright, church,barracks,market-center, gypsy, temples, necromancer's shop, butcher, warehouse, etc. etc. etc.

Here is the map to look at -

If everyone can contribute a few building descriptions and what it offers we will have a fully functioning town again.

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Mon 10/26/09 06:23 PM
The old historian that always enters the tavern sits at his usual seat. He gets his regular drink and meal and begins to read from a dusty heavy book. It reads of a place far into the Dwanen Mountains.

If ever there was a place responsible for more than its fair share of suffering and war in the world, then the region of Ishikar would be it. The near endless Burrows beneath the Dwanen Mountains are the breeding grounds and ancestral homelands of the uncountable goblinoid hordes that fill the Lands of Bavidirian, especially in the mountain regions.

Often what is seen as an invasion of orcs into the surrounding lands is nothing more than the losers of a clan war in Ishikar territory being exiled (or driven out screaming) and forced to take up residence and rebuild their tribe elsewhere. During the 1st Demon War, invasions from Ishikar were a yearly occurance, but recently there seems to have been a slight lull in activity, with all signs pointing towards manipulation by the Dragon Lords of the lands, forcing co-operation between the clans while they prepare for another invasion into the so called civilized realms.

The Ishikar territories themselves are said to run for miles underground and are still somehow packed to breaking point with all manner of evil creatures from a variety of tribes. To make matters worse, it's also rumored that the beasts in Ishikar have started tunneling beneath the earth towards the lands of the Empire, bypassing the mighty walls from underneath the sewer systems used to protect the Imperial Realm. Should this happen, no realm will be safe, so the call for the powerful heroes to take the fight to Ishikar should be made soon.

Spirograph's photo
Mon 10/26/09 06:42 PM

I once had a title, name, and event for each building 2 years ago when I played rpg here on justsayhi, which is now called Mingle:cry:

I lost the complete file to it. Now I only have the map of the town with building numbers. Building 24 is the Green Dragon's Inn. The other buildings could use names. If anyone is up to it then please create title, names, and events for each building for this town map of Nurenhill. Who knows it might be fun to create?

We need a towns armory or two, weaponsmith, bookstore, library, potion shop, towns wizard, lord's residency, marshall's office, Captain of the Guard, some aristrocratic homes, fighter's-mages-thieves-and adventure Guilds, bakery, pubs, shipwright, church,barracks,market-center, gypsy, temples, necromancer's shop, butcher, warehouse, etc. etc. etc.

Here is the map to look at -

If everyone can contribute a few building descriptions and what it offers we will have a fully functioning town again.

I've posted a start up list on the site. Just quote the most recent version of the list and add to it!!!

Yesterways's photo
Mon 10/26/09 07:12 PM
De'Lana flits around the bar, smiling silently and offering food and drink to all. She is very careful not to get the plates with meat on them too close to those that don't eat meat and to keep all tankards full. Should Boromir show his face, she is ready to hide at once, not wanting to get into trouble.

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Mon 10/26/09 07:22 PM

I once had a title, name, and event for each building 2 years ago when I played rpg here on justsayhi, which is now called Mingle:cry:

I lost the complete file to it. Now I only have the map of the town with building numbers. Building 24 is the Green Dragon's Inn. The other buildings could use names. If anyone is up to it then please create title, names, and events for each building for this town map of Nurenhill. Who knows it might be fun to create?

We need a towns armory or two, weaponsmith, bookstore, library, potion shop, towns wizard, lord's residency, marshall's office, Captain of the Guard, some aristrocratic homes, fighter's-mages-thieves-and adventure Guilds, bakery, pubs, shipwright, church,barracks,market-center, gypsy, temples, necromancer's shop, butcher, warehouse, etc. etc. etc.

Here is the map to look at -

If everyone can contribute a few building descriptions and what it offers we will have a fully functioning town again.

I've posted a start up list on the site. Just quote the most recent version of the list and add to it!!!

That is wonderful. We shall have a great town afterall. drinker

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Tue 10/27/09 10:39 AM
The cleric that was selling healing potions has left after staying the night at the inn. He is dissappointed that none came to buy any of his fine products. He then travels south to the town of Augshill to see if someone there might buy them. Bidding farewell to De'Lana and Boromir he leaves.

XI (day 97) of the time of the luminescence era

Yet another sunny and beautiful day hits the roofs of the buildings in Nurenhill in the town. The streets are filled with knights and royal guards patrolling and watching every building. The inhabitants slowly leave their homes to open up the many stores scattered throughout town. The Green Dragon’s Inn barkeep hangs up the meal of the day and opens all the windows to allow fresh air to enter the murky tavern. The sign reads “Poached Sunfish freshly caught from the waters off Nurenhill harbor. It is served with steamed vegetables.

Spirograph's photo
Tue 10/27/09 03:20 PM
Cassi makes her way into the Inn, hanging her travelers coat on a hook by the door. Making a grand entrance she shouts a jolly "Good evening!" to all who occupy the room.

joshyfox's photo
Tue 10/27/09 04:56 PM
*Enters an Old man with a walking stick. The man's slightly overweight frame does not seem to need the walking stick, in fact his fine luxurious robes are covered by some leather armor. The man seems to be a combination of noble style and practical self-protection. He sits down at a table all by himself, but he looks to the other patrons with a friendly smile. *

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Tue 10/27/09 07:46 PM
Boromir leaves the kitchen for the first time of the day happy to pour himself a Goblin's Brew. He thinks he has made a wonderful dish for everyone to enjoy. At least he hopes so.

As he was about to pour himself a mug of brew, he sees the newcomer and greets him.

"What can I get you?" he asks cordially.

redhead44613's photo
Tue 10/27/09 08:14 PM
*Enters the Inn, black cloak covering her from head to toe. She looks around then sits in the corner*

BYondLife's photo
Tue 10/27/09 08:38 PM
::Kashell, shortly after her arrival, came walking down the stairs alongside a dashing younger man, though to be fair, the two looked about the same age so that could very well be misleading.::

::The two were discussing something in a foriegn tongue that wasn't heard much around these parts, he spotted Tiage at the bar, and those blues let up he tapped his friend on the shoulder.::

"..know what.. go on ahead without me; I'll catch up later."

::The other man nodded he gave Tiage a warm smile as he passed her and eventually exited out into the streets placing his helmet back on his head.::

"..Well, if it isn't the most beautiful woman around.."

::He made his way over to Tiage's side to join her.::

Spirograph's photo
Tue 10/27/09 08:40 PM
Cassi grinned as she watched Kashel move towards Tiage. Thinking to herself ["i always have been a sucker for a good romance"]

BYondLife's photo
Tue 10/27/09 08:42 PM
::He spotted Cassi, not at first but he did, as he gave her a half smile, he did, somewhere inside, feel awful about snapping on her a few days ago; alas he felt as though she might be holding a grudge he said nothing to her as he slipped his way right into Tiage's lap.::

redhead44613's photo
Tue 10/27/09 08:44 PM
*smiles as the man passes her. She removes her hood as she see Kashell coming her way. Her eyes seem to light up.*

You are to kind.

*She wraps her arms around him as soon as he gets near here.*

I missed you!!

BYondLife's photo
Tue 10/27/09 08:45 PM
::He smiles from sitting within her lap as one hand raises to brush against her cheek, his thumb swirling over it to caress it.::

" I have you.."

::he gives her a soft kiss on the lips.::

redhead44613's photo
Tue 10/27/09 08:48 PM
*She smiles under his kiss. With each touch she seems to melt.*

Where have you been?