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Topic: The Green Dragon's Inn
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Fri 10/23/09 05:40 AM
The Power of the Dark Scrolls.

It is recorded by historians that the last dark elfin wizard managed to save the last of his kind with the knowledge of powerful scrolls. It is said that these scrolls have secret inscriptions powerful enough to even challenge a god if one ever decided to step foot onto the lands.

The only problem is that they were created and only understood by Lord Pythonian himself who mysteriously disappeared on the day of reckoning. Nevertheless, the order of the dark elfin wizards decided to guard these sacred scrolls and to eventually decipher the meanings of them to gain access of how to use its powers. Unfortunately, time was against them as they continued to lose battles against the Undead and Morashi’tars demon hordes.

Not only did they lose the battles but the very existence of their kind was at jeopardy. With only a handful of dark elves left the scrolls were in the hands of the last wizard named Torak. He at a ripe age managed to decipher some of the scrolls and even used some of its powers to defeat the oncoming demon lords. Although one would think the tide of the war would shift for the dark elves, but they knew they were too few to regain their lost dominion.

As the last war was fought, Torak the black wizard managed to ward off the demons and allow his people to escape towards the surface. Scorched and exhausted Torak’ step foot onto the surface to only witness that the dark scrolls exploded into his hands. Perhaps Lord Pythonian had cast a spell on them so they would never fall in the hands of a surface dwellers to gain its secrets. Afterall, Lord Pythonian’s defeat on surface gave him a scar to remember and his vengeance was clear to conquer the surface one day.

Historians do not know if the dark elfin wizard survived the blast, yet it is known that some of the scrolls survived. It is rumored a powerful wizard managed to counterspell Lord Pythonians destructive spell on the scrolls to save some of them. Today it is recorded that six of the dark scrolls are known to exist in the lands, each of which belongs to one of the six most powerful leaders dwelling in the Lands of Bavidirian.

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Fri 10/23/09 05:48 AM
Edited by smiless on Fri 10/23/09 05:49 AM
An old man in tattered brown robes enters the tavern. He sits near the fireplace and rubs his hands. Boromir knows the man to be a historian and greets him bringing a hot cup of cider.

"Sit down son, as I tell you a story of a place far from these lands. A place that only few dare to go for they don't see what truly lies beyond," he says sipping on his drink.

For as long as anyone can remember the portal to Celestus has remained in the Crossroads, acting as a conduit to the so called higher powers. In truth, the inhabitants of this place are just as intolerant of outsiders setting foot in their domain as the vilest demon and have no patience for prime material planeswalkers who think they can trespass on their sacred ground.

The gates to this immense palace are made from metals which should be impossible to create and forge under normal circumstances, and for a long time have stood as a barrier against the brief and unsuccessful attacks by denizens of the lower planes. With the rifts breaking open all over the place, however, the once impenetrable defences of this place have started to crumble, and fiends, thieves and explorers have all taken this opportunity to see what lies behind the legendary Platinum Veil.

Rumor has it that not everything is as heavenly as they would have you believe in the holiday brochure.

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Fri 10/23/09 05:50 AM
Edited by smiless on Fri 10/23/09 05:54 AM
XI (day 93) of the time of the luminescence era:

A Griffon has crashed into the Green Dragon’s Inn! Many store owners have witnessed the event and are shocked to see such a magnificent beast so close to town. It lies on the roof screeching an eerie sound for help. It may have broken one of its wings. The town’s guards are trying to calm it down as they climbed up a ladder to get near it. Clerics are sent to try to heal and mend the wounds yet it snaps with its beak trying to make sure none come close. Captain Bengalson of the town’s guard is confused of how such a rare beast would be in these parts of the lands. Something odd is happening to these lands, yet what could it be?

dreamboat1974's photo
Fri 10/23/09 06:11 AM
Kryseirni wake only to find herself in a bed and wondering what happened.

How did I get here, what happened maybe the barkeep, what's his name, oh yes Boromir maybe he can tell me what happened.

I do feel much better but I still need a few day to rest to regain my full power potential.Am hungry better head downstairs and see what I can get.

I will make myself invisible with my cloak and head down stairs.

Kryseirni stands at the bar still invisible and whispers softly to Boromir.I am quite hungy what do you have that a High Elf can eat sir.

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Fri 10/23/09 09:35 AM
Edited by smiless on Fri 10/23/09 10:01 AM
Boromir jumps up and looks everywhere. He sees nothing, but hears a soft voice whispering for food. Or was that a voice? Maybe it was his mind talking to him. He scratches his head then shakes it quickly. How odd this is? He then walks in the kitchen to get some food. Perhaps his conscience was indicating that he must eat and that is what he will be doing.

dreamboat1974's photo
Fri 10/23/09 10:18 AM
Am right here Boromir sir, it's me the High Elf wizard Kryseirni.

Kryseirni made herself visible.I did not mean to scare you kind sir/

Could you tell me what happened to me.The last thing I can recall is standing up and the next thing I knew I woke up in a bed feeling all better.

Yes rustle me up something to eat would you please.

My strength is all coming back but I need a few more days rest to boost my powers.

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Fri 10/23/09 11:08 AM
"You did mention something about a minotaur and a zombie?? Not sure but you had somekind of battle. Before I knew it you were lying on the ground. I took you to a room and gave you a small vile of healing. I hope you feel better," Boromir mentions as he serves a plate of food for the sorceress.

dreamboat1974's photo
Fri 10/23/09 11:58 AM
Oh yeah, i had to battle the likes of such creatures, which wore me out considerably.It took its toll on me physically and mentally.

Don't ever understimate the strength of these creatures I tell you.

I defeated them eventually but not without some injuries.

Thanks for your help Boromir , for whateve it is in that vile sure helped me, but I still need a few more days of rest to be completely healed.

mmmmm!! what a delicious meal!!

I will have a seat in the corner by the window to take in the view.

Kryseirni once again wrap her cloak around her and became invisible and proceeded to the table in the corner at the window.

before walking off she whispered to Boromir, have you seen the small creature I summoned when i entered here yesterday. Look out for her she is a michievious one and went to sit down.

That nixie she knows to find her way back to me, I do hope that Dark wood Elf did not hurt her.

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Fri 10/23/09 12:03 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 10/23/09 12:06 PM
Dragon Rider Rankings

Only 1 can be a dragon rider!

1/De’Lana – Dark Elf Assassin – Level 17 – Experience 28,500
2/Daeron Haeloth – Wood Elf Druid – Level 9 – Experience 12,000
3/Kashell – Dark Elf Assassin – Level 5 – Experience 5,000
4/Drizdon D’Sargon – Dark Elf Wizard – Level 5 – Experience 4,600
5/Kyrseirni Farwalker – High Elf Wizard – Level 5 – Experience 4,300
6/Achemon Brallis – Human Fighter – Level 5 – Experience 4,200
7/Millendor Riniken – Human Rogue – Level 4 – Experience 4,000
8/Tiage – Dark Elf Assassin – Level 4 – Experience 3,800
9/Sorcha Lycaon – High Elf Wizard – Level 3 – Experience 1,800
10/Metalwing – Dark Elf Wizard – Level 3 – Experience 1,700
11/Farrar – Dwarven Fighter – Level 3 – Experience 1,400
12/Drol – Dark Elf Necromancer – Level 3 – Experience 1,000
13/Idara – Dark Elf Necromancer – Level 2 – Experience 600
14/Laila Happyquester – High Elf Druid – Level 1 – Experience 200
14/Hookchi – Dark Elf Assassin – Level 1 – Experience 200
15/Zhabria Angelus – High Elf Cleric – Level 1 – Experience 100
15/Ahn’rak – Dark Elf Wizard – Level 1 – Experience 100
16/Albceth Tearquester – High Elf Wizard – Level 1 – Experience 0
16/Antak Ogrebreaker – Dwarven Fighter – Level 1 – Experience 0
16/Dando Blackskin – Halfling Mercenary – Level 1 – Experience 0
16/Gredio Rousiner – Halfling Mercenary – Level 1 – Experience 0
16/Sherintihn Dancehare – High Elf Wizard – Level 1 – Experience 0
16/Silas Shadetree – Halfling Mercenary – Level 1 – Experience 0
16/Tolonar Illerya – Wood Elf Druid – Level 1 – Experience 0
16/Ardroth – Dark Elf Necromancer – Level 1 – Experience 0
16/Von Sworwick – Human Fighter – Level 1 – Experience 0
16/Luthian – dwarven warrior – level 1 – Experience 0
16/Rumblemere Stiltkins - level 1 - Experience 0

De’lana the Dark Elf is the Ancient Golden Dragoness favorite at the moment and most likely to become the ultimate dragon rider!

Yet it is not over until it is over! The race continues and only the most experienced will become the dragon rider in the Lands of Bavidirian!

Update 5/27 players

redhead44613's photo
Fri 10/23/09 12:20 PM
*awakes in her bed, she sits up an looks around the room. She sighs, climbs out of bed. Pulls her hair back with a red string. heads down to the bar. She sits in the corner waiting to see who will come back.*

mazdaguy38's photo
Fri 10/23/09 12:21 PM
A green cloaked figure walks into the inn holding his side. "Will this ever heal" he thinks to himself. He walks up to the bar and begins to write. "May I have some drink please and what's happening on Þhe roof? Is everything going ok up there?"

redhead44613's photo
Fri 10/23/09 12:24 PM
*notices Daeron walk in, she smiles to herself. She keeps her eyes on him, she knows he will look her way.*

mazdaguy38's photo
Fri 10/23/09 12:30 PM
He feels Tiage looking at him. He finishes his drink and walks back out the door briefly glancing at her. He looks up at the roof and notices something moving. With a quick movement he leaves dust on the ground and appears on the roof. He stands there in amazement. "A griffon here?" He thought to himself. He slowly began to step closer to it. He wistled loudly and a large raven flew in and perched on the chimeny.

redhead44613's photo
Fri 10/23/09 12:33 PM
*tilts her head as he disappears again.*

What's going on?

*She says to anyone who will listen*

mazdaguy38's photo
Fri 10/23/09 12:39 PM
He sits on the roof and closes his eyes taking a deep breath. The raven still perched on the chimeny watching closely. The griffon let out a loud screech. It seemed very nervous, Daeron remained calm still trying to let the griffon know that he meant no harm.

no photo
Fri 10/23/09 12:42 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 10/23/09 01:10 PM
October 23rd - 28 players have received the latest dragonrider rankings and also instuctions on the next writing competition via private email.

They are to write a story about a pegasus that is held down by 3 goblins. They must write how their character saved the pegasus.

The winner of the writing competition will advance 3 levels and receive as a reward "The Magical Ring of Odin" that can spark lightning at its victims.

Good Luck if you plan to enter the Creative Writing Competition!

The due date is October 30th, 2009, which falls on a Friday. drinker

redhead44613's photo
Fri 10/23/09 01:05 PM
*sighs, walks outside to see if she can see Daeron. She looks up but can not see him.*

Now what is he up to?

mazdaguy38's photo
Fri 10/23/09 01:24 PM
The griffon let's out another loud long screatch and Daeron opens his eyes and slowly stands. He reaches out his hand to the griffon and slowly steps forward puting his hand on the side of his neck and strokes it. The griffon seemed calm, Daeron resting his head against the griffon and his arm around its neck almost in a hug. He seemed to be telling it everything will be ok.

redhead44613's photo
Fri 10/23/09 01:49 PM
*sighs, she spots a small pebble. She throws onto the roof to try to get Daeron attention.*

mazdaguy38's photo
Fri 10/23/09 02:02 PM
He notices the pebble hit the roof. He picks up the pebble and tosses it back down. He shakes his head and walks back over to the injured griffon. "If you want to come up then come up" was written on paper wraped around the pebble.

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