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Topic: The Green Dragon's Inn
redhead44613's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:12 PM
*notices the grave. She looks to Kashell still on the ground then back to Daeron. She sighs. She figures maybe he just wants to be left alone to die. That though made her shiver. She turns back to Kashell, softly touching him.*

Sweetie? We have to go...

mazdaguy38's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:13 PM
The note read "if only I wasn't so different......" the rest was smudged and torn and eligible. He disapeared from the ground back into the trees watching.

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:20 PM
::He slowly rose to his knees, and then slunched back for a moment. He reached out to grip his blade. He rose, not saying a word at the moment. He sheathed his sword as he looked to her; his eyes still a white glaze, but were slowly fading back to blue.::

"..forget what I said earlier about your friends are mine.."

::As he stepped past her and looked at the animals.::

"..I see this one again; I'll kill him myself if it's not already dead."

::He glanced over his shoulder.::

"..I'll be at the Inn. I need to check on my horse.."

::As he stormed off; as he rushed out her to be of help. He was so infuriated that his old-self had returned, he didn't even wait for her. His teeth grinded as he was soon off into the distance.::

redhead44613's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:22 PM
*sits in the grass, watching Kashell storm off.*


*She feel onto her back an layed in the grass. Thinking to herself "wtf"*

mazdaguy38's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:26 PM
He watched his storm off into the distance, the growls began to fade slightly. Some seemed to follow him out of the forest. He sat up in the tree he was in and stared at Tiage. Wanting to go down to her but hesitated. Instead he quietly got closer. The ravens began to break all left except the large one and one wolf.

mazdaguy38's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:29 PM
The raven sat on a low branch and the wolf eased up to her very slowly. Stoping every so often.

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:30 PM
::Kashell, being a tracker, hardly in the mood now, and feeling like he wanted to kill something, just stopped. Dead in his tracks, as that blade was drawn again. He twisted and turned his head letting the bones along his spine crack as a smirk glistened the corner of those ashen lips. The blade was taken out and tossed to a rest over his shoulder. He could feel them following him and as he stepped into the small clearing that lead back to town; he almost dared them to come out to him.::

::Mainly he stood there, he was waiting for Tiage. Whether she came now or not.. he wouldn't leave her far from his sight. If something were to happen to her.. Goddess as his witness, he'd burn down the whole forest and not even blink a signal shed of care.::


::His silver wolf came up to his side and rubbed against his leg. But he did not move, he did not say a word.::

redhead44613's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:32 PM
*closes her eyes. an screams from frustration*

AHHHH... why would he does this to me..both of them?!?! Why did I even bother coming into this town? Why bother getting close to anyone anymore. That's it I'm on my own again.

*with that she started to cry softly to herself.*

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:36 PM
::He, unlike her friend, wasn't deaf and being an elf had exceptional hearing. These words cracked something inside him. His head lowered.. He dropped his blade and sheathed it again. He stuck two fingers in his lips and whistled.::

::Seconds later his horse came prancing out from the stables and over to his side, as he trotted past Kashell gripped the reigns and swung onto the horses back.::

::He looked towards the forest once more before pulling his hood up and over his head. He would not be a burden to her then; and he gently kicked the side of the horse as he called out.::


::With the silver wolf running along side them, he moved off to that nearby village where he knew he could learn more information about those dastardly thieves.::

mazdaguy38's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:36 PM
Edited by mazdaguy38 on Thu 10/22/09 11:38 PM
The wolf slowly went crept up to her side. He tilted his head noticing that she was crying and nuzzled her gently Daeron now on the ground next to a tree very near her. Tears came to his eyes seeing her cry. He took a step foward and hesitated but a branch snapped giving him away.

redhead44613's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:42 PM
*places her arms around the wolf holding him. She cried harder. when she heard the snapping of the branch she looked towards him. She just looked at him, burying her face into the wolf's neck. only the sound she would make is soft crying.*

mazdaguy38's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:48 PM
He put his hood up to hide his face and slowly started walking to her. He ran his hand across her shoulders and sat down next to her. Staring at the graves he pets the wolf. The wolf gave her getle kisses on the cheek and rested his head on her shoulder. He glanced over at her a few times thinking about putting his arm around her.

redhead44613's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:51 PM
*she looks over to him, anger an fear in her eyes.*

Why did you do that? Do you know what you did?

mazdaguy38's photo
Thu 10/22/09 11:54 PM
He bows his head. "There is something about him. I sense evil emitting from him, its hard to explain. I didn't want you to get hurt." He wrote, handing it to her turning slightly away.

redhead44613's photo
Fri 10/23/09 12:02 AM
Everyone has a little evil to them.

*She lays down, resting her head on his lap. looking up to him.*

Do you really think he is that bad?

mazdaguy38's photo
Fri 10/23/09 12:06 AM
He nodes, "yes, I knew I sensed something strange about him at the end. What he pulled earlier confirmed it." He writes then pauses runing his hands through her hair. He tears up a little but you can't see his face. "You make your own choice, but ill always be close by wether you see me or not, watching over you." He hands her the paper a tear falls on it he trys to get the paper back but it was too late.

redhead44613's photo
Fri 10/23/09 12:12 AM
*sits up, she takes his face in her hands softly. looks into his eyes.*

Thank you. But he did fight it..maybe he just needs someone to stand by his side an show him love again.

*She kisses the side of his face.*

I will be fine, he will not hurt me.

*she pauses. hugs him, draws her arms back, seeing his blood on her arms.*

Are you ok? you should get back to the bed.

mazdaguy38's photo
Fri 10/23/09 12:18 AM
"I don't care about myself. What I care about....nevermind. I hope your right, I I just want ....." He sighs. "He gets up and hands her the unfinished letter. He walks around her and covers her eyes he kisses her on the forehead and the next thing there was just leaves falling around her along with one last piece of paper. "I'm always near by, I will know if you are in trouble........." There seemed like there could be more but there wasn't.

redhead44613's photo
Fri 10/23/09 12:23 AM
*sighs* Must you always do that? Really? *she whispers into the wind* Thank you Daeron.

*she stands an makes her way back to the Inn. Walking through the forest taking all of it in. She slowly walking inside the Inn, dropping coins on the bar top for the night. She takes her key an head up to her room. Wondering is Kashell is ok, worring bout Daeron..its going to be a long night.*

(((night guys!)))smooched smooched smooched

no photo
Fri 10/23/09 05:25 AM
XI (day 93) of the time of the luminescence era:

A Griffon has crashed into the Green Dragon’s Inn! Many store owners have witnessed the event and are shocked to see such a magnificent beast so close to town. It lies on the roof screeching an eerie sound for help. It may have broken one of its wings. The town’s guards are trying to calm it down as they climbed up a ladder to get near it. Clerics are sent to try to heal and mend the wounds yet it snaps with its beak trying to make sure none come close. Captain Bengalson of the town’s guard is confused of how such a rare beast would be in these parts of the lands. Something odd is happening to these lands, yet what could it be?

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