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Topic: The Green Dragon's Inn
Jesusofrome's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:52 PM
[leans back and scratches his hound behind the ear]
Boromir can i get a hot meal and something for the hound to eat?

Elvaanchick's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:52 PM
<Sneaks in through a window from one of the rooms and sneaks around the inn and sneaks up behind Drol> So when did a noble start mingling with comminers?

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:56 PM

<Sneaks in through a window from one of the rooms and sneaks around the inn and sneaks up behind Drol> So when did a noble start mingling with comminers?
surprised <surprised to see an elf sneak through a window>surprised

mazdaguy38's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:57 PM
He turns his head slightly to glance at the 3 across the way. Still holding his staff he continues to sip his drink.

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:58 PM

^_^ nothing like a nice hunt with my trusty hound and a relaxing lazy noon.

When she does not get a response, she reaches out and tentatively touches the smoking man, pulling her hand back quickly. When he looks up, she mouths carefully. "The man in green thinks I want to hurt him, why? Have I done something offensive?"

redhead44613's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:58 PM
Edited by redhead44613 on Thu 10/08/09 07:58 PM
*Tiage enters the inn, covered head to toe in a black cloak. She takes a seat in the corner watching the others.*

Jesusofrome's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:00 PM

^_^ nothing like a nice hunt with my trusty hound and a relaxing lazy noon.

When she does not get a response, she reaches out and tentatively touches the smoking man, pulling her hand back quickly. When he looks up, she mouths carefully. "The man in green thinks I want to hurt him, why? Have I done something offensive?"

o_- well he's just nervous and well he can't hear so i guess he can't be all to sure about every one.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:01 PM

<Sneaks in through a window from one of the rooms and sneaks around the inn and sneaks up behind Drol> So when did a noble start mingling with comminers?
bigsmile "I was wondering the same thing"bigsmile

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:02 PM

o_- well he's just nervous and well he can't hear so i guess he can't be all to sure about every one.

She considers the man's answer and, seemingly satisfied, continues eating the apple.

Elvaanchick's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:02 PM

<Sneaks in through a window from one of the rooms and sneaks around the inn and sneaks up behind Drol> So when did a noble start mingling with comminers?
surprised <surprised to see an elf sneak through a window>surprised

<apears behind you> sssssssshhhhhhhhh it's alright i'm not going to hurt you............ yet.
<steps closert to you and brushes your cheeck with the back of her hand and makes her way back to Drol>

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:03 PM

<Sneaks in through a window from one of the rooms and sneaks around the inn and sneaks up behind Drol> So when did a noble start mingling with comminers?
surprised <surprised to see an elf sneak through a window>surprised

<apears behind you> sssssssshhhhhhhhh it's alright i'm not going to hurt you............ yet.
<steps closert to you and brushes your cheeck with the back of her hand and makes her way back to Drol>

mazdaguy38's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:03 PM
He senses Tiage come through the door. He smiles a little sipping on his drink. Without looking anywhere he motions to the seat next to him and slides a few leaves over next to him.

redhead44613's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:03 PM
*notices Daeron, she removes her hood, as she does her long red hair falls into her face. She flashes a smile at him...knowing he will feel her eyes on him*

redhead44613's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:05 PM
*takes the seat next to him, takes the herbs an places one in her mouth* How are you Daeron?

Jesusofrome's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:07 PM

<Sneaks in through a window from one of the rooms and sneaks around the inn and sneaks up behind Drol> So when did a noble start mingling with comminers?
surprised <surprised to see an elf sneak through a window>surprised

<apears behind you> sssssssshhhhhhhhh it's alright i'm not going to hurt you............ yet.
<steps closert to you and brushes your cheeck with the back of her hand and makes her way back to Drol>

I'm want venture out from the noble life stile and see what else there is to this world besides Vana'diel.

mazdaguy38's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:07 PM
He grabs his quill and parchment and begins to write. "I am good, and you? There are many here tonight, it makes me uneasy"

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:07 PM

*notices Daeron, she removes her hood, as she does her long red hair falls into her face. She flashes a smile at him...knowing he will feel her eyes on him*

Looks up as Tiage comes in. She smiles in her direction, though not sure if she will be noticed.

redhead44613's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:09 PM
*smiles at the women who smiled at her. She places a friendly hand on Daeron's shoulder.* No need to worry..I bet we can fight anyone off. *she tells him with a small laugh*

Elvaanchick's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:11 PM
Vana'diel the mother land ^_^ yet i can see that bing a half Dark and and high elvin really makes you strange Drol but that's why i love you.
<hops on to his lap>
Let go out and kill goblins half lings and humans like we use to do.

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:11 PM

*smiles at the women who smiled at her. She places a friendly hand on Daeron's shoulder.* No need to worry..I bet we can fight anyone off. *she tells him with a small laugh*

Quickly, while she Tiage's attention, she motions with her hands to her, "You two are good together, trust."

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