Topic: Would you marry someone who has been married 3 times before?
Trizar's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:28 PM
OK, heres an example.Woman married young at 1st time..Has 3 kids, but he
either abused her physically or emotionaly and she divorces him,. Then
she married a younger man but eventually found out they had nothig in
common, except for she got older, he was cheating. and she
divorces him.. Now she is fed up with marriage, but meets this fantastic
guy, who she lives with until he died, when she was in her 50s...she is
now a widow..Kids all grown and out of the house... yes, she wants her
last love in life... well, what would I do? shes been married 3 times?
If I loved her, I would marry her.. No question about it!!!!!!.

AutonomousW's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:29 PM
Not a chance, not to say i wouldnt have a relationship with them but
with a record like that gettin hitched doesnt sound like a plan

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:32 PM
Well as someone who has been married three times when i vowed forever,i
meant it.
the 1st one i married at 20=alchoholic
2nd at 25 =psycho
waited 11 yrs till i was 36,married "the one" turned out to be a
controling ass.

I give my heart to readily and believe me I will not be getting married
again but dont judge me by the number of marriages,believe me it was not
my goal to be alone at 44.

iceprincess's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:32 PM
Hell just live in sin till you reach the commonlaw mark and the piece of
paper won't really matter. At least that's my plan.LOL

AutonomousW's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:35 PM
what she said ^^^^^^^

Jess642's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:36 PM
Sure why not....marry, marry, marry, marry...

Merry are the married...bring on the white frock!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer...if you cannot fit your tongue in your cheek...perhaps a
stick is in an anatomical place not spoken of in polite circles..


Trizar's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:36 PM
I only said Id marry her, beacause thats was the question... But there's
a lot to consider when 2 get together, property, widows pension etc..
noone wants to lose these... so yes I would personally prefer a

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:37 PM
thats my plan.i am shacking up.people seem to change after the ring goes
on and i for one do not put up with creepy or crazy crap.

iceprincess's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:40 PM
After 10 years no matter what state your in if you split by law the
property acquired during the realtionship is to be split in half and if
you have children together it's just like a custody dispute in a divorce
so why have the peice of paper if your still together after 10 years and
want to split your basically getting a divorce and if it don't last that
long thank your lucky stars you never got hitched.

Trizar's photo
Wed 05/30/07 06:56 PM
Ice princess,, thanks , never knew that.. I know in california its like
that, maybe 7 yrs though.

iceprincess's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:03 PM
most states it's seven but some go to 10 it's a peice of paper it
doesn't make you anymore or less committed in a realtionship and doesn't
make you any more or less safe so why get it save yourself the the money
a wedding is gonna cost you and go on a damn vacation or in some cases
buy a house or a car it'll be a hell of a lot less headache and probably
last longer.LOL

WolfSpirt's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:18 PM
Well, after reading this thread, I get the feeling that I should stop
looking for a loving relationshop, or that any will find me. Because I
have been married 3 times, but it doesnt matter that my last two wives
cheated on me, So I am out of the running. I came into this threaad in a
fairly good mood, but now I can see I should have stayed out of
it.grumble glasses

rivergirl301's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:19 PM
It might sound like I don't believe in marriage, but I really do, and I
take it so seriously that I am not willing to take another chance on
watching another marriage down the drain. I think once you are older,
and once you both have had your kids, what is the point in getting
married? Just agree to keep what you go into the relationship with. .
.for sure, no one is getting his hands on my house!

rivergirl301's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:23 PM
Wolfspirit, most people disagreed with me, but that is not what you are
seeing. I don't truly believe it when people say stuff just "happened"
in their marriage. I thing *they* believe what they are saying, but I
think the problem that broke them up, it was there all along and no one
wanted to face it until it got so bad it couldn't be ignored any more. I
feel like people just shrug it off, "something happened," instead of
admitting they married in poor judgement.

Native_Grl39's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:28 PM
Yes my view was too narrow..To Jax and the situation Trizar stated
also...I would have to evalute....I guess if they were close to those
types of situation...If I EVER chose to get married again...I can't say
someone being married 3 times under those types of circumstances would
stop me!!!!!!!!

flowerforyou drinker

rivame's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:32 PM
At least you know that the person married three times believes in

Native_Grl39's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:35 PM
Well this is true...BUT there are some serial marryers too...when it
starts to get up to 5, 6 + I really have to wonder why they feel the
need to actually marry so many times!!!!!!!

flowerforyou noway huh

rivame's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:43 PM
Hi Nativeflowerforyou

Guess they want to keep trying till they get it right.laugh laugh

Native_Grl39's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:44 PM
They should really quit while they're ahead!!!!!!!

Hi Reva!!!!!!!!

laugh laugh bigsmile flowerforyou

rivame's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:51 PM
laugh laugh

Psssttttt Native...its Riva

Like in Riva Riva..andre andre.

or was that ariba...oh what the heck.laugh laugh
