Topic: Obamacare | |
How Obamacare will be free for all?
Simple… Obamacare, will force you to buy health insurance by law. If you don’t buy health insurance, you’ll be fined by the IRS. If you don’t pay the fine, you’ll go to jail. In jail you’ll get free health care! ![]() |
lol, Im for obamacare,, but thats funny.
Obamacare isnt free, btw. Its an attempt to have affordable health care. |
I'm all for Obamacare. I think it's a fantastic idea, and yeah, it might be giving those that live off of the state the same access to health care as someone who has worked their *** off, but I think health care is something that everyone should have access to
I am for universal affordable health care. I am against the US government going bankrupt. I simply do not see any way the US can afford the costs involved in this program.
I agree with Msharmony and Spirograph.
I am for universal affordable health care. I am against the US government going bankrupt. I simply do not see any way the US can afford the costs involved in this program. I understand what you're saying but in many ways I can't see how we can afford to not do it either. |
I agree with Msharmony and Spirograph. I think or should I say most would like to see costs go down. I just don't like the way they are going about trying to do it. |
I agree with Msharmony and Spirograph. I think or should I say most would like to see costs go down. I just don't like the way they are going about trying to do it. I researched Obama's ideas for the change before and after he was elected. I liked his ideas. I don't like how others are changing the plan though. I like public option and I don't like the co-op ideas. |
Edited by
Tue 09/29/09 11:21 AM
How Obamacare will be free for all? Simple… Obamacare, will force you to buy health insurance by law. If you don’t buy health insurance, you’ll be fined by the IRS. If you don’t pay the fine, you’ll go to jail. In jail you’ll get free health care! ![]() I dunno one way or he other, but that was kinda cute actually I dont think ANYONE knows one way or the other all I'm hearin is a so much jingoistic catch phrases generated by the propaganda spin meisters form both sides that I'm convinced that by now no one actually knows anything about it and are just mindless zombies repeating whatever is fed to them by their favorite extremist source |
I agree with Msharmony and Spirograph. I think or should I say most would like to see costs go down. I just don't like the way they are going about trying to do it. I researched Obama's ideas for the change before and after he was elected. I liked his ideas. I don't like how others are changing the plan though. I like public option and I don't like the co-op ideas. That's the problem. What he says and what congress is putting in the bills are diferent. I wish Obama would sit in with congress an hash it out. tell them this is what I want, not this or that or those other things. And make sure there is no pork in it. |
How Obamacare will be free for all? Simple… Obamacare, will force you to buy health insurance by law. If you don’t buy health insurance, you’ll be fined by the IRS. If you don’t pay the fine, you’ll go to jail. In jail you’ll get free health care! ![]() I dunno one way or he other, but that was kinda cute actually I dont think ANYONE knows one way or the other all I'm hearin is a so much jingoistic catch phrases generated by the propaganda spin meisters form both sides that I'm convinced hat by now no one actually knows anyting about it and are just mindless zombies repeating whatever is fed to them by their favorite extremist source These parties are not extremists and their estimates do not vary by much. Begin Quote: John Sheils, a senior vice president of the Lewin Group, said the Obama health care reform proposal likely would cost between $1.5 trillion and $1.7 trillion over the next 10 years. In an interview, Sheils said that the cost is "a difficult hurdle to get over." He added, "I don't know where the rest of the money is going to come from." During a health insurance industry meeting in Washington, D.C., last week, John Rother, public policy director for AARP, said, "Honestly ... we can't do it for the $634 billion the president put in the reserve fund," adding, "In all likelihood, it will be over $1 trillion," likely $1.5 trillion. Economist Len Nichols, head of the health policy project at the New America Foundation, cited the cost at between $125 billion and $150 billion annually. David Walker, a former U.S. comptroller general and current head of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, said, "We are dealing with huge numbers," adding, "We need to have a much better sense of what we are talking about doing, and whether or not it's affordable and sustainable over time" (Alonso-Zaldivar, AP/Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/18). |
Whatever ... at least someone trying something what we have doesnt work.... i have glaucoma and am slowly going blind i cant afford to pay the EXTRAORDINARY fees that insurance companies want to insure me ... and medicaid doesnt have dental or eye in my state....
it seems to me the only people mad about this whole thing are in fact healthy or already insured.. You may ask how the hell is this your problem at all ..well when i go blind and cant care for me or my daughter (single dad) it will cost the state WAY more to keep us me on state assisted living for the two of us untill she turns 18 which translates to more out of taxes right? I am not some freakin bum i work my *** of to provide a reasonable life in a reasonable neighborhood... I am gonna go blind and in need of help went to a social services office.. where i was told very rudely that if i wanted i could come back when i was legally blind and receive ALL assistance available... out of curiousity do you know anyone in the insurance industry? i do and they are rediculously overpaid out of the 3 guys i know personally 2 drive lamborghinis.. which is fine and all except they even admit that their whole industry is a scam and should at the very least be regulated better to provide a system that isnt catering to keeping wealthy healthy and waching other people rot and wither till they die.. normally arguing anything political is kinda pointless to me takes a real moron not to realize that BOTH sides of any political argument are aoutomatically wrong due to lack of reliable information... we can compare one sides lies to another sides lies but in the end theyre Both lies.... Same thing with the damm news ive personally been involved in like 3 stories that made it on the evening news EVERY time the story that was presented was flat out wrong... im pretty sure someone brought this plan to him anyway .. id put money he didnt even write one word of it..i understand you dont like the guy for whatever reason ive seen you complaining about him before.. whether its his attitude race or ideals you dont agree with it seems pointless to think you have any reliable information on what is happening ..or any genuine knowlege of whats actually happening or who is posing this idea.. People in america are told we are special and we are free and other countries are jealous of that... i have a few friends in other countries and guess what .. LOTS of other people tell their kids theyre lucky they dont live here Weve made an industry out of imprisoning our own and using them for cheap labor...the percentages of our people in long term incarceration for non violent crimes is attrocious... and there are crappy poor countries that take care of their sick.. we the richest country on the planet are heartless selfish and prefer tp let them die in the street.. And i dont wanna hear that love it or leave it hoosier crap.. thats the most unamerican **** ive ever heard... a REAL patriot is OBLIGATED to speak out against our government when its interests overshadow the PEOPLES .. this was what our country was built on... built by Terrorists .. revoloutionists and REAL PATRIOTS... |
How Obamacare will be free for all? Simple… Obamacare, will force you to buy health insurance by law. If you don’t buy health insurance, you’ll be fined by the IRS. If you don’t pay the fine, you’ll go to jail. In jail you’ll get free health care! ![]() I dunno one way or he other, but that was kinda cute actually I dont think ANYONE knows one way or the other all I'm hearin is a so much jingoistic catch phrases generated by the propaganda spin meisters form both sides that I'm convinced that by now no one actually knows anything about it and are just mindless zombies repeating whatever is fed to them by their favorite extremist source I think Jon Kyl is trying to get a 72 (I forget what they call it) so everybody involved can have a chance to read the whole thing, He tried this before and it was shot down. |
I posted this on my facebook... My plan is two sentences, the Obamacare plan is 1000+ pages.
Wow, health care is such a hot topic right now. There are multiple health care bills being written in the Congress and Senate. The debate is filled with anger on both sides of the aisle. In the midst of this, I decided to write my own health care bill, which is below. Johnnie's Healthcare Bill ========================================== 1) Deregulate Health Insurance completely. 2) Open charities to pay for insurance for people who can't afford insurance. Any amount short of what is needed will be supplied by the government. ========================================== As an added bonus, I have included my tax system overhaul and gay marriage legislation. Johnnie's Tax System Overhaul ========================================== 1) Charge everyone the same damn percentage of tax as a sales tax. ========================================== Johnnie's Gay Marriage Legislation ========================================== 1) Allow any consenting adult(s) to marry any consenting adult(s). 2) Protect all religions from prosecution for failing to recognize or perform any marriage which is against their beliefs. ========================================== |
Whatever ... at least someone trying something what we have doesnt work.... i have glaucoma and am slowly going blind i cant afford to pay the EXTRAORDINARY fees that insurance companies want to insure me ... and medicaid doesnt have dental or eye in my state.... it seems to me the only people mad about this whole thing are in fact healthy or already insured.. You may ask how the hell is this your problem at all ..well when i go blind and cant care for me or my daughter (single dad) it will cost the state WAY more to keep us me on state assisted living for the two of us untill she turns 18 which translates to more out of taxes right? I am not some freakin bum i work my *** of to provide a reasonable life in a reasonable neighborhood... I am gonna go blind and in need of help went to a social services office.. where i was told very rudely that if i wanted i could come back when i was legally blind and receive ALL assistance available... out of curiousity do you know anyone in the insurance industry? i do and they are rediculously overpaid out of the 3 guys i know personally 2 drive lamborghinis.. which is fine and all except they even admit that their whole industry is a scam and should at the very least be regulated better to provide a system that isnt catering to keeping wealthy healthy and waching other people rot and wither till they die.. normally arguing anything political is kinda pointless to me takes a real moron not to realize that BOTH sides of any political argument are aoutomatically wrong due to lack of reliable information... we can compare one sides lies to another sides lies but in the end theyre Both lies.... Same thing with the damm news ive personally been involved in like 3 stories that made it on the evening news EVERY time the story that was presented was flat out wrong... im pretty sure someone brought this plan to him anyway .. id put money he didnt even write one word of it..i understand you dont like the guy for whatever reason ive seen you complaining about him before.. whether its his attitude race or ideals you dont agree with it seems pointless to think you have any reliable information on what is happening ..or any genuine knowlege of whats actually happening or who is posing this idea.. People in america are told we are special and we are free and other countries are jealous of that... i have a few friends in other countries and guess what .. LOTS of other people tell their kids theyre lucky they dont live here Weve made an industry out of imprisoning our own and using them for cheap labor...the percentages of our people in long term incarceration for non violent crimes is attrocious... and there are crappy poor countries that take care of their sick.. we the richest country on the planet are heartless selfish and prefer tp let them die in the street.. And i dont wanna hear that love it or leave it hoosier crap.. thats the most unamerican **** ive ever heard... a REAL patriot is OBLIGATED to speak out against our government when its interests overshadow the PEOPLES .. this was what our country was built on... built by Terrorists .. revoloutionists and REAL PATRIOTS... I'm sorry to hear about your illness, but I don't think socialized medicine is the answer. Deregulation would allow for cheaper insurance through competition. You would also be able to buy insurance that doesn't cover your glaucoma, which would cover any other health issues you develop. The problem right now is that insurance companies are required by law to cover pre-existing conditions of which they are aware when you buy the insurance. This makes it so that someone like you can't get insurance to cover all other health issues, but exclude glaucoma from your plan. It's over regulation that has done this, not the lack of regulation. Glaucoma medications cost anywhere from $150.81 to $873.98 per year, according to the American Journal of Ophthalmology. If you need the surgery, it's possible to get it on a payment plan for $87 / month. Don't wait for insurance to cover you, do something now, for your daughter's sake. You should get a doctor to determine which you need (surgery or medicine or both) and then get regular checkups. I think that considering the benefits, it would be better to go into short-term debt than allow yourself to go blind. |
The problem right now is that insurance companies are required by law to cover pre-existing conditions of which they are aware when you buy the insurance. This makes it so that someone like you can't get insurance to cover all other health issues, but exclude glaucoma from your plan. It's over regulation that has done this, not the lack of regulation
I dont understand, If he has Glaucoama, why would it be reasonable for him to get health insurance for other health issues but not the glaucoma? I think it is upfront to know what the insurance will and will not cover and to make them abide by what they knowingly agree to. |
How Obamacare will be free for all? Simple… Obamacare, will force you to buy health insurance by law. If you don’t buy health insurance, you’ll be fined by the IRS. If you don’t pay the fine, you’ll go to jail. In jail you’ll get free health care! ![]() I dunno one way or he other, but that was kinda cute actually I dont think ANYONE knows one way or the other all I'm hearin is a so much jingoistic catch phrases generated by the propaganda spin meisters form both sides that I'm convinced that by now no one actually knows anything about it and are just mindless zombies repeating whatever is fed to them by their favorite extremist source I'm not on either "side". I oppose all government run programs as a matter of principle. (besides, history is against Obamacare anyways) ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 09/29/09 03:58 PM
I dont understand, If he has Glaucoama, why would it be reasonable for him to get health insurance for other health issues but not the glaucoma? I think it is upfront to know what the insurance will and will not cover and to make them abide by what they knowingly agree to. If you have a pre-existing condition, they have to raise their rates really high in order to cover it. So he can't afford insurance that would cover everything. Insurance is a numbers game, they insure you for X amount and cover your medical costs, so that they make a profit. If they know going in that you are sick, they are losing money. Example: You call an insurance company and ask them for house insurance...and you need to insurance right away, because the house is on fire. They wouldn't cover you, they would simply lose a lot of money. If he could get health insurance for cheap that covered everything but the glaucoma, that would be better than no insurance, right? And the cost of treating glaucoma is very reasonable and the surgery plans are actually financed, so you don't have to pay upfront. Forcing a for profit company to cover someone with a pre-existing condition is fascism and can put the company out of business. Why not drop your coverage completely...wait until you get sick and then get it right then? They get no profit and your medical bills get paid, right? Wrong, they go out of business and everyone has to cover themselves with cash out of pocket. |
There are constitutional attorneys looking into wether this is unconstitutional or not. The system we have is broke and that's no secret. Something needs to change and I don't have an answer, I however do not agree with this plan. |
I'm sorry to hear about your illness, but I don't think socialized medicine is the answer. Deregulation would allow for cheaper insurance through competition. You would also be able to buy insurance that doesn't cover your glaucoma, which would cover any other health issues you develop. The problem right now is that insurance companies are required by law to cover pre-existing conditions of which they are aware when you buy the insurance. This makes it so that someone like you can't get insurance to cover all other health issues, but exclude glaucoma from your plan. It's over regulation that has done this, not the lack of regulation. Glaucoma medications cost anywhere from $150.81 to $873.98 per year, according to the American Journal of Ophthalmology. If you need the surgery, it's possible to get it on a payment plan for $87 / month. Don't wait for insurance to cover you, do something now, for your daughter's sake. You should get a doctor to determine which you need (surgery or medicine or both) and then get regular checkups. I think that considering the benefits, it would be better to go into short-term debt than allow yourself to go blind. He lives in my city. I know what he's talking about regarding our state health system. Our past governor butchered it so you could only make less then $200 a month to receive it. Yep, he was a Republican. Deregulation doesn't work. We've seen that. Obama is right in wanting insurances to accept people with pre-existing conditions. He's also right in wanting to stop insurances from rescinding policies. I think it's downright scary that they can do that now. |