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Topic: Islam on capitol hill?
imrare's photo
Thu 09/24/09 01:08 PM
DaddyGod I decree your will, plan and purpose be done through this site and the ones that are called by your name the redeemed of the Lord that you will begin to flow by your Spirit in and through them.
That no weapon formed against them or their households will prosper, that every tongue that speaks against them will be condemn. Every incantation, curse, soulish prayer we cast it down and call it null and void of effect. DaddyGod we celebrate the victory at the cross that Jesus the Christ of Nazareth paid for by his blood. Thank you Sir for all the Divine Appointments you lead to us. Now we speak confusion to the enemies camp and release the Angels of the Lord to aid in their behalfs.

no photo
Thu 09/24/09 02:26 PM

DaddyGod I decree your will, plan and purpose be done through this site and the ones that are called by your name the redeemed of the Lord that you will begin to flow by your Spirit in and through them.
That no weapon formed against them or their households will prosper, that every tongue that speaks against them will be condemn. Every incantation, curse, soulish prayer we cast it down and call it null and void of effect. DaddyGod we celebrate the victory at the cross that Jesus the Christ of Nazareth paid for by his blood. Thank you Sir for all the Divine Appointments you lead to us. Now we speak confusion to the enemies camp and release the Angels of the Lord to aid in their behalfs.


no photo
Thu 09/24/09 02:30 PM

DaddyGod I decree your will, plan and purpose be done through this site and the ones that are called by your name the redeemed of the Lord that you will begin to flow by your Spirit in and through them.
That no weapon formed against them or their households will prosper, that every tongue that speaks against them will be condemn. Every incantation, curse, soulish prayer we cast it down and call it null and void of effect. DaddyGod we celebrate the victory at the cross that Jesus the Christ of Nazareth paid for by his blood. Thank you Sir for all the Divine Appointments you lead to us. Now we speak confusion to the enemies camp and release the Angels of the Lord to aid in their behalfs.

And what does this have to do with the Muslim's having a day of prayer?
No, really, lets get back to the topic.

no photo
Sun 09/27/09 03:51 AM
You have freedom unless you're christian and then it is shut up we don't want to hear you.

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/27/09 05:12 AM
I am not versed in Islam,but as a Christian, I am very aware of believers and non believers. Christianity does not try to rule the world, that would make everything we are taught about free will a hypocrisy. There is a difference between wanting to share something good and wanting to force others to believe what you do( although I also know many historical so called christians did that also)

transientmind's photo
Sun 09/27/09 06:29 AM
Edited by transientmind on Sun 09/27/09 06:37 AM

I am not versed in Islam,but as a Christian, I am very aware of believers and non believers. Christianity does not try to rule the world, that would make everything we are taught about free will a hypocrisy. There is a difference between wanting to share something good and wanting to force others to believe what you do( although I also know many historical so called Christians did that also)
True. The people as a whole would rather live in peace. In fact, I've attended an originally Christian church where both Muslims and Jews were welcome to worship.

Unfortunately, every peaceful realm of thought seems to have a ring of fanatics and it's those separatist fanatics that are noticed first.

Re: the original post, let them pray in peace. It's about time people in this melting pot got used to diversity.

no photo
Mon 09/28/09 06:35 PM
Then you guys who are Christian better take a very close look at your fundamentalist fanatical leaders, many of whom are in the republican party, they are far more powerful than you think.

They don't much care for the little guy that just does as he is told and attends church, but your money does help them, and they have far bigger things in mind. But I won't waste my time because few will believe that, and I'm at the point in my life where their agenda will not affect me. I'll be dead.

Visit their websites, find out for yourself, they aren't hiding it. They don't have to because the only people that their agenda being out in the open serves, is to keep other leaders updated. They know the average Christian isn't paying attention and if they are it's because they support the agenda.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 09/28/09 06:37 PM

Not sure what to think of this?


This is what snopes had to say about it.


We already had at least one Islamic representative on the hill. What is the problem?

TJN's photo
Mon 09/28/09 06:42 PM

Not sure what to think of this?


This is what snopes had to say about it.


We already had at least one Islamic representative on the hill. What is the problem?
Did I say there was a problemm?

no photo
Tue 09/29/09 07:36 AM
Well, the big day came and went. I didn't see any press about, but I wasn't looking for any either.

Anyone know if Hellfire and Brimstone rained down on them?
Did the Earth open up and swallow them?
Did it get rained out?

I guess 'God' didn't answer some peoples prayers.
But he did answer others.

Were the prayers of the faithful Christians weak? Without merit?
It was 'decreed' it was supposed to be 'established'

Maybe 'God' displayed his displeasure by punishing innocent people in the Philippines with the worst typhoon in many years.?
Oh wait, they are %80 percent Catholic, maybe thats why.

Why didn't 'God' stop, disrupt, destroy this event?

no photo
Tue 09/29/09 07:43 AM

Well, the big day came and went. I didn't see any press about, but I wasn't looking for any either.

Anyone know if Hellfire and Brimstone rained down on them?
Did the Earth open up and swallow them?
Did it get rained out?

I guess 'God' didn't answer some peoples prayers.
But he did answer others.

Were the prayers of the faithful Christians weak? Without merit?
It was 'decreed' it was supposed to be 'established'

Maybe 'God' displayed his displeasure by punishing innocent people in the Philippines with the worst typhoon in many years.?
Oh wait, they are %80 percent Catholic, maybe thats why.

Why didn't 'God' stop, disrupt, destroy this event?

Well, I live here in the DC area and while I was not on Capitol Hill that day, I can assure you that no hellfire and brimstone rained down, the Mall did not open up and swallow anyone and while it did rain in a lot of places around here, it wasn't bad enough to call it a day. Our government is still being led by a bunch of incompetent idiots who wouldn't know common sense if they got whomped in the head by the Koran. In other words, business as usual and people made mountains out of molehills.

Winx's photo
Tue 09/29/09 07:59 AM
Edited by Winx on Tue 09/29/09 07:59 AM
They're talking about it here:


"About 3,000 Muslims gathered Friday for a first-ever prayer service in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol in what turned out to be a peaceful assembly despite the taunts of Christian evangelists on the surrounding sidewalks."

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