Topic: Last to post wins! - part 67 | |
look behind you now, pops, I'm last!
i am soooooooooooooooooo crushed .. nobody has ever called me pops in my life..
but i am last and in the lag or lead.. |
lol i just had a double shot of espresso, I could go at this all night buddy.. i am now the last~!
i just do it naturally and have been known to do this for as long as it takes.. but i have been known to relent from time to time to give the youngsters a crack at the title..
youngsters *snickers* yeah.. give us poor kids a chance
last |
ah young do have drive i will give you that.... but .. i win..
you almost snuck by me, i got side tracked.
i win |
i think not
crashing this party
she's making a run at the title but i do give in that quickly..
i win.. |
Pops! My turn.
Pops! My turn. i know where your turn is.. either way i win.. |
You what???
win i say.. win..
dancing at the end of the line.
and little bump to remove you from that position.
i oughta tie your shoe strings together so you can't move behind me anymore... or wait.. do you use the old man velcro shoes? that could prove to be a problem
never will own a pair of those ugly things . i can still bend over to do anything i need and still see my toes and other things without standing on a mirror..
baha good man, good man
there .. now it's back of the line for you ..