Topic: In the name of Jesus... | |
I saw what he was saying.
The stone you referenced as having YWHA written on it is disputed as to its authenticity. Not by some but by almost all archeologists. And was discovered by a man that had a reputation of falsifing finds. Perty straigh up. |
We were discussing: 1) Jesus is God 2) Adonai is used to name God What does a stone with the 10 commandments have to do with that? Anything? I'm really not understanding you. If English isn't your first language, please tell me to releive the frustration. Jesus is God. Adonai only refers to God when combined with Yahweh, as in Adonai Yahweh. Saying Adonai by itself does not mean God, it means "ruler" or "earthly lord". Please read what I have said and respond to this. I don't know anything about a rock with the 10 commandments in peleo-Hebrew on it. |
Great. I don't know what that has to do with anything that I have said. |
YHWH's name on it I posted that article to show that it is on thier. Yes christians want to disclaim it. Study what the Jews say about it and the 10 commandments because you see they are not going to point out YHWH's name to gentiles. The Jews find it to be around 3000 years old. I knew what i was posting would go against part of what i said. But it was to show his Name in it.Blessings Miles |
![]() God is God. Allah is God. YWHA is God. G-D is God. You are God. I am God. That tree is God. The sky is God. Earth is God. Jupiter is God. A rock is God. The sun is God. The air I breath is God. The air you breath is God. The universe is God. That which contains the universe is God. All that I cannot see is God. God is indeed all that I see and more than my mind can encompass. THAT WHICH IS ALL THINGS. |
Spider here is what you said...
Wed 05/30/07 10:06 AM Milesoftheusa, I know that the Hebrews used the word "Adonai"'s a Hebrew word. But they would NEVER call God Adonai. Call a synogog and ask them. It's a simple fact. What do you guys have to argue and pick at everything. There are such things as facts and sometimes you just have to shut up and accept them. Adonai IS NEVER EVER EVER EVER used by Jews to refer to God. EVER. Get it? Got it? I'm done on this stupid tangent, either read what I have typed and learn or remain ignorant. Spidercmb Joined Fri 04/27/07 Posts: 800 Wed 05/30/07 10:09 AM Milesoftheusa, "Before Abraham was I AM" The people picked up rocks to stone him to death on the spot for...Blaspheme! Because Jesus was claiming to be God. You either believe Jesus or he was a liar or he was crazy. I strongly suggest that you go to and sign up for their free courses. Take the course on Christology, it explains this all very clearly with lots of scriptural support. This is my responce I am sorry if it upset you. But the word of YHWH is a 2 edge sword.. Remember Yahshua said I did not come to bring peace... We will argue and debate and him who is ordained by the Holy Spirit will show his sword if he has to for YHWH... so my answer to u was... Spider you report to know things that you do not. I have been to synagogues in Chicago where they walk to sabbath and speak almost the whole service in Hebrew. And yes i know enough Hebrew words to know what they are saying.But you blaspheme when you call YHWH od Yahshua by such titles. Prov 30:4-7 4 Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son's name, If you know? 5 Every word of Elohim is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. 6 Do not add to His words , Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar. NKJV Listen and read what he says!!!!!!!!! Prov 12:5 The thoughts of the righteous are right, But the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. NKJV Prov 16:3-5 3 Commit your works to YHWH, And your thoughts will be established. 4 YHWH has made all for Himself, Yes, even the wicked for the day of doom. 5 Everyone proud in heart is an abomination to YHWH; Though they join forces, none will go unpunished. NKJV Isa 55:8-9 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says YHWH. 9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. NKJV You want to believe man not the word of YHWH. I will believe YHWH. that is why I will not change words that he escesially refers to himself as. The words you quote are from the father of lies. Learn and do as IsaYAH (he has Yahweh's name in his)has said and you will have life evermore.. Miles I have noticed you are using Yahweh's name more and More and I Praise Yahweh for it for the spirit of Anti-messiah can not. Shalom and Blessings on Your House From Yahweh of Hosts Spider.... Miles |
Wow. I guess people are proving me wrong. That last post. Is laughable. They are all from Yahweh but not Yahweh.To many of your posts point out that the Messiah is not Yahweh. So I am not sure if this is your reasoning for that post or not. I did not creat myself.. sorry.. Miles |
I'm still very confused. I don't deny that Yahweh is God. I don't deny that Yeshua ben Josef is Jesus. I accept that the name have been transcribed into English and they are different. I'm really not sure what we are disagreeing on. I'm being honest about this. I have never once said that Yahweh isn't God. Could you please just say what the disagreement is? Reposting half a dozen posts doesn't help me. |
what I am saying is Yahweh knows best. He said this is what my name is this is what my sons name is. Do not even say the name of another as if it were me. It is Blaspeming the Holy Spirit. People for ages have tried to understand what Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is when Yahshua said all sins against him would be forgiven. He did not say all sins against his father Yahweh would be forgiven. For the scriptures to agree and they must. The sin that will not be forgiven is the 3rd commandment. will not hold him guiltless/sinless. Nothing has changed. This is also why in so many places it says" EVERYONE WHO CALLS UPON THE NAME OF YAHWEH SHALL BE SAVED" This is why Yahshua's name you must be baptized in. You are confessing that Yahweh not Yahshua is the creator of all things. This is a great MYSTERY because we can not fathom how this could be possible. Yahweh demands worship. He tells us how to worship him. In return for this he promices us Eternal life. This is what is so hard for people to get that thier is POWER in a name.. May Yahweh's Grace Find Favor With You... Miles |
Since God confused our speach at Babel would he not in his infinate
wisdom know then each of the words he would be called because of that change? Though our speach is confused to us He would know all of them being the author of the confounding and scattering. As each hair upon our heads is numbered so then are the people upon the earth also numbered for we are all his children and known by him. |
We are all from adam and Eve. Yahshua and Adam were the only ones from him that was not tainted by man. He is the same yesterday, today and tommorrow. I believe him at his word. He has always excepted anyone who would worship/keep his commandments. His commandments then has had to of been from forever. Or else the above saying would be a lie.He wants obedient children who can do no one no harm/evil. Thats it... Miles |
I do not see this. He did in the time of Moses want obediant children.
What Father does not. In this time he wants to raise us up that we might overcome and be with him in his kingdom. Time to grow up. Cling to the ways of the child and you will allways be a child, speak as a child and do the things of a child. Grow to the ways of an adult that you might be an adult, take your place in the councils of adults, and be raised into the glory. |
Name -------------------------------------------------------------- the name is used for everything which the name covers, everything the thought or feeling of which is aroused in the mind by mentioning, hearing, remembering, the name, i.e. for one's rank, authority, interests, pleasure, command, excellences, deeds etc. -------------------------------------------------------------- I believe that the "name" being spoken of is God's authority as the Lord. I believe that by accepting Jesus as your master, regardless of how you pronounce the name, you will be saved. I don't believe someone who stutters or slurs or lisps or has an accent or any other speach impairment will be damned for their inablity or even ignorance in calling out the "correct" name. I KNOW that Jesus' name is unknowable. He was called Yeshua ben Josef in life, but I don't believe that is what His Father calls Him. I have shown that in Isaiah 44:6, both the Father and the Son are called Yahweh. "Yahweh" speaks to their divinity and Lordship, I don't believe it is their name. We disagree on this. I am not disagreeing because I have been taught this by man, but because My God would not condemn someone to hell because they were mute or had a speach impediment or ignorant, so I know that God wouldn't punish someone who didn't call Him Yahweh. The only Name God has that must be believed in for salvation is his authority and Lordship over everything. |
and they shall know me by my works.
Oh did I mention that God IS. Name only matters to a human. |
You are correct. Also, Jesus is God. |
LOL spider just keep repeating it. It will sink in or hopefully you
won't have to repeat yourself. I love these people :) |
Aye that!
I also am God. |
They make me repeat the same thing over and over, so I decided to repeat
something that I want to say. I sit around sometimes just saying: "Christians are under Grace, but must obey the law. Christians are under Grace, but must obey the law. Brak! Christians are under Grace, but must obey the law. Spider want a cracker. Brak!" |
lol or spider want to spin the record over and over.
Sounds like we have a bunch of parrots in here.Lets say what we want
without any authority. I did not say anything that can not be proven with out a doubt that Yahweh said. Take it up with Yahweh you have heard the message, now you are accountable to whether you believe what you say or are really just rebelling. I tried to explain to you what you asked. Then you decide to say things I never said nor did Yahweh. this is the sin of withcraft = REBELLION.Yahweh knows, not me.No Yahweh does not send people who TRY with all thier heart,soul and mind to do his will to Hell Spider. (i thought you did not believe in hell) KJV the grave/ (where the English plant thier potatoes.) In old english. Hells meaning.maybe you will be a patatoe.haha. His will is not burdensome. And i know Yahweh is not a respector of persons and does not hold anyone accountable for what they do not know.But being under Grace is more of a responcibility than before.I would study Hebrews real, real close. AB Since Yahshua came. The law has been magnified/the true meaning of)the laws intent.Yes we are not children in the sence that now u understand the penalty of willfull disobedience. The prophets say to REMEMBER THE LAW OF MOSES.See before you could offer up a animal sacrafice for sins. now as we are under grace we have no more sacrafice that we can offer up for intentional sins.Niether were they acceptable under the sacrificial law either. Refusing to obey as rebellious children, this is intentional sinning.Unintentional sinning has always been forgivable. But Yahweh is now to you even more fearful since he gave his only son for you. For Hebrews says you make the sacrafice of Yahshua nothing if you sin after he has given his life for you. So EVERYONE LISTEN TO YAHWEH'S WORD. For u think you know the scriptures and believe you have ETERNAL LIFE in them. The willful sins you commit without asking forgiveness you remain in your sin. You believe the FATHER of LIES and you will recieve his REWARD also. SO BE IT...Miles |