Topic: David Beckham
uk1971's photo
Mon 05/28/07 06:25 AM
Makes a return to the England International soccer squad.

Maybe things will pick up again now.

What do you think?

Alada's photo
Mon 05/28/07 07:08 AM
Do you mean to the England's National Team? Or to the League? Because
last I've heard he is still signed with L. A. Galaxy in the US and Ms.
Beckham is all excited about the decoration of their new home, down the
street from the Cruise's.

Any followers of the Spanish League? Ronaldinho got a Red Card, and he
is suspended for two games, so the season is probably over for him now.

derfw3's photo
Mon 05/28/07 08:52 AM
As far as Beck's return to the ENT, I think it's sort of a stopgap
measure from the coach (remember there're 26 players on current NT
rosters 6 more than in an international tourney) so that if a team
chooses not to release a player to the squad he has a backup. However,
of the players likely to NOT be released to NT duty Beck's is the most
likely because of:

1. Travel time- L.A. to a Euro qualifier is at least a 5 day trip
(allowing one day at each end for jet lag).

2. Squad strength- This is the ENT team we're talking about, not
Romania of the half dozen teams in the world that can do without a
talent like his England is one of them.

3. Scheduling- Unlike the Euro leagues which are running to the end
now, MLS is entering the meat of their schedule; additionally MLS has
scheduled L.A. to visit each team in the league at least once AFTER
Beck's arrival.

4. Money- See #3. With Beckham on the team L.A. sells out the
soccer-specific stadiums in the league and pumps up attendance in the
others. Without, attendence in the same as before (though ticket sales
have already occoured for most of those games).

As for the Spanish Elite League, sorry Alada, but I'm an EPL guy.

uk1971's photo
Mon 05/28/07 09:21 AM
Yes alada. I do mean the national squad.

And many of the German people here prefer to watch the English Premier
They regard English football as faster, more physical, and much better
entertainment than other European football.glasses

Alada's photo
Mon 05/28/07 11:23 AM
More physical, you got that right... My son follows al the Leagues,
personally I like the Spanish League.

no photo
Tue 05/29/07 02:27 AM
"aye" on that an EPL follower as well.

personally, i think Beckham is too overrated. but he is a nice guy and
posh is actually not that bad as a person.

anyways, back to his returning to the ENT, i think he could help where
he does best...being a midfielder. we need to move that ball fast! and
he should keep practicing his penalty shots...we'll never know...hehe

derfw3's photo
Tue 05/29/07 02:47 PM
OK, scratch what I said. FIFA rules indicate that if a player is
listed on a NT roster that their club team MUST release them for duty
with their respective NT.

*Stands on soap box* This rule is BS! While most clubs do make an
effort to release players to NT duty when/if it interferes with their
club schedule, most if not all euro clubs are about to enter their off
season (along with most South American clubs *I think*) and that is when
most qualifier games are played- the Euro off-season. However because
MLS plays a schedule contrary to those leagues this rule is being
applied in such a manner that it will cost the league it's most
recognizable face (Taylor Twellman would be it's best player- a St.
Louis guy happy ) and thus will sap any L.A. matches of both star
power and media coverage (think a PGA event w/o Tiger).

*Steps off of soapbox* Is Beckham overrated? Duh! He does one thing
well- set pieces; however, he does them in a manner that only a couple
of players in the world can be placed in the same class as he. Since
set pieces are such a major part of soccer play and strategy, a player
who can do the things he does is a major weapon and not to be taken