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Topic: Domestic simplicity.....
Jess642's photo
Mon 09/14/09 06:52 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Mon 09/14/09 06:53 PM
A girlfriend arrived this morning...excited...very pleased with her world, and herself...and proceeded to open the boot of her car, and unload three giant boxes...

I was a little puzzled, but her joyfulness was I helped her lug these boxes in...I could smell what was in them...but was wondering what her intentions were.

It turns out her adopted new family...(her daughter's partners family)...have offered her a slice of their expansion, as such...into this area.

Her new family are growers...they have a diverse farm....a virtual corucopia of everything imaginable that grows in this climate...and yes the boxes were full of the most delicious fruits and vegeatables....

and the three box loads were for us....for my family.

This girlfriend of mine is the owner of the horse that is guesting in our yard, and surrounds...was this a 'payment', a sense of debt she felt?

I asked.....and's the 'pay it forward' principle... the irony of it is, I thought I was already being paid in kind, through all the lovely manure her horse produces for my gardens.

So here I am with a kitchen groaning under the weight of more fruit, fresh herbs, and vegetables than a restaurant can out came the dehydrator...out came the phone....and I now have a handful of friends I can share this sudden 'wealth' with....

...and the beauty of this is?

The friends that I called, were all struggling....on the scraps in the fridge...the last wilted offerings before payday.

I have not felt this much delight for a while now....the simple act of peeling apples, and slicing be dried, has given me immense joy..

The gifts of joy can arrive in the form of a skinny arsed wild haired woman lugging boxes of fruit and vegetables.

(I want to add, this same woman, has taken the step to remove all addictions from her life in the last weed, no alcohol, no cigarettes, and no abusive man...she's a legend in my eyes)

newarkjw's photo
Mon 09/14/09 06:58 PM
Thats very cool. I just have to ask one thing. What is a boot in a car?....smokin

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:00 PM

Thats very cool. I just have to ask one thing. What is a boot in a car?....smokin

I think you guys call it the trunk?

Mon 09/14/09 07:01 PM
OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH Canned tomatoes ,apple pie ,apple butter .Damn now I'm hungry ! And a boot is the trunk

chickayoshi's photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:01 PM
That's wonderful to read. flowerforyou

newarkjw's photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:03 PM

Thats very cool. I just have to ask one thing. What is a boot in a car?....smokin

I think you guys call it the trunk?

You guys?..laugh I wasn't sure that is very nice you got all the produce. Enjoy....smokin

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:05 PM

OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH Canned tomatoes ,apple pie ,apple butter .Damn now I'm hungry ! And a boot is the trunk

Hahahaha!!!!!!! Well get your arse over here.... I have the makings of potato and leek soup happening...sweet potato pie...semi dried tomatoes for pizzas...more asian greens than a wok can handle...the largest piece of ginger I have ever seen....enough garlic to ward off the whole Twilight cast....sweet corn, avocados, bananas, ornages, lemons, limes, pineapples...a whole 2 gallon bucket of strawberries...and so much more I would take a month to type it all..

TxsSun's photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:05 PM
Acts of kindness are the things that make us happy. I always enjoy doing for the sake of others with no expectations in return flowerforyou

That was a great story.

I love how the kindness is enough to spread amongst others as well.

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:05 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Mon 09/14/09 07:06 PM

OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH Canned tomatoes ,apple pie ,apple butter .Damn now I'm hungry ! And a boot is the trunk

What time can I expect you all for dinner?

no photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:07 PM
This is a fantastic thing to have happen. I am so glad to see this kind of joy in someones life. When I read this I warmed by the generousity and could actually feel the joy in the thread you have written.:smile:

Mon 09/14/09 07:08 PM
I'll have to come by tramp steamer and work my way there but I'm on it !bigsmile And thank ya

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:11 PM
A month ago this same woman was struggling...I mean really abusive relationship....drug addictions, really poor self esteem...such a terribly sad, and purposeless mindset.

So although it's a genuinely warming morning I can share with all of you..

the power behind this vast.

She has left a life of meaningless behind...and embraced a sense of joyfulness, and generosity...and abundance.


Mon 09/14/09 07:16 PM
Thats awesome for her ! I had freinds here that I wish had found that inner strength and self worth to battle back ! Give her a hug for me .I hope her struggles are over ! Do you have room for my dog too ?

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:21 PM

Thats awesome for her ! I had freinds here that I wish had found that inner strength and self worth to battle back ! Give her a hug for me .I hope her struggles are over ! Do you have room for my dog too ?

Hahahaha of course....if we have room for a horse, a dog, two cats, a gazillion kids...more guitars than a music shop, and various strange looking visitors...what's another dog?

The last month has been a full time commitment, on my part, to be completely available to her... in whatever form she has needed...the cold turkey from both hydro weed, alcohol, and speed has been physically and mentally painful for her...the emotional challenges of removing herself and her kids from an abusive man, who was also her supplier... had her vulnerable.

She has done this.... she has with incredible strength and resilience chosen something different for herself and her kids... and that was all it had taken to trigger her stopping her addictions.

The want for different.

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:25 PM
Oh! ......and the kookaburra in the box...strange houseguest from yesterday?

The wildlife carer rang this morning and said it is still alive, unwell, yes, but is taking she is optimistic...

Mon 09/14/09 07:26 PM
Congrats to her . My best freind could'nt do it I tried but he did'nt make it .They found a card from me on his dresser I almost got to him ! Makes me sad thinking of it .Thats why I 'm happy for your freind and you .Your a special woman Jess.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:26 PM
Pretty cool stuff, Jess.:thumbsup:

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:29 PM
is that cool or what

every year my dad plants like 30 tomato plants and I asked him why so many. you could never eat that many tomatoes in ten years

and he said "it's more fun to give em away than it is to eat em"

Mon 09/14/09 07:34 PM

Oh! ......and the kookaburra in the box...strange houseguest from yesterday?

The wildlife carer rang this morning and said it is still alive, unwell, yes, but is taking she is optimistic...
Sweet .Thats good news !Quietman I think I like your Dad My sister has a huge garden every year and does the same !

Jess642's photo
Mon 09/14/09 07:35 PM

is that cool or what

every year my dad plants like 30 tomato plants and I asked him why so many. you could never eat that many tomatoes in ten years

and he said "it's more fun to give em away than it is to eat em"


And through her new family's generosity, and hers, I can now perpetuate it with others, by sharing with more friends.......

She also gets to be our 'supplier',...hahahaha!!!! of wholesome, healthful food!!!... our new home delivered fruit and vegetable lady.

A wonderful business for her, to meet good people, and do good things, and support her kids, also.

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