Topic: SIN???
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Tue 05/29/07 07:54 AM
Spider, by the looks of it, in 3 years time, when we are still here and
chatting, wonderman, when he thinks he doesn't get enough attention,
will still scream that he was "attacked" and "assaulted", even if no one
of us has been talking to him for years.
It is like kindergarten, he should grow out of it.

If he is such a good Christian, he should forgive and move on.

Otherwise he makes himself laughed at.

Every weekend when we sit here and talk about what was said it comes up
once or twice like an echo.

kidatheart70's photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:09 AM
I wonder if someone makes a type of chapstick for ego's.laugh

Hi Andreaflowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:15 AM
Hi Harryflowerforyou flowerforyou

Are you talking ego-chapsticking???

What an idealaugh laugh laugh

wonderman37's photo
Tue 05/29/07 12:04 PM

no photo
Tue 05/29/07 12:10 PM

You just have to read what Invisible is saying and assume that "silence
is consent" for everyone else. It's clear that you will be mocked and
abused and the non-Christians and many of the Christians will take joy
in your pain. They have no interest in being fair or making friends.
To receive the treatment you deserve from them, you will have to reject
Jesus or, at the very least, accept their beliefs as true. Take
whatever comfort you can in knowing that Jesus was right about being
hated for loving him, which is just further proof that he is God. Take
comfort in knowing that your riches are being stored up for you in
heaven. If anything, their behavior should encourage you to reject this
world and wait with bated breath for the next.

God bless.

kidatheart70's photo
Tue 05/29/07 12:14 PM
My view on this is you're reading A LOT more in to this. I don't think
it has ANYTHING to do with being a christian.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/29/07 12:23 PM
Isaiah 29:13
'Whereforethe Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with
their mouth, and their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart
far from me.'

You carry in your hand the Word of God and within it folded neatly for
you is the Cloak Of Humility in the words of Jesus. Yet you put not on
this garment provided by God preferring instead to wear the Coat of
Pride and stand above your brothers and sisters as though you ARE the
very Light of God.

James 4:6

'... God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble.'

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/29/07 12:24 PM
I don’t think anyone hates you guys, but the picture of you two standing
next to Jesus laughing at everyone who is being sent to hell just seems
to me like an awfully egotistical picture. Will Jesus be laughing and
pointing at people too? Is that what religion is all about for you

I think you two fellows paint the color of your own graves.

How you two managed to turn this thread into being about YOU is far
beyond me. You guys must be totally paranoid.

no photo
Tue 05/29/07 12:27 PM

1) I don't believe in hell.
2) If hell existed I wouldn't laugh at anyone who was going there.
3) We didn't "make this thread about us", that's your own bias speaking.
4) "Who gets the last laugh" is just a saying.
5) Yeah, I'm sure you will probably want to argue about this post too,
but I don't.

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 05/29/07 12:39 PM

The Bible makes no clear mention of oral sex at all. Therefore, it is
difficult to produce an official biblical position. Nevertheless, based
on the information that follows oral sex is not sinful and that it is
permissible only within the bonds of marriage between a husband and

The book Song of Solomon is a love poem between a husband and wife.
This book is seen in two senses: physical love and a description of
God's love for His church. Either way, the book definitely encourages a
husband and wife to enjoy the sexual pleasures of one another. It is in
this beautiful book that two scriptures appear which may shed light on
the issue of oral sex.

Song 2:3, "Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my
beloved among the young men. In his shade I took great delight and sat
down, and his fruit was sweet to my taste."
Song 4:16, "Awake, O north wind, and come, wind of the south; make my
garden breathe out fragrance. Let its spices be wafted abroad. May my
beloved come into his garden and eat its choice fruits!”

Notice in Song 2:3 that it says, "...and his fruit was sweet to my
taste." Obviously this involves very intimate experience. Tasting one
another can have a wide variety of applications. It appears that this
is a veiled way of alluding to oral sex. Furthermore, if we look at
Song 7:7 we read, “I said, ‘I will climb the palm tree. I will take
hold of its fruit stalks.’ Oh, may your breasts be like clusters of the
vine." Apparently, fondling of the breasts is meant here. If such
enjoyment of the body is intended, and since tasting (which involves the
mouth) is part of that expression, it would seem safe to say that oral
sex is permissible.

What does it mean to eat the choice fruits of his garden in 4:16? She
is saying that she is "his garden" and that she desires that he eat of
her fruit.

The poetic use of metaphors in describing the physical relationship is
sometimes hard to fully apprehend, but it seems obvious from the context
that intimate sexual union is implied.

"The beloved’s request that the winds blow on her garden, that is,
herself was a delicate, poetically beautiful invitation to her lover to
fully possess her (come into her). She wished to be his with her charms
as available as fruit on a tree."1

Therefore, it is my entention that oral sex is permissible between a
husband and wife.


All this bickering is about to beat my last nerve. If we are to be good
speakers of God, we should have more faith and be able to climb above

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/29/07 12:42 PM
The fruit of the Good Vine is love, joy , peace and patience. Where
these are there also will be the Holy Spirit.

The fruit of the withered vine is hatred, pride, conceit and quick
anger. Where these are the Holy Spirit is not for it wafts around these
things that it might not be tainted by them.

kidatheart70's photo
Tue 05/29/07 12:43 PM

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/29/07 12:49 PM
Kat that was such a straight forward reading of the Word. My respect to

the Word is so simple.

wonderman37's photo
Tue 05/29/07 01:10 PM
kid, i know your intension are good, but blinded you have no idea what
the three threads where abbra tried to perscute me, and yes there were
three of them he made it very clear in all three were he was talking to.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/29/07 01:16 PM
Wonderman he was responding to Kats beautifil post which addressed the
actual question of the OP and not this silly three ring circus that has
sprung up to cloud it.

You may be the center of your universe but you are not the center of
everyones elses.

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 05/29/07 01:26 PM
Persecuted was the way of the life that the Lord led. Yet HE forgave.
Are we not to be forgivers? Are we not to lead by example? Are we not to
be kind, considerste, being versed in the way of the Lord. Are we not to
be loving in all things? Easy in temperance, knowing that in all things
we differ, but may learn from such exsistance? Kindness is the key. To
let a loathing from another beseige us from our own security, is to
allow insecurity to enter within ourselves. Such is anger, fear, self
importance(ego). Our beliefs will be our own. Theirs will be to believe
what they will. Until it is time for them to change. Let it be. Stay
within yourself, believe in yourself. This I say to all. We are all
human, and will all be fallable.


no photo
Tue 05/29/07 01:39 PM
Katflowerforyou :heart:

klugman's photo
Tue 05/29/07 01:45 PM
Christ also hung out with the people nobody else wanted to hang out often do we see that...???

If I ride up to a local church wearing jeans and carrying my helmet, I
am instantly judged to be "bad".

I know, Ive been there.

I was also brought up in a Christian home, and went to Christian school
till 8th grade.

You can have your religion.

God knows my heart.

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 05/29/07 01:53 PM
yes, God knows your heart.
As for cgurh, please do not place all of them in the same basket. My
church for instance: We have all kinds of people from all walks of life.
We have openly drug addicts, we have prostitutes, we have gays, we have
alcoholics, we have bikers, with and without jackets and or patches. We
welcome them all. We even have seperate facilities for dancers and
prostitutes so no one knows who they are trying to get help. So, I ask
you, please do not put them all in the same catagory.
My sister and her husband have a church for bikers. They have a very big
following. Bikers love God too.

I know this, because I was one, as was my late husband. Patch and all.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/29/07 04:01 PM
You have a good point Kat.

'Church' is a congregation or assemblage of people with like mind and
faith that meet in fellowship. It does not mean a building but could
also take place in a building.

When you find a group of people like that it matters not where they meet
it only matters that they are your friends in faith.