Topic: “Stop the 9-11 cover-up”
jamesfortville's photo
Sat 09/12/09 09:19 PM

It’s absolutely impossible to reason with a liberal they only see what they want to see on the page. For example where did I say the fire inside the towers got hot enough to melt that steel. The plane crashing into the building caused a fire that got hot enough to weaken the steel on one or two floors, because the installation had been changed. This/ these floors collapsed on to floors that still had good steel but the weight caused the next floor to go and so forth.

warmachine's photo
Sun 09/13/09 11:45 AM
laugh I'm a liberal? :banana:

Uh... sure, but it's becoming obvious that you represent the worst sort of NeoCon sheep, especially with the spouting of Bush science.

Fire got hot enough to weaken steel... soften steel= Melting Steel. Symantics aside, if all 47 core columns were "weakened" simultaneously, as you have repeatedly stated, then would there not have a been a twisted and bending of the metal in the towers? Would that not, as physics would have dictated, in any of the 47 columns, caused a outwards buckling, instead of a floor by floor free fall?

If the fires had gotten so hot to cause this weakened, softened state, then wouldn't the steel, from top to bottom of the towers looked like someone had twisted some taffy as opposed to this:

Dragoness's photo
Sun 09/13/09 12:16 PM

Dragoness's photo
Sun 09/13/09 12:23 PM

This is pretty interesting. Look at the part that talks about what happens on a cloudy day versus a sunny one.

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 09/13/09 12:57 PM
You are an errand boy sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill.

where have I heard that...




Apocalypse Now

no photo
Sun 09/13/09 01:06 PM
First they call you a liberal, then a national socialist? laugh

warmachine's photo
Sun 09/13/09 01:09 PM

Thats a great article.

warmachine's photo
Sun 09/13/09 01:33 PM

First they call you a liberal, then a national socialist? laugh

It's not much different really than what I've experienced since the bait and switch from Bush the Lesser to the Obama Zombie Nation.

When I was all over Bush those who support the Dems were all in my corner, now that I'm against Obama, who's doing the same crap, those Dems now regularly argue against me, while those who loved them some Bush are my biggest cheerleaders.

Here's the problem, I don't have a horse in that pony show, I stand by truth as I discover it, through research of facts, so when people run into the truth, the old adage truth hurts, makes them want to attack me. They perceive some sort of personal offense, when I'm simply standing on what's right.

Freedom and Liberty are popular ideas, unless you're an Idealogue.

jamesfortville's photo
Sun 09/13/09 03:08 PM
Hello War machine,

Simultaneously = Happening, existing, or Dome at the same time.
Show me where I said simultaneously. I said one floor at a time. You rewrote my statements and then made fun of what you are contributing to me.

Why don’t you talk about the air plan that crashed into the Empire State Building in 1945?

warmachine's photo
Sun 09/13/09 03:28 PM
Edited by warmachine on Sun 09/13/09 03:29 PM

Hello War machine,

Simultaneously = Happening, existing, or Dome at the same time.
Show me where I said simultaneously. I said one floor at a time. You rewrote my statements and then made fun of what you are contributing to me.

Why don’t you talk about the air plan that crashed into the Empire State Building in 1945?

Did the plane that crashed into ESB cause it to collapse? Did it cause a complete restructuring of our ability to protect our civil liberties or wars on multiple fronts?

You don't have to say simultaneously, because there was not a one floor at a time failure, if it had, then the towers would have taken a hell of alot longer to fall than 10-15 seconds. By your logic, if it was a floor by floor collapse, then, when you watch the videos of the collapse there'd be a resistance from one floor to the next,however it was free fall floor by floor, neatly into it's own footprint... all 3 buildings.

You're playing word games, when the science you're using doesn't hold water.

darkowl1's photo
Sun 09/13/09 03:33 PM
Edited by darkowl1 on Sun 09/13/09 03:46 PM

Very simple:

3 words.

Explain building seven.



Sorry, but I, for one second, don't buy that. Not for all the federal reserve notes in existance.

Building 7 didn't get hit by a plane, nor did it sustain heavy damage from the Towers collapse or from fire.

So lets be a little more specific shall we. What caused building 7's structure to fail so extensively that it fell, at free fall speed, into it's own footprint?

I got an idea, why don't we ask former New York city OEM Emergency coordinator Barry Jennings (RIP) just what trapped him in building 7 for several hours?

part 1 of Barry Jennings account

part 2 of Mr. Jennings story.

it's what you call C-4laugh laugh laugh
it's the only thing that can get that hot to meld glass and steel in swirls.devil someone did something naughty.....aaauuummmm!!! i'm tellin!!!! aaauuuummmm!!!!!think surprised shades we are the only ones with those methods, started and crafted by men like my friend Art Dore, (also was the owner of the toughman contest) and he would probably agree that it was an in the states contract....for patriot act control, but these are my words, not his.......and the person calling names in here, our constitution has been null and void behind the scenes for the rich and powerful for the entire time it's been in existance, and that you will have to ask them why...i dare ya. i think the answer is what most could tell you...there's no bounds to what people will do to other people for New Orleans, i've seen older people shot for two dollars. imagine what people would do for billions. yours and my life would mean nothing in the decision for whatever reason.....wake go back to sleep.

jamesfortville's photo
Sun 09/13/09 04:00 PM
Hello War Machine,

As I remember the plain that crashed in E S B was a B26, a lot liter, slower, and it wasn’t caring much full. The most important thing the integrity of the building hadn’t been compromised.

I saw a special on Public Television that said the installation had been blown away allowing heat to compromise the structure.

I don’t have a copy of the TV but what I saw- one floor at a time.

warmachine's photo
Sun 09/13/09 04:15 PM
However, there's no scientific backing for the fireproofing to have been blown away. In fact NIST only did one test, shooting a 12 gauge at fire treatment on some steel and that didn't even come close to proving what they were saying happened. Also, NIST did a fire test on a model of the towers floors, with steel that had no fire treating, and after a day. there was no collapse, just some small sagging.

The Twin Towers were 417 meters tall - 63,5 x 63,5 meters wide - and were more or less pulverized in approximately 12 seconds. Many critics claim this is almost free fall speed. That would mean zero resistance from the buildings own steel and concrete structure on the way down.

But the towers were supported by a core of 47 massive steel beams and 236 on the outer sides.

In order for those buildings to fall the way they did, and no it was not floor by floor, there was absolutely no delay in their global failure, it just came straight down, all 283 steel columns and the concrete that built it's foundations, walls and inner core would have all had to have some sort of magical failure... simultaneously.
If even 1/4 of the columns had provided resistance those buildings would have went down like a lumberjacked tree.

lulu24's photo
Sun 09/13/09 04:16 PM

It's a violation of Mingle2 policy to attack or denigrate another member. Please discuss the topic and not each other.

Consider this a warning.


warmachine's photo
Sun 09/13/09 04:45 PM


It's a violation of Mingle2 policy to attack or denigrate another member. Please discuss the topic and not each other.

Consider this a warning.


drinker smokin

willing2's photo
Sun 09/13/09 04:46 PM


It's a violation of Mingle2 policy to attack or denigrate another member. Please discuss the topic and not each other.

Consider this a warning.


Thank you, Ms Lori:thumbsup:

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 09/18/09 10:23 PM

“Stop the 9-11 cover-up”

Russia Today
Friday, Sept 11th, 2009

American citizens are pounding the streets, still searching for answers because the official version of the 9/11events has failed to satisfy many people, and there are calls for a fresh investigation into the tragedy.

The push for another investigation into the 9/11 attacks grows larger with each passing year, particularly today when the US is commemorating the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, which claimed almost three thousand lives.

Manuel Badillo’s uncle died when the Twin Towers came down. He believes the US leaders had prior knowledge of the impending attacks but consciously failed to act.

He asks, “Why was there no justice yet? Why is there no accountability?”

Badillo is among roughly 80,000 New Yorkers petitioning for a new, impartial, probe to answer the questions many believe state and federal officials are failing to address.

Manuel Badillo says, “The majority of family members do not believe the story. First responders do not believe what they were told by the government. All of this turned out to be lies, what we have been told. 60% of the commissioners do not believe the story they received.”

Critics say the 9/11 Commission Report, presented as the official version of events, failed to hold a single individual accountable for the numerous warnings leading up to, on and after September 11.

The NYC Coalition of Accountability Now (CAN) is an organization that is focused on getting a referendum during this November’s mayoral election, to allow New Yorkers the chance to vote for a new 9/11 investigation.

“It’s absolutely essential for the world, for the well-being of the world, that we understand why 9/11 occurred; who was behind it,” says Ted Walter, executive director of CAN. “Because if we have a false understanding, we’re going to be basing policies on that false understanding.”

Pressure’s even coming from the west coast – Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen has written a 15-page public letter to the president calling for another 9/11 inquiry.

But a move like Sheen’s can be quite a gamble in the domain of American public opinion. Just ask Van Jones, Obama’s former ‘green jobs tsar’. He stepped down because of hysteria over his support for and association with 9/11 truth-finders.

“Van Jones should have stuck to his feelings and to his democratic actions that he took, and his intuition, because the majority of Americans, the majority of New Yorkers, all the polls show it, know the government did not tell us the entire story about 9/11,” says Manuel Badillo.

Eight years ago all New Yorkers were standing shoulder-to-shoulder on the day nearly three thousand people perished from terrorist attacks. Now the citizens are standing on one side, police officers on the other, and many are asking for accountability, a demand from which these Americans refuse to back off.

glasses interestingglasses

warmachine's photo
Sat 09/19/09 03:06 PM
That's right, the victims families are some of the biggest supporters of 9/11 truth.

So are the sick and dying first responders.

jamesfortville's photo
Sat 09/19/09 07:57 PM
Why doesn’t some body take up Charlie Sheen’s Twenty Question?
The first one is something else but number eight is interesting.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 09/19/09 08:38 PM