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Topic: Coincidences
earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 09/11/09 05:52 PM

galendgirl's photo
Fri 09/11/09 08:10 PM

But it's fun to make up the true 'meaning!'

Jess642's photo
Fri 09/11/09 10:25 PM

Thinking of a friend I have not spoken to for a few months...did the mental 'Wonder how ####### is travelling...' kind of fleeting ponder...

two hours later the phone rings, and yep, it's him.

Thought perhaps it may be time to get another piano...seeing as we shall have a permanent home soon...a friend asked a day later, if I knew anyone that wanted their old piano...they have no room for it in their new home.

I was rereading an old favourite..."Celestine Prophecies"....just drifting along contentedly....my cousin called, and has discovered this amazing book, and she thought of me....yep....Celestine Prophecies....and we were both on the same page in the 6th chapter.

earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 09/11/09 10:29 PM


Thinking of a friend I have not spoken to for a few months...did the mental 'Wonder how ####### is travelling...' kind of fleeting ponder...

two hours later the phone rings, and yep, it's him.

Thought perhaps it may be time to get another piano...seeing as we shall have a permanent home soon...a friend asked a day later, if I knew anyone that wanted their old piano...they have no room for it in their new home.

I was rereading an old favourite..."Celestine Prophecies"....just drifting along contentedly....my cousin called, and has discovered this amazing book, and she thought of me....yep....Celestine Prophecies....and we were both on the same page in the 6th chapter.

Thats funny, ya know until now, i had forgotten I had read that book.


I have had alot of celestine prophecies "coincidences" happen while reading that book.

Jess642's photo
Fri 09/11/09 10:31 PM
Does no one else just have things, people, moments...just appear?

Appear just after thinking of them.....?

Are they not 'coincidences'?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 09/11/09 10:33 PM

Does no one else just have things, people, moments...just appear?

Appear just after thinking of them.....?

Are they not 'coincidences'?

It depends on how you want to look at it.

Some people feel that it goes beyond mere coincidence and into ESP.

Jess642's photo
Fri 09/11/09 10:34 PM

Does no one else just have things, people, moments...just appear?

Appear just after thinking of them.....?

Are they not 'coincidences'?

It depends on how you want to look at it.

Some people feel that it goes beyond mere coincidence and into ESP.

I don't believe in coincidences.... if you see my first post in this thread....it shows my perception of 'coincidences'.:wink:

earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 09/11/09 10:35 PM
Its kinda like how alot of "mistakes" are actually "on purposes".

Jess642's photo
Fri 09/11/09 10:36 PM

Its kinda like how alot of "mistakes" are actually "on purposes".

YES! I don't make 'mistakes' ... I make 'opportunities'..:wink: laugh

earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 09/11/09 10:37 PM

Its kinda like how alot of "mistakes" are actually "on purposes".

YES! I don't make 'mistakes' ... I make 'opportunities'..:wink: laugh

Yes thats why its in quotes, I always say "there are no mistakes, only learning lessons."

Mystique42's photo
Sat 09/12/09 06:13 AM

Its kinda like how alot of "mistakes" are actually "on purposes".

YES! I don't make 'mistakes' ... I make 'opportunities'..:wink: laugh

Yes thats why its in quotes, I always say "there are no mistakes, only learning lessons."

Yup, I agree.... and every day offers new opportunities to learn. I call it LIFE 101... an every day class of life.

no photo
Sat 09/12/09 06:47 AM
I always have coincidences of recurring numbers. I was engaged to someone whose birthday was the same date as my first marriage. My last boyfriend had the same birthdate(not year):smile: as my son. Another guy I dated was born on the same date of the month as me. I purchased a piece of land and it turned out the four numbers in the address were the same as a previous house I had owned. I guess I should probably take the time to read a numerology book.

seamac's photo
Sat 09/12/09 09:08 AM

Just had this similar convo with a co- worker....She recently started dating this guy that drives a black pickup. She's constantly seeing black pickup trucks now and thinking it's him. She said it's weird coincidence every time she's outside a black pick up goes by one way or another. I say it's not at all, those pickups were probally going by before she met this bloke...she's just now noticing them! (we actually argued about this) laugh ohwell

I think you are correct, the black trucks were there but of no particular importance to her. I remember when I was pregnant for example, I started seeing pregnant women everywhere!

Funny thing to actually argue about!

galendgirl's photo
Sun 09/13/09 01:42 PM
I suppose that whether you ascribe meaning to patterned events or you take them as nothing more than happenstance, the fact that coincidences make you THINK give them inherent value.

no photo
Sun 09/13/09 01:48 PM
Personally, I have had DAY sha VU..and usually it seems like it is mark or a maybe even a preminition that this was going to happen..Much like phychics have, they have a vision of something happening to them or being at a place at a moment in time marking some major happening in life. Then, when the event of the dream or preminition if you will happens I ask myself what does this mean and what choices have I made that brought me here.

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