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Topic: God: Prophecy vs Free-will
Redykeulous's photo
Mon 05/28/07 06:53 PM
Spider, according to your belief, God is the creator. I see this as
meaning Anything that God created is within it's grasp to change. Yet
you take something that "we" have assigned a universal law of mathmetics
to, a circle and a square, and made it impossible for God to Change.
It was our math based on the laws, miricles not inclusive, that this
universe seems to run on. Did God create a universe based on
mathmatical equations that even God can not change?

Somewhere in there, I think you were trying to show a paradox, but the
only paradox I see, is that God, having completed it's mission of
creation, now, cannot change what has been done.

You further descripe an adherance to this idea by stating that God has a
conception of all time and space, but plays along with the human
conception, to allow us the gift of having lived within our

This idea once again reinforces that God either cannot or will not
change what has been conceived.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 05/28/07 07:32 PM
How is believing in that which is paganism?

Let me put it another. I have not God but God. There is no other.

'Thou shalt have no other Gods before me'

I have never twisted the scripture. I have presented a differing view
of it than what you hold. In reasearching this I have discovered that
some of the Christian organizations out there hold the same beliefs.

Those that don't are amoung the Seven Churches that I beleive to be the
seven Heads of the beast.

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 05/28/07 07:52 PM
AB, your last post has me wondering, was it in answer to mine? It did
not make sense to me. I don't want to miss something important.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 05/28/07 08:35 PM
Spider has now added to the list of things he has blessed my with that I
teach paganizism.

It was posted to that statement not to you my bad.

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