Topic: chasity
technicole's photo
Sun 09/06/09 12:04 AM
Hi iwould like to discuss all the benifits of waiting for marriage

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 09/10/09 07:45 PM
It is amazing to me that there were no comments or responses to this topic-which is a very important topic...Just not very popular.
I'd have to say it isnt easy to wait for marriage...But just as Jesus returns for a spotless "Bride" we should all be seeking a spotless relationship and doing things in order to recieve God's full blessing on that union. After all love is a covenant. A promise is between two individuals-a covenant is between God and those two individuals/with HIM being the focus.

My teenage daughter asked me during highschool why she should wait when all of her friends were being active.
I explained to her this way...

When you go to the Mall to buy something, say a new pocket book,
do you buy one with a broken handle or a ripped linig? she said no.
I told her did she look for one that had been scuffed or faded? she again said no.
I said you look for one that is new and basicly perfect and un-used and she said of course.
I asked her then why would you expect any less of the man who you will spend the rest of your life with.

The physical attributes of love can diminsh as years take their toll,
Doesnt mean they arent an important part. However the foundation of love should be the heart, and soul of someone. How you communicate
and respect each other will be there long after the rest isnt in the spot light. Those are the things that will carry you through the tough times. Forgiveness, longsuffering, unconditional love, and mutual respect. Those things cement a solid loving relationship.

DjVan27's photo
Wed 09/16/09 07:18 PM
Edited by DjVan27 on Wed 09/16/09 07:56 PM
I look at all my secular friends who have already had many intimate relations with different persons, and some really dont seem ( or arent) happy.

As i grow older ive come to easily see why God tells us to wait for marriage. Honestly i think having sex before marriage is the main reason why 40% of marriages in Canada alone end in Divorce.

I just wish more young people my age were saving themselves too. it really gets me depressed sometimes when i think ive found the right girl for me just to find out she hasnt saved herself for marriage.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 09/17/09 03:52 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 09/17/09 03:54 AM

I just wish more young people my age were saving themselves too. it really gets me depressed sometimes when i think ive found the right girl for me just to find out she hasnt saved herself for marriage.

One thing I would like to say about this, is that one shouldn't disqualify a person just because they aren't a virgin. Obviously being with one who shares that ideal helps, HOWEVER even if they've already given themselves physically, it doesn't neccessarily define them now. One can have lost their virginity at one time, and be totally different in the aftermath. I mean as humans and as sinners we all make mistakes. Lord knows I've made plenty sexually myself even if I am a virgin physically. What matters more is who we are and what we do now, not who we used to be, or what we once did.

Just something to keep in mind....

DjVan27's photo
Thu 09/17/09 07:09 AM
Sorry but I save myself and I want someone who does the same.
You have to understand that a Christian virgin like myself has stayed pure for all this time I expect my mate to be the same.

If you made the mistake of loosing your purity before marriage then find a partner that did the same.

I won't settle for impurity, sorry.

That's my opinion , the young virgin male opinion.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 09/17/09 01:18 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 09/17/09 01:20 PM

Sorry but I save myself and I want someone who does the same.
You have to understand that a Christian virgin like myself has stayed pure for all this time I expect my mate to be the same.

If you made the mistake of loosing your purity before marriage then find a partner that did the same.

I won't settle for impurity, sorry.

That's my opinion , the young virgin male opinion.

I understand wanting this ideal, but we are all sinners, even you. We're all impure in some way, that doesn't mean God loves us any less, or won't show mercy on us any less. If God can love us, accept us despite all our faults, why can't we do the same?

Furthermore, have you considered maybe someone who has messed up in the past, may need someone like you who hasn't?

DjVan27's photo
Thu 09/17/09 02:01 PM
hey im not saying your a sinner for not staying pure, im just saying that IVE saved Myself and i want a woman that has saved Herself.

If someone has messed up in the past thats fine ask God for forgivness. but that still doesnt change my mind on Pure + pure.

you can do whatever your heart desires.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 09/17/09 03:06 PM

hey im not saying your a sinner for not staying pure, im just saying that IVE saved Myself and i want a woman that has saved Herself.

Yeah, but you have to realize we're not perfect, only God is perfect. In wanting that perfect person (as good an ideal as that is to have), you may end up missing out on someone else in the process, who is just as much deserving of love as you are, regardless of their past.

DjVan27's photo
Thu 09/17/09 03:11 PM
you know i see your point. and i do agree that we arent perfect haha.
But i just think that ( more so i know ) that god provides, and since im saving myself and waiting for marriage The Lord will provide me with what i require. I know.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 09/17/09 03:20 PM

you know i see your point. and i do agree that we arent perfect haha.
But i just think that ( more so i know ) that god provides, and since im saving myself and waiting for marriage The Lord will provide me with what i require. I know.

Fair enough, I wish you the best of luck. :)