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Topic: Lets try it this way..
Redykeulous's photo
Sat 05/26/07 06:45 PM
Without lectures and going into huge fields of reference, WHAT ARE THE
ISSUES YOU WOULD MOST LIKE TO HEAR, government incumbents articulating

Let's make a list - a logical real list of real concerns. Here we are a
good sampling of many people. So let's make a list. And then let's see
if we can find any incumbents discussing these issues.

Then let's talk about who is worthy for vote.

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 05/26/07 06:46 PM
One of my biggest issues is with the current Health Care system.

so cut and paste this and add your issue in the reply. Let's start a
list first. Then we all do research and find whose talking and what are
they saying about OUR issues.

1. The current Health Care System

no photo
Sat 05/26/07 06:49 PM
The fear of big government was that the copnsumer would get a diminished
product but now big business diminishes a product to increase profit

I would like big business to be addressed.

Dracklag's photo
Sat 05/26/07 07:24 PM
I would like to go to the Bar, but thats not happening anytime soon.

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 05/26/07 07:33 PM
SKA - Big business, meaning Micro soft, Walmart, pharmeceutical
companies, insurance companies - what? And in what way would you like
to see them changed? Remember the trickle down affect here.

Are you looking for less import, are you looking for more stringent
production codes, for higher wages, for less tax loopholes. Must be
much more specific, please.

There are many good issues within your thoughts, pull them out.

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 05/26/07 07:35 PM
Drack - Here's one for ya drinker

"Why does everybody want to kick my @$$
I'm just tryin to have a little fun
for all of those who can't""

compliments of Big & Rich

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 05/26/07 07:38 PM
poverty in the so called "developing countries"

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 05/26/07 07:40 PM
Mrs. Red:

Big and Rich rock
I like save a horse, ride a cowboy

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 05/26/07 07:40 PM
trade with china, screw that.

no drilling in alaska, screw that too.

campaign finance reform, totally messed up soft money.

gay marriage, get it over with already, let em.

oh the list could go on, but not trying to boggart your thread.


HangedMan's photo
Sat 05/26/07 07:44 PM
Illegal immigration.
Drilling for oil no matter where it is.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 07:57 PM
Reform the way Political Donations are distributed, so anyone can run
for president and not just those supported by donations from Big

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 07:58 PM

sodamnsexy's photo
Sat 05/26/07 08:09 PM
Problem is evil rules the land.
Republicans i must respect because they fight for what they want but
they are fundamentally evil.

Democrats...have good ideology but are weak.
So all thats left is look out for yourself.
Can't depend on elected officals to care about anyone other than
themselves...such is human nature.

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 05/26/07 08:41 PM
LW - Save a Horse Ride a Cowgirl ok so I changed the words. Sing that
one Karoeke. Yea! Love Big and Rich.

There's a street in Citay of Chicago, Broadway, that has a stretch that
encompasess alternative bars and clubs. So when I sing that part in the

"Ridin up & down Broadway on my 'Ol Stud LeRoy" I always think of the
summertime carousing up and down Broadway. Ha!

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 05/26/07 08:41 PM
Look who's straying away from topic. OK - CONTINUE:

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 05/26/07 08:44 PM
some great issues. I'll put them in a list tomorrow after work and
let's see if we can internet search to see who, if any, politicians
address OUR issues.

Later folks, workin the store alone tomorrow, guess I better get some

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 08:50 PM
FDR was a Democrat!!


Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 08:55 PM
JFK was a Democratdrinker

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 09:04 PM
Woodrow Wilson was a Democratdrinker

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 09:09 PM
Stem Cell Research, allow it, fund it, make it so....drinker

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