Topic: Come on In - part 67 | |
I told "C" to use the bug spray and it was done now is feeling MUCH better!!!!!
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Hi ((Chevy)) , How ya doing today?
Hey Chevy!!..You advertising for Wranglers now?
ya, it was moonday last night ... just havent changed it yet... |
Moooday!!!!...gotcha!! |
whats up?????
How ya liking that new Jeep? Pretty good I betcha!!
Bout time!!! do you spect us to FLIP if you are here
with the gabbers????? whats up????? |
had to go to the grocery store.........needed a bunch of stuff!! I HATE GROCERY SHOPPING!!!!! I put it off too long.....
I need to go and get groceries too! I HATE IT!!! Waste of MONEY!!!! EAT and ******!!!!!!!!!...
thats ONE of puttin it!!!!! |
Its the truth!!
Just wasting our money!!! |
your just renting it !!!!
I'm having a 90 sec. meal for supper tonight. Just pop it in the microwave for 90 sec. and its done. Now is that lazy or what???
your just renting it !!!! |
I wanna help!!!!
I'll hold him down you SPANK!!!! Im gonna SPANK THAT BUTT CHEVY!!! ^^^ |
I have the feeling....... he MAY like it tho!!!! |
Me too and I also have the feeling
we wouldn't have to hold him down either.... |