Topic: Another Baptist preacher prays for the death of Obama | |
Any pastor, priest, bishop, minister..what ever the title, that teaches this kind of hate is not, in my mind "a person of God"...I don't care what their credentials say.
Any pastor, priest, bishop, minister..what ever the title, that teaches this kind of hate is not, in my mind "a person of God"...I don't care what their credentials say. I don't consider him to be a man of the cloth either!! |
I remember the video about this Pastor! And he's the same Pastor that is praying for Obama to die. He never filed a complaint...interesting. Tempe pastor: Border Patrol beat him at checkpoint Reported by: Christina Boomer Last Update: 4/17 5:48 pm TEMPE, AZ-- An investigation has been opened by The Arizona Department of Public Safety to see if officers acted properly during a controversial border stop from Tuesday. The man at the center of the stop is Steve Anderson from Tempe. He’s the father of five children, a small business owner who travels about three days a week to California, and a pastor for Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe. His wife Zsuzsanna is a housewife who also home schools their children. The 27-year-old lived a quiet life until he posted a video on YouTube this week. While sitting in his church, his wife’s hand on the record button, Anderson delivered a harrowing account of a recent encounter at a Border Patrol checkpoint in Arizona. With large red marks across his forehead, he said he refused to answer a Border Patrol agent’s questions when stopped. Agents then called in the Department of Public Safety to arrest him. He said officers broke the windows, deployed a stun gun on him several times, and then smashed his head into the broken glass. He was subsequently arrested. At his Tempe home, he showed off several pieces of bloodstained clothing and several marks from stun gun prongs on his stomach and arm. He admits to refusing to answer the Border Patrol agent’s questions and his reason is simple. He argues that our forefathers who drafted the Constitution wrote the Fourth Amendment and Fifth Amendment in order to protect us from becoming a “totalitarian government”. Checkpoints, he said, violate civil liberties. In a DPS news release from Friday, officers said Anderson never filed a complaint with their office concerning his arrest but instead made a YouTube video that featured his version of the events of that day. The news release also said the department was looking at current agency policies and procedures that officers must comply with when requested by any agency to respond to checkpoints. As an American, Anderson said he should have the right to go anywhere he pleases without the government asking him what he is doing and why. That is the beauty of America, he argued, the gift of a free society. He does not believe officers had the right to search his car without a warrant. Yuma Sector Border Patrol spokesman Ben Vik confirmed the arrest late Thursday. Vik said that on April 14th, Anderson was in the eastbound lanes of Interstate 8 when he pulled into a checkpoint near mile marker 78. Vik said one of their police dogs alerted agents to Anderson’s car. Border Patrol dogs are trained to sniff out illegal narcotics or hidden people, and if the dog suspects something and alerts an agent, Vik said that gives Border Patrol probable cause to search a vehicle. Anderson refused to that search, he refused to answer questions, and he refused to move to a secondary inspection area, according to Vik. Border Patrol officials said Anderson refused to leave his car for more than an hour, which is when Department of Public Safety officers arrived to arrest him. Anderson describes himself as a “Constitutionalist”. His wife’s blog is full of references to the concerns the couple has about signs they see the U.S. government is morphing into a totalitarian government. His wife was born in communist Hungary and explained that she loves America and all the freedoms people have here. This isn't the first and only YouTube video Anderson has posted. See some of his other stories below: Airport Police New Mexico Border Patrol Bible Burning Anderson said he supports border security and believes illegal immigration is a problem, but states that I-8 is not the border. He said he took his incident to the internet, in part, to broadcast his larger battle over the existence of Border Patrol checkpoints beyond the border. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Border Patrol checkpoints more than 30 years ago. In 1976, United States V. Martinez-Fuerte the Court found that briefly stopping cars did not violate the Fourth Amendment because they are minimally intrusive and therefore did not constitution an unreasonable search or seizure. Arizona Department of Public Safety Statement Concerning the Arrest of Steven L. Anderson Arrest took place Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at a U.S. Border Patrol Checkpoint The U.S. Border Patrol asked the Arizona Department of Public Safety to assist their Officers with a combative motorist who refused to cooperate at a checkpoint in the westbound lanes of Interstate 8. Steven L. Anderson, the combative motorist, was arrested by a DPS Officer for resisting a lawful order during the incident and booked into the Yuma County Jail. Mr. Anderson never filed a complaint with DPS concerning his arrest but instead made a You-Tube video that featured his version of the events of that day. An investigation by the Arizona Department of Public Safety's Professional Standards Bureau is underway. DPS is looking at current agency policies and procedures that officers must comply with when requested by any agency to respond to checkpoints. In this particular instance DPS will look at our Officer's response and actions. We will offer no further comment on this incident until the investigation has been concluded. *It should be noted that in 1976, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Federal checkpoints near border areas to enforce laws prohibiting illegal immigration. This U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint along Interstate 8 is in compliance with federal law.* I didnt watch the video but that sounds like he's just a troublemakin dumbazz |
Actually speaking with the pastor after service is the epitome of Christian teachings. For it is said that if you have aproblem with your neighbor, talk tot hem about it, and if that does not resolve the problem, bring another person to talk to your neighbor. If it still is not resolved, then include the pastor and the church. If at this point it still has not been resolved, then turn away fromt his person as they refuse to accept Christ's love and law, and pray for their salvation.
In my mind, your pastor is your neighbor just like everyone else, and considering (hypothetically speaking) that he is preaching this during service, then making sure the entire congregation is present and knowledgeable about your discussion and beliefs, is definitely Christs way. I know a lot of Baptists (and I was brought up in an off shoot of the Baptist church)...I can't think of anyone that would think this was ok. my family would walk out of that church if we heard that. Not all Christians are like the ones doing things like this. we are all human and we all have outrage over something (doesn't make it right though) But I think you answered your own question when you said "supposed". It goes against the teachings...I'm a Christian but what do I know Hey Rose... I would have liked to be there when he was spouting that stuff to see the reaction of his congregation. That might have said more than I would want to know. (((meatloaf))) honestly...if I had heard that in a sermon..I would walk out where all could see me then wait until after church and let him know how wrong he is. not only is he wrong in my mind, but in the teachings as well...and don't think I would hold back either. I'm sure the whole church would hear. now I know that probably isn't Christian either, BUT I never claimed to be perfect and I speak my mind |
his website a "separated" Baptist Church? so he isn't a real Baptist and just uses the name |
The video is on the link if you want to see it.
his website a "separated" Baptist Church? so he isn't a real Baptist and just uses the name Great. ![]() This is from your link and it shows the sermon about Obama (for listening). |
Edited by
Tue 09/01/09 11:09 AM
"Pastor Anderson holds no college degree but has well over 100 chapters of the Bible committed to memory, including almost half of the New Testament.
Originally from Sacramento, CA, Brother Anderson was a member of Regency Baptist Church. On November 12, 2005, Brother Anderson sought counsel from his pastor, Stephen Nichols, about starting a church in Phoenix, AZ. They discussed and prayed about it and decided that Brother Anderson would move to Phoenix immediately to start the church. The next day, on November 13, 2005, Pastor Nichols called him up on the platform of Regency Baptist Church in the Sunday morning service and had the church pray for Brother Anderson as he would be going out to start this new church. Faithful Word Baptist Church began 6 weeks later as an independent, autonomous Baptist church." so he's not even a real preacher just some guy who decided to start a church but he memorized a hundred chapters of the bible so that makes him qualified ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
wow all i know is that i am blacc and if he is touched i ride do or die I have no idea what he just said Well I'd rather ask than guess, but if I had to guess I think he said I am black and if he is touched I ride do or die, I think that part is a threat. I love that we have this president, and I do worry for him with so much hatred out there. I'll partly agree. The fact that we have such an obviously Statist/quasi-fascist president and Congress makes it obvious that government is a scam, even to the average person. In that way, things are playing out beautifully-even the dumb rube in the styx can see that the government is running a scam operation and deserves to be destroyed. W00t! :) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
wow all i know is that i am blacc and if he is touched i ride do or die I have no idea what he just said Well I'd rather ask than guess, but if I had to guess I think he said I am black and if he is touched I ride do or die, I think that part is a threat. I love that we have this president, and I do worry for him with so much hatred out there. I'll partly agree. The fact that we have such an obviously Statist/quasi-fascist president and Congress makes it obvious that government is a scam, even to the average person. In that way, things are playing out beautifully-even the dumb rube in the styx can see that the government is running a scam operation and deserves to be destroyed. W00t! :) ![]() ![]() ![]() I don't see how any of this is being "played out beautifully".... |
Don't make much reason to want BHO dead. The more he goes on, the more his lack of credibilty shows.
The less Liberal Dems are starting to come around. They see their jobs depend on the people and may want to kiss a bit of commoner a$$ til election time is over. BHO getting wasted or dying would only put Pelosi closer to being in power. She's wacko!! |
wow all i know is that i am blacc and if he is touched i ride do or die I have no idea what he just said Well I'd rather ask than guess, but if I had to guess I think he said I am black and if he is touched I ride do or die, I think that part is a threat. I love that we have this president, and I do worry for him with so much hatred out there. I'll partly agree. The fact that we have such an obviously Statist/quasi-fascist president and Congress makes it obvious that government is a scam, even to the average person. In that way, things are playing out beautifully-even the dumb rube in the styx can see that the government is running a scam operation and deserves to be destroyed. W00t! :) ![]() ![]() ![]() I only partially understood that even are you saying that poster was a "dumb rube in the styx "? |
I'm not familiar with this website but this is what it said:
"I don't want him to be a martyr, we don't need another holiday. I'd like to see him die, like Ted Kennedy, of brain cancer," Anderson now says. In an interview with ABC 15 outside the storefront Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Broughton said of Anderson's controversial August 16 "Why I Hate Barack Obama" sermon: "I concur, I think we'd be better off if God would send [Obama] where he's going now instead of later. [Obama] is destroying our country." And when a reporter followed up with, "you're not advocating violence against the president?" Broughton, who has previously said his weapons are for defense, says "I'm not going to answer that question directly." "I don't care how God does it, I'm not going into further detail than that," Broughton says. "It would be better now than later." In fact, Broughton added, he moved to the Tempe area to attend Anderson's storefront church, which is an "old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, King James Bible only, separated Baptist church." Roughly 24 hours after attending Anderson's anti-Obama sermon, Broughton made national headlines when he showed up heavily armed to an Obama event in Phoenix." |