Topic: Dear Diary...........OMG another Diary Part 120 + - part 54 | |
I could and have said something before and WW3 happened with gramps in the middle of it. He should learn to stay out of my way!!!
if you move him he will likely just seek out new friends of the same caliber he needs to get some direction in life and start showing he has found a pathway , the one he is choosing may get him nowhere , kinda like beating a dead person though trying to point out such things to a teen , they just don't get it .... he needs to be scared straight a little bit maybe |
My method of dealing with MY TEENS ??..... threathen to BEAT some sense into them ... ( kidding) .. or shoot pucks at them in the driveway TIL THEY GET IT
Hello ladies Biker |
fas hfasdjk dasfjk hafjkds kthinking about this is only pissing me off!!!
hey tallguy!!!!
nice bug swatter .... does it work on STUPID PEOPLE as well ??? I could use it today
nice bug swatter .... does it work on STUPID PEOPLE as well ??? I could use it today |
I thought I would have hours of bug killing fun.......but ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Well for the last week I have had WW3 on Mozzy's here in my office ... SWINES
I havent seen any mossies here this summer. Too hot and dry. Its a good thing too because Im allergic to all bug bites.
I only saw a few mossies this year an only got bit twice ! good thing cuz I'm allergic to a lot of bugs to
Good morning TTO. Hoping all is well. I'm navigating chicago traffic. Looking foreward to the weekend.
Im looking forward to
I feel like I am panicking or close to panic
to much stuff on my mind I'm gonna go try to read for awhile maybe I'll pass out for a bit |
My godchildren are all doing ok. They call and email with homework questions. They are all busy enjoying the summer.
Reading helps???
And my niece goes for her drivers license today. Yikes!
I got alot on my mind too.........too much. I think a good Zen moment Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmming on the beach will do me some good. But then again......I have a hard time Ohmmmmmmming when there is so much eye candy!!!
I bet.......the minute I turn my phone on its gonna ring......
I think I will just keep it I can have some peace!!