Topic: The Science of George Lukas's Star Wars
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Tue 08/25/09 07:26 AM
I wonder how many millions of threads have this as a topic. I even saw a few books you can buy on this. I need to pick them up one day for as usual I am curious.

Okay this thread is to talk about the movie and how far in time or how close are we in achieving some of the special effects that this movie has created for our minds to envision.

In otherwords how far are we on having a spaceship that do all the things you see in the movie.

For example - I always thought it was interesting how the ship would make a complete spin when landing on a planet. Wouldn't the people inside get dizzy or go upside down, or is it a type of pendelum that keeps the floors level no matter what the position of the ship is?

Then the laser or photons that shoot out of the ships. How far are we on technology there?

How would gravity be able to be on ships as we see the passengers walking around like they are on Earth?

Perhaps you have more questions or even answers on some of the effects George Lukas instilled in the movies. Don't hesitate to post them up.

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Tue 08/25/09 08:20 AM
What happened? Don't tell me I am the only one who enjoys Star Wars?laugh

raiderfan_32's photo
Tue 08/25/09 08:28 AM
Can't really say. I did see an interview once with an Air Force weapons researcher. He worked on things like rail guns, energy weapons, EM weapons etc. And one of the things he said that stuck in my mind was that he couldn't wait for the Air Force to come to him and ask him to build a lightsaber.

I want a lightsaber.

no photo
Tue 08/25/09 08:32 AM
Wow he knows how to make a real lighsaber. I wonder is that laser technology?

Energy weapons would be interesting also.

To tell you the truth I wouldn't mind seeing a actual spaceship that can manage gravity and control the people on board without getting nauseaus while in flight. That would be interesting to see if possible one day.

prisoner's photo
Tue 08/25/09 08:36 AM
His name is spelled Lucas and the Star Wars films are too geeky for me.smokin be seeing you

no photo
Tue 08/25/09 08:38 AM

His name is spelled Lucas and the Star Wars films are too geeky for me.smokin be seeing you

Thank you for correcting that. Very true Lucas it is. drinker

and stay out of the geek thread!laugh

prisoner's photo
Tue 08/25/09 08:42 AM

His name is spelled Lucas and the Star Wars films are too geeky for me.smokin be seeing you

Thank you for correcting that. Very true Lucas it is. drinker

and stay out of the geek thread!laugh
rofl I always do. be seeing you

no photo
Tue 08/25/09 08:45 AM
It is not like this thread will last long anyway. In a few days this thread will already be way back in the burner. Besides there are only a few geeks existing in the world. They are a rare species and probably it is better that way since we are such odd folks for the normslaugh

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 08/25/09 08:51 AM
FWIW, I found the original trilogy to be best. (I also want a light saber!)

no photo
Tue 08/25/09 09:08 AM
How would a lightsaber be created technologically?

no photo
Tue 08/25/09 06:38 PM
How far advanced would our civilization be if the ancient library at Alexandria was never destroyed, AND archimedes ancient text was never lost or erased and written over? Like Carl Sagan believed, I think we would be on Mars, or even some humans living on Titan, another place water is found. It sure makes me ponder the fact computer power doubling every 18 months, some day, we won't be able to make the distinction between reality, and virtual reality, or better suited name, halodeck, haolodeck..anyway. I'm new here and thought I'd say whats on my mind!Actually, I heard some thing like this from Michio Kaku, my favourite author and professor.

no photo
Tue 08/25/09 06:45 PM
I don't know if its already posted, but I believe DARPA is the agency that would be closer to developing these weapons than any other. I have recently seen some wild stuff they are actually making! Stranger, is that there are actually no DARPA government scientists, they are all (other than recruiters and paper pushers) contracted out to Universities and private companies, DARPA has no lab itself, believe it or not, maybe not considering all the lies the gov. likes to tell. Thought I'd add to the topic.

no photo
Tue 08/25/09 07:58 PM
Welcome to the threads shon38! It is great to see a new face and some logical replies for a change. Keep them coming. drinker

no photo
Wed 08/26/09 12:27 PM
What is the possiblity of Force Shields in the near future?

no photo
Wed 08/26/09 01:06 PM
Actually it would be interesting to know what happened to this 'Star Wars' program I think Ronald Reagan started? Was that scratched or still going on silently, or completed. What is the deal with that?

no photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:20 PM
I think the Geek Squad has just left. It is okay now! You can post something - not many will seelaugh drinker

RoamingOrator's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:43 PM
Well when it comes to the science of Star Wars, I only have questions, not answers.

The one big one that I don't undrstand is thus:

When George Lucas started his project back in the 70's he started in the middle of the book (per se). Why he did that is another question for another time. However, while the technology here on earth got better as we were waiting for him to finish his saga (with chapter 3). While apparently in this Galaxy, Far, Far, Away, in some distant past, their technology actually got worse as their timeline went on. The vessels and weapons were better operating and more high tech the further back in the saga you go. How is that possible? How is this society retrograding as the movie is moving forward (meaning from chapter one to 6)?

Now, movie fans will tell you that you have to give George some lattitude considering the differences in movie making from 1977 to 200? (I don't remember). I, though, say this is where you have to stick it in his side. Just because movie making techiniques have improved does not mean that he can just forget to take the fact that he is making "prequiels" into his designs. The man, in his efforts to extort larger profits, went for the shiny, fancy and quite frankly more advanced technology in the newer movies. What is really sad is we bought it hook, line and sinker.

If he'd of been true to the story, well he wouldn't have messed up his original creations for one, but he would also have made the ships look a little rougher than the original Falcon, and they'd of deffinately looked a lot more low tech than the sky cars used in Empire. But he went for the CGI and hooking the children, and quite frankly blew it.

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 08/26/09 03:08 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Wed 08/26/09 03:16 PM

Well when it comes to the science of Star Wars, I only have questions, not answers.

The one big one that I don't undrstand is thus:

When George Lucas started his project back in the 70's he started in the middle of the book (per se). Why he did that is another question for another time. However, while the technology here on earth got better as we were waiting for him to finish his saga (with chapter 3). While apparently in this Galaxy, Far, Far, Away, in some distant past, their technology actually got worse as their timeline went on. The vessels and weapons were better operating and more high tech the further back in the saga you go. How is that possible? How is this society retrograding as the movie is moving forward (meaning from chapter one to 6)?

Now, movie fans will tell you that you have to give George some lattitude considering the differences in movie making from 1977 to 200? (I don't remember). I, though, say this is where you have to stick it in his side. Just because movie making techiniques have improved does not mean that he can just forget to take the fact that he is making "prequiels" into his designs. The man, in his efforts to extort larger profits, went for the shiny, fancy and quite frankly more advanced technology in the newer movies. What is really sad is we bought it hook, line and sinker.

If he'd of been true to the story, well he wouldn't have messed up his original creations for one, but he would also have made the ships look a little rougher than the original Falcon, and they'd of deffinately looked a lot more low tech than the sky cars used in Empire. But he went for the CGI and hooking the children, and quite frankly blew it.

I tend to agree with you. I grew up with the original trilogy. Star Wars was the first movie I ever saw in the theatres when I was barely a toddler. and I was hooked from the moment forward...

that is until 1997 when he made the "updated" re-releases of the original 3 movies.. totally lost me and the magic was kinda gone. especially when he pulled the "Han shot Greedo in self defense" bull. But Han shooting first is another issue, maybe for another thread.

I was totally put off by the glitz and glamour of the "new" movies. Episode I was an exercise in total lack of substance.. medicloreans? what the hell was that all about?

Here I was thinking that the Force was something mystical and supernatural energy "that surrounds us, binds us, holds the galaxy together.." That to be a Jedi meant to be totally in tune with the fabric of existence and at one with nature, to have achieved enlightenment through hard work, dedication and constant honing of one's mind and body, like the monks of Shaolin.. but noooooo all it turned out to be was hopped up mitochondrial DNA!! Really? Really, George? Really??

And don't get me started about how Aniken turned to the dark side..

what a weenie baby!!

Kind of off topic but did anyone see the second season to 'Rome' on HBO? The story behind Vorenus' 'turn to the darkside' was way way way more compelling than some navel gazing brat of a junior jedi feeling dissed by the jedi council and getting all @ss-hurt over Padamame (or whatever the hell her name is)..

If it was going to be about her, it needed to be that she got killed by some rogue jedi and Aniken's rage for someone specific was what turned him to the darkside.

but as it stands, the story "ends" with Aniken getting played for a chump and it totally ruins the rest of the story for me (ie Episodes 4-6).

And the "clone wars" and the 'hunting down' of the jedi knights was a complete let-down for me. When Obi Wan told Luke the story of Vader in Ep IV, he made it sould like Vader went and killed all the jedi one by one.. like some kind of bad-@ss Kaiser Sose, but instead he goes and wipes out a bunch of Jedi Kindergarteners and leaves the killing of the real Jedi to the clones.. the whole Jedi Genocide took place in about 5 movie minutes.. bull crud.. What a cop out!