Topic: Current Administration Progress. What really has been accomp
Winx's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:10 AM

Palin is a psycho crazy lunatic, thank the powers that be she never got any closer to the whitehouse or this country would have surely gone down the tubes.

As a woman, I found her appalling. As an intelligent human being, I found her appalling. As an entertaining subject, however, she was hysterical.


raiderfan_32's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:13 AM

Credit card reform legislation.

Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good.

<--------- would love an explanation on this one..

A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and

B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad?

Dragoness's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:14 AM

Palin is a psycho crazy lunatic, thank the powers that be she never got any closer to the whitehouse or this country would have surely gone down the tubes.

As a woman, I found her appalling. As an intelligent human being, I found her appalling. As an entertaining subject, however, she was hysterical.

Agreed. It was only funny after realizing she would not be in the whitehouse though.

It's so funny how Liberals...always look to the one and only criteria...remember this...120 I Cans...are worth alot more then 120..IQ...Clinton and Obama are proof...:smile:

Not a liberal so who were you talking to?

no photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:16 AM

As a supporter of Obama, I can only say at this point I am tired of your whining. I guess if your life is that miserable all you can do is repeat the same old crapola.

Have a good one, I'm off to live my life and be as productive as I can be. But when I return I imagine you'll have repeated the same old rants of the last 6 months.

" I'm off to live my life " it ain't so...Joe...:smile: ...The Mobfather just said that Obama is a happless college kid...vacationing in Marxist Vineyard...laugh

Why do you think that is funny?

He's just sore he didn't get the President he wanted. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm pretty sure...from listening to the Mobfather...that he didn't really care for McCain either...I wasn't happy with McCain...but...I LOVED Sarah...and her Conservative beliefs...McCain was what I like to call a moderate...sort of an Independent...which means...he doesn't stand for least with the far left...and...the far know where they're coming from...

Who the hell is the mobfather? Rush? Really doesn't matter though, the mob doesn't appear to have any one leader. There's plenty of nut cases out there to follow.

The fact that you loved Sarah is scarey all by itself. She can't say anything with out getting it wrong.

franshade's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:16 AM

I cant understand how anybody that voted for Obama could possibly "Strongly approve" of the way Obama is doing.

Some people say they have nothing to criticize him for after almost 9 months in office. Come on here everyday praising him. I wonder if some on here are paid by the DNC.

Tell us what he has done specifically aside from;
He closed gitmo!

oh wait...

He was going to stop tribunals...

oh wait...

He was going to release the CIA torture photos...

oh wait...

He cut taxes to 95% of Americans...

oh wait...

He decreased the deficit....

oh wait....

He ended the war in Iraq...

oh wait....

What other progress has he made?

by the amount of threads being dedicated to either bashing him or praising him, I'd say he's made progress, beats the rate me threads :wink:

no photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:17 AM

by the amount of threads being dedicated to either bashing him or praising him, I'd say he's made progress, beats the rate me threads :wink:

laugh laugh laugh

Dragoness's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:17 AM

Credit card reform legislation.

Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good.

<--------- would love an explanation on this one..

A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and

B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad?

Read the bill.

Gun rights are out of control now. We need better screening, more enforcement, less guns period.

franshade's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:18 AM

by the amount of threads being dedicated to either bashing him or praising him, I'd say he's made progress, beats the rate me threads :wink:

laugh laugh laugh

:thumbsup: Suz laugh

heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:27 AM

Credit card reform legislation.

Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good.

<--------- would love an explanation on this one..

A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and

B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad?

Read the bill.

Gun rights are out of control now. We need better screening, more enforcement, less guns period.

False. I suggest you read "more guns, less crime". We need private ownership of weapons and a dismantling of the police State and Military-that is how to solve our crime problems.

raiderfan_32's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:28 AM

Credit card reform legislation.

Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good.

<--------- would love an explanation on this one..

A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and

B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad?

Read the bill.

Gun rights are out of control now. We need better screening, more enforcement, less guns period.

don't tell me to read the bill. You know so much, explain to me just exactly how this works..

gun rights out of control?? yeah, damn that second amendment!

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:31 AM
I'm all for less guns....

and more swords!

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:31 AM
Edited by damnitscloudy on Mon 08/24/09 11:33 AM
damn double posts

Dragoness's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:37 AM

Credit card reform legislation.

Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good.

<--------- would love an explanation on this one..

A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and

B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad?

Read the bill.

Gun rights are out of control now. We need better screening, more enforcement, less guns period.

False. I suggest you read "more guns, less crime". We need private ownership of weapons and a dismantling of the police State and Military-that is how to solve our crime problems.

Not and there is no solid proof of that statement.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:40 AM

Credit card reform legislation.

Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good.

<--------- would love an explanation on this one..

A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and

B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad?

Read the bill.

Gun rights are out of control now. We need better screening, more enforcement, less guns period.

don't tell me to read the bill. You know so much, explain to me just exactly how this works..

gun rights out of control?? yeah, damn that second amendment!

I already said there was an add on to the bill that allows people to carry their weapons in state parks.

Interpretation is everything with that second ammendment and the current interpretation may not be correct.

raiderfan_32's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:41 AM
you want to get involved in "proof", go study calculus.

franshade's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:44 AM

I already said there was an add on to the bill that allows people to carry their weapons in state parks.

Interpretation is everything with that second ammendment and the current interpretation may not be correct.

Not sure what the problem is w/carrying a weapon in a state park, unless you are interpretating or anticipating someone to use their gun. :wink:

raiderfan_32's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:45 AM

Credit card reform legislation.

Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good.

<--------- would love an explanation on this one..

A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and

B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad?

Read the bill.

Gun rights are out of control now. We need better screening, more enforcement, less guns period.

don't tell me to read the bill. You know so much, explain to me just exactly how this works..

gun rights out of control?? yeah, damn that second amendment!

I already said there was an add on to the bill that allows people to carry their weapons in state parks.

Interpretation is everything with that second ammendment and the current interpretation may not be correct.

not so, says the supreme court. individual right. as intended, despite your howlings.

as for state park carry, have you ever been alone hiking in mountain lion or bear country? I can tell you that oc spray and a whistle will just make you that much more tasty without the means to defend yourself.

more guns=less crime. Look at crime rate stats in any state that has concealed carry laws. In Tx, since 95 when the legislature passed the CHL bill, crime rates have dropped precipitously.

Armed society=polite society

Dragoness's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:47 AM

Credit card reform legislation.

Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good.

<--------- would love an explanation on this one..

A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and

B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad?

Read the bill.

Gun rights are out of control now. We need better screening, more enforcement, less guns period.

don't tell me to read the bill. You know so much, explain to me just exactly how this works..

gun rights out of control?? yeah, damn that second amendment!

I already said there was an add on to the bill that allows people to carry their weapons in state parks.

Interpretation is everything with that second ammendment and the current interpretation may not be correct.

not so, says the supreme court. individual right. as intended, despite your howlings.

as for state park carry, have you ever been alone hiking in mountain lion or bear country? I can tell you that oc spray and a whistle will just make you that much more tasty without the means to defend yourself.

more guns=less crime. Look at crime rate stats in any state that has concealed carry laws. In Tx, since 95 when the legislature passed the CHL bill, crime rates have dropped precipitously.

Armed society=polite society

Hogwash. All of it. We live in a well armed society right now and have been all along.

TJN's photo
Mon 08/24/09 11:50 AM

Credit card reform legislation.

Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good.

<--------- would love an explanation on this one..

A) exactly how did "credit card reform" expand on gun rights? and

B) how exactly is expanding gun rights bad?

Read the bill.

Gun rights are out of control now. We need better screening, more enforcement, less guns period.

don't tell me to read the bill. You know so much, explain to me just exactly how this works..

gun rights out of control?? yeah, damn that second amendment!

I already said there was an add on to the bill that allows people to carry their weapons in state parks.

Interpretation is everything with that second ammendment and the current interpretation may not be correct.

In U.S. states forbidding concealed-carry (meaning states that don’t allow law-abiding citizens to pack heat without restriction):

** There are 89% more violent crimes than in states that permit concealed carry
** There are 127% more murders than in states that permit concealed carry
** There are 25% more rapes than in states that permit concealed carry
** There are 96% more aggravated assaults than in states that permit concealed carry
** There are 106% more robberies than in states that permit concealed carry.

Put another way, the argument in defense of unlimited concealed carry looks like this: In the seven-year period following the adoption of unrestricted (or virtually so) concealed-carry handgun laws, affects U.S. states saw an average…

** 27% reduction in violent crime
** 31% reduction in murders
** 16% reduction in robberies
** 26% reduction in aggravated assault
** 16% reduction in robberies

These aren’t tricks of statistics put out by gun makers or pro-gun lobbyists. They are from a scientifically conducted and methodologically rigorous study of public records of crime rates per 100,000 citizens across all 50 U.S. states, as compiled and analyzed by Yale legal research scholar John Lott and published in his book More Guns, Less Crime (a great read, as is his follow-up, The Bias Against Guns).

Again, these are only a few of the myriad of statistics — among these an October 2003 CDC report summarizing studies that found no conclusive evidence that gun control laws reduce crime or suicide — that prove without any possible doubt that the framers of our Constitution had it right when it came to packin’ heat.

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Mon 08/24/09 12:07 PM

Credit card reform legislation.

Which sadly had an add on expanding gun rights. So it was not all good.

If he actually expanded on gun rights, that would be the first good thing this administration has done! (we need guns to protect ourselves from the criminal parasites known as "police" and general riff raff)

We need guns because it is our constitutional right to bear arms and because without that right we fall prey to anyone wanting to take control of us whether it's a burglar or a terrorist. The notion that we need guns to protect ourselves from the POLICE, for God's sake, is just plain nuts. You talk about things like that and the "establishment" as if we were living in the 60's. The reason there was an anti-establishment sentiment back then was because of the Viet Nam war. Focus on what is real, m'dear, so we can move forward.