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Topic: Majority of Americans Losing Faith in Obama
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Sat 08/22/09 08:34 AM

People being nervous in a time of recession is normal. As long as they do not buy into the "blame Obama for it all" that seems to be going around and realize that this recession started way before he got elected.

Obama is trying to fix what is wrong in this country. He is not trying to take us down as is being portrayed by the nay sayers. He will not be able to fix everything by the end of his term because recession usually lasts longer than a presidential term.

Everyone seems to want to blame someone for the down fall but if they want to lay blame they need to look at our last president. We are reaping what he sowed now.

I love it !!...he's trying...well...he's made EVERYTHING WORSE !!...hes a fuggin' disaster...check the debt...check the number of pepole on food stamps...check the number of people on unemployment...over 3 million more people out of work since he's taking over...last month...650,000 people signed up for food stamps...over 34 million now getting food stamps...the most EVER !!..he's added 1 trillion dollars to the national debt in 6 months...it GWB 2 1/2 years to do the same...I'm sick of this " he's trying "...stuff...no country has ever taxed or spent it's way into prosperity...NEVER !!...he says.." I'm closing Gitmo "...it's still open...he says " I'm ending the war in Iraq "...we're still in Iraq...what this guys needs to figure out is " words mean things "...he says one thing and does another...he's a typical Liberal...good intentions...he's trying...all that crap means nothing if...the end result is a disaster !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It took GWB......Your own conservative words!!!! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/22/09 09:19 AM
People have been losing their faith for some time now, in the government and our system in general. I'm not sure any one president could restore the faith and optimism again...way to many issues that are dangling, and people are fearful. So we need a scapegoat, it's the American way. It's the apple syndrome..

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 08/22/09 09:51 PM

People have been losing their faith for some time now, in the government and our system in general. I'm not sure any one president could restore the faith and optimism again...way to many issues that are dangling, and people are fearful. So we need a scapegoat, it's the American way. It's the apple syndrome..

Good point...

I DO NOT want a scape goat.

People are arguing back and forth Bush/Obama... and missing the point.

The bad things don't happen on the presidents watch...
they only get 4 to 8 years...

Bad stuff is comming from people that sit the congressional and senate seats for to long (way longer than any one president).

They will continue to keep us blaming the current president because it is in their best interest...

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