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Topic: single parents
Queene123's photo
Fri 08/28/09 09:31 PM
as i mention i was single parent even after i married my son dad i was still single so to speak

my daughter is 26yrs old and she was a single parent to 2 kids before she married there father but yet she still single for he wasent doing anything and then she had there 3rd child, she has been separated from there father for 2yrs and she has filed for her divorce

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 08/29/09 08:00 PM
My son is 5 and been raising him alone since he was born. His sperm donar is a piece of crap that is sitting in jail- I have no intention of letting him back in my son's life (he hasn't seen him in over 3 years anyway)!!

The only advice anyone can give you is just to love your child - be there for him/her - You are mom and dad. Your child will look at you as their best friend. You will hug your child, kiss their boo boos, teach him/her to go potty, take them to school, teach them manners, teach them about the world around them...you will be doing everything. But it's fun and best of all, you get all their love :P

no photo
Sat 08/29/09 11:14 PM

"It's called compassion", Yes buy guys have to work and make do without your "It's called compassion" thats called an uneven playing field sorry.

Equality is having choices in life, fairness even, however when a woman decides to pick a guy up in a bar, and conceives and then hides that for months then declares she is having a baby, the guy has no choice.

However, the woman has choices in abundance, so compassion is indeed a two way street, but women always call the guy a dead beat, or waster.

The man has a choice the minute that he chooses to not wear a condom.
And...that's not even 100%. It takes two to make a baby.

And...this is not even about the topic. This is about a pregnant woman asking for advise from other moms.

drinks :banana: frustrated frustrated

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 08/30/09 04:23 AM
My best advice is get yourself in some kind of training program that offers child care while your child is still too little to know who is changeing diapers and giving the bottle. Other wise you will end up destitute most of your life. I would personally recommend "Families First" Programs that are nationwide and often the most comprehensive and sucessful. You can find it on line. Another is Displaced Homemaker programs through your states community college or university system. You do NOT have to be a high school graduate for either of these programs.

If your parents are upset, but not toxic, I would make and effort to be as responsible as possible and keep the lines of family communication open if possible. Sometimes extended family or "faith" family can be a consistent and continueing support system.

While I think it could be handled with more understanding and grace I think you do need to listen to the negative things that have appeared in the thread. Those are common feelings and predjudices you are going to often be facing and learn how to over come or at least act rather than react to.

Not knowing the Dad's side I can't condone or condem him for being unable to cope as responsibly as he should. Two people did create this situation and two people are going to be need ed to deal with it well. It sounds harsh but you didn't make great choices so you should not expect great outcomes from this relationship. You are young but he seems selfish and irresponsible. Pursue paternity and child support. Your first responsibility is to your child. If he is a good guy it won't be against him. Be realistic he has responsibilities to all his children. That does not mean that he can not or should not do what he can to help. Passing down clothes, baby items, helping see to it you get to medical care. Get him a way to contact you and communicate with him like and adult. Don't get in the way of him loving the baby even if he doesn't love you.

If he is a willing single parent and more qualified to be the custodial parent do the right thing and share custody or let him be the custodial parent and meet your responsibilities for child support and co-parenting.

I would not rule out adoption or foster care even though I am not personally a big fan of either. While you may be feeling better finishing up the first trimester you havn't seen nothing yet and being a single parent can be incredibly hard. Many options are out there.

Asking for advice on line is all well and good but you need an in person available mentor and I would get to Planned Parenthood and see what they can find as a mentor for a prenatal post natal coach.

Contact your local fire department EMT services and learn where a shelter system is if you need to go to one in and emergency.

Contact and apply to what your birthright and your baby's birth right is for public assistance. This is a compassion country and taxpayers want people who try to work within the system to pull themselves up by the bootstraps.

I am a child of the system, and experienced social services resource person, a natural mother, adoptive mother, foater mother, Grandmother, and caregiver. If you have questions I will be glad to tell you what I know from experience and where to find answers if I don't. I won't candy coat it. But I will tell you it can be done and done respectably, and sucessfully. It will be the hardest but the best thing you will ever do with your life that can bring you great happiness even though at times there will be pain. Good Luck.

no photo
Mon 08/31/09 11:32 AM
I've been a single mommy for almost 7 months now, and it's hard! My ex found out I was pregnant about a month before he went to Iraq. We were still together when he left and then about a week after he was gone, I didn't hear from him for six months. So, he didn't even know how the pregnancy was going or whether we were having a girl or boy. I was devastated, because I was totally in love with him.

He got back from Iraq in April, when our son was two months old. I guess he decided he wanted to be a daddy and has been in his life ever since. He sees him at least once a week, but for the most part I'm a single mommy doing it on my own.

He leaves for Afghanistan next year and I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't want my son to be without his father again, especially since they absorb so much information and start forming real bonds with people at that age. I just hope it works out :(

rainbug's photo
Sat 10/10/09 06:18 PM
my daughter will 3 be in december, ive been single since i was 5 weeks pregnant so i get it. family wants to give advice no matter what but its worse whan your single. on the days when you havent slept for 48 plus hrs and the house is turned upside down and you could grate cheese on your legs (yes, personal experience) dont be afraid to let somone help. single moms are wonder women but we deserve help from time to time. also listen to your instincts they will make sure your baby is ok. one day at a time

catseyes1's photo
Sun 10/11/09 08:19 PM

im soon gonna be a single mom in january was woundering if i could get sum advice from other single parents

I have been a single parent for 17 years and wound up with a great kid and all the advice I can give is give that child all the love he/she deserves. Be there for the child. Do not talk bad about the other parent. Participate in all activities the child will go through growing up.

Winx's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:55 PM

im soon gonna be a single mom in january was woundering if i could get sum advice from other single parents

I have been a single parent for 17 years and wound up with a great kid and all the advice I can give is give that child all the love he/she deserves. Be there for the child. Do not talk bad about the other parent. Participate in all activities the child will go through growing up.

I'm a single parent too. That's the way I do it.

TxsSun's photo
Mon 10/12/09 06:59 PM

im soon gonna be a single mom in january was woundering if i could get sum advice from other single parents

I was a single mom at 16. My daughter is now 22. She turned out to be the best ever for me. We grew up together and we learned right from wrong on many aspects together. Just be the mom that "can" not the mom that "won't" and you will gain his/her respect no matter how it turns out. I see you are older than I was, but that child can always be your best friend.

meowzakat's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:18 PM
When they are lil..its puttin up with cryin,poopin,eating.The worst parts are colds and long sleepy nites walkin the hall. If you can get thru that...even by askin a girl friend to stay with you once a week for your sanity, you will be ok. Read to yer lil one as soon as she comes home..an do it every day...its worth it. Trust me..the long nites,an sleepy days will be worth every hair you pull out, when you look at that face sound asleep in your arms.:angel:

Winx's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:19 PM

When they are lil..its puttin up with cryin,poopin,eating.The worst parts are colds and long sleepy nites walkin the hall. If you can get thru that...even by askin a girl friend to stay with you once a week for your sanity, you will be ok. Read to yer lil one as soon as she comes home..an do it every day...its worth it. Trust me..the long nites,an sleepy days will be worth every hair you pull out, when you look at that face sound asleep in your arms.:angel:

Oh, yes, it is worth it!:heart:

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