Topic: Bush Gone.. The Wars go ON..
InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/20/09 06:16 PM

How is it possible some of you have no idea what the hell is going on in this administration and what Obama is accomplishing in Afghaistan etc? Must be just watching Beck and Rush and Fox, other wise you might know what's been going on in afghanistan and why we are still there. Geez doesn't fox cover this stuff, or do they just feed you all that angry stuff so you assume Obama is uninterested and doing nothing.. ugh

Try turning the channel now and then.

All of this and you offer no factual information. Its your opinion, and fox news bashing.. Obviously, you must watch fox news because you seem to be an expert on their content. Can any of you post something without bringing up fox news or sarah palin? The smoke and mirrors is getting old..

no photo
Thu 08/20/09 06:31 PM

How is it possible some of you have no idea what the hell is going on in this administration and what Obama is accomplishing in Afghaistan etc? Must be just watching Beck and Rush and Fox, other wise you might know what's been going on in afghanistan and why we are still there. Geez doesn't fox cover this stuff, or do they just feed you all that angry stuff so you assume Obama is uninterested and doing nothing.. ugh

Try turning the channel now and then.

All of this and you offer no factual information. Its your opinion, and fox news bashing.. Obviously, you must watch fox news because you seem to be an expert on their content. Can any of you post something without bringing up fox news or sarah palin? The smoke and mirrors is getting old..

I do listen to them all and hear the glaring contradictions, then take some of the things they see and find out where they originated from which is the most interesting.

Please don't ask me to do the homework for others. I can't spend all my time informing people of what I find in all those places. It's up to each of us to do the same. If this thing was something the Republicans were pushing I would want to know just as much because of it's importance to all people.

And I would be listening to everything as I am doing now. If you don't listen to the rhetoric on both sides you can't make any sense of the things that are coming out of the mouths of the people on the hill.

When I hear all the negativity around here it's almost verbatim what Beck and Rush and others are touting as truth.

I was just listening to Grassley once again flat out lie to an old lady at another town hall. She was right and he knocked her down and flat out lied about something anyone can look up. I wouldn't tolerate that on the democratic side, but because the republicans don't want this we should let him off the hook? I think not..

mrjimmy1972's photo
Thu 08/20/09 06:32 PM
two simple words is all that is needed for the problems in afghanistan, and iraq for that matter.......... NUCLEAR BOMBS.... problem solved!!!

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 08/20/09 06:33 PM
Every generation grows up during a war, unfortunately it is the world we live in.... for now. :heart:

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 08/20/09 06:35 PM

two simple words is all that is needed for the problems in afghanistan, and iraq for that matter.......... NUCLEAR BOMBS.... problem solved!!!

really...just nuke a couple of countries? Turn them into tropical resorts for western tourists.. gawdwhoa

InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/20/09 06:38 PM

How is it possible some of you have no idea what the hell is going on in this administration and what Obama is accomplishing in Afghaistan etc? Must be just watching Beck and Rush and Fox, other wise you might know what's been going on in afghanistan and why we are still there. Geez doesn't fox cover this stuff, or do they just feed you all that angry stuff so you assume Obama is uninterested and doing nothing.. ugh

Try turning the channel now and then.

All of this and you offer no factual information. Its your opinion, and fox news bashing.. Obviously, you must watch fox news because you seem to be an expert on their content. Can any of you post something without bringing up fox news or sarah palin? The smoke and mirrors is getting old..

I do listen to them all and hear the glaring contradictions, then take some of the things they see and find out where they originated from which is the most interesting.

Please don't ask me to do the homework for others. I can't spend all my time informing people of what I find in all those places. It's up to each of us to do the same. If this thing was something the Republicans were pushing I would want to know just as much because of it's importance to all people.

And I would be listening to everything as I am doing now. If you don't listen to the rhetoric on both sides you can't make any sense of the things that are coming out of the mouths of the people on the hill.

When I hear all the negativity around here it's almost verbatim what Beck and Rush and others are touting as truth.

I was just listening to Grassley once again flat out lie to an old lady at another town hall. She was right and he knocked her down and flat out lied about something anyone can look up. I wouldn't tolerate that on the democratic side, but because the republicans don't want this we should let him off the hook? I think not..

I personally don't watch FoxNews or CNN or MSNBC.. So maybe I am out of the loop. I do my own reading and research.

Its clear to me that this plan will cost far more than we can afford, and that is the bottomline as far as I am concerned.

mrjimmy1972's photo
Thu 08/20/09 06:44 PM

two simple words is all that is needed for the problems in afghanistan, and iraq for that matter.......... NUCLEAR BOMBS.... problem solved!!!

really...just nuke a couple of countries? Turn them into tropical resorts for western tourists.. gawdwhoa
HELL YEAH!!! im not a racist but this world would be a safer place without muslims.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 08/20/09 06:46 PM

two simple words is all that is needed for the problems in afghanistan, and iraq for that matter.......... NUCLEAR BOMBS.... problem solved!!!

really...just nuke a couple of countries? Turn them into tropical resorts for western tourists.. gawdwhoa
HELL YEAH!!! im not a racist but this world would be a safer place without muslims.

:cry: what

mrjimmy1972's photo
Thu 08/20/09 06:49 PM

two simple words is all that is needed for the problems in afghanistan, and iraq for that matter.......... NUCLEAR BOMBS.... problem solved!!!

really...just nuke a couple of countries? Turn them into tropical resorts for western tourists.. gawdwhoa
HELL YEAH!!! im not a racist but this world would be a safer place without muslims.

:cry: what
so are you trying to deny the world would be a safer place eithout muslims?

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 08/20/09 07:00 PM

two simple words is all that is needed for the problems in afghanistan, and iraq for that matter.......... NUCLEAR BOMBS.... problem solved!!!

really...just nuke a couple of countries? Turn them into tropical resorts for western tourists.. gawdwhoa
HELL YEAH!!! im not a racist but this world would be a safer place without muslims.

:cry: what
so are you trying to deny the world would be a safer place eithout muslims?

Peace brother :heart:

no photo
Thu 08/20/09 07:11 PM

How is it possible some of you have no idea what the hell is going on in this administration and what Obama is accomplishing in Afghaistan etc? Must be just watching Beck and Rush and Fox, other wise you might know what's been going on in afghanistan and why we are still there. Geez doesn't fox cover this stuff, or do they just feed you all that angry stuff so you assume Obama is uninterested and doing nothing.. ugh

Try turning the channel now and then.

All of this and you offer no factual information. Its your opinion, and fox news bashing.. Obviously, you must watch fox news because you seem to be an expert on their content. Can any of you post something without bringing up fox news or sarah palin? The smoke and mirrors is getting old..

I do listen to them all and hear the glaring contradictions, then take some of the things they see and find out where they originated from which is the most interesting.

Please don't ask me to do the homework for others. I can't spend all my time informing people of what I find in all those places. It's up to each of us to do the same. If this thing was something the Republicans were pushing I would want to know just as much because of it's importance to all people.

And I would be listening to everything as I am doing now. If you don't listen to the rhetoric on both sides you can't make any sense of the things that are coming out of the mouths of the people on the hill.

When I hear all the negativity around here it's almost verbatim what Beck and Rush and others are touting as truth.

I was just listening to Grassley once again flat out lie to an old lady at another town hall. She was right and he knocked her down and flat out lied about something anyone can look up. I wouldn't tolerate that on the democratic side, but because the republicans don't want this we should let him off the hook? I think not..

I personally don't watch FoxNews or CNN or MSNBC.. So maybe I am out of the loop. I do my own reading and research.

Its clear to me that this plan will cost far more than we can afford, and that is the bottomline as far as I am concerned.

Well I don't need to take in too much of fox to know where they are coming from. Anywhere Obama is NOT coming from. I research what they all say online and in the library as well. Don't think I have read this much in my life before Bush took office. Since then I haven't stopped. I probably should for my nerves.

Considering where the money would come from we very much can afford it, but we aren't reading the same stuff I guess.

I especially like Racheal Maddow, because she really digs down deep on this issue of health care and keeps up with what everyone is saying and NOT saying.

no photo
Thu 08/20/09 07:15 PM

two simple words is all that is needed for the problems in afghanistan, and iraq for that matter.......... NUCLEAR BOMBS.... problem solved!!!

really...just nuke a couple of countries? Turn them into tropical resorts for western tourists.. gawdwhoa
HELL YEAH!!! im not a racist but this world would be a safer place without muslims.

:cry: what
so are you trying to deny the world would be a safer place eithout muslims?

Most moderate Muslims are no more wacky then Christian conservatives. Yes the world would be safer with out the radical religious fundementalists, in both Islam and Christianity. But to say we should nuke those countries is about as fundementalist as one can get.

Winx's photo
Thu 08/20/09 07:18 PM

two simple words is all that is needed for the problems in afghanistan, and iraq for that matter.......... NUCLEAR BOMBS.... problem solved!!!

really...just nuke a couple of countries? Turn them into tropical resorts for western tourists.. gawdwhoa
HELL YEAH!!! im not a racist but this world would be a safer place without muslims.

We wouldn't be any safer if there were no Muslims. We'd be safer if there was no al-Qaida.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/20/09 07:26 PM

How is it possible some of you have no idea what the hell is going on in this administration and what Obama is accomplishing in Afghaistan etc? Must be just watching Beck and Rush and Fox, other wise you might know what's been going on in afghanistan and why we are still there. Geez doesn't fox cover this stuff, or do they just feed you all that angry stuff so you assume Obama is uninterested and doing nothing.. ugh

Try turning the channel now and then.

All of this and you offer no factual information. Its your opinion, and fox news bashing.. Obviously, you must watch fox news because you seem to be an expert on their content. Can any of you post something without bringing up fox news or sarah palin? The smoke and mirrors is getting old..

I do listen to them all and hear the glaring contradictions, then take some of the things they see and find out where they originated from which is the most interesting.

Please don't ask me to do the homework for others. I can't spend all my time informing people of what I find in all those places. It's up to each of us to do the same. If this thing was something the Republicans were pushing I would want to know just as much because of it's importance to all people.

And I would be listening to everything as I am doing now. If you don't listen to the rhetoric on both sides you can't make any sense of the things that are coming out of the mouths of the people on the hill.

When I hear all the negativity around here it's almost verbatim what Beck and Rush and others are touting as truth.

I was just listening to Grassley once again flat out lie to an old lady at another town hall. She was right and he knocked her down and flat out lied about something anyone can look up. I wouldn't tolerate that on the democratic side, but because the republicans don't want this we should let him off the hook? I think not..

I personally don't watch FoxNews or CNN or MSNBC.. So maybe I am out of the loop. I do my own reading and research.

Its clear to me that this plan will cost far more than we can afford, and that is the bottomline as far as I am concerned.

Well I don't need to take in too much of fox to know where they are coming from. Anywhere Obama is NOT coming from. I research what they all say online and in the library as well. Don't think I have read this much in my life before Bush took office. Since then I haven't stopped. I probably should for my nerves.

Considering where the money would come from we very much can afford it, but we aren't reading the same stuff I guess.

I especially like Racheal Maddow, because she really digs down deep on this issue of health care and keeps up with what everyone is saying and NOT saying.

I think I could say the same about Rachel Maddow.. I don't give much credence to the comments coming from a former Air American..

She is hardly a source of unbiased information.

Anyway, where exactly is the money going to come from?

KerryO's photo
Thu 08/20/09 07:44 PM

You can ascertain whatever you like, sir. But the fact is, many of us also thought Viet Nam was a huge mistake, too.

-Kerry O.

I can assure you that I don't doubt it.

I wasn't alive at the time the war was raging, but I am fairly sure that people wouldn't have stopped protesting because of regime change or economic conditions.

I think you make a case for sincerity vs duplicity..

See, that's because you don't remember things like the Arab Oil Embargo, gas lines and odd/even rationing. Or Richard Nixon. On the other hand, you obviously DO know about the price of gas tripling almost overnight.

You also never had to sweat the draft lottery, where Fortunate Sons of rich elites of both political persuasions got deferments no matter what their numbers were (like Dick Cheney), since we now have an all-volunteer military.

But don't get too comfortable with that, because Bush's ill-considered war may make it necessary to re-instate the draft.

-Kerry O.

tohyup's photo
Thu 08/20/09 07:50 PM
Edited by tohyup on Thu 08/20/09 07:51 PM
Human lives are worth something somewhere where there is justice !.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/20/09 08:12 PM

You can ascertain whatever you like, sir. But the fact is, many of us also thought Viet Nam was a huge mistake, too.

-Kerry O.

I can assure you that I don't doubt it.

I wasn't alive at the time the war was raging, but I am fairly sure that people wouldn't have stopped protesting because of regime change or economic conditions.

I think you make a case for sincerity vs duplicity..

See, that's because you don't remember things like the Arab Oil Embargo, gas lines and odd/even rationing. Or Richard Nixon. On the other hand, you obviously DO know about the price of gas tripling almost overnight.

You also never had to sweat the draft lottery, where Fortunate Sons of rich elites of both political persuasions got deferments no matter what their numbers were (like Dick Cheney), since we now have an all-volunteer military.

But don't get too comfortable with that, because Bush's ill-considered war may make it necessary to re-instate the draft.

-Kerry O.

I wasn't alive at the time of the war or embargo.

With that said, I don't believe that the war protesting stopped due to economic conditions.

So.. going back to the original point.. I must assume that present economic conditions are not enough of a reason for the once incessant protesting to disappear. Unless.. it was duplicitous to begin with.

Which is my conclusion.

AndrewAV's photo
Thu 08/20/09 08:47 PM

Left wing-Right wing there is no difference except the spelling. If you stand behind what Bush did and call yourself a conservative your are nothing more than a sheeple and are no different than those who support Obama being sheeples!!!!! GWB and conservative valueslaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I'll drink to that...

AndrewAV's photo
Thu 08/20/09 08:48 PM

two simple words is all that is needed for the problems in afghanistan, and iraq for that matter.......... NUCLEAR BOMBS.... problem solved!!!

really...just nuke a couple of countries? Turn them into tropical resorts for western tourists.. gawdwhoa
HELL YEAH!!! im not a racist but this world would be a safer place without muslims.

well being that muslim is not a race, it's not racism

ignorance, on the other hand...

KerryO's photo
Fri 08/21/09 04:47 PM

I wasn't alive at the time of the war or embargo.

With that said, I don't believe that the war protesting stopped due to economic conditions.

So.. going back to the original point.. I must assume that present economic conditions are not enough of a reason for the once incessant protesting to disappear. Unless.. it was duplicitous to begin with.

Which is my conclusion.

Survival is always the first priority. So unless you can't remember how many houses you own like McCain couldn't, losing 40 percent of your retirement funds and/or your job HAS to weigh more heavily on one's mind than protesting a war that is winding down.

And it's not duplicitous to use one's vote as a protest against a political establishment that was too busy listening to Beltway armchair warriors who themselves NEVER wore olive drab. And who were wrong about so many things, like arming and supporting the very strongman they later called a tyrant and the second most dangerous man alive.

Ending what one thinks has been a calamitous war (and somewhere around 60% of Americans these days think the Iraq War qualifies) by NOT voting for a candidate who thought he'd have it wrapped up by the beginning of his second term is only logical. It's also logical to not hurt your pick's chances at accomplishing what you sent him there to do by being loose cannons.

Speaking only for myself, I've never called for Bush's impeachment on the grounds of the Iraq War, and have never wavered from expressing the idea that I think the war was ill-conceived and even MORE poorly executed. And that it cost a king's ransom in money to bascially get bogged down in one of those situations about which has been said that "fools rush in where angels fear to tread".

You want duplicity in re. matters political re. the Wars? In the news today it was revealed that Tom Ridge's new book is going to expose the pressure put on him by top level Republicans in the Bush administration to raise the 'Terror Colors' just before the 2004 elections against his better judgement. And how it lead to his decision to resign.

-Kerry O.