Topic: How do you feel? | |
I've felt love, and happiness...I don't recall feeling hate, though I'm sure I did when I was younger (Post Truamatic). I don't feel emotional pain, hurt, or sadness. I simply feel content most of the time, every once in awhile I laugh...otherwise I'm content. They call it ataraxia but it isn't completly accepted medically, either way it really does suck. I lack sympathy, compassion, and passion all at once. Makes friendship difficult to keep, I don't have a problem making friends...I just have issues communicating emotions, or I'm simply emotionless.
I don't have memories, dreams, or aspirations. I don't set goals, or timelines for completion of something. I don't walk the same line most people do...I don't really care too. I'm smart, but am far too logical, and I have creativity. I write, draw, and create music...but at the same time it is just for fun. I exist solely for survival and happiness, this works for me, but I don't like the fact that I can't feel what other people can. I've gone through my last resort on more than one occasion, and came out walking. I've held the power of many people, in the small steps I took in life...I lived when I was supposed to die, walked when I was supposed to be a vegetable...and it all doesn't matter as I can't regain that same strength or drive. Why can't I feel basic emotions anymore? I feel detached from everyone and at the same time I can't change it, my brain just doesn't respond...I'm sure it used too, I'm confident it did. After my accident I just don't feel, much at all...I wish I could again, it seems like it is fun for a lot of people even if some of the feelings at times are terrible, it is a learning experience none the I'm not sure I will ever learn. How can I feel again? |
Did you suffer severe head trauma when you had your accident?
I also think you might "feel" more than you think...otherwise this thread might not have been written... |
Edited by
Sat 08/15/09 08:25 AM
For starters, I suggest doing what you can to avoid chemicals, perfumes, and food additives. I find that the more I avoid things like that, the better I feel. Counseling may be useful, too.
Fear, in a different post you had said that you closed your heart off..that you were not going to experience that kind of hurt again...
if your shutting down in that way it will be difficult to feel much emotion. You need to find a way to open your heart again..with an open heart, a myriad of feeling are able to flow through. There are many books out there.. ![]() |
Random acts of kindness can do wonders for ones heart. Peace......
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Random acts of kindness can do wonders for ones heart. Peace...... ![]() Now THAT is a very sweet thought! |
Random acts of kindness can do wonders for ones heart. Peace...... ![]() |
Fear shutting down is nothing short of a slow death
See someone who specializes in this. They can help I send love ![]() Tammy |
<--- FEELS with both hands.
![]() I hope you are feeling better! ![]() |
I have seen you feel. It is rare and unexpected but I have seen it. Emotions of any magnitude can be overwhelming but from experience shutting down is anti-living and actually the easiest path. You never struck me as someone to do it the easy way. I stake my eb@lls on it. ![]() |
right now I feel?!? anger,pain,hurt,fusteration,remosrse,Happiness,hope,faith I have & do still fill love..believe I will be able to find it keep it and be able to stay deeply in it one day,I can hold on tightly to it, its the other person that don't see as I do.thats the problem,i have very different views on the world,life dreams,love,hope,forgiveness,everything,trust I have issues with..,and any given other emotion that may pop up depending on the current moment..I am curreetly Pis*ed & Hurt at myself & someoneat this present time..but moving on.As best & fast as I can..Going to a concert tonight,see what that holds..need to get out & live,do what i can to get him off my mind,I know the one I seek,The one I've ben shown in my dreams is out here,just have to wait..for him to find me..somehow ..someway..someday..and I will wait..
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I've felt love, and happiness...I don't recall feeling hate, though I'm sure I did when I was younger (Post Truamatic). I don't feel emotional pain, hurt, or sadness. I simply feel content most of the time, every once in awhile I laugh...otherwise I'm content. They call it ataraxia but it isn't completly accepted medically, either way it really does suck. I lack sympathy, compassion, and passion all at once. Makes friendship difficult to keep, I don't have a problem making friends...I just have issues communicating emotions, or I'm simply emotionless. I don't have memories, dreams, or aspirations. I don't set goals, or timelines for completion of something. I don't walk the same line most people do...I don't really care too. I'm smart, but am far too logical, and I have creativity. I write, draw, and create music...but at the same time it is just for fun. I exist solely for survival and happiness, this works for me, but I don't like the fact that I can't feel what other people can. I've gone through my last resort on more than one occasion, and came out walking. I've held the power of many people, in the small steps I took in life...I lived when I was supposed to die, walked when I was supposed to be a vegetable...and it all doesn't matter as I can't regain that same strength or drive. Why can't I feel basic emotions anymore? I feel detached from everyone and at the same time I can't change it, my brain just doesn't respond...I'm sure it used too, I'm confident it did. After my accident I just don't feel, much at all...I wish I could again, it seems like it is fun for a lot of people even if some of the feelings at times are terrible, it is a learning experience none the I'm not sure I will ever learn. How can I feel again? Interesting. You have achieved by accident what Vulcans strive for all their lives. You could start a new career as a Star trek convention geek. |
This is difficult because, at first, it sounds like depression. But with an "accident" or a TBI, talk with your doctor about support.
I would find others who are in a similar situation and talk with them. Ask about support groups you can get involved in, see what works for other people like yourself. Identifying with others in the same situation helps enormously. A full understand can offer hope. I wish you well. ![]() |
one thing to note I have felt hate, and i do feel sympathy,and even empathy..I can ,do & have other peoples enotions jump me,
I do tend to dream some are great tell me things that are to come,people I will meet,events,happenings,ETC,but just for my life,or people in it. other times I have more of nights terrors.things that i wish I neber saw..and won't tell a soul..especially the 1 its about.. memories..I have several..some blocked..others changed.or differ from say the other who sat beside me..2 sides to every story ,as it goes.. I sometimes hate being in public cause I have to ask myself is what i'm feeling truely my own emotion or not. Even living with somone that I love when connected to them,I know what they feel,and it bothers me when they are disturbed in some way..I know its not my emotion,If they won't talk..well then usually fights ensue..thus the problems start..See my delima..I am just starting to figure this one out..over the years.I have tried to tell them.but they believe me not till ists to late..or if they do.they can't handle it..its hard to when someone knows you way to well way to early.. ![]() |
I've felt love, and happiness...I don't recall feeling hate, though I'm sure I did when I was younger (Post Truamatic). I don't feel emotional pain, hurt, or sadness. I simply feel content most of the time, every once in awhile I laugh...otherwise I'm content. They call it ataraxia but it isn't completly accepted medically, either way it really does suck. I lack sympathy, compassion, and passion all at once. Makes friendship difficult to keep, I don't have a problem making friends...I just have issues communicating emotions, or I'm simply emotionless. I don't have memories, dreams, or aspirations. I don't set goals, or timelines for completion of something. I don't walk the same line most people do...I don't really care too. I'm smart, but am far too logical, and I have creativity. I write, draw, and create music...but at the same time it is just for fun. I exist solely for survival and happiness, this works for me, but I don't like the fact that I can't feel what other people can. I've gone through my last resort on more than one occasion, and came out walking. I've held the power of many people, in the small steps I took in life...I lived when I was supposed to die, walked when I was supposed to be a vegetable...and it all doesn't matter as I can't regain that same strength or drive. Why can't I feel basic emotions anymore? I feel detached from everyone and at the same time I can't change it, my brain just doesn't respond...I'm sure it used too, I'm confident it did. After my accident I just don't feel, much at all...I wish I could again, it seems like it is fun for a lot of people even if some of the feelings at times are terrible, it is a learning experience none the I'm not sure I will ever learn. How can I feel again? A person's core has and amazing ability to protect itself from what it percieves as a threat. If some of the emotions you block now were a threat it just survival to block them out. When you find a place you feel safe you will start testing the waters. Take the time you need to heal. It will come when you least expect it. |
I've felt love, and happiness...I don't recall feeling hate, though I'm sure I did when I was younger (Post Truamatic). I don't feel emotional pain, hurt, or sadness. I simply feel content most of the time, every once in awhile I laugh...otherwise I'm content. They call it ataraxia but it isn't completly accepted medically, either way it really does suck. I lack sympathy, compassion, and passion all at once. Makes friendship difficult to keep, I don't have a problem making friends...I just have issues communicating emotions, or I'm simply emotionless. I don't have memories, dreams, or aspirations. I don't set goals, or timelines for completion of something. I don't walk the same line most people do...I don't really care too. I'm smart, but am far too logical, and I have creativity. I write, draw, and create music...but at the same time it is just for fun. I exist solely for survival and happiness, this works for me, but I don't like the fact that I can't feel what other people can. I've gone through my last resort on more than one occasion, and came out walking. I've held the power of many people, in the small steps I took in life...I lived when I was supposed to die, walked when I was supposed to be a vegetable...and it all doesn't matter as I can't regain that same strength or drive. Why can't I feel basic emotions anymore? I feel detached from everyone and at the same time I can't change it, my brain just doesn't respond...I'm sure it used too, I'm confident it did. After my accident I just don't feel, much at all...I wish I could again, it seems like it is fun for a lot of people even if some of the feelings at times are terrible, it is a learning experience none the I'm not sure I will ever learn. How can I feel again? I'd love to be content all the time, I don't see anything wrong with that. |
maybe try being more active? experiencing more, and stimulating your mind more, going outside, and experiencing more sensual stimulation?
I mean even sitting in a chair in the breeze can be nice. |
It is not depression, and there is very little therapy can do to help. My brain simply doesn't feel the same as a normal persons brain does, it didn't shut-off or anything like that. My head injury managed to nail the frontal cortex pretty well.
Being active doesn't really stimulate my mind, I do go outside a lot and take a lot of walks but it really doesn't do much. I don't feel much for stimulation I guess, or I don't really find much to be or the other. Thank you everyone, especially Chrissy for staking your E-balls on it. ![]() |
Random acts of kindness can do wonders for ones heart. Peace...... ![]() So true! |
Random acts of kindness can do wonders for ones heart. Peace...... ![]() So true! Would be true...if the heart was used to process the thought. I do random acts of kindness a lot, but rarely does it do anything for me. |