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Topic: Should I write my son a book
robert1652's photo
Sun 08/09/09 05:09 PM
Edited by robert1652 on Sun 08/09/09 05:09 PM
I don't really wish to open up an issue here, but I think it is more of an issue to you than to him I really do. You almost are saying that but any way I am out of here.

WolfEyez's photo
Sun 08/09/09 05:35 PM

I would maybe start out with a vague talk to him .. just to see if he even felt like taking a step deeper into the conversation. And seeing how he reacted at first.

I know my mom always tried to have full blown talks with us about what happened ... and sometimes i just didn't feel like talking about it. Sometimes she would force me to talk a little anyway and i would end up angry.

It just depends I suppose. But because i didn't want to talk much about it .. I ended up as that angry kid for a long time. I understood later on though ... but I was still angry.

Can I ask what you were angry at, because I was an angry teenager and I had both parents...

My so called father (yes, i still hate him) never told any of his children that he loved them or cared about them. we could tell him all we wanted, but he never repeated it back.

My parents divorced when I was four. By the time my brother and I were 10, we wanted nothing to do with the man. but court said otherwise. He rarely took us places .. he constantly broke promises and got my hopes up more than once. That side of the family was always fighting and telling us bad things about my mom's side of the family.

My mom told me recently when she was pregnant with me, my father almost **** a brick because it wasn't planned. Then he got nervous because if I didn't look italian, his side of the family wasn't going to accept me.

There's a lot too this like he always got away with paying no child support yet he'll claim he does. when I was younger, i never wanted to talk about the divorce because I hated the "man" at such a young age that I didn't want to know anything more about him. I bottled every bad emotion i felt towards him and never told a soul what i was really feeling until a few years back.

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