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Topic: Message to Earth
Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:09 PM

On behalf of the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy, we greet
you. We would like to assure you that we are of the Light, and that we come
to you in the service of your Creator to assist and advise you so that you
may better understand and react to the changes which will soon be upon you
and your planet.

With your limited vision, and your relationship with self-centeredness and
conflict, you may be tempted to suspect that we have come to harm or to
conquer you. There are indeed forces in your universe who might have such
intentions. But their powers have been largely neutralized at this time. I
have already assured you and gladly assure you once again that we are of
the Light, and that we are here for your benefit.

The time has now come for a general movement upwards, a sorting of those
who are ready to move up, and those who are not. Your planet is to be
cleansed physically as well as on the spiritual level, for she has suffered
much harm in acting as your host. It is important that you have some idea
of what lies immediately ahead and why it is to take place, so that you may
prepare yourselves. This is our first task.<!--more-->

You have collectively made great advances in science and technology, but in
so doing, you have often neglected another important source of information,
namely your intuition. In your obsession with things physical, things which
can be seen, felt, measured and tested, you have gained the impression that
if you cannot see or feel it, it cannot therefore exist. Your eyes are
closed to any possibilities outside your own area of recognition. But I
must tell you, that there is more unseen than is seen, there is more
uncomprehended than comprehended, there is more to your world and your
universe than you could presently imagine.

The density of matter is important. Physical objects have different
densities, people's physical fram&#101;s have different densities, so also
do worlds. We are of a lighter, finer density that you, as also are the
manifestations which you call spirits or ghosts. Place some pebbles in a
sieve, then pour water over them and see how the finer density of water
allows it to pass around the denser pebbles. That is why ghosts can pass
through walls. That is how our spacecraft can move about invisibly to your
eyes, though we are able to make ourselves visible to your senses at will.
That is why there is so much going on around you that is invisible to your

Planet Earth at present exists on the densest possible level as a
reflection of the environment in which you live and conduct yourselves and
the lessons you have chosen to learn. Each planet or universe or
civilization has its constitution, similar in spirit and intent to the
constitutions of your more evolved governments. The concept of constitution
is to lay down the outer, absolute boundaries of approved behavior beyond
which neither individuals nor governments may pass. Planet Earth has been
given the gift of Free Will, as have many others. But unlike others, your
Free Will has been given without boundaries. Thus you have been able to go
to extremes of violence and self gratification at the expense of others,
extremes which in other civilizations would not be permitted. In this way
you yourselves, and all of us who observe you and experience your world by
co-relation, can learn of the effects which such actions can set in motion.

But this situation will shortly come to an end. For now is a time of
sorting and of moving upwards. It is a time of revision, of assessment, of
taking new paths. It includes your entire planet, and indeed a much wider
circle of worlds beyond your own. Your planet is to be cleansed, and its
people will move to new worlds according to their evolution and
aspirations, in order to learn new lessons in new environments. This will
give each individual the opportunity to review his or her life and
attitudes, and to consider the kind of future to which he or she aspires.

Having given you just a brief idea of what is to happen very shortly around
you, I must now tell you of the task we have been given by Earth's
Spiritual Guides and Hierarchy, and how we propose to set about fulfilling
our responsibilities.

It is our intent to use what in your language might be referred to as the
"carrot and the stick".

The "stick" is not, as you might at first think, a weapon to be raised in
aggression or anger or envy. This is not our way. Indeed the "constitution"
of our lives and civilization does not permit any of these things. The
"stick" we will use is a rod of protection, and it is strict, tolerating no
exceptions. Already you will find that your weapons of war are losing their
effectiveness; over time these physical weapons will disintegrate into
dust, their aura of aggression and anger will be neutralized along with
their physical form. You will also find that anything used as a weapon of
aggression, even a stick or a fist raised in anger, will be stayed by an
unseen hand. Ultimately, you will find that when any words are to be spoken
in anger or aggression, the voice of the speaker will falter as if gently
choking, so that such words may not be expressed. Finally, as the din of
war is gradually stilled and the spirit of peace descends upon your planet,
we hope to reinforce it with an all-enveloping blanket of love and
goodwill. You must understand that although you may think that victory is
an achievement providing its rewards, you should know that the continuance
of war and competitive aggression which is a constant feature of your
planet has taken its toll upon your emotions and your senses, creating a
continuing tension. As this burden is progressively lifted you will find
yourselves lightening, becoming more joyful, more able to see the beauty
around you and the light in the souls of others.

Perhaps you, with your tradition of total Free Will, may feel that this is
an unwarranted intrusion into your liberty. Although you may well agree in
principle that the neutralization of all anger and aggression together with
all weapons of war would be a wonderful thing, you may not feel altogether
comfortable with its imposition by an alien and foreign force. Yet I must
tell you that such rules are not unusual; indeed your planet is almost
unique in permitting such activities, which are not within the
constitutional bounds of other civilizations. Many of you may also feel
that while an end to violence is a good thing in principle, it is necessary
first of all to repay debts, to claim the "eye for the eye". But I must
tell you that such vendettas, such acts of violence followed by
counter-violence in the name of honor, these acts have been going on for
centuries in your collective lives. Somewhere, at some time, the
perpetuation of violence must stop. This is now the place and the time.

I must also explain that if we are to help you, as we have been instructed
to do, we must first ask you to be still. We cannot help and advise those
who are too busy killing one another to listen to our words. If you could
see your planet from outer space as we do all the time, you would see a
murky aura of accumulated hate and aggression, and your ears would be
deafened by the constant clamor and din of war, the shooting and the bombs,
the cries of the wounded and the dying, and the destruction of so much of
the physical assets of your civilization which you have previously built
with expenditure of great effort and planetary resources. If only the
effort you have put into destruction and rebuilding could have been
directed into preserving and enhancing, of building upon building, imagine
how rich your civilization would now appear! But that is your destiny and
it is not for us to question it, only to point out that if you are to
listen, to be informed, to improve your conduct and make a right decision
when needed to do so, then you must first be stilled.

Our "stick" will be the rod of protection, ensuring that acts of aggression
are halted so that the clash of war may be stilled and the spirit of
aggression, of violence and revenge may be quietened.

The "carrot" of persuasion will take the form of suggestions as to how you
may conduct your lives more peaceably, more spiritually, with the "reward"
that in so doing you may be more ready to move to a higher level of being.

It is our hope that as you pause for a moment in your aggression and
counter-aggression, when your ears are no longer filled with the din of war
and your senses not fully preoccupied with getting the better of others
before they get the better of you, in that stillness and space of
neutrality you may be persuaded to begin afresh, and to build for
yourselves a society where relationships are based on mutual respect,
non-aggression and cooperation, on construction rather than destruction.

A daunting, perhaps even impossible task? No. Indeed it is much easier done
than imagined.

In other societies more developed than your own, there is one guiding
principle of conduct between people. It is a simple rule: first, do no

You must start early with your very youngest children, as we also do,
teaching them what is to us the most important rule of life: respect others
as you would have them respect you. Think no unkind thoughts, say no unkind
words, for one only puts others down in order to make oneself feel greater.
Learn to value yourself for what you are; build upon your incarnated
foundation, develop yourself and your natural gifts, remembering only that
you should enrich your own life without impoverishing that of others,
emotionally, spiritually or physically.

Your governments too must reform themselves rapidly, for despite the belief
which many hold that they live in a democracy, in truth few people trust
their governments to act competently, honestly and efficiently. The purpose
of government, in the words of your Thomas Jefferson, is to prevent men
from injuring one another. If only you had but one government which did
just that, which ensured peace and true social justice among its people,
acting productively without undue waste, with honesty and transparency,
with the interests of the people ? its customers ? at heart, you would
never believe the beneficial, almost magical effect it would have. With
that one principle, there would be physical plenty for all to live
challenging and rewarding lives in a pleasant environment on a respected

As you shed your aggressive competitiveness, competing only with ignorance
to create knowledge, competing only with poverty to create wealth which all
may share, conducting your collective lives according to the principle of
mutual respect and cooperation, so all the dark, dank places you have
created for yourselves will be changed and brightened, those who have been
put down will find new freedom to make their own contribution, and the harm
done to your host planet can slowly be undone.

There will be little enough time for this new spirit to take root. But if
you can only pause from your aggression long enough to enjoy the stillness
of peace, if you can order your collective affairs according to Universal
Laws long enough to glimpse the rewards of peace, justice and cooperation,
and if experiencing these things each of you can profit from your new
environment in order to review your personal attitudes, your approach to
yourself and to others, you will then be in a position to embrace a
brighter future.

It is our wish to remain with you, and to communicate with you constantly
in order to give you a wider view of that which you cannot see, of
developments around you and how they will affect you. And in our behavior
towards you, we will show you the creative, nurturing power of love, of
mutual caring and assistance which we hope that you too will embrace among

misstina2's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:10 PM

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:11 PM


On behalf of the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy, we greet
you. We would like to assure you that we are of the Light, and that we come
to you in the service of your Creator to assist and advise you so that you
may better understand and react to the changes which will soon be upon you
and your planet.

With your limited vision, and your relationship with self-centeredness and
conflict, you may be tempted to suspect that we have come to harm or to
conquer you. There are indeed forces in your universe who might have such
intentions. But their powers have been largely neutralized at this time. I
have already assured you and gladly assure you once again that we are of
the Light, and that we are here for your benefit.

The time has now come for a general movement upwards, a sorting of those
who are ready to move up, and those who are not. Your planet is to be
cleansed physically as well as on the spiritual level, for she has suffered
much harm in acting as your host. It is important that you have some idea
of what lies immediately ahead and why it is to take place, so that you may
prepare yourselves. This is our first task.<!--more-->

You have collectively made great advances in science and technology, but in
so doing, you have often neglected another important source of information,
namely your intuition. In your obsession with things physical, things which
can be seen, felt, measured and tested, you have gained the impression that
if you cannot see or feel it, it cannot therefore exist. Your eyes are
closed to any possibilities outside your own area of recognition. But I
must tell you, that there is more unseen than is seen, there is more
uncomprehended than comprehended, there is more to your world and your
universe than you could presently imagine.

The density of matter is important. Physical objects have different
densities, people's physical fram&#101;s have different densities, so also
do worlds. We are of a lighter, finer density that you, as also are the
manifestations which you call spirits or ghosts. Place some pebbles in a
sieve, then pour water over them and see how the finer density of water
allows it to pass around the denser pebbles. That is why ghosts can pass
through walls. That is how our spacecraft can move about invisibly to your
eyes, though we are able to make ourselves visible to your senses at will.
That is why there is so much going on around you that is invisible to your

Planet Earth at present exists on the densest possible level as a
reflection of the environment in which you live and conduct yourselves and
the lessons you have chosen to learn. Each planet or universe or
civilization has its constitution, similar in spirit and intent to the
constitutions of your more evolved governments. The concept of constitution
is to lay down the outer, absolute boundaries of approved behavior beyond
which neither individuals nor governments may pass. Planet Earth has been
given the gift of Free Will, as have many others. But unlike others, your
Free Will has been given without boundaries. Thus you have been able to go
to extremes of violence and self gratification at the expense of others,
extremes which in other civilizations would not be permitted. In this way
you yourselves, and all of us who observe you and experience your world by
co-relation, can learn of the effects which such actions can set in motion.

But this situation will shortly come to an end. For now is a time of
sorting and of moving upwards. It is a time of revision, of assessment, of
taking new paths. It includes your entire planet, and indeed a much wider
circle of worlds beyond your own. Your planet is to be cleansed, and its
people will move to new worlds according to their evolution and
aspirations, in order to learn new lessons in new environments. This will
give each individual the opportunity to review his or her life and
attitudes, and to consider the kind of future to which he or she aspires.

Having given you just a brief idea of what is to happen very shortly around
you, I must now tell you of the task we have been given by Earth's
Spiritual Guides and Hierarchy, and how we propose to set about fulfilling
our responsibilities.

It is our intent to use what in your language might be referred to as the
"carrot and the stick".

The "stick" is not, as you might at first think, a weapon to be raised in
aggression or anger or envy. This is not our way. Indeed the "constitution"
of our lives and civilization does not permit any of these things. The
"stick" we will use is a rod of protection, and it is strict, tolerating no
exceptions. Already you will find that your weapons of war are losing their
effectiveness; over time these physical weapons will disintegrate into
dust, their aura of aggression and anger will be neutralized along with
their physical form. You will also find that anything used as a weapon of
aggression, even a stick or a fist raised in anger, will be stayed by an
unseen hand. Ultimately, you will find that when any words are to be spoken
in anger or aggression, the voice of the speaker will falter as if gently
choking, so that such words may not be expressed. Finally, as the din of
war is gradually stilled and the spirit of peace descends upon your planet,
we hope to reinforce it with an all-enveloping blanket of love and
goodwill. You must understand that although you may think that victory is
an achievement providing its rewards, you should know that the continuance
of war and competitive aggression which is a constant feature of your
planet has taken its toll upon your emotions and your senses, creating a
continuing tension. As this burden is progressively lifted you will find
yourselves lightening, becoming more joyful, more able to see the beauty
around you and the light in the souls of others.

Perhaps you, with your tradition of total Free Will, may feel that this is
an unwarranted intrusion into your liberty. Although you may well agree in
principle that the neutralization of all anger and aggression together with
all weapons of war would be a wonderful thing, you may not feel altogether
comfortable with its imposition by an alien and foreign force. Yet I must
tell you that such rules are not unusual; indeed your planet is almost
unique in permitting such activities, which are not within the
constitutional bounds of other civilizations. Many of you may also feel
that while an end to violence is a good thing in principle, it is necessary
first of all to repay debts, to claim the "eye for the eye". But I must
tell you that such vendettas, such acts of violence followed by
counter-violence in the name of honor, these acts have been going on for
centuries in your collective lives. Somewhere, at some time, the
perpetuation of violence must stop. This is now the place and the time.

I must also explain that if we are to help you, as we have been instructed
to do, we must first ask you to be still. We cannot help and advise those
who are too busy killing one another to listen to our words. If you could
see your planet from outer space as we do all the time, you would see a
murky aura of accumulated hate and aggression, and your ears would be
deafened by the constant clamor and din of war, the shooting and the bombs,
the cries of the wounded and the dying, and the destruction of so much of
the physical assets of your civilization which you have previously built
with expenditure of great effort and planetary resources. If only the
effort you have put into destruction and rebuilding could have been
directed into preserving and enhancing, of building upon building, imagine
how rich your civilization would now appear! But that is your destiny and
it is not for us to question it, only to point out that if you are to
listen, to be informed, to improve your conduct and make a right decision
when needed to do so, then you must first be stilled.

Our "stick" will be the rod of protection, ensuring that acts of aggression
are halted so that the clash of war may be stilled and the spirit of
aggression, of violence and revenge may be quietened.

The "carrot" of persuasion will take the form of suggestions as to how you
may conduct your lives more peaceably, more spiritually, with the "reward"
that in so doing you may be more ready to move to a higher level of being.

It is our hope that as you pause for a moment in your aggression and
counter-aggression, when your ears are no longer filled with the din of war
and your senses not fully preoccupied with getting the better of others
before they get the better of you, in that stillness and space of
neutrality you may be persuaded to begin afresh, and to build for
yourselves a society where relationships are based on mutual respect,
non-aggression and cooperation, on construction rather than destruction.

A daunting, perhaps even impossible task? No. Indeed it is much easier done
than imagined.

In other societies more developed than your own, there is one guiding
principle of conduct between people. It is a simple rule: first, do no

You must start early with your very youngest children, as we also do,
teaching them what is to us the most important rule of life: respect others
as you would have them respect you. Think no unkind thoughts, say no unkind
words, for one only puts others down in order to make oneself feel greater.
Learn to value yourself for what you are; build upon your incarnated
foundation, develop yourself and your natural gifts, remembering only that
you should enrich your own life without impoverishing that of others,
emotionally, spiritually or physically.

Your governments too must reform themselves rapidly, for despite the belief
which many hold that they live in a democracy, in truth few people trust
their governments to act competently, honestly and efficiently. The purpose
of government, in the words of your Thomas Jefferson, is to prevent men
from injuring one another. If only you had but one government which did
just that, which ensured peace and true social justice among its people,
acting productively without undue waste, with honesty and transparency,
with the interests of the people ? its customers ? at heart, you would
never believe the beneficial, almost magical effect it would have. With
that one principle, there would be physical plenty for all to live
challenging and rewarding lives in a pleasant environment on a respected

As you shed your aggressive competitiveness, competing only with ignorance
to create knowledge, competing only with poverty to create wealth which all
may share, conducting your collective lives according to the principle of
mutual respect and cooperation, so all the dark, dank places you have
created for yourselves will be changed and brightened, those who have been
put down will find new freedom to make their own contribution, and the harm
done to your host planet can slowly be undone.

There will be little enough time for this new spirit to take root. But if
you can only pause from your aggression long enough to enjoy the stillness
of peace, if you can order your collective affairs according to Universal
Laws long enough to glimpse the rewards of peace, justice and cooperation,
and if experiencing these things each of you can profit from your new
environment in order to review your personal attitudes, your approach to
yourself and to others, you will then be in a position to embrace a
brighter future.

It is our wish to remain with you, and to communicate with you constantly
in order to give you a wider view of that which you cannot see, of
developments around you and how they will affect you. And in our behavior
towards you, we will show you the creative, nurturing power of love, of
mutual caring and assistance which we hope that you too will embrace among

wow that was really long

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:26 PM


On behalf of the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy, we greet
you. We would like to assure you that we are of the Light, and that we come
to you in the service of your Creator to assist and advise you so that you
may better understand and react to the changes which will soon be upon you
and your planet.

With your limited vision, and your relationship with self-centeredness and
conflict, you may be tempted to suspect that we have come to harm or to
conquer you. There are indeed forces in your universe who might have such
intentions. But their powers have been largely neutralized at this time. I
have already assured you and gladly assure you once again that we are of
the Light, and that we are here for your benefit.

The time has now come for a general movement upwards, a sorting of those
who are ready to move up, and those who are not. Your planet is to be
cleansed physically as well as on the spiritual level, for she has suffered
much harm in acting as your host. It is important that you have some idea
of what lies immediately ahead and why it is to take place, so that you may
prepare yourselves. This is our first task.<!--more-->

You have collectively made great advances in science and technology, but in
so doing, you have often neglected another important source of information,
namely your intuition. In your obsession with things physical, things which
can be seen, felt, measured and tested, you have gained the impression that
if you cannot see or feel it, it cannot therefore exist. Your eyes are
closed to any possibilities outside your own area of recognition. But I
must tell you, that there is more unseen than is seen, there is more
uncomprehended than comprehended, there is more to your world and your
universe than you could presently imagine.

The density of matter is important. Physical objects have different
densities, people's physical fram&#101;s have different densities, so also
do worlds. We are of a lighter, finer density that you, as also are the
manifestations which you call spirits or ghosts. Place some pebbles in a
sieve, then pour water over them and see how the finer density of water
allows it to pass around the denser pebbles. That is why ghosts can pass
through walls. That is how our spacecraft can move about invisibly to your
eyes, though we are able to make ourselves visible to your senses at will.
That is why there is so much going on around you that is invisible to your

Planet Earth at present exists on the densest possible level as a
reflection of the environment in which you live and conduct yourselves and
the lessons you have chosen to learn. Each planet or universe or
civilization has its constitution, similar in spirit and intent to the
constitutions of your more evolved governments. The concept of constitution
is to lay down the outer, absolute boundaries of approved behavior beyond
which neither individuals nor governments may pass. Planet Earth has been
given the gift of Free Will, as have many others. But unlike others, your
Free Will has been given without boundaries. Thus you have been able to go
to extremes of violence and self gratification at the expense of others,
extremes which in other civilizations would not be permitted. In this way
you yourselves, and all of us who observe you and experience your world by
co-relation, can learn of the effects which such actions can set in motion.

But this situation will shortly come to an end. For now is a time of
sorting and of moving upwards. It is a time of revision, of assessment, of
taking new paths. It includes your entire planet, and indeed a much wider
circle of worlds beyond your own. Your planet is to be cleansed, and its
people will move to new worlds according to their evolution and
aspirations, in order to learn new lessons in new environments. This will
give each individual the opportunity to review his or her life and
attitudes, and to consider the kind of future to which he or she aspires.

Having given you just a brief idea of what is to happen very shortly around
you, I must now tell you of the task we have been given by Earth's
Spiritual Guides and Hierarchy, and how we propose to set about fulfilling
our responsibilities.

It is our intent to use what in your language might be referred to as the
"carrot and the stick".

The "stick" is not, as you might at first think, a weapon to be raised in
aggression or anger or envy. This is not our way. Indeed the "constitution"
of our lives and civilization does not permit any of these things. The
"stick" we will use is a rod of protection, and it is strict, tolerating no
exceptions. Already you will find that your weapons of war are losing their
effectiveness; over time these physical weapons will disintegrate into
dust, their aura of aggression and anger will be neutralized along with
their physical form. You will also find that anything used as a weapon of
aggression, even a stick or a fist raised in anger, will be stayed by an
unseen hand. Ultimately, you will find that when any words are to be spoken
in anger or aggression, the voice of the speaker will falter as if gently
choking, so that such words may not be expressed. Finally, as the din of
war is gradually stilled and the spirit of peace descends upon your planet,
we hope to reinforce it with an all-enveloping blanket of love and
goodwill. You must understand that although you may think that victory is
an achievement providing its rewards, you should know that the continuance
of war and competitive aggression which is a constant feature of your
planet has taken its toll upon your emotions and your senses, creating a
continuing tension. As this burden is progressively lifted you will find
yourselves lightening, becoming more joyful, more able to see the beauty
around you and the light in the souls of others.

Perhaps you, with your tradition of total Free Will, may feel that this is
an unwarranted intrusion into your liberty. Although you may well agree in
principle that the neutralization of all anger and aggression together with
all weapons of war would be a wonderful thing, you may not feel altogether
comfortable with its imposition by an alien and foreign force. Yet I must
tell you that such rules are not unusual; indeed your planet is almost
unique in permitting such activities, which are not within the
constitutional bounds of other civilizations. Many of you may also feel
that while an end to violence is a good thing in principle, it is necessary
first of all to repay debts, to claim the "eye for the eye". But I must
tell you that such vendettas, such acts of violence followed by
counter-violence in the name of honor, these acts have been going on for
centuries in your collective lives. Somewhere, at some time, the
perpetuation of violence must stop. This is now the place and the time.

I must also explain that if we are to help you, as we have been instructed
to do, we must first ask you to be still. We cannot help and advise those
who are too busy killing one another to listen to our words. If you could
see your planet from outer space as we do all the time, you would see a
murky aura of accumulated hate and aggression, and your ears would be
deafened by the constant clamor and din of war, the shooting and the bombs,
the cries of the wounded and the dying, and the destruction of so much of
the physical assets of your civilization which you have previously built
with expenditure of great effort and planetary resources. If only the
effort you have put into destruction and rebuilding could have been
directed into preserving and enhancing, of building upon building, imagine
how rich your civilization would now appear! But that is your destiny and
it is not for us to question it, only to point out that if you are to
listen, to be informed, to improve your conduct and make a right decision
when needed to do so, then you must first be stilled.

Our "stick" will be the rod of protection, ensuring that acts of aggression
are halted so that the clash of war may be stilled and the spirit of
aggression, of violence and revenge may be quietened.

The "carrot" of persuasion will take the form of suggestions as to how you
may conduct your lives more peaceably, more spiritually, with the "reward"
that in so doing you may be more ready to move to a higher level of being.

It is our hope that as you pause for a moment in your aggression and
counter-aggression, when your ears are no longer filled with the din of war
and your senses not fully preoccupied with getting the better of others
before they get the better of you, in that stillness and space of
neutrality you may be persuaded to begin afresh, and to build for
yourselves a society where relationships are based on mutual respect,
non-aggression and cooperation, on construction rather than destruction.

A daunting, perhaps even impossible task? No. Indeed it is much easier done
than imagined.

In other societies more developed than your own, there is one guiding
principle of conduct between people. It is a simple rule: first, do no

You must start early with your very youngest children, as we also do,
teaching them what is to us the most important rule of life: respect others
as you would have them respect you. Think no unkind thoughts, say no unkind
words, for one only puts others down in order to make oneself feel greater.
Learn to value yourself for what you are; build upon your incarnated
foundation, develop yourself and your natural gifts, remembering only that
you should enrich your own life without impoverishing that of others,
emotionally, spiritually or physically.

Your governments too must reform themselves rapidly, for despite the belief
which many hold that they live in a democracy, in truth few people trust
their governments to act competently, honestly and efficiently. The purpose
of government, in the words of your Thomas Jefferson, is to prevent men
from injuring one another. If only you had but one government which did
just that, which ensured peace and true social justice among its people,
acting productively without undue waste, with honesty and transparency,
with the interests of the people ? its customers ? at heart, you would
never believe the beneficial, almost magical effect it would have. With
that one principle, there would be physical plenty for all to live
challenging and rewarding lives in a pleasant environment on a respected

As you shed your aggressive competitiveness, competing only with ignorance
to create knowledge, competing only with poverty to create wealth which all
may share, conducting your collective lives according to the principle of
mutual respect and cooperation, so all the dark, dank places you have
created for yourselves will be changed and brightened, those who have been
put down will find new freedom to make their own contribution, and the harm
done to your host planet can slowly be undone.

There will be little enough time for this new spirit to take root. But if
you can only pause from your aggression long enough to enjoy the stillness
of peace, if you can order your collective affairs according to Universal
Laws long enough to glimpse the rewards of peace, justice and cooperation,
and if experiencing these things each of you can profit from your new
environment in order to review your personal attitudes, your approach to
yourself and to others, you will then be in a position to embrace a
brighter future.

It is our wish to remain with you, and to communicate with you constantly
in order to give you a wider view of that which you cannot see, of
developments around you and how they will affect you. And in our behavior
towards you, we will show you the creative, nurturing power of love, of
mutual caring and assistance which we hope that you too will embrace among

:smile: I know some of the people that are a part of that:smile:

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:27 PM
Glad I wore my tinfoil hat today.

hereformore's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:29 PM

Glad I wore my tinfoil hat today.
laugh rofl

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:31 PM

Glad I wore my tinfoil hat today.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: rofl rofl :laughing: :laughing:

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:31 PM
It was in my in box...not sure who it is from but some words of wisdom wherever it came from..

hereformore's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:31 PM
Edited by hereformore on Wed 08/05/09 05:33 PM


On behalf of the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy, we greet
you. We would like to assure you that we are of the Light, and that we come
to you in the service of your Creator to assist and advise you so that you
may better understand and react to the changes which will soon be upon you
and your planet.

With your limited vision, and your relationship with self-centeredness and
conflict, you may be tempted to suspect that we have come to harm or to
conquer you. There are indeed forces in your universe who might have such
intentions. But their powers have been largely neutralized at this time. I
have already assured you and gladly assure you once again that we are of
the Light, and that we are here for your benefit.

The time has now come for a general movement upwards, a sorting of those
who are ready to move up, and those who are not. Your planet is to be
cleansed physically as well as on the spiritual level, for she has suffered
much harm in acting as your host. It is important that you have some idea
of what lies immediately ahead and why it is to take place, so that you may
prepare yourselves. This is our first task.<!--more-->

You have collectively made great advances in science and technology, but in
so doing, you have often neglected another important source of information,
namely your intuition. In your obsession with things physical, things which
can be seen, felt, measured and tested, you have gained the impression that
if you cannot see or feel it, it cannot therefore exist. Your eyes are
closed to any possibilities outside your own area of recognition. But I
must tell you, that there is more unseen than is seen, there is more
uncomprehended than comprehended, there is more to your world and your
universe than you could presently imagine.

The density of matter is important. Physical objects have different
densities, people's physical fram&#101;s have different densities, so also
do worlds. We are of a lighter, finer density that you, as also are the
manifestations which you call spirits or ghosts. Place some pebbles in a
sieve, then pour water over them and see how the finer density of water
allows it to pass around the denser pebbles. That is why ghosts can pass
through walls. That is how our spacecraft can move about invisibly to your
eyes, though we are able to make ourselves visible to your senses at will.
That is why there is so much going on around you that is invisible to your

Planet Earth at present exists on the densest possible level as a
reflection of the environment in which you live and conduct yourselves and
the lessons you have chosen to learn. Each planet or universe or
civilization has its constitution, similar in spirit and intent to the
constitutions of your more evolved governments. The concept of constitution
is to lay down the outer, absolute boundaries of approved behavior beyond
which neither individuals nor governments may pass. Planet Earth has been
given the gift of Free Will, as have many others. But unlike others, your
Free Will has been given without boundaries. Thus you have been able to go
to extremes of violence and self gratification at the expense of others,
extremes which in other civilizations would not be permitted. In this way
you yourselves, and all of us who observe you and experience your world by
co-relation, can learn of the effects which such actions can set in motion.

But this situation will shortly come to an end. For now is a time of
sorting and of moving upwards. It is a time of revision, of assessment, of
taking new paths. It includes your entire planet, and indeed a much wider
circle of worlds beyond your own. Your planet is to be cleansed, and its
people will move to new worlds according to their evolution and
aspirations, in order to learn new lessons in new environments. This will
give each individual the opportunity to review his or her life and
attitudes, and to consider the kind of future to which he or she aspires.

Having given you just a brief idea of what is to happen very shortly around
you, I must now tell you of the task we have been given by Earth's
Spiritual Guides and Hierarchy, and how we propose to set about fulfilling
our responsibilities.

It is our intent to use what in your language might be referred to as the
"carrot and the stick".

The "stick" is not, as you might at first think, a weapon to be raised in
aggression or anger or envy. This is not our way. Indeed the "constitution"
of our lives and civilization does not permit any of these things. The
"stick" we will use is a rod of protection, and it is strict, tolerating no
exceptions. Already you will find that your weapons of war are losing their
effectiveness; over time these physical weapons will disintegrate into
dust, their aura of aggression and anger will be neutralized along with
their physical form. You will also find that anything used as a weapon of
aggression, even a stick or a fist raised in anger, will be stayed by an
unseen hand. Ultimately, you will find that when any words are to be spoken
in anger or aggression, the voice of the speaker will falter as if gently
choking, so that such words may not be expressed. Finally, as the din of
war is gradually stilled and the spirit of peace descends upon your planet,
we hope to reinforce it with an all-enveloping blanket of love and
goodwill. You must understand that although you may think that victory is
an achievement providing its rewards, you should know that the continuance
of war and competitive aggression which is a constant feature of your
planet has taken its toll upon your emotions and your senses, creating a
continuing tension. As this burden is progressively lifted you will find
yourselves lightening, becoming more joyful, more able to see the beauty
around you and the light in the souls of others.

Perhaps you, with your tradition of total Free Will, may feel that this is
an unwarranted intrusion into your liberty. Although you may well agree in
principle that the neutralization of all anger and aggression together with
all weapons of war would be a wonderful thing, you may not feel altogether
comfortable with its imposition by an alien and foreign force. Yet I must
tell you that such rules are not unusual; indeed your planet is almost
unique in permitting such activities, which are not within the
constitutional bounds of other civilizations. Many of you may also feel
that while an end to violence is a good thing in principle, it is necessary
first of all to repay debts, to claim the "eye for the eye". But I must
tell you that such vendettas, such acts of violence followed by
counter-violence in the name of honor, these acts have been going on for
centuries in your collective lives. Somewhere, at some time, the
perpetuation of violence must stop. This is now the place and the time.

I must also explain that if we are to help you, as we have been instructed
to do, we must first ask you to be still. We cannot help and advise those
who are too busy killing one another to listen to our words. If you could
see your planet from outer space as we do all the time, you would see a
murky aura of accumulated hate and aggression, and your ears would be
deafened by the constant clamor and din of war, the shooting and the bombs,
the cries of the wounded and the dying, and the destruction of so much of
the physical assets of your civilization which you have previously built
with expenditure of great effort and planetary resources. If only the
effort you have put into destruction and rebuilding could have been
directed into preserving and enhancing, of building upon building, imagine
how rich your civilization would now appear! But that is your destiny and
it is not for us to question it, only to point out that if you are to
listen, to be informed, to improve your conduct and make a right decision
when needed to do so, then you must first be stilled.

Our "stick" will be the rod of protection, ensuring that acts of aggression
are halted so that the clash of war may be stilled and the spirit of
aggression, of violence and revenge may be quietened.

The "carrot" of persuasion will take the form of suggestions as to how you
may conduct your lives more peaceably, more spiritually, with the "reward"
that in so doing you may be more ready to move to a higher level of being.

It is our hope that as you pause for a moment in your aggression and
counter-aggression, when your ears are no longer filled with the din of war
and your senses not fully preoccupied with getting the better of others
before they get the better of you, in that stillness and space of
neutrality you may be persuaded to begin afresh, and to build for
yourselves a society where relationships are based on mutual respect,
non-aggression and cooperation, on construction rather than destruction.

A daunting, perhaps even impossible task? No. Indeed it is much easier done
than imagined.

In other societies more developed than your own, there is one guiding
principle of conduct between people. It is a simple rule: first, do no

You must start early with your very youngest children, as we also do,
teaching them what is to us the most important rule of life: respect others
as you would have them respect you. Think no unkind thoughts, say no unkind
words, for one only puts others down in order to make oneself feel greater.
Learn to value yourself for what you are; build upon your incarnated
foundation, develop yourself and your natural gifts, remembering only that
you should enrich your own life without impoverishing that of others,
emotionally, spiritually or physically.

Your governments too must reform themselves rapidly, for despite the belief
which many hold that they live in a democracy, in truth few people trust
their governments to act competently, honestly and efficiently. The purpose
of government, in the words of your Thomas Jefferson, is to prevent men
from injuring one another. If only you had but one government which did
just that, which ensured peace and true social justice among its people,
acting productively without undue waste, with honesty and transparency,
with the interests of the people ? its customers ? at heart, you would
never believe the beneficial, almost magical effect it would have. With
that one principle, there would be physical plenty for all to live
challenging and rewarding lives in a pleasant environment on a respected

As you shed your aggressive competitiveness, competing only with ignorance
to create knowledge, competing only with poverty to create wealth which all
may share, conducting your collective lives according to the principle of
mutual respect and cooperation, so all the dark, dank places you have
created for yourselves will be changed and brightened, those who have been
put down will find new freedom to make their own contribution, and the harm
done to your host planet can slowly be undone.

There will be little enough time for this new spirit to take root. But if
you can only pause from your aggression long enough to enjoy the stillness
of peace, if you can order your collective affairs according to Universal
Laws long enough to glimpse the rewards of peace, justice and cooperation,
and if experiencing these things each of you can profit from your new
environment in order to review your personal attitudes, your approach to
yourself and to others, you will then be in a position to embrace a
brighter future.

It is our wish to remain with you, and to communicate with you constantly
in order to give you a wider view of that which you cannot see, of
developments around you and how they will affect you. And in our behavior
towards you, we will show you the creative, nurturing power of love, of
mutual caring and assistance which we hope that you too will embrace among

Damn woman...did you write that on your own?

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:32 PM

It was in my in box...not sure who it is from but some words of wisdom wherever it came from..

:smile: Its a real group:smile:

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:34 PM
No, I didn't write it....but I was smoking while I read it...smokin

burgundybry's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:34 PM
...taking off foil hat now....great message LL!!

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:34 PM
:smile: It's a group of New Age believers:smile:

hereformore's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:35 PM

No, I didn't write it....but I was smoking while I read it...smokin
laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:36 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Wed 08/05/09 05:37 PM

No, I didn't write it....but I was smoking while I read it...smokin

:smile: Its a real group of people.:smile:New Age believers.:smile:They have a lot of sites all over the internet.:smile:I have spoken with some of them:smile:

Jess642's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:36 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Wed 08/05/09 05:40 PM

"You have collectively made great advances in science and technology, but in so doing, you have often neglected another important source of information, namely your intuition.

In your obsession with things physical, things which
can be seen, felt, measured and tested, you have gained the impression that if you cannot see or feel it, it cannot therefore exist.

Your eyes are closed to any possibilities outside your own area of recognition. But I must tell you, that there is more unseen than is seen, there is more uncomprehended than comprehended, there is more to your world and your universe than you could presently imagine....."

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:38 PM
I am sorry, but due to a low IQ and no time, and never have taken Evalyn Woods reading dynamics,,,I CANNOT READ ALL THIS THIS WEEK..

noway Maybe by thursday,,,,,surprised A,,,well Friday...

I will have time,,,,,,spock I hope....

misstina2's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:39 PM
scared we're being taken overscared

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:40 PM

...taking off foil hat now....great message LL!!

Don't never take off the foil hat my friend. THEY are everywhere.

burgundybry's photo
Wed 08/05/09 05:41 PM

...taking off foil hat now....great message LL!!

Don't never take off the foil hat my friend. THEY are everywhere.

laugh laugh

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