Topic: Is bigfoot real?
TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 08/05/09 01:32 PM
Hummmmmmmm who really knows for sure?whoa Besides until they were to find the remains of one or a live one there is no way that everyone will believe that it is more then a myth.....,noway

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 01:33 PM
scared scared scared scared scared scared scared

mssilverfox's photo
Wed 08/05/09 01:34 PM
He's alive and living in Akron, Ohio and builds trikes!!

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 01:36 PM
I must be bigfoot, I leave signs everywhere that i exists but nobody sees me.

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 01:55 PM


Bigfoot, UFOs, Nessie, Champ...

All of these things have had such a concentrated effort made against their existence that anyone who might think they are real things are considered to be " whack jobs " or " nutcases ".

" If there is such a thing as Bigfoot, why haven't we ever found any bones?? " is one of the most repeated arguments as far as that subject goes.

Well...anyone who lives in an area that isn't surrounded by concrete knows that it's pretty rare to find bones from ANY dead animal.

Scavengers can pick apart a dead animal in pretty short order. That will scatter any bones.

In an area like the Northwest, which is were Bigfoot is most prominent, even when people go out " looking " for it, the chances of actually coming across any bones or a thatch of fur or some similar evidence is infinitesimal. It's just too big an area to cover.

It's kinda' like asking if anyone has seen a baby pigeon...most city dwellers are gonna say "No" but they must obviously, undeniably exist...I was raised to have an open mind & to question only authority...

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 02:05 PM

Is bigfoot real? Could there be a creature that huge that we have no evidence of? Are the people who claim to have seen bigfoot just looking for attention? Is bigfoot a hoax perpetuated by locals for reasons unknown and will we ever know for sure?

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 02:06 PM

Is bigfoot real? Could there be a creature that huge that we have no evidence of? Are the people who claim to have seen bigfoot just looking for attention? Is bigfoot a hoax perpetuated by locals for reasons unknown and will we ever know for sure?

well i'm sorry but i LIKE my helmets! grumble

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 08/05/09 02:08 PM


Bigfoot, UFOs, Nessie, Champ...

All of these things have had such a concentrated effort made against their existence that anyone who might think they are real things are considered to be " whack jobs " or " nutcases ".

" If there is such a thing as Bigfoot, why haven't we ever found any bones?? " is one of the most repeated arguments as far as that subject goes.

Well...anyone who lives in an area that isn't surrounded by concrete knows that it's pretty rare to find bones from ANY dead animal.

Scavengers can pick apart a dead animal in pretty short order. That will scatter any bones.

In an area like the Northwest, which is were Bigfoot is most prominent, even when people go out " looking " for it, the chances of actually coming across any bones or a thatch of fur or some similar evidence is infinitesimal. It's just too big an area to cover.

It's kinda' like asking if anyone has seen a baby pigeon...most city dwellers are gonna say "No" but they must obviously, undeniably exist...I was raised to have an open mind & to question only authority...

But but...........I've seen adult pigeon's and many do raise them. Now where has a Bigfoot ever been captured? Or even the remains been found?

Not saying they may not exist but...........guess I'm one of those that will believe when I finally see some real evidence....

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 02:10 PM

Is bigfoot real? Could there be a creature that huge that we have no evidence of? Are the people who claim to have seen bigfoot just looking for attention? Is bigfoot a hoax perpetuated by locals for reasons unknown and will we ever know for sure?

John1932's photo
Wed 08/05/09 02:13 PM

Is bigfoot real? Could there be a creature that huge that we have no evidence of? Are the people who claim to have seen bigfoot just looking for attention? Is bigfoot a hoax perpetuated by locals for reasons unknown and will we ever know for sure?

yes she is real, she captured me and trapped me in the woods for many years and made me her love slave..

Its was GREEAT!!!!

but I let you go when you said please...

Yea but its not like I broke my leg getting out of there or anything.blushing

John1932's photo
Wed 08/05/09 02:16 PM
Edited by John1932 on Wed 08/05/09 02:18 PM

His name is actually Chu Chu, and I found him in the woods over here. I wrote a story about it and everything


Hey Sunny, you changed your picture, looks great.
you look a little different without your glasses, but both are SWEET!!!.
OK, now for my reply:
Are you gonna share this story?

Needs editing laugh

And thanks for the commentblushing

I thought you were being sarcastic, be you really did write about it.
Awesome, I wanna meet CHU CHU, it was probably his sister CHI CHI, that kidnapped me.. lol

michiganman3's photo
Wed 08/05/09 02:19 PM
Big hairy beast that smells awful, make mournful sounds at night?

There is an old joke about a woman who gets tattoos of famous men on each inner thigh, and the one in the middle has got to be Sasquatch!

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 02:47 PM
Of course he's real. Haven't you seen Tenacious-D, Pick of Destiny.

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 02:49 PM


Bigfoot, UFOs, Nessie, Champ...

All of these things have had such a concentrated effort made against their existence that anyone who might think they are real things are considered to be " whack jobs " or " nutcases ".

" If there is such a thing as Bigfoot, why haven't we ever found any bones?? " is one of the most repeated arguments as far as that subject goes.

Well...anyone who lives in an area that isn't surrounded by concrete knows that it's pretty rare to find bones from ANY dead animal.

Scavengers can pick apart a dead animal in pretty short order. That will scatter any bones.

In an area like the Northwest, which is were Bigfoot is most prominent, even when people go out " looking " for it, the chances of actually coming across any bones or a thatch of fur or some similar evidence is infinitesimal. It's just too big an area to cover.

It's kinda' like asking if anyone has seen a baby pigeon...most city dwellers are gonna say "No" but they must obviously, undeniably exist...I was raised to have an open mind & to question only authority...

But but...........I've seen adult pigeon's and many do raise them. Now where has a Bigfoot ever been captured? Or even the remains been found?

Not saying they may not exist but...........guess I'm one of those that will believe when I finally see some real evidence....

LOL The point I was trying to make was that people believe in baby pigeons...even tho' most don't SEE them in RL...just like some believe in Bigfoot without needing any proof...:wink: I have an open mind & don't need "proof" of it's existence per se'...I'm more of the opinion of "PROVE to me it DOESN'T exist"...kinda' like how some people feel about "God"...& for the religious zealots...NO! I'm not comparing Bigfoot with God! Sheesh! laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 08/05/09 02:57 PM
Shshshs goood don't go there girlfriend you will get this moved not into arguing.

But one must wonder at times we have seen every type of animal known to man even the skeleton remains have been found and in museums. Therefore how can one believe within something that has not been found.

But then there are mystery's that have never been answered as of yet. So really one can not say that for sure they never existed.whoa

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 08/05/09 02:58 PM
He is & he leaves huge craps everywhere he goes

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 03:01 PM
He's GOT to BE,,,I know they made a record after his cousin,,LIGHTFOOT, and WE have a doughnut shop here in town that sells BIG FOOT chocolate covered rolls,,in the shape and SIZE of his REAL FOOT!!!!!surprised YEPshocked wow,,,,spock

no photo
Wed 08/05/09 03:09 PM

Shshshs goood don't go there girlfriend you will get this moved not into arguing.

But one must wonder at times we have seen every type of animal known to man even the skeleton remains have been found and in museums. Therefore how can one believe within something that has not been found.

But then there are mystery's that have never been answered as of yet. So really one can not say that for sure they never existed.whoa

Actually, many living species are still being discovered...mostly insects, reptiles, & amphibians...but that's not to say a mammal couldn't go undiscovered in the wilds of the NW or elsewhere...especially if it's "smart"... Almost every culture has stories of "wild men"...even here on Mingle...we've got PATSFAN...laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 08/05/09 03:17 PM

Shshshs goood don't go there girlfriend you will get this moved not into arguing.

But one must wonder at times we have seen every type of animal known to man even the skeleton remains have been found and in museums. Therefore how can one believe within something that has not been found.

But then there are mystery's that have never been answered as of yet. So really one can not say that for sure they never existed.whoa

Actually, many living species are still being discovered...mostly insects, reptiles, & amphibians...but that's not to say a mammal couldn't go undiscovered in the wilds of the NW or elsewhere...especially if it's "smart"... Almost every culture has stories of "wild men"...even here on Mingle...we've got PATSFAN...laugh

rofl rofl rofl rofl

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 08/05/09 03:42 PM
Just about every bit of the 'evidence' has been debunked. Therefore there is not much evidence that Bigfoot exists, everything from the images captured to the castings of the supposed foot print...debunked. Possible? Sure, but I'm still under the idea that there are quite a number of species that we are yet to familiarize ourselves with...doesn't mean we will ever know for sure, but as of this point in time there is no evidence to suggest Bigfoot or Nessie exist as the only evidence that exists that is legitimate is the stuff that Monster Quest discovered.