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Topic: Why?
redhead44613's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:02 AM
Edited by redhead44613 on Mon 08/03/09 11:03 AM
Why do chase the idea of love? Why do we always stay with someone even if we know things won't work? Why do we keep going after love?

You think that after so many times you would just give up on it all. But people still go after that idea of a perfect love. ohwell The whole idea of love only seems to be a joke these days. Can you truly be happy with someone? I don't know bout you guys but after so long I get sick of who I am with. Maybe I am destine to not be with just one person. ohwell

Oh and one question I just can't seem to answer.. Why does fate make us suffer?

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:03 AM

Why do we always stay with someone even if we know things won't work?

asked and answered?drinker

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:04 AM
Some like the idea of being in love then they find they maybe don't like the person... it is better to be alone than with the wrong one. Some stay out of habit. Your young, you'll find the right guy one day. Be kind to yourself.

no photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:04 AM
Some people are just suckers for punishment.

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:05 AM
The heart wants what the heart wants, just because one has had a bad experience in the past doesn't mean that's what the future has to offer!

lonetar25's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:06 AM
fear of being alone

he was a fool, your not destin to be alone

it would be too much of a waste

no photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:11 AM

Why do chase the idea of love? Why do we always stay with someone even if we know things won't work? Why do we keep going after love?

I think there's a basic human yearning to be with someone who understands us, who we can be comfortable with, who we can communicate with and share our lives with. Human beings (for the most part) are social creatures, creatures who tend to function better when they have the option of being interactive with others.

On top of that, our media, our traditions, our "expectations," clearly tend to point us in the direction of finding "the one" as a sort of priority, an ultimate goal.

You think that after so many times you would just give up on it all. But people still go after that idea of a perfect love. ohwell The whole idea of love only seems to be a joke these days.

You're right, and after giving the matter a lot of thought over many months, I have decided to give up. There is simply no one out there who is compatible with me. I have to learn to accept this as reality.

Can you truly be happy with someone? I don't know bout you guys but after so long I get sick of who I am with.

Same here. All but one of my relationships have ended up with my either being a.) bored to death with the person, or b.) ending the realtionship once it became clear their only intention was to domesticate me.

Maybe I am destine to not be with just one person. ohwell

Oh and one question I just can't seem to answer.. Why does fate make us suffer?

I don't believe in fate. I believe there is simply no one out there who has the intelligence, creativity, and independence of thought I would require in a partner.

TxsSun's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:11 AM
There is not a perfect love. Anything worth having is going to take work. If you keep getting bored, then they aren't the one for you.

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:12 AM
Edited by Gossipmpm on Mon 08/03/09 11:23 AM
Sometime it's the idea of being in love that we are in love with:heart:

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:13 AM

Why do chase the idea of love? Why do we always stay with someone even if we know things won't work? Why do we keep going after love?

You think that after so many times you would just give up on it all. But people still go after that idea of a perfect love. ohwell The whole idea of love only seems to be a joke these days. Can you truly be happy with someone? I don't know bout you guys but after so long I get sick of who I am with. Maybe I am destine to not be with just one person. ohwell

Oh and one question I just can't seem to answer.. Why does fate make us suffer?

:smile: Because of the false ideas about love that have been imprinted on us by tv shows,movies,music,and stuff like that:smile:

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:14 AM

Why do chase the idea of love? Why do we always stay with someone even if we know things won't work? Why do we keep going after love?

You think that after so many times you would just give up on it all. But people still go after that idea of a perfect love. ohwell The whole idea of love only seems to be a joke these days. Can you truly be happy with someone? I don't know bout you guys but after so long I get sick of who I am with. Maybe I am destine to not be with just one person. ohwell

Oh and one question I just can't seem to answer.. Why does fate make us suffer?

:smile: Because of the false ideas about love that have been imprinted on us by tv shows,movies,music,and stuff like that:smile:


Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:15 AM

Why do chase the idea of love? Why do we always stay with someone even if we know things won't work? Why do we keep going after love?

You think that after so many times you would just give up on it all. But people still go after that idea of a perfect love. ohwell The whole idea of love only seems to be a joke these days. Can you truly be happy with someone? I don't know bout you guys but after so long I get sick of who I am with. Maybe I am destine to not be with just one person. ohwell

Oh and one question I just can't seem to answer.. Why does fate make us suffer?

:smile: Because of the false ideas about love that have been imprinted on us by tv shows,movies,music,and stuff like that:smile:

like the sweaty, steamy passionate sex scenes in elevators with total strangers...spock

no photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:20 AM

Why do chase the idea of love? Why do we always stay with someone even if we know things won't work? Why do we keep going after love?

You think that after so many times you would just give up on it all. But people still go after that idea of a perfect love. ohwell The whole idea of love only seems to be a joke these days. Can you truly be happy with someone? I don't know bout you guys but after so long I get sick of who I am with. Maybe I am destine to not be with just one person. ohwell

Oh and one question I just can't seem to answer.. Why does fate make us suffer?
I feel your words, and know this, your 21,,and TRYST ME HERE,
YOUR hurts are not over yet,,BUT,,through all of what fate puts us through, we learn more about our true desires and fears and life..
If not for a heart aching, how could we know its plesant?
You will pass through and over and under many more men, before you shall find the one you only EVER WANT TO BE,,,,beside you for the rest of your life...
Always keep your heart open, yours walls up, your tears free to fall,
And your kisses wet and alive for the one who will find them,,,,IN HIS MIND FOREVER....
Good luck with feeling peace and with knowing,,time will always HEAL,,,ANY trauma you may have,,,IF, you give it no end..

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:23 AM
Because love provides a euphoric feeling induced by hormones, and body chemicals. We like anything that makes us feel good.

It is one of the best feelings we know.

trgirl's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:23 AM
i am just a glutton for punishmenttears

4974's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:24 AM
because people were created with the desire to be loved... True love is possible, i have seen the result of it...its a beautiful thing..possible yes, good luck finding it tho

RKISIT's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:34 AM
love is like a tool you've never used before..once you have it what do you do with it

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:35 AM

love is like a tool you've never used before..once you have it what do you do with it

love is like a tool... funnylaugh

southern_bee's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:37 AM
as you grow and realize you dont have to settle and you learn to love yourself more you wont let yourself to stay with someone when you are miserable and its ok to be single.

RKISIT's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:52 AM

love is like a tool you've never used before..once you have it what do you do with it

love is like a tool... funnylaugh
what i mean is once you figure out how to use the tool(love)you can begin to build feelings,emotions,relationships..even though you can see it crumble and fall apart in an instant,you just keep using it to build until you have something strong enough to relax and not worry about....i have no idea where this came from

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