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Topic: Has anyone noticed..
jeanc200358's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:48 AM
...a trend of women in their 40s and beyond looking younger and
healthier these days than in past decades?

I was just looking at Wildflower's pics're 49??? No way!! Geez!

Also wildflowerjj, and many others here whose names escape me right now.

Are women taking better care of themselves these days? Has our water
system tapped into the fountain of youth? I don't know, but there sure
seems to be a lot of "older" women on here (and elsewhere) who sure do
look DAMN GOOD "for their age!"


drinker bigsmile

pagrby's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:51 AM
oh no! Don't drink the water. You know whats in that stuff???

davinci1952's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:52 AM
.. dont think 40 ish is old look 30 like..flowerforyou

Alada's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:53 AM
You are totally right! JJ looks amazing for 49!

Alada's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:55 AM
I, for one, now that now that my child-bearing years have passed, I have
more time for me. I eat healthier and exercise more.

Still, 40sh is 40sh!

crazysillygirl's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:55 AM
YEAH SHE DOES......PISSES ME OFF......laugh laugh

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:55 AM
I was gonna say don't drink the water-but someone else allready

did lol. I think its how women take care of them selves. I

also beleive that the amount of stress one exsepences has an

effect on our bodys too. Thats just my opinion. happy

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:56 AM
thanks, Dav!

..but I dint say "old," I said "OldER."

drinker :smile:

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 05/21/07 10:58 AM
Well, I've been lucky, I guess. I drank like a fish and smoked like a
salmon wait, not smoked salmon..smoked like a chimney--yeah, that's
it! -- for over 30 years and have had to deal with debilitating panic
attacks off and on since I was 14 and have come out relatively
physically unscathed from the experience.

Bithiyah's photo
Mon 05/21/07 11:15 AM
You must have a no chemical diet Jean, you look very healthy.

I went no chemical near 4 years ago, it has saved my life and I am ready
to start living like it's just going to keep on getting better. There
is no substiture for real food. I droped 190lbs in 3 1/2 years and the
muscle tone underneath after carrying all that weight for so long, the
muscle tone is awesome.

Maybe from an old crone to a young maiden isn't a myth after all.

To feel my bones again, it is incredible.

My advise to everyone, learn the Organic difference, the rest takes care
of itself.

Taryn's photo
Mon 05/21/07 11:19 AM
That's amazing bithiyah! I applaude you for being so healthy.

Wildflower2286's photo
Mon 05/21/07 11:33 AM
wow jeanc if i am the wildflower you were referring to I thank you for
the compliment. I think that in my life the 40's have been the best.
You really start to put things into perspective and not sweat the small
stuff anymore. The 50's are creeping up fast but from what I hear they
are even better. Hugs to all ...

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/21/07 11:34 AM
i do every thing i can to look my age
you should see my mom at 68
last year she was dating a guy younger than me

tantalizingtulip's photo
Mon 05/21/07 11:48 AM
JJ who is in china ,is amazingly beautiful hr innner beauty exudes to
her outer beauty.......

no photo
Mon 05/21/07 11:52 AM
I hope to grow as lovely as these ladies!

I didn't use the word "age" because it doesn't show lol!

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 05/21/07 11:53 AM
"You must have a no chemical diet Jean, you look very healthy."

Does PapaJohn's and McDonald's count? LOL...thank you. I try to eat
"right" most of the time, but I eat just about everything. It's hard
going organic..sooo expensive. I take vitamins, though, and Omega 3-6

Have tried some soy products and wondering how much benefit there is to

You look fabulous! Could you give us an idea of what a "no-chemical"
diet consists of? Are u talking nothing but fresh produce, for the most
part, without use of pesticides, etc.? Thanks!


wow jeanc if i am the wildflower you were referring to I thank you for
the compliment.

Yes, u are, and it is well-deserved.


I think that in my life the 40's have been the best. You really start to
put things into perspective and not sweat the small
stuff anymore.

Except for the sweat of hot flashes...geesh! LOL.


The 50's are creeping up fast but from what I hear they
are even better. Hugs to all ...

As of June 2, I've got one more year to go before I hit the 50 mark.
Now, more than ever before, my health and apperance are important to me.
We don't stay young forever but no one says we have to age "gracefully."
I plan to fight it "tooth and nail," in that it does take diligence at
our age to keep a youthful appearance. Skin care, staying out of the
sun, diet, exercise, etc.

One product I tried I really love is Hydroderm. It's too expensive for
me to get it on a regular basis but I highly recommend it. It makes your
skin absolutely radiant! (No, they're not paying me to say


FatNasty's photo
Mon 05/21/07 11:57 AM
can someone please tell me how to get off of oxycontin.... i dont think
i can do it.

no photo
Mon 05/21/07 12:18 PM

FEELS LIKE 149!!!sad

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 05/21/07 12:19 PM
fatnasty...if you're being serious, here's a link that might help:

TJ_777's photo
Mon 05/21/07 12:22 PM
I've noticed...hooooooooooorayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy be it water the ladies take care of themselves.....I'll just
thank my lucky stars! ;)

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