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Topic: Dating at work dilemma
LewisW123's photo
Fri 07/31/09 07:48 PM
So I made the mistake of dating someone at work, it got serious, we dated for over a year and got pretty involved. To make a long story short, she dumped me. It sucked. I waited a few weeks, thinking she would change her mind, come to her senses, whatever. It never happened. That was a few months ago.
In the meantime, I was working closely with this gal I have known for several years, but never thought I had a chance with - a little out of my league if you know what I mean. I have really gotten to know her over the past few months and not only is she beautiful, I have really grown to like her. She has made it very obvious, since she found out I have broken up with the first woman, that she is intersted.
Normally, I would have asked her out by now. But if things were to not work out, I might as well quit my job, because she could make my life a living hell. My job is very important to me. I have worked a long time to get into the position I am in with this company.
It's simple right? There will be other gorgeous, intelligent, funny, independent women - right?

no photo
Fri 07/31/09 07:56 PM
just ask her if she is willing to weigh the pros and cons of a work realtionship going to the next level. she needs to be on the same page as you and agree to not make work life miserable if you two were to break up. just my opinion....

catseyes1's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:02 PM
That is why you never mix business with pleasure. If it does not work out there will be a lot of stress and a very uncomfortable work place. Keep the dating outside of work.

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:03 PM
Edited by ReddBeans on Fri 07/31/09 08:06 PM
I learned a very important lesson from an event similiar to urs. Don't eat where u cr@p.shades

elwoodsully's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:07 PM

I learned a very important lesson from an event similiar to urs. Don't eat where u cr@p.shades

Or to put it into words that my fellow Yankee can actually Don't get your Honey where you get your money.

ClayFace2009's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:09 PM

I learned a very important lesson from an event similiar to urs. Don't eat where u cr@p.shades

Or to put it into words that my fellow Yankee can actually Don't get your Honey where you get your money.

Wow, lol. I like that.

no photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:09 PM

So I made the mistake of dating someone at work, it got serious, we dated for over a year and got pretty involved. To make a long story short, she dumped me. It sucked. I waited a few weeks, thinking she would change her mind, come to her senses, whatever. It never happened. That was a few months ago.
In the meantime, I was working closely with this gal I have known for several years, but never thought I had a chance with - a little out of my league if you know what I mean. I have really gotten to know her over the past few months and not only is she beautiful, I have really grown to like her. She has made it very obvious, since she found out I have broken up with the first woman, that she is intersted.
Normally, I would have asked her out by now. But if things were to not work out, I might as well quit my job, because she could make my life a living hell. My job is very important to me. I have worked a long time to get into the position I am in with this company.
It's simple right? There will be other gorgeous, intelligent, funny, independent women - right?

X---> never date anybody from your work.. It will not work...

ReddBeans's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:13 PM

I learned a very important lesson from an event similiar to urs. Don't eat where u cr@p.shades

Or to put it into words that my fellow Yankee can actually Don't get your Honey where you get your money.

If u yankees spoke plain english u wouldn't be needin no translation:tongue: laugh

no photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:16 PM

So I made the mistake of dating someone at work, it got serious, we dated for over a year and got pretty involved. To make a long story short, she dumped me. It sucked. I waited a few weeks, thinking she would change her mind, come to her senses, whatever. It never happened. That was a few months ago.
In the meantime, I was working closely with this gal I have known for several years, but never thought I had a chance with - a little out of my league if you know what I mean. I have really gotten to know her over the past few months and not only is she beautiful, I have really grown to like her. She has made it very obvious, since she found out I have broken up with the first woman, that she is intersted.
Normally, I would have asked her out by now. But if things were to not work out, I might as well quit my job, because she could make my life a living hell. My job is very important to me. I have worked a long time to get into the position I am in with this company.
It's simple right? There will be other gorgeous, intelligent, funny, independent women - right?hhhmmm is interesting...Have you talked this over carefully with your boss??? I would think if you two are to make this need to talk with her about what the possibilties might be... I would think that if she is as interested in you as you think she might be...the only way you are going to know is to ask and find out. I would think if you two sat down and had a cup of joe together you could find out if this might be a possibilty. Who knows this could be your future wife. Good luck:smile:

Want2B5ft's photo
Fri 07/31/09 10:36 PM
I don't think it is a good idea to date someone from work, personally. I have seen it work well for couples, but, I have also seen where it didn't and it wasn't a pretty site.

For me, not being out in the work force very long - I prefer to keep dating and work separate.

I wish you the best while you try to sort out your feelings. The decision doesn't look like it is going to be an easy one to make.

Good Luck flowerforyou

galendgirl's photo
Fri 07/31/09 10:38 PM
I've always had two firm rules...
Don't date married men
Dont' date co-workers

Neither scenario works out well most of the time, based on what I've observed!

Good luck!

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 07/31/09 10:40 PM
Don't date co-workers...especially when they are more powerful than you, then you have no leverage. At least have the upperhand when you date a co-worker...

rko712's photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:01 PM
It can work, I have dated a co worker who was my supervisor. The relationship didnt last, but it NEVER affected us working closely. During or after. In fact, she is one of my best friends! And we are better friends than dating! So it can work, but I wnt do it again.

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 12:30 AM

It can work, I have dated a co worker who was my supervisor. The relationship didnt last, but it NEVER affected us working closely. During or after. In fact, she is one of my best friends! And we are better friends than dating! So it can work, but I wnt do it again.

that makes you beyond unusualdrinker

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 06:23 PM
I absolutely agree with you, it s never a good idea to mix the two. Make your life easier, just dont do it.

galendgirl's photo
Sat 08/08/09 06:39 PM
Run, Forrest! Run!

metalwing's photo
Sat 08/08/09 06:45 PM
pitchfork Marry her and live happily ever after.pitchfork

galendgirl's photo
Sat 08/08/09 06:46 PM

michiganman3's photo
Sat 08/08/09 08:36 PM
It's all good fun and exciting til it goes bad. Then you are stuck usually uncomfortably so until somebody quits or is transferred.

I've done it, won't do it again.

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 08/08/09 08:36 PM

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