Topic: List of thieves | |
Edited by
Thu 07/30/09 06:47 PM
Biden and his Amtrak daily trip Yeah but Biden is safely tucked away as VP. Won't have to worry bout him till next presidential. Grasley. Not exactly. Biden was able to get Amtrak 1.3 billion more in funding via the Stimulus. |
Biden and his Amtrak daily trip Yeah but Biden is safely tucked away as VP. Won't have to worry bout him till next presidential. Grasley. Not exactly. Biden was able to get Amtrak 1.3 billion more in funding via the Stimulus. I'm more concentrating on the ones we could get rid of this cycle. Get enough of good ones in... They can keep biden in check. |
Sessions.(did I spell that right)
Ted Kennedy - sorry for your illness but never liked your political views.
Edited by
Thu 07/30/09 09:21 PM
It would be easier to list them all and them pick out the few that are not thieves.........opps already done... I have been researching... You are quite right. It would appear that we might have but a few current congressperson and senators that don't have their hands in our pockets. I am acutally suprised that we let this go as far as it has. I'm not sure why you would be suprised. This country elected Bush TWICE.... ![]() Yeah! And slick Willie too! ![]() ![]() (They were both idiots) ![]() |
and what and how i pray thee good noble countryman, do you propose to do about such a scenario???
what can and should be done to rectify this arduous manifestation of reptilian thieves, that the American people have voted into office, as they are all somebody's friends ya know... perhaps the friends have the same ideals, and those freinds of those friends... evil, as self interest run amock, is not restricted to just the wealthy and powerful... not missing, it to be a bit more grave, when the powerful control the lives and fate of all... is it not surely, that any truely honest American, would be able to spot what is DIFFERENT than itself, and not vote in fine swelling words of flattery and false promises??? how do you think they go into office, and just how long do you think the power's that be, have been operating as such... we are in rome, or have you not yet noticed??? there is no difference in the rome mentality, than there is with any other past civilization... history is always repeating is it not??? it is the same thought process, thoughts obviously then defined and determined by the same wants... what has changed ever??? people want what they think will provide comfort, happiness, and fun, for self... indeed, it cannot be attributed to the self interest of only some??? as that in itself, does not have the power of size, and quantity, to create into existence what has been created already... no one would fall for long poetic speeches, that actually committ to no specific action, while never revealing any true logictic's of goals and intentions to the people, unless it WANTED to believe, and HOPE, things will get better, like the old pervial nonsense once purtorted to be as wisdom... since when is hope needed, if one know's itself is in control, and knows itself is creating the future??? why does man seek to kmow the future, if man actually recoginzed or believed itself as creating it's own future, or reality... the current system, and all power structures, that are built upon a monetary system, propogate's nothing but a victim and entitlement mentality, which is what will first BELIEVE in words, that actually are not even remotley provable... America has long forgotten to get and insist on proof, mostly for the do gooding religious notions, trying to do unto other's, and since everybody wants GOOD BACK FOR SELF, well, the entire system rewards the HEAVIEST AND STRONGEST HAND OF CLOUT THAT IS HELD OUT... the golden scepter... the human self interest... an insideous disease, that steals all good reasoning and logic, allowing the mind to destroy itself, by giving it what it ask, thinking it is wise, because it deems it shall get what it most sought??? how is that wisdom??? the entire system creates an perpetuate's, and is founded on creating ulterior motive's??? how does one reform such a system, based on such principle's??? of course, the system itself, is built on a conflict of interest to start... for anything, to have to make decisions, that shall effect all other's alive, and base it on a monetary pay system, so that each decision, shall encourage the "me and my family first" metality, of course, is going to produce exactely what exists... so what politician is really evil??? are they not just looking out for their own, and their own friends??? their freinds, just happen to be, just like each our own... just traveling thru a reality, in different social climate's and realms of clout... of course the system has to fail... greed will have to get the best of it, as it is built on rewarding greed... whomever brings in the most cash, with the most clout, wins the election... wa lah... just what the hell, humanly possible, could fix such a system??? an entire populous, would have to be of one goal, which is impossible, and secondly, if there was one agreed upon goal, a defined plan to overhaul the complete principles a govermental system is founded upon, and has been operating on since it's inception, for over 250 years??? to look into the logictic's, of actually changing the course, of such a giant ice snowball, bulling down what gets in it's path, is totally logically impossible... and forget the small minded, that speak of revolution, and revolt, and buying up guns, as such is a mere yap upon the heel, of a construction the size of a WORLD government... or have all the fables of a one world government, and a secret conspiracy, actually veiled the true facts as dancing ghosts, that the worlds governments have been cooperating together always, and as the population ggrowns, so does the need, so already, we are firmly and intricatley woen into the fabric of ALL other world govenrnments, simply because our effects their's drasctically, just as their's can ours... and ineed, we should be cooperating with other world powers, or we would have soilders in our streets, shooting at us, but,we have this global problem, not just here, that all are of the same one principle and goal, to simply maintain self and it's closest??? what the hell else was mankind supposed to do??? it's not like some bog surprise, that people wish to grab the most for their self and loved one's... so naturally, we have an upper circle of society, by natrual human nature, with their own family circles, which has no choice, but to create a greater economic divide between the poor and the rich, aiding and abetting the wealthiest peoples, which of course, are people just like each one here, who also own the richest and most powerful companies in the world... so, how do the rich get richer... build a system built on wealth, lol... then, once in a while, create a economic depression, by anouncing to the world there is one, so thereby creating it, and create a buying frenzy, for and amoung the big boys, with the big toy's, allowing them to gobble up real estate, smaller competing business's, and i'll be damed, the prices are red hot, and on sale for all empires billion's cash laden.... one does not have to steal money, to be a thief, as to steal the wisdom and reasoning from a populous, by creating a sense of entitlement, is by far the preferred method of the unscrupulous wise, that wish to reign for eternity, and indeed, proves far more profitable to what must create a NEED FOR ITSELF, or it's power would be disolved, having much more value, than just some dollar sign... it is about empire's, and legacies, people's entire lives given in the persuit of a goal, to obtain power, to fly amoung the elite of the world, from all races of life, and indeed, it mesmerize's the general populous, creating the want to taste of a mere crumb of the good life, allowing it to buy into lie's and deceit, that days of old would have labeled as fraudulent, having unscrupulous ethic's, and in those days, perhaps some ability to prove such as true... what shall the mater offer the peasants upon the table of live today... when any civilization, has been taught by all mediums, to cry and moan, because it rained on today's wedding party, or rained out the golf course plans, when the earth would have no life upon it without such rain, civilization indeed has been reduced to a daycare of crying babies, for the intent of keeping crying babies within the confines of their crib's... just a ramble... good points from all... peace |
![]() ![]() Notable Reptilians: George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Richard Cheney, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Queen Elizabeth and all 4 sons including Prince Charles and Prince Andrew President Bush's Cabinet Cabinet Positions & Cabinet Officials Attorney General John Ashcroft -- High order Reptilian Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld -- High Order Reptilian Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson-High Order Reptilian Interior Secretary Gale Norton -- Alien controlled Secretary of State Colin Powell --Reptilian of the Highest Order Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill -- Reptilian President Bush's Advisors White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mitch Daniels -- Alien controlled National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice --Alien --other type Senators of the 107th Congress Akaka, Daniel (D - HI) Reptilian Allen, George (R - VA) Reptilian Bayh, Evan (D - IN) -- Alien/other type Biden Jr, Joseph (D - DE) -- Reptilian Bond, Christopher (R - MO) -- Reptilian Boxer, Barbara (D - CA) -- Alien supported Bunning, Jim (R - KY) -- Alien supported Byrd, Robert (D - WV) -- Reptilian Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (R - CO) Pleiadean (fallen to the other side) Carper, Thomas (D - DE) -- Alien supported Clinton, Hillary (D - NY) --Alien/other type Conrad, Kent (D - ND) --Alien/other type Crapo, Mike (R - ID) --- Alien supported Daschle, Thomas (D - SD) --Reptilian Dodd, Christopher (D - CT) -- Alien supported Domenici, Pete (R - NM) --Reptilian Dorgan, Byron (D - ND) -- Reptilian Durbin, Richard (D - IL) --Alien supported Feingold, Russell (D - WI) -- Alien/other type Graham, Bob (D - FL) -- Reptilian Gramm, Phil (R - TX) -- Reptilian of high office Harkin, Tom (D - IA) -- Alien of high office Hollings, Ernest (D - SC) -- Alien /other type Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R - TX) -- Alien supported Inouye, Daniel (D - HI) --Reptilian Kennedy, Edward (D - MA) --Very high reptilian Leahy, Patrick (D - VT) -- Reptilian Lieberman, Joseph (D - CT) --Very high alien/other type McCain, John (R - AZ) -- Alien hybrid Nickles, Don (R - OK) --- Alien/other type Reid, Harry (D - NV) -- Alien supported Rockefeller IV, John (D - WV) --Reptilian of very high office/leadership Santorum, Rick (R - PA) Alien/other type Sarbanes, Paul (D - MD) Very high (nasty) alien type Specter, Arlen (R - PA) __Very high reptilian Thurmond, Strom (R - SC) Alien/other type Warner, John (R - VA) Reptilian/Warrior Leader Reptilian's in the House (Not exactly The West Wing) House of Representatives: Aderholt, Robert; Alabama, 4th (Reptilian and group leader of other aliens) Armey, Richard; Texas, 26th (Alien/other breed) Baird, Brian; Washington, 3rd (Alien/other type) Baldwin, Tammy; Wisconsin, 2nd (Reptilian) Barrett, Thomas; Wisconsin, 5th (Alien/other type) Becerra, Xavier; California, 30th (Reptilian) Bilirakis, Michael; Florida, 9th (Reptilian of High Office) Blunt, Roy; Missouri, 7th Reptilian of High Office) Bonior, David; Michigan, 10th (Very high Reptilian--Leader of sub-group) Boucher, Rick; Virginia, 9th (Reptilian--high office) Brown, Henry; South Carolina, 1st (Reptilian -- very high order) Callahan, Sonny; Alabama, 1st (Reptilian --other type) Capito, Shelley; West Virginia, 2nd (Alien --other type) Carson, Brad; Oklahoma, 2nd (Reptilian --very high officer) Clayton, Eva; North Carolina,1st (Reptilian --very high order) Condit, Gary; California, 18th (Levy died because she found out his secret--he's Reptilian --not such a high order (obviously)) Crenshaw, Ander; Florida, 4th (Reptilian --very high order) Culberson, John; Texas, 7th (Extremely high order reptilian) Davis, Susan; California, 49th (Reptilian) DeFazio, Peter; Oregon, 4th (Reptilian--very high order) DeLay, Tom; Texas, 22nd (A leader of the Reptilians here on planet Earth) Doggett, Lloyd; Texas, 10th (Reptilian --very high order) English, Phil; Pennsylvania, 21st (Reptilian commander) Flake, Jeff; Arizona, 1st (Reptilian, leader of lesser order) Fossella, Vito; New York, 13th (Alien --other type) Gilchrest, Wayne; Maryland, 1st (Reptilian --very high order) Goss, Porter; Florida, 14th (Reptilian/alien hybrid) Green, Mark; Wisconsin, 8th (Alien --other type) Gutierrez, Luis; Illinois, 4th (Reptilian --very high order) Hansen, James; Utah, 1st (Reptilian leader) Hefley, Joel; Colorado, 5th (Reptilian leader) Hobson, David; Ohio, 7th (Alien--other type) Houghton, Amo; New York, 31st (Reptilian --very high order) Hyde, Henry; Illinois, 6th (Reptilian of the Supreme Command (er)) Jackson-Lee, Sheila; Texas, 18th (Reptilian --other type) Jones, Walter; North Carolina, 3rd (Reptilian --High Command) Kennedy, Patrick; Rhode Island, 1st (Alien influenced) Kind, Ron; Wisconsin, 3rd (Reptilian --supreme command) Langevin, James; Rhode Island, 2nd (Reptilian --First Order) Lewis, John; Georgia, 5th (Reptilian) Luther, Bill; Minnesota, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Markey, Edward; Massachusetts, 7th (Reptilian --Very High Order) McHugh, John; New York, 24th (Reptilian --extremely High Order) McNulty, Michael; New York, 21st (Reptilian --Very High Order) Miller, George; California, 7th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order) Nethercutt, George; Washington, 5th (Reptilian --Supreme Command) Owens, Major; New York, 11th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order) Pence, Mike; Indiana, 2nd (Reptilianj --Very High Order) Platts, Todd; Pennsylvania, 19th (Reptilian --VEry High Order) Rahall, Nick; West Virginia, 3rd (Reptilian) Rangel, Charles; New York, 15th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Rodriguez, Ciro; Texas, 28th (Reptilian) Ryan, Paul; Wisconsin, 1st (Reptilian) Serrano, Jose; New York, 16th (Reptilian --High Order) Shimkus, John; Illinois, 20th (Alien --other type) Slaughter, Louise; New York, 28th (Reptilian) Stearns, Cliff; Florida, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Strickland, Ted; Ohio, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Thomas, William; California, 21st (Reptilian --High Order) Walsh, James; New York, 25th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Weller, Jerry; Illinois, 11th (Alien --other type) Wilson, Heather; New Mexico, 1st (Reptilian) Mirror, This is you these people was categorized.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Reptilians? As in David Icke's Shapeshifting Reptilians?
Reptilians? As in David Icke's Shapeshifting Reptilians? ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() Notable Reptilians: George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Richard Cheney, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Queen Elizabeth and all 4 sons including Prince Charles and Prince Andrew President Bush's Cabinet Cabinet Positions & Cabinet Officials Attorney General John Ashcroft -- High order Reptilian Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld -- High Order Reptilian Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson-High Order Reptilian Interior Secretary Gale Norton -- Alien controlled Secretary of State Colin Powell --Reptilian of the Highest Order Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill -- Reptilian President Bush's Advisors White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mitch Daniels -- Alien controlled National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice --Alien --other type Senators of the 107th Congress Akaka, Daniel (D - HI) Reptilian Allen, George (R - VA) Reptilian Bayh, Evan (D - IN) -- Alien/other type Biden Jr, Joseph (D - DE) -- Reptilian Bond, Christopher (R - MO) -- Reptilian Boxer, Barbara (D - CA) -- Alien supported Bunning, Jim (R - KY) -- Alien supported Byrd, Robert (D - WV) -- Reptilian Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (R - CO) Pleiadean (fallen to the other side) Carper, Thomas (D - DE) -- Alien supported Clinton, Hillary (D - NY) --Alien/other type Conrad, Kent (D - ND) --Alien/other type Crapo, Mike (R - ID) --- Alien supported Daschle, Thomas (D - SD) --Reptilian Dodd, Christopher (D - CT) -- Alien supported Domenici, Pete (R - NM) --Reptilian Dorgan, Byron (D - ND) -- Reptilian Durbin, Richard (D - IL) --Alien supported Feingold, Russell (D - WI) -- Alien/other type Graham, Bob (D - FL) -- Reptilian Gramm, Phil (R - TX) -- Reptilian of high office Harkin, Tom (D - IA) -- Alien of high office Hollings, Ernest (D - SC) -- Alien /other type Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R - TX) -- Alien supported Inouye, Daniel (D - HI) --Reptilian Kennedy, Edward (D - MA) --Very high reptilian Leahy, Patrick (D - VT) -- Reptilian Lieberman, Joseph (D - CT) --Very high alien/other type McCain, John (R - AZ) -- Alien hybrid Nickles, Don (R - OK) --- Alien/other type Reid, Harry (D - NV) -- Alien supported Rockefeller IV, John (D - WV) --Reptilian of very high office/leadership Santorum, Rick (R - PA) Alien/other type Sarbanes, Paul (D - MD) Very high (nasty) alien type Specter, Arlen (R - PA) __Very high reptilian Thurmond, Strom (R - SC) Alien/other type Warner, John (R - VA) Reptilian/Warrior Leader Reptilian's in the House (Not exactly The West Wing) House of Representatives: Aderholt, Robert; Alabama, 4th (Reptilian and group leader of other aliens) Armey, Richard; Texas, 26th (Alien/other breed) Baird, Brian; Washington, 3rd (Alien/other type) Baldwin, Tammy; Wisconsin, 2nd (Reptilian) Barrett, Thomas; Wisconsin, 5th (Alien/other type) Becerra, Xavier; California, 30th (Reptilian) Bilirakis, Michael; Florida, 9th (Reptilian of High Office) Blunt, Roy; Missouri, 7th Reptilian of High Office) Bonior, David; Michigan, 10th (Very high Reptilian--Leader of sub-group) Boucher, Rick; Virginia, 9th (Reptilian--high office) Brown, Henry; South Carolina, 1st (Reptilian -- very high order) Callahan, Sonny; Alabama, 1st (Reptilian --other type) Capito, Shelley; West Virginia, 2nd (Alien --other type) Carson, Brad; Oklahoma, 2nd (Reptilian --very high officer) Clayton, Eva; North Carolina,1st (Reptilian --very high order) Condit, Gary; California, 18th (Levy died because she found out his secret--he's Reptilian --not such a high order (obviously)) Crenshaw, Ander; Florida, 4th (Reptilian --very high order) Culberson, John; Texas, 7th (Extremely high order reptilian) Davis, Susan; California, 49th (Reptilian) DeFazio, Peter; Oregon, 4th (Reptilian--very high order) DeLay, Tom; Texas, 22nd (A leader of the Reptilians here on planet Earth) Doggett, Lloyd; Texas, 10th (Reptilian --very high order) English, Phil; Pennsylvania, 21st (Reptilian commander) Flake, Jeff; Arizona, 1st (Reptilian, leader of lesser order) Fossella, Vito; New York, 13th (Alien --other type) Gilchrest, Wayne; Maryland, 1st (Reptilian --very high order) Goss, Porter; Florida, 14th (Reptilian/alien hybrid) Green, Mark; Wisconsin, 8th (Alien --other type) Gutierrez, Luis; Illinois, 4th (Reptilian --very high order) Hansen, James; Utah, 1st (Reptilian leader) Hefley, Joel; Colorado, 5th (Reptilian leader) Hobson, David; Ohio, 7th (Alien--other type) Houghton, Amo; New York, 31st (Reptilian --very high order) Hyde, Henry; Illinois, 6th (Reptilian of the Supreme Command (er)) Jackson-Lee, Sheila; Texas, 18th (Reptilian --other type) Jones, Walter; North Carolina, 3rd (Reptilian --High Command) Kennedy, Patrick; Rhode Island, 1st (Alien influenced) Kind, Ron; Wisconsin, 3rd (Reptilian --supreme command) Langevin, James; Rhode Island, 2nd (Reptilian --First Order) Lewis, John; Georgia, 5th (Reptilian) Luther, Bill; Minnesota, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Markey, Edward; Massachusetts, 7th (Reptilian --Very High Order) McHugh, John; New York, 24th (Reptilian --extremely High Order) McNulty, Michael; New York, 21st (Reptilian --Very High Order) Miller, George; California, 7th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order) Nethercutt, George; Washington, 5th (Reptilian --Supreme Command) Owens, Major; New York, 11th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order) Pence, Mike; Indiana, 2nd (Reptilianj --Very High Order) Platts, Todd; Pennsylvania, 19th (Reptilian --VEry High Order) Rahall, Nick; West Virginia, 3rd (Reptilian) Rangel, Charles; New York, 15th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Rodriguez, Ciro; Texas, 28th (Reptilian) Ryan, Paul; Wisconsin, 1st (Reptilian) Serrano, Jose; New York, 16th (Reptilian --High Order) Shimkus, John; Illinois, 20th (Alien --other type) Slaughter, Louise; New York, 28th (Reptilian) Stearns, Cliff; Florida, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Strickland, Ted; Ohio, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Thomas, William; California, 21st (Reptilian --High Order) Walsh, James; New York, 25th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Weller, Jerry; Illinois, 11th (Alien --other type) Wilson, Heather; New Mexico, 1st (Reptilian) Mirror, This is you these people was categorized.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() Notable Reptilians: George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Richard Cheney, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Queen Elizabeth and all 4 sons including Prince Charles and Prince Andrew President Bush's Cabinet Cabinet Positions & Cabinet Officials Attorney General John Ashcroft -- High order Reptilian Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld -- High Order Reptilian Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson-High Order Reptilian Interior Secretary Gale Norton -- Alien controlled Secretary of State Colin Powell --Reptilian of the Highest Order Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill -- Reptilian President Bush's Advisors White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mitch Daniels -- Alien controlled National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice --Alien --other type Senators of the 107th Congress Akaka, Daniel (D - HI) Reptilian Allen, George (R - VA) Reptilian Bayh, Evan (D - IN) -- Alien/other type Biden Jr, Joseph (D - DE) -- Reptilian Bond, Christopher (R - MO) -- Reptilian Boxer, Barbara (D - CA) -- Alien supported Bunning, Jim (R - KY) -- Alien supported Byrd, Robert (D - WV) -- Reptilian Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (R - CO) Pleiadean (fallen to the other side) Carper, Thomas (D - DE) -- Alien supported Clinton, Hillary (D - NY) --Alien/other type Conrad, Kent (D - ND) --Alien/other type Crapo, Mike (R - ID) --- Alien supported Daschle, Thomas (D - SD) --Reptilian Dodd, Christopher (D - CT) -- Alien supported Domenici, Pete (R - NM) --Reptilian Dorgan, Byron (D - ND) -- Reptilian Durbin, Richard (D - IL) --Alien supported Feingold, Russell (D - WI) -- Alien/other type Graham, Bob (D - FL) -- Reptilian Gramm, Phil (R - TX) -- Reptilian of high office Harkin, Tom (D - IA) -- Alien of high office Hollings, Ernest (D - SC) -- Alien /other type Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R - TX) -- Alien supported Inouye, Daniel (D - HI) --Reptilian Kennedy, Edward (D - MA) --Very high reptilian Leahy, Patrick (D - VT) -- Reptilian Lieberman, Joseph (D - CT) --Very high alien/other type McCain, John (R - AZ) -- Alien hybrid Nickles, Don (R - OK) --- Alien/other type Reid, Harry (D - NV) -- Alien supported Rockefeller IV, John (D - WV) --Reptilian of very high office/leadership Santorum, Rick (R - PA) Alien/other type Sarbanes, Paul (D - MD) Very high (nasty) alien type Specter, Arlen (R - PA) __Very high reptilian Thurmond, Strom (R - SC) Alien/other type Warner, John (R - VA) Reptilian/Warrior Leader Reptilian's in the House (Not exactly The West Wing) House of Representatives: Aderholt, Robert; Alabama, 4th (Reptilian and group leader of other aliens) Armey, Richard; Texas, 26th (Alien/other breed) Baird, Brian; Washington, 3rd (Alien/other type) Baldwin, Tammy; Wisconsin, 2nd (Reptilian) Barrett, Thomas; Wisconsin, 5th (Alien/other type) Becerra, Xavier; California, 30th (Reptilian) Bilirakis, Michael; Florida, 9th (Reptilian of High Office) Blunt, Roy; Missouri, 7th Reptilian of High Office) Bonior, David; Michigan, 10th (Very high Reptilian--Leader of sub-group) Boucher, Rick; Virginia, 9th (Reptilian--high office) Brown, Henry; South Carolina, 1st (Reptilian -- very high order) Callahan, Sonny; Alabama, 1st (Reptilian --other type) Capito, Shelley; West Virginia, 2nd (Alien --other type) Carson, Brad; Oklahoma, 2nd (Reptilian --very high officer) Clayton, Eva; North Carolina,1st (Reptilian --very high order) Condit, Gary; California, 18th (Levy died because she found out his secret--he's Reptilian --not such a high order (obviously)) Crenshaw, Ander; Florida, 4th (Reptilian --very high order) Culberson, John; Texas, 7th (Extremely high order reptilian) Davis, Susan; California, 49th (Reptilian) DeFazio, Peter; Oregon, 4th (Reptilian--very high order) DeLay, Tom; Texas, 22nd (A leader of the Reptilians here on planet Earth) Doggett, Lloyd; Texas, 10th (Reptilian --very high order) English, Phil; Pennsylvania, 21st (Reptilian commander) Flake, Jeff; Arizona, 1st (Reptilian, leader of lesser order) Fossella, Vito; New York, 13th (Alien --other type) Gilchrest, Wayne; Maryland, 1st (Reptilian --very high order) Goss, Porter; Florida, 14th (Reptilian/alien hybrid) Green, Mark; Wisconsin, 8th (Alien --other type) Gutierrez, Luis; Illinois, 4th (Reptilian --very high order) Hansen, James; Utah, 1st (Reptilian leader) Hefley, Joel; Colorado, 5th (Reptilian leader) Hobson, David; Ohio, 7th (Alien--other type) Houghton, Amo; New York, 31st (Reptilian --very high order) Hyde, Henry; Illinois, 6th (Reptilian of the Supreme Command (er)) Jackson-Lee, Sheila; Texas, 18th (Reptilian --other type) Jones, Walter; North Carolina, 3rd (Reptilian --High Command) Kennedy, Patrick; Rhode Island, 1st (Alien influenced) Kind, Ron; Wisconsin, 3rd (Reptilian --supreme command) Langevin, James; Rhode Island, 2nd (Reptilian --First Order) Lewis, John; Georgia, 5th (Reptilian) Luther, Bill; Minnesota, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Markey, Edward; Massachusetts, 7th (Reptilian --Very High Order) McHugh, John; New York, 24th (Reptilian --extremely High Order) McNulty, Michael; New York, 21st (Reptilian --Very High Order) Miller, George; California, 7th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order) Nethercutt, George; Washington, 5th (Reptilian --Supreme Command) Owens, Major; New York, 11th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order) Pence, Mike; Indiana, 2nd (Reptilianj --Very High Order) Platts, Todd; Pennsylvania, 19th (Reptilian --VEry High Order) Rahall, Nick; West Virginia, 3rd (Reptilian) Rangel, Charles; New York, 15th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Rodriguez, Ciro; Texas, 28th (Reptilian) Ryan, Paul; Wisconsin, 1st (Reptilian) Serrano, Jose; New York, 16th (Reptilian --High Order) Shimkus, John; Illinois, 20th (Alien --other type) Slaughter, Louise; New York, 28th (Reptilian) Stearns, Cliff; Florida, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Strickland, Ted; Ohio, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Thomas, William; California, 21st (Reptilian --High Order) Walsh, James; New York, 25th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Weller, Jerry; Illinois, 11th (Alien --other type) Wilson, Heather; New Mexico, 1st (Reptilian) Mirror, This is you these people was categorized.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mirror, alot of people know nothing about Reptilians... you should post a link or something so people can see what your talking about, even though most will think it's a bit on the unbelievable side. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 07/31/09 12:36 AM
![]() ![]() Notable Reptilians: George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Richard Cheney, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Queen Elizabeth and all 4 sons including Prince Charles and Prince Andrew President Bush's Cabinet Cabinet Positions & Cabinet Officials Attorney General John Ashcroft -- High order Reptilian Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld -- High Order Reptilian Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson-High Order Reptilian Interior Secretary Gale Norton -- Alien controlled Secretary of State Colin Powell --Reptilian of the Highest Order Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill -- Reptilian President Bush's Advisors White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mitch Daniels -- Alien controlled National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice --Alien --other type Senators of the 107th Congress Akaka, Daniel (D - HI) Reptilian Allen, George (R - VA) Reptilian Bayh, Evan (D - IN) -- Alien/other type Biden Jr, Joseph (D - DE) -- Reptilian Bond, Christopher (R - MO) -- Reptilian Boxer, Barbara (D - CA) -- Alien supported Bunning, Jim (R - KY) -- Alien supported Byrd, Robert (D - WV) -- Reptilian Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (R - CO) Pleiadean (fallen to the other side) Carper, Thomas (D - DE) -- Alien supported Clinton, Hillary (D - NY) --Alien/other type Conrad, Kent (D - ND) --Alien/other type Crapo, Mike (R - ID) --- Alien supported Daschle, Thomas (D - SD) --Reptilian Dodd, Christopher (D - CT) -- Alien supported Domenici, Pete (R - NM) --Reptilian Dorgan, Byron (D - ND) -- Reptilian Durbin, Richard (D - IL) --Alien supported Feingold, Russell (D - WI) -- Alien/other type Graham, Bob (D - FL) -- Reptilian Gramm, Phil (R - TX) -- Reptilian of high office Harkin, Tom (D - IA) -- Alien of high office Hollings, Ernest (D - SC) -- Alien /other type Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R - TX) -- Alien supported Inouye, Daniel (D - HI) --Reptilian Kennedy, Edward (D - MA) --Very high reptilian Leahy, Patrick (D - VT) -- Reptilian Lieberman, Joseph (D - CT) --Very high alien/other type McCain, John (R - AZ) -- Alien hybrid Nickles, Don (R - OK) --- Alien/other type Reid, Harry (D - NV) -- Alien supported Rockefeller IV, John (D - WV) --Reptilian of very high office/leadership Santorum, Rick (R - PA) Alien/other type Sarbanes, Paul (D - MD) Very high (nasty) alien type Specter, Arlen (R - PA) __Very high reptilian Thurmond, Strom (R - SC) Alien/other type Warner, John (R - VA) Reptilian/Warrior Leader Reptilian's in the House (Not exactly The West Wing) House of Representatives: Aderholt, Robert; Alabama, 4th (Reptilian and group leader of other aliens) Armey, Richard; Texas, 26th (Alien/other breed) Baird, Brian; Washington, 3rd (Alien/other type) Baldwin, Tammy; Wisconsin, 2nd (Reptilian) Barrett, Thomas; Wisconsin, 5th (Alien/other type) Becerra, Xavier; California, 30th (Reptilian) Bilirakis, Michael; Florida, 9th (Reptilian of High Office) Blunt, Roy; Missouri, 7th Reptilian of High Office) Bonior, David; Michigan, 10th (Very high Reptilian--Leader of sub-group) Boucher, Rick; Virginia, 9th (Reptilian--high office) Brown, Henry; South Carolina, 1st (Reptilian -- very high order) Callahan, Sonny; Alabama, 1st (Reptilian --other type) Capito, Shelley; West Virginia, 2nd (Alien --other type) Carson, Brad; Oklahoma, 2nd (Reptilian --very high officer) Clayton, Eva; North Carolina,1st (Reptilian --very high order) Condit, Gary; California, 18th (Levy died because she found out his secret--he's Reptilian --not such a high order (obviously)) Crenshaw, Ander; Florida, 4th (Reptilian --very high order) Culberson, John; Texas, 7th (Extremely high order reptilian) Davis, Susan; California, 49th (Reptilian) DeFazio, Peter; Oregon, 4th (Reptilian--very high order) DeLay, Tom; Texas, 22nd (A leader of the Reptilians here on planet Earth) Doggett, Lloyd; Texas, 10th (Reptilian --very high order) English, Phil; Pennsylvania, 21st (Reptilian commander) Flake, Jeff; Arizona, 1st (Reptilian, leader of lesser order) Fossella, Vito; New York, 13th (Alien --other type) Gilchrest, Wayne; Maryland, 1st (Reptilian --very high order) Goss, Porter; Florida, 14th (Reptilian/alien hybrid) Green, Mark; Wisconsin, 8th (Alien --other type) Gutierrez, Luis; Illinois, 4th (Reptilian --very high order) Hansen, James; Utah, 1st (Reptilian leader) Hefley, Joel; Colorado, 5th (Reptilian leader) Hobson, David; Ohio, 7th (Alien--other type) Houghton, Amo; New York, 31st (Reptilian --very high order) Hyde, Henry; Illinois, 6th (Reptilian of the Supreme Command (er)) Jackson-Lee, Sheila; Texas, 18th (Reptilian --other type) Jones, Walter; North Carolina, 3rd (Reptilian --High Command) Kennedy, Patrick; Rhode Island, 1st (Alien influenced) Kind, Ron; Wisconsin, 3rd (Reptilian --supreme command) Langevin, James; Rhode Island, 2nd (Reptilian --First Order) Lewis, John; Georgia, 5th (Reptilian) Luther, Bill; Minnesota, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Markey, Edward; Massachusetts, 7th (Reptilian --Very High Order) McHugh, John; New York, 24th (Reptilian --extremely High Order) McNulty, Michael; New York, 21st (Reptilian --Very High Order) Miller, George; California, 7th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order) Nethercutt, George; Washington, 5th (Reptilian --Supreme Command) Owens, Major; New York, 11th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order) Pence, Mike; Indiana, 2nd (Reptilianj --Very High Order) Platts, Todd; Pennsylvania, 19th (Reptilian --VEry High Order) Rahall, Nick; West Virginia, 3rd (Reptilian) Rangel, Charles; New York, 15th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Rodriguez, Ciro; Texas, 28th (Reptilian) Ryan, Paul; Wisconsin, 1st (Reptilian) Serrano, Jose; New York, 16th (Reptilian --High Order) Shimkus, John; Illinois, 20th (Alien --other type) Slaughter, Louise; New York, 28th (Reptilian) Stearns, Cliff; Florida, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Strickland, Ted; Ohio, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Thomas, William; California, 21st (Reptilian --High Order) Walsh, James; New York, 25th (Reptilian --Very High Order) Weller, Jerry; Illinois, 11th (Alien --other type) Wilson, Heather; New Mexico, 1st (Reptilian) Mirror, This is you these people was categorized.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mirror, alot of people know nothing about Reptilians... you should post a link or something so people can see what your talking about, even though most will think it's a bit on the unbelievable side. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I was gonna list Harry Reid. Reckon it's just a waste of time. |
I guess I should have posted asking for plans to build a gun and shoot the alien mother ship in its Saturn orbit.
Thanks guys for showing me how stupid my thoughts are. |
I guess I should have posted asking for plans to build a gun and shoot the alien mother ship in its Saturn orbit. Thanks guys for showing me how stupid my thoughts are. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wow!!! I was gonna list Harry Reid. Reckon it's just a waste of time. ![]() ![]() |
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I guess I should have posted asking for plans to build a gun and shoot the alien mother ship in its Saturn orbit. Thanks guys for showing me how stupid my thoughts are. not at all dear brother, as all thoughts stem from some good knowing... certainly knowing what one is up against, if there is thievery run amock, ensures true and accurate solutions ot be formulated... of course, self pity, and self compsssion, as the thought stream used for this post, is not able to glean any new learning from the thoughts it deems as stupid from other's as well... none hear deemed your thoughts stupid in any reckoning of any words, so this is a perception that you have surmized indeed... as each one thoughts, creatwed all that we have and see, so getting them all in the door, for a true solution, is of wise prudence... even the notion their are reptillion being's, somehow that live amoung us, did at first come from metaphors of villianous human behaviour, no matter how much the human imaginatiomn has embellished them into true reptiles disguised as humans, lol... it would simply be arrogant, to not allow other's to voice's their personal belief's, and simply add them as equal insights of another one eye of insights, as what ears have heard, since being on the planet, as all know, was determined by where one was birthed atr it's inception unto human experience, with no one now recalling asking to be born, into it's inception point upon the planet, which soley and wholly determined what eyes and ears have heard, which indeed cannot be denied shape the total sum of knowing of each indiviual... so, perhaps we did once, in our primitive state, as thinking beings as we are now, have poor old imagination, which surmmized many things unto some embellishment, and so many things were passed down, but certainly, to find any true solution, if that was really the intention of the heart, it could not be found by deeming some other's words as meaningless, which is to deem another human as meaningless, by first deeming the words spoken as meaningless, which devalue all human, and created what already exist, that you so speak about that besets you... so, if we are about solution, which is the only thing that copuld be most said about any wisdom, why is not a total picture of the problem welcomed, not just "your" perception taken alone on the matter??? of course, if their is thievery, then this must of course be first known, so it is good knowing to have found out such, but i see no list of the exact monies each is accused of stealing, and being labeled as a thief for... how does one slander, with malicious intent, the lives of many other's, without first gathering facts, to prove one's conclusions??? indeed, it is not missed, you have not taken the time, to actually care enough as the intent to actually do something to change a problem would do, or such facts and data would have already been peresued, before declaring to all, that one fellow man are thieves... it is mot missed, when words are simply for the sake of enciting agreement of possible observation alone, without definitive proof, which is the only true knowing, they are of no true solution, and rather to just throw around distain, and despise, and build it as bricks between peoples, which somehow in present days, seems to convince a heart itself is wise.... just this ONE reality on the matter... peace |