Topic: Please folks. | |
In walking through this life we learn through other people their moods, their thoughts, their abilities, as we try to perfect our self to be acceptible in our own social groups and to ones we may enter into. As a whole US, every human being. We all have to work to keep what we represent to others as a common ground of good, and bad.
If we fail this life of living to view it all as a waste of time, and disrespect who we feel a desire to do so. Then we will lose the respect we share now with each other. And children wil grow to have none, through all they see growing. This is a community, members brought together by their desires to want to be a part of it. We all do not have to agree with each other, We don't have to like each other, but we do ALL have to respect each other, and their opinions. The forums were designed to give certain individuals their on place to voice and read in as its topics expressed areas of their interests. They were all made to help members feel more a part of this site, If you like jokes, you go there and joke and laugh. You do not go there to try and insult people who like to joke. If your into politics, you go there to keep up on them and talk about politics, You do not go there to cut others down or to tell them you dislike politics. The point I am trying to make here is that we should all carry some respect for everyone here. In reading in the Christian forums, I have seen many others who come in with put-downs and bashing in some way that they don't believe in Christ. OK, so then you shouldn't go into that forum, if its just to disrespect others there who believe. This would only make angry the ones who follow that forum. We all like to be real here in the forums and to play in the forums. But we all also have minds here who we help shape as to what we and they see as their common ground of exceptible behavour. Why would anyone want to go into the thiry year olds forum and call them all old, and use that as something to make others laugh? Thats just showing everyone that your disrespectful to that forum. I have played here and been real here for three years. I did not have to resort to putting others down to have people see me as funny, or the put-down as funny. We all have differences in our lives and thoughts, but we all need to keep respect for each other here, by knowing ones joke is only done with no regard to the members it might hurt. To see wrong intentions as funny when you know they were doing that to be cruel, also shows your lack of respect for the ones insulted. This is all just my opinion not that of the site or mods. As a man and member here who likes this place very much, We all reflect who we are on here to the world. And as a child growing I was made fun of for a speech problem I had. As no fault of my own, they were all children as me. WE are all adults here, and teachers to the world. Indifferences are no reasons for laughter or insult. Please, try and pass-it-on, not throw it out. For me, for others, for all the impressional minds who read. |
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"We all reflect who we are on here to the world."
Yes. May we always strive to act from the place of our "Higher Self." ![]() |
"We all reflect who we are on here to the world." Yes. May we always strive to act from the place of our "Higher Self." ![]() |
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Very well spoken what others on here have tried to say. Hats off to you!!!
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Very well spoken what others on here have tried to say. Hats off to you!!! |
Well said! You have a very sensitive soul and more understanding of the feelings of others than many I have read here in the forums. May we all strive to be better in our thoughts and actions. Thank you.
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Well said! You have a very sensitive soul and more understanding of the feelings of others than many I have read here in the forums. May we all strive to be better in our thoughts and actions. Thank you. ![]() |
In this forum I like to show the many sides of my imagination
Here it just comes pouring out!! In other forums I'm all me!! What you see is what you get!! But not everyone is capable of that! To each his own I guess. Just don't be mean and hurtful! Great write ![]() |
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I hear your message, I've had some rude replies in the forums. Some people are just like that, I guess.
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Well put Terry.
I'm in agreement with you. Everyone should be made to feel welcome here. If you don't like a particular forum, don't frequent it. If you don't like a particular topic, stay out of it. If you don't like a particular person, don't post after them. Don't offer your opinion, unless it's asked for. You can be courteous and still disagree with someone. Don't say you're real if you are really just being rude. Respect others opinions, be tolerant of other views. Treat people how you would like to be treated. Period, end of story. It should be pretty simple. |
Edited by
Sat 08/01/09 10:05 AM
Well, Terry, with all due respect, don't you think you need to take into consideration the very nature of the religion in question?
The religion denounces non-follows as being 'heathens' who have turned against God. The religion denounces same-gender love and would create legislation against same-gender love if they could. The religion denounces scientific knowledge of evolution and would teach 'creationism' based on their doctrine as an equally valid 'theory' if they could. Plus they want to do this in public schools using taxpayers dollars. The religion even denounces its own members if they should offer beliefs that do not go along with the particular cult of the religion. For example, Bishop Carlton Pearson was denounced as a heritic when he believed to have an ephipany from God that the very concept of hell had been misunderstood. The religion has a history of striking out against non-believers, and even fighting against its own believers who hold slightly different views. The Catholics and rebellious protestants are a perfect example. In short the religion is known for throwing stones at all other religions and even sects within their own faith. So why should it be any surprise at all that people throw those stones back? Christianity is not an innocent religion. It's an extremely arrogant and accusatory religion. I personally have no sympathy for it at all. When the Christians stop proselytizing their dogma as the only "word of God", and accusing eveyone else of being heathens, then maybe they would deserve some respect, but until then I believe the following graphic says it all. ![]() Let's face it. It's a hypocritical religion. It has been very hurtful to many people. You can't blame those same people for wanting to strike out against it and slay the dastardly dragon that did them harm. Christianity is an accusatory religion that is constantly throwing stones at 'non-believers'. How can they act so innocent when those same stones are just thrown right back at them in kind? How about a little repsect? Hmmmm? Doesn't that go both ways? |
Hello Abra, and really man. Come-on. You just decided to show a personal aggravation for a topic in THIS THREAD,lol
NO-ONE goes into the JOKES forum with a notification of someones death! No one asks for prayers in the sex forum! ALL I am TRYING to get others here to explore and see, or feel, or think about, Is respect to the members and the forums their making their replies in, wink. The religion forum is only ONE FORUM that can be seen objective in by others who view their religion not that of Christ's. And THIS was a general CONCEPT for ALL the forums NOT just Religion. But I will add this for your thoughts of where I was coming from.. I have voiced my ideas to the site as to have a forum or two for members on here who want and need to talk about their GOD'S or their beliefs,,I don't know if they will try to do this or not? I just know that BEFORE I became a Christian on here, I had suggested that Van and Mike make a Religion forum for the ones who believed in GOD and who wanted to PRAY on the posts. NOW, with THAT said,It was my thoughts and other members thoughts that the religion forum was going to be a place of peace and contentment for those who needed a place to go and NOT interfere with others in the forums. But it is or HAS BEEN A PLACE OF WAR over many ideas of different religions. |
Well, I don't know if you've noticed. But I have personally never gone into the Christian Forums. At least not recently, and never on a continuing basis.
I do respect the right for people to have a forum just for that religion no matter how much I disagree with it. But I still think that overall, a religion that is constantly harrassing and condemning non-followers can hardly ask for respect when they aren't willing to give it to others. Also, I don't personally feel that questioning the validity of the doctrine is truly showing disrespect to be quite honest about it. After all, the doctrine, and the religions that grew out of it, claim that their doctrine is the "Word of God" meaning the word of the creator of all humans. That claim, in and of itself, should be open to the comments of all humans, whether they are "beleivers" or "non-believers". If a human has reason to believe that this doctrine doesn't make sense as the word of the supreme creator of humanity, then they should be able to voice that opinion without being viewed as being 'degrogatory'. After all, if the religion is built on nothing more than the isolation of only people who have nice things to say about it, then it will never consider the tough questions. In that case, it becomes nothing more than a brainwashing club of believers who support each other's beliefs at all cost whilst tuning a blind eye to any serious concerns. Is that truly the way religion should be? The blind following of a doctrine that shuns any serious intelligent inquiry? It seems to me that I once saw this listed as the sign of cults to be avoided. Beware of religious groups that shun outsiders and refuse to address issues beyond what their doctrine asserts to be true. Do I personally find such practices unhealthy and potentially dangerous? Yes. I do. ![]() Just the same, I've personally avoided the Christian forums. But if you're going to bring it into the poetry forum I'll address the issues you bring up. ![]() That's fair isn't it? ![]() |