Topic: How much stock do you...
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Tue 07/28/09 03:01 PM

I'm stubborn, so if I like someone, I like them til they give me reason not to. Not sure if this is good or bad...

Dang! Are you my long lost twin?

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Tue 07/28/09 03:04 PM

I'm stubborn, so if I like someone, I like them til they give me reason not to. Not sure if this is good or bad...

Dang! Are you my long lost twin?

LOL you never know!:wink:

Tue 07/28/09 03:16 PM
I just have to wonder why people let others effect their lives like that. Seems it's only normal to want to save the friendship if at all possible, but then to not ask about the rumor and throw a friendship away because of said rumor... I really don't get it.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 07/28/09 03:29 PM
One should only believe part of what one tells them and half of what they read. As far as gut feelings even at times we must step back and see the whole pictures. It's always best not to jump to conclusions many times the one telling it has a reason behind itnoway .

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 07/28/09 03:31 PM

How much stock do you put into something someone tells you about someone you like that is not a good thing, do you ask the person if it's true or not or do you just take the word of that person telling you and never get the friend's side?

Gossip...another way of saying fail.

Gossipmpm's photo
Tue 07/28/09 03:31 PM

Griff, You make your own judgement...what you think is what matters
Always ask. Trust your instinct!
If you don't, you may make a big mistake that could have been the best thing that has ever happened to you.

I agree 100% !!!!

Jess642's photo
Tue 07/28/09 03:32 PM
But I am mean and horrible...ask anyone...laugh

Tue 07/28/09 03:33 PM

But I am mean and horrible...ask anyone...laugh

Really doubt that.

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Tue 07/28/09 03:36 PM
There's always 3 sides to a story...his/hers...theirs...& the Truth...:wink:

Tue 07/28/09 03:37 PM
Edited by GRIFFIN_LIZZARD on Tue 07/28/09 03:38 PM

There's always 3 sides to a story...his/hers...theirs...& the Truth...:wink:

Yes, but to only listen to one side and quit a friendship over it? WTF???

oh BTW.. HIYA Phuqueflowerforyou

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 07/28/09 03:46 PM
I don't believe anything I hear and only half of what I see...

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Tue 07/28/09 05:11 PM

I just have to wonder why people let others effect their lives like that. Seems it's only normal to want to save the friendship if at all possible, but then to not ask about the rumor and throw a friendship away because of said rumor... I really don't get it.

See that's what I tell people! Never let someone run your life or try to tell you what to do; at the end of the day, you're the one who has to answer for whatever happened. And you're the one who's going to suffer the loss of whatever you sacrificed for someone else.

no photo
Tue 07/28/09 05:12 PM

One should only believe part of what one tells them and half of what they read. As far as gut feelings even at times we must step back and see the whole pictures. It's always best not to jump to conclusions many times the one telling it has a reason behind itnoway .

Yeah, I used to date a guy, and this girl tried to tell me something stupid about him. Turned out she wanted him too, and it was all jealousy, LOL

no photo
Tue 07/28/09 05:13 PM

There's always 3 sides to a story...his/hers...theirs...& the Truth...:wink:

My mom says that all the time.

Tue 07/28/09 05:39 PM
well I know this friend of mine that obviously listened to a bitter friend of mine and now she also is bitter, and I know why the original bitter one did what she did, but... I miss my friends...

both of them.

no photo
Tue 07/28/09 05:40 PM

well I know this friend of mine that obviously listened to a bitter friend of mine and now she also is bitter, and I know why the original bitter one did what she did, but... I miss my friends...

both of them.

People can really suck.flowerforyou

Tue 07/28/09 05:54 PM
Neither one of these friends suck really, they just got me all wrong I guess.

no photo
Tue 07/28/09 05:56 PM

Neither one of these friends suck really, they just got me all wrong I guess.

I didn't mean them specifically, I meant people in general. They have the capacity to suck. It's nice you're not mad at them for misjudging you. You're much kinder than I am.

no photo
Tue 07/28/09 05:58 PM
I would ask the person who the rumors are about to see what they said.

Tue 07/28/09 05:59 PM

Neither one of these friends suck really, they just got me all wrong I guess.

I didn't mean them specifically, I meant people in general. They have the capacity to suck. It's nice you're not mad at them for misjudging you. You're much kinder than I am.

I like people, I don't hate too often, heck I don't even hate my soon to be ex for doing the crap she did. I'll take a friend over anything.