Topic: How Do You Tell Somebody They are INSANE?
MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 07/27/09 10:31 PM

I just spent the last 5 and a half hours listen to a crazy person. Somebody that was a friend. Not a close friend but a friend. Listening to him tell me that people are after him, and that his family was moving into the two protect him. Listening to him tell me the he is here to help me. And that everybody around me is in trouble. My work is going to be shut down. But not to worry I am going to be OK. His family is part of the Masons, Hells Angels, some union, and Satan's Choice. He then asked if I have ever been camping, when I said yes he said good that he might need to take me away for a year in the woods to hide out. I am thinking buddy, if you think I am going anywhere alone with you, then you got another thing coming. That just screams horror film. All this as I am trying to work. 10pm rolls around and I am thinking FINALLY home time. He asked me if I wanted a ride home and I said no I am OK with walking. Just wanting to get away from him. Of course that did not work. He proceeded in following me home. I get home and there he is. I question him and he said he just wanted to make sure that I got home OK. He asked me if he could come up and I said that I really wanted to go to bed. He said that he would not be long. So I said fine. 2 and half hours more of listening go on and on how people are out to get him, how he cannot go to coffee shops to get coffee because he gets drugged. That I need to make sure that I get a carbon monoxide detector close to my bed. To watch what I text on my cell. And to light candles so I can see if somebody is leaking gas into my apartment. I was like umm if there is a gas leak in my place then those lit candles are going to make me go BOOM. He even made me turn the volume down on my cell convinced that people are listening through it.

So I ask how do I tell somebody that they have lost it?

surprised You meet some of the strangest peopleshocked

whispertoascream's photo
Mon 07/27/09 10:33 PM

How bout, "stay away from me wierdo." and never speaking to him again.

Why on Gods earth would you invite him into your house?

You found him crazy at work...

He follows you to YOUR house...

and then you invite him in? noway laugh OMG!

I woulda screamed at the top of my lungs in my driveway..



Honestly because he is a fiend. And i do not turn my back on my friends. I knew that if I was in my house I know where things are that could help me if I needed it. And I knew that he would not hurt me.

mmm okaayyyyy.
OK, tell you what. When one of your friends needs help you turn your back on them and then come back and tell me how you feel afterwards.

whispertoascream's photo
Mon 07/27/09 10:33 PM

I just spent the last 5 and a half hours listen to a crazy person. Somebody that was a friend. Not a close friend but a friend. Listening to him tell me that people are after him, and that his family was moving into the two protect him. Listening to him tell me the he is here to help me. And that everybody around me is in trouble. My work is going to be shut down. But not to worry I am going to be OK. His family is part of the Masons, Hells Angels, some union, and Satan's Choice. He then asked if I have ever been camping, when I said yes he said good that he might need to take me away for a year in the woods to hide out. I am thinking buddy, if you think I am going anywhere alone with you, then you got another thing coming. That just screams horror film. All this as I am trying to work. 10pm rolls around and I am thinking FINALLY home time. He asked me if I wanted a ride home and I said no I am OK with walking. Just wanting to get away from him. Of course that did not work. He proceeded in following me home. I get home and there he is. I question him and he said he just wanted to make sure that I got home OK. He asked me if he could come up and I said that I really wanted to go to bed. He said that he would not be long. So I said fine. 2 and half hours more of listening go on and on how people are out to get him, how he cannot go to coffee shops to get coffee because he gets drugged. That I need to make sure that I get a carbon monoxide detector close to my bed. To watch what I text on my cell. And to light candles so I can see if somebody is leaking gas into my apartment. I was like umm if there is a gas leak in my place then those lit candles are going to make me go BOOM. He even made me turn the volume down on my cell convinced that people are listening through it.

So I ask how do I tell somebody that they have lost it?

surprised You meet some of the strangest peopleshocked

Tell me about it. grumble

no photo
Mon 07/27/09 10:33 PM

I just spent the last 5 and a half hours listen to a crazy person. Somebody that was a friend. Not a close friend but a friend. Listening to him tell me that people are after him, and that his family was moving into the two protect him. Listening to him tell me the he is here to help me. And that everybody around me is in trouble. My work is going to be shut down. But not to worry I am going to be OK. His family is part of the Masons, Hells Angels, some union, and Satan's Choice. He then asked if I have ever been camping, when I said yes he said good that he might need to take me away for a year in the woods to hide out. I am thinking buddy, if you think I am going anywhere alone with you, then you got another thing coming. That just screams horror film. All this as I am trying to work. 10pm rolls around and I am thinking FINALLY home time. He asked me if I wanted a ride home and I said no I am OK with walking. Just wanting to get away from him. Of course that did not work. He proceeded in following me home. I get home and there he is. I question him and he said he just wanted to make sure that I got home OK. He asked me if he could come up and I said that I really wanted to go to bed. He said that he would not be long. So I said fine. 2 and half hours more of listening go on and on how people are out to get him, how he cannot go to coffee shops to get coffee because he gets drugged. That I need to make sure that I get a carbon monoxide detector close to my bed. To watch what I text on my cell. And to light candles so I can see if somebody is leaking gas into my apartment. I was like umm if there is a gas leak in my place then those lit candles are going to make me go BOOM. He even made me turn the volume down on my cell convinced that people are listening through it.

So I ask how do I tell somebody that they have lost it?

That sounds just like a guy I know.Do what you can to get him help.Every time he flips out,he ends up being arrested.Than they get his meds right &
all is ok until he goes off them.Tell him he lot it.He will most likely agree.
Best of luck!

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 07/27/09 10:37 PM
Well good luck with your um friend, but grasp the concept that this person is schizophrenic, and their fight or flight response is a ticking time bomb with no medication.

If hes telling you he thinks people are out to get him, how do you know your not on that list?

You are allowing yourself in a dangerous situation by befriending someone like this. For your own safety, you should know better, and stay away.

writer_gurl's photo
Mon 07/27/09 10:41 PM
Is this the same one you told us about a few months ago that swore people are after him? The people in the white and black coats? Cause if it is he should get help, if it is a different person show him to the nearest psych hospital

whispertoascream's photo
Mon 07/27/09 10:42 PM

Well good luck with your um friend, but grasp the concept that this person is schizophrenic, and their fight or flight response is a ticking time bomb with no medication.

If hes telling you he thinks people are out to get him, how do you know your not on that list?

You are allowing yourself in a dangerous situation by befriending someone like this. For your own safety, you should know better, and stay away.
Stay away so somebody else can get freaked out by him? Or stay close at a distance and try to get him the help that he needs? He has always been there for me in the past. Now it is his turn for somebody to be there for him.

Derekkye's photo
Mon 07/27/09 10:43 PM
Edited by Derekkye on Mon 07/27/09 10:43 PM
hmmm...he's been "spiritually" moved, but perhaps by a devil spirit...listen to the words he speaks whether they be evil or good

freemasonry spells trouble - best to keep away

whispertoascream's photo
Mon 07/27/09 10:44 PM

Is this the same one you told us about a few months ago that swore people are after him? The people in the white and black coats? Cause if it is he should get help, if it is a different person show him to the nearest psych hospital
Yes it is the same person. Good memory. Like I said he seemed fine for awhile, so I thought that he actually got some help. But then it happens again tonight. My mind is just boggled right now.

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 07/27/09 10:50 PM

Well good luck with your um friend, but grasp the concept that this person is schizophrenic, and their fight or flight response is a ticking time bomb with no medication.

If hes telling you he thinks people are out to get him, how do you know your not on that list?

You are allowing yourself in a dangerous situation by befriending someone like this. For your own safety, you should know better, and stay away.
Stay away so somebody else can get freaked out by him? Or stay close at a distance and try to get him the help that he needs? He has always been there for me in the past. Now it is his turn for somebody to be there for him.

This is not a child, and asuredly his family, and everyone in his life knows of his condition. Theres gotta be like a 99% chance this guy has BEEN hospitalized, has BEEN on meds, and refuses to take it.

Medication, and help are free to everyone who cant afford it.

You can have him committed if hes found to be a danger to himself or others, but lemme tell ya.. This is a grown adult. You cant save the world.

Noone can force this guy to get on meds.

Hes AWARE of his condition.

Theres a million people out there walking around with his same condition, and refuse to get help. If his insanity cant escape you, you must know it hasnt escaped others.

writer_gurl's photo
Mon 07/27/09 10:55 PM

Is this the same one you told us about a few months ago that swore people are after him? The people in the white and black coats? Cause if it is he should get help, if it is a different person show him to the nearest psych hospital
Yes it is the same person. Good memory. Like I said he seemed fine for awhile, so I thought that he actually got some help. But then it happens again tonight. My mind is just boggled right now.

When someone goes back to that they really need help...He probably was fine and he had a relapse of some sort.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 07/27/09 10:58 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 07/27/09 11:00 PM

hmmm...he's been "spiritually" moved, but perhaps by a devil spirit...listen to the words he speaks whether they be evil or good

freemasonry spells trouble - best to keep away

I agree with this particularly about the freemasons. Maybe he knows this, as crazy as he may seem, there may be truth to some of what he says. I actually believe as a society we are constantly being monitored.

Winx's photo
Mon 07/27/09 11:01 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 07/27/09 11:03 PM
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV) lists six criteria for schizophrenia. They include: characteristic symptoms; social or occupational dysfunction; severe symptoms for one month or longer; the exclusion of schizoaffective and mood disorder; general medication or substance exclusion; and relationship to a pervasive developmental disorder.” Each of these criteria must be present for a person to be diagnosed with schizophrenia.

For a person to be diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, additional elements must be present, which include: “Preoccupation with one or more delusions or frequent auditory hallucinations,” but not “disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, or flat or inappropriate affect.”

According to the DSM-IV, “Delusions are typically persecutory or grandiose, or both, but delusions with other themes (e.g., jealousy, religiosity, or somatization) may also occur.” Furthermore, “The delusions may be multiple, but are usually organized around a coherent theme.”

A form of schizophrenia that is characterized by a preoccupation of bizarre delusion(s) of being persecuted or harassed. Auditory hallucinations that are related to the delusions' theme.

Queene123's photo
Mon 07/27/09 11:04 PM
Edited by Queene123 on Mon 07/27/09 11:05 PM
you mean hes paranoid.. well i actually had a old bf that was like that. i was at his house one time with his cousin and the meals on wheels van was next door and he was freaking out thinking that person was spying on him.. there was another time we were going to this yard sale and there was a car that was behind us, and that car was going to the same yard sale and the old bf was freaking out thinking he was following us . which he wasent... the deal with the old bf was as why he was tripping he was on coke. and im sure other things as well... and no i didnt know untill much later on

Winx's photo
Mon 07/27/09 11:09 PM

Is there any chance that he's doing drugs? People that use crack, meth, and some other drugs are sometimes paranoid.

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 07/27/09 11:12 PM
Yeah, heres some more.

Symptoms of schizophrenia are divided into two groups: negative and positive.

Negative symptoms include:
Inability to experience pleasure. This is a common symptom in schizophrenia and includes difficulty enjoying activities that once brought pleasure, such as playing golf or visiting with friends.
Lack of emotion. This can lead to few friendships or social contacts. Showing little facial expression, having poor eye contact, and slowed speech are characteristic.
Loss of motivation to succeed or accomplish goals. Job or school performance problems are common.
Problems focusing or paying attention, difficulty processing information, confusion, and fragmented thoughts.
Self-neglect, such as poor hygiene, wearing dirty clothes, or neglecting living space until it becomes untidy or cluttered.
Negative symptoms usually occur first and can be confused with other health problems such as depression or substance abuse. Substance abuse often occurs before the symptoms of schizophrenia become apparent. 6

Positive symptoms include:
Hallucinations. These usually involve hearing noises or voices, but they can involve all the senses—seeing, tasting, touching, hearing, or smelling something that is not there.
Delusions. These are firmly held but false beliefs. Some common experiences include thinking you are a powerful person, or that you are being persecuted or chased by the police or by demons.
Disordered (confused) thinking and speech that does not make any sense. Examples include inappropriate responses to questions, not being able to respond with enough information, or always giving a one-word reply to questions.
Bizarre or disorganized behavior. Usually the behavior involves being overly excited, angry, or unresponsive to other people. It may also include bizarre body movements, such as rocking back and forth or grimacing repeatedly.
Inappropriate emotions, such as smiling when speaking of sad topics or laughing for no reason.
Some people with schizophrenia also have unusual symptoms, such as jerking eye movements.

Other symptoms can occur, depending on the type of schizophrenia you have:

Paranoid schizophrenia causes unreasonable fears due to misinterpretations of what is going on around you.
Catatonic schizophrenia causes peculiar behaviors such as standing in an awkward position for long periods of time.
Disorganized schizophrenia causes unusual speech and behavior, such as making up words or constantly rhyming words.
Symptoms of schizophrenia usually emerge during adolescence or early adulthood and may appear suddenly or develop gradually. When symptoms develop gradually, they may be misdiagnosed with other conditions with similar symptoms, such as bipolar disorder or substance abuse (which commonly occurs with schizophrenia).

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 07/27/09 11:16 PM

noway grumble classic paranoid schizogrumble noway is probably undifferentiated schizo, paranoid schizo is actually the good one that mainly only affects the sufferer (trust me, I've had it for about 10 years). Undifferentiated schizo causes symptoms such as but not limited too; delusions, hallucinations, thought disorder and bizarre behaviour among other negative symptoms.

I am not a clinical psychologist, there is a chance that your friend also suffers from multiple personality disorder depending on how frequent he is with these delusions. As well he could suffer from any one of the number of delusional disorders. I've been through the anti-psychotics, they are not very I learned about what I had and waged my own personal war with it. I still have random occurences, however they are typically mild and only bother myself.

Queene123's photo
Mon 07/27/09 11:25 PM


Is there any chance that he's doing drugs? People that use crack, meth, and some other drugs are sometimes paranoid.

i just said that.. i wouldnt be suprised

longhairbiker's photo
Mon 07/27/09 11:25 PM
Blah, blah, blah!!!!

longhairbiker's photo
Mon 07/27/09 11:30 PM
Biker intervention. Hit him over the head with frying pan- knock him out. He wakes up in garten center. He gets help. Simple. I'm thinking MY safety would be the #1 priority here.