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Topic: Weapons
ArtGurl's photo
Mon 06/11/07 12:48 AM
Alex :heart: :cry: flowerforyou

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 06/11/07 12:55 AM
flowerforyou ohwell

Oceans5555's photo
Mon 06/11/07 01:41 PM
Hi, everyone...

Nice posts, Alex. Thanks.

The White House was fuming that Bush's trip was going so badly. Condi
Rice sent out word to our Ambassador to Albania and his advance team
there: they want CROWDS, FRIENDLY CROWDS no matter how it was done.

There are rumors floating around that Bush fell off the wagon at the G-8
meeting and got blind drunk, that he had a massive hangover the next day
and had to miss meetings. Later, I heard him in a press conference audio
with slurred speech.

Much as I criticize Bush for his international polciies and kowtowing to
the neocons on foreign affairs and to Karl Rove on domestic policy, I
hope these rumors are just that.

Any comments from the European journalists who are travelling with him?



no photo
Tue 06/12/07 02:16 AM
well many stations did show weeping with welcome and totally exagerated
receptions....but we also know how many were rounded up and paid and and
how much security was used to keep a huge radius clear so as not to show
the protests or any breach of what they wanted to present to the public.

bush acted like a fool in Italy...using first names and overtly familiar
terms of endearment , played up "his great friendships" with PM Prodi,
always calling him Romano.... if you look at Prodi's facial
expression....it says enough. bush is clumsey and ridiculous and
everyone is actually embarrassed to have to step into his promo
campaigne as we all know this is just posturing while he tries so
desperately to save face for his idiocy and mishandling of power....
while he flaunts his arrogance in the crisis of climate change...

the reporter asked him about who made a better coffee which would he
enjoy more ..the one with Prodi or the one with Berlusconi....Berlusconi
is a businessman and Prodi is an intellectual....everyone laughed....

the reporter then addressed the PM and offered a serious question. In
Italian which was translated by headset to bush and we could see bush
struggling with understanding any of it...realizing a serious question
was being answered and he was out of the
loop...pathetic..humiliating...and i am surprised his advisers allowed
him to be so flippant... in the face of such huge crisis all over the

yes...he is stressed...he is being called out on all sides...and all he
can do is speak in sound bites

and get drunk....

check out the new ' Lil'bush' cartoon ...his momma says .."noww lil'bush
, don't you go fightin with your brother, ya never know when you'll need
him to rig another election..." lol

with EVERYTHING that everyone has on him and his staff since he took
office...how is it possible that IMPEACHMENT proceedings arn't HARD FAST
under way??!!!!

as far as weapons of mass destruction go ...he and his little team are
the most threatening, and have wreaked the most havoc in the insideous
manipulations and deceptions they have orchestrated all over the
world. they have stolen your security for their own agendas, and are the
greatest threat to the security of the world...

and that has been duly noted and will ring in the archives as his legacy
and throughout history....


no photo
Tue 06/12/07 05:21 AM
so they all bent over to 'good ole boy politics'...


.........." Although he plans to stay, four other officials, including
his former chief of staff and senior counselor, have resigned.

In two hours of debate Monday, few Republicans offered an outright
endorsement of the attorney general. Rather, they cast the no-confidence
vote as a Democratic political ploy that took valuable time away from
debate over issues of import to ordinary citizens, such as immigration
and gasoline prices......"

L.A. Times today...

4 for the price of 1??? i'll take that

his castle is crumbling

Oceans5555's photo
Tue 06/12/07 06:47 AM
Good morning, Alex!

I was at a dinner a couple of nights ago and the place was abuzz about
Bush's gaffes in Europe. The only difference between the Republicans
and the Democrats at the dinner is that the former were more
embarrassed. happy

Impeachment: The process laid out for impeachment in our Constitution
is quite cumbersome and lengthy. It was designed during a time when
Congress went to Washington only part time and there was a need for a
strong executive. Also, the newly founded US has enormous depth of
skills and humanity at the senior levels, and so it was easy to find
highly qualified and trustworthy people to be President. I don't think
the men twho drafted the Constitution ever imagined that the likes of
Bush could EVER become President.

In effect, the impeachment process in the US is a legal trial, with all
the elements of a civil of criminal trial. There has to be an
indictment, with evidence advanced. Then there is a jury (the full
Senate), that hears the evidence, and a vote to remove the President or
not. There are lawyers, and motions, and the preparation of indictments,
and hearings and witnesses. There are appeals and theater for public
consumption. grumble All of this process is subject to the political
whims of the hundreds of people involved, the scrutiny of the media, the
opinions and clamor of citizens. A circus.

Two things are holding up the implementation of this process now, with
regard to Bush.

1. Bush has 18 more months in power, and so, given the length of time
needed for impeachment to run its course, many people opt simply to let
him finish out his term. They don't like it, but it may be the simplest
thing to do.

2. If Bush is removed, we then have Cheney. Ooooops! Cheney is even
more unpopular than Bush, and even the most aggressive critics of Bush
dislike Cheney even more. If Bush is removed, Cheney becomes President.
Cheney is, if you will, Bush's insurance against impeachment. If the
Vice President were popular, I am almost certain that impeachment would
be underway.

There is an impeachment move afoot to impeach Cheney, for the reason
that I have just cited, but by the time it succeeded in removing Cheney
(which it won't be able to do in any case), Bush's term would be up,
anyway. grumble

3. To impeach a President successfully, a majority of Senators have to
find him guilty, but the majority required will be very hard to get in
today's Senate, where the Democrats have only a one-vote majority (out
of 100).

For example: Senator Joe Lieberman is listed as an Independent, but
votes Democratic on domestic matters and Republican on foreign affairs
(to simplify his voting decisions). He will vote for anything that
helps Israel, and is a string supporter of the invasion and occupation
of Iraq, and is now urging an attack on Iran.


We do not have the typical parliamentary structure to government in the
US. In a parliamentary government, a Prime Minister generally can be
removed from office via a vote of no-confidence, especially if it is
over a major issue and the vote is strongly against the PM. Further, a
PM can call for new elections pretty much whenever he/she wishes to, as
I understand it. So the notion of a PM not fulfilling a set term of
office is well accepted in Europe. PMs come and they go.

Here in the US, the notion of filling out one's term (four years in the
case of the President) is so normal and expected that impeachment is
viewed as exceptional. And indeed it is rare. Clinton was impeached, but
the trial found him innocent and he was not removed. Other presidents,
like Nixon, have resigned rather than face removal. Some, like Lyndon
Johnson have agreed not to run for second terms as President because of
mounting opposition.

If the US had a parliamentary system, I would guess that Bush would have
been replaced a long time ago. But the presence of Cheney and the
awkwardness of the impeachment process make it highly unlikely that Bush
will be impeached (formally accused) and removed (found guilty of 'high
crimes and misdemeanors').

A little bit of information on the US impeachment process and practical
obstacles.... I hope this explains the reality here, not that we have to
like it!



no photo
Tue 06/12/07 07:08 AM
so then do cheney!!!

lol.....sigh....haliburton...and that's just the obvious!!grumble

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 07:12 AM
and anyway..it's about transparency and human rights and and and ...if
he gets impeached successfully or not...his crimes will be made public
which is
something the waste of so much life commands justice for.

Oceans5555's photo
Tue 06/12/07 07:16 AM
I completely agree on the justice and transparency needed.

Morally, the American people owe it to themselves and to the world to
thoroughly investigate what happened after Sept 11, and who did what and

Morally, the American people collectively owe a deep apology to the
world, and to each other.

I wish I could say I was certain that this is going to happen.



Lakeman's photo
Tue 06/12/07 07:37 AM
As long as there is dis-agreement and crime on this planet...there will
be weapons. The weapons will always be sought first by the ones who are
on the offensive side and then the good people on the defensive side
will need equal or better weapons to ward them off. Gun laws border on
STUPIDITY.They are only protecting the criminals who will always be able
to get a weapon through the black market. They are first ones to stand
up and cheer for gun-control!If we take all the guns from the good
citizens the criminals will just bust down your front door with NO
resistance and laugh in your face as they walk through your house
picking out anything they want and shooting you between the eyes because
he will have the confidence that there is no weapon in that house.
Alquaida would just cheer and celebrate in the streets the day that we
give up our guns. The term SITTING DUCKS would be the new name for the
I feel for the ones that have been wounded but you will be wiped out
if you don't give these MORONS any resistance. The Alquaida are teaching
their babies to be a good Martyrs by sacrificing their own lives to kill
Americans. They teach them to do this so they will go to heaven and be
with the 72 virgins for eternity. The Bush administration has made
plenty of mistakes but they have exposed what really has been going on
for many many years. The Alquaida is among us right now and growing in
numbers. You need to be armed and ready for the attacks that will be
coming in the future. These tards don't value life and they live to see
YOU die. Go to a gun range and learn to safely operate a hand gun and
rifle for the sake of your own families because you may need it some
day!!!. :smile:

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:15 AM
wOW! WHAT A TRIP THROUGH LALA LAND. That is pretty much what this
thread read like, although I must admit, some of this drivel was so mind
bogglingly off the wall, I skimmed past the incredibly stupid stuff
(like comparing one weapon to another, and claiming that one is
tolerable and the other is not. LOL Depends on who is handling it
moron! That is the ONLY determining factor with ANY object of ANY kind.
Hell, you could get killed with a couple tablespoons of water.)
And it all begins with a self serving, sniveling, attention seeking post
from one of the biggest fakes I have ever come across. As if being shot
makes you some kind of martyr. (Why do I think these posts are either
complete fiction, or she had to be paid to be in that situation? Making
her no different from those soldiers she is always slamming. From all
the rest of her self serving posts, it is the impression I get.) LOTS
of people have been shot, myself included, and more than once.
Difference is, most of us don't use it to sit on some soap box and
rattle off over reactive stupidity, much less use it for a sympathy play
or to guilt people into agreeing with ridiculous over emotional rants.
It happened, don't regret it because it saved a friend's life, end of
Hey, I was also bitten by a dog once as a child. Should we kill all
dogs too?

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:21 AM
actually ,

it could be looked at , that they do, very much , SO value life,

they are teaching their children what a corrupt,capitalistic regime and
country have done to the planet! in the comparatively few years it has
taken the industrial revolution to feed the capitalistic fires of the
united states , taking her to marvelous heights of appreciation and
respect, so has she quickly faded as a result of her exploitation of new

as a culture you are infants next to these people you think are ignorant
muslim fanatics....

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:24 AM
hi optymystic aka loljuzme aka peekaboo

i see you! laugh

Lakeman's photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:34 AM
You Wrote:

i am sitting near my balcony and the sun is shining and the birds are
singing a symphony, the roses i planted last summer are in bloom and my
daughter has just left to 'go shoping' with her friend. children are
playing in the garden downstairs

Without weapons that have been securing your freedom from the BAD GUYS
your first line would read like this:

i am sitting on the dirt floor in my birka being very careful that all
skin is fully covered.The birds are singing a symphony that is not rich
enough to bring me out of my gloom. My daughter was taken away this
morning for showing an ankle in the market place. My children are
starving and shaking with fear in the corner after being brainwashed all
morning by the Alquaida Gurus.

Oceans5555's photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:57 AM
Yup, its Loljuzme . laugh She has already threatened one JSH member
over in the Immigration thread. I wonder how long it will take for her
to claim that her IQ is higher than everyone else's and that she is a
lawyer. laugh laugh laugh


oldsage's photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:02 AM
If you can prove those statements, REPORT.
We don't need people like that here.


no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:10 AM
Can't prove what isn't true. Just more rants with no basis. Typical
tactic of certain people who just can't take it when others don't buy
into their BS. Hmmmm, reminds me of Bush.

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:14 AM
lakeman...you made me giggle...laugh

Oceans5555's photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:24 AM
Agreed, Sage.


Fanta46's photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:38 AM
Who ever it is , is a coward, hiding behind opinionated statements, and
attacking honorable members opinions. I told it that I dont need its
help. Keep your fake profile opinions away from mine! Chicken

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