Topic: Stereotype?
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Thu 07/23/09 02:17 AM

He's trying to say you got the last laugh.

i knew i liked u--way back when genius boy

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 07/23/09 02:26 AM
They took me out of high school and moved me out of state to another school. Graduated straight As, honor roll, with honors at 15. 2 degrees- physics, and engineering, and at times pulled a 4.2 gpa, 15 diplomas later....its been fun. 18 years at my job working hard procuring, stabilizing, transporting, treating, and safely disposing of hazardous waste under strict government regulation and oversight so noone has to see it, smell it, taste it, or drink it. I'm bonded, registered, have Transportation security administration authority, fingerprinted, and background checked. My resume is 41 pages long. And it runs in the family. My sister- two years younger- did her 7 years and pulled a 4.0 and is a world renowned doctor/ speech pathologist/ specializing in stroke victims, and children with speech impediments, running her own hospital. I'm proud of her. An education is good. I defended and always will defend nerds.

Rasmus916's photo
Thu 07/23/09 02:33 AM
Honestly, I was the school drug addict/alcoholic/brawler. devil smokin pitchfork

When I first got to high school, my older brother was picked on ALOT because he chose men over women. Well, me being the one who wouldn't stand for that under ANY circumstance, I jumped in to protect him. Next week the same guy came with two of his buddies, week after they got all their friends to bully me around because the first two attempts failed. I got kinda popular after that because I was a freshman taking on seniors in a good ol fashioned fistfight.

Problem is, most of them "claim" they grew up in a bad neighborhood of the ghetto, but Sacramento isn't ghetto, grow up where I did, and you realize how much people are full of themselves under that light.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 07/23/09 02:40 AM
But I still have more fun than a human being can. I've adventure toured the world twice on motorcycle to 27 countries. And I've climbed 4 mountains over 14,000 feet. I've discovered I enjoy that. And don't forget that I understand music theory and can play guitar, bass, violin, viola, piano, drums, and am quite proficient. I love life. I'm happy. And I like myself. I look back at the people from school and think "WHATEVER". I've accomplished sooooooo much more than them. Oh they had babies. Oh they got divorced. Oh they got remarried. Oh they got divorced again and again. I missed all that crap. Selfish? Yeah. Arrogant? Maybe. But I wouldn't change it for anything. I'm happy.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 07/23/09 02:44 AM

What, in Jr. high / middle school and high school, would you have been stereotyped as? Not necessarily who you WERE on the inside, but how you dressed / how others would have labeled you?

I would have been considered a nerd in Jr. high and a grunger/stoner in High School.
....a scary freaking genious.

no photo
Thu 07/23/09 02:44 AM

But I still have more fun than a human being can. I've adventure toured the world twice on motorcycle to 27 countries. And I've climbed 4 mountains over 14,000 feet. I've discovered I enjoy that. And don't forget that I understand music theory and can play guitar, bass, violin, viola, piano, drums, and am quite proficient. I love life. I'm happy. And I like myself. I look back at the people from school and think "WHATEVER". I've accomplished sooooooo much more than them. Oh they had babies. Oh they got divorced. Oh they got remarried. Oh they got divorced again and again. I missed all that crap. Selfish? Yeah. Arrogant? Maybe. But I wouldn't change it for anything. I'm happy.

longhairbiker dude

lemme ask you this

what r u doing now?

i read all of it, i did...and your stories r awesome

but a guy like you seems like the type who doenst like to not be not trying to be rude...cuz if you "settled" down, thats cool...

just out of curiousity, though...what r u doing now?

forget that^^^

lemme ask you this, if i was to say, hey "your name" wanna kick it? and you said, "sure billy suvol"

what would we do?

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 07/23/09 02:49 AM

But I still have more fun than a human being can. I've adventure toured the world twice on motorcycle to 27 countries. And I've climbed 4 mountains over 14,000 feet. I've discovered I enjoy that. And don't forget that I understand music theory and can play guitar, bass, violin, viola, piano, drums, and am quite proficient. I love life. I'm happy. And I like myself. I look back at the people from school and think "WHATEVER". I've accomplished sooooooo much more than them. Oh they had babies. Oh they got divorced. Oh they got remarried. Oh they got divorced again and again. I missed all that crap. Selfish? Yeah. Arrogant? Maybe. But I wouldn't change it for anything. I'm happy.

longhairbiker dude

lemme ask you this

what r u doing now?

i read all of it, i did...and your stories r awesome

but a guy like you seems like the type who doenst like to not be not trying to be rude...cuz if you "settled" down, thats cool...

just out of curiousity, though...what r u doing now?

forget that^^^

lemme ask you this, if i was to say, hey "your name" wanna kick it? and you said, "sure billy suvol"

what would we do?
...give me a minute.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:01 AM
What would we do? I'm ambitious and organized 24/7. Anything is possible and capable in my world. Go suck down some beers and go fishing? Maybe check out some of your artwork to be interpreted and respected and maybe transferred to 3M photo flame to be put on a car or bike? Maybe hook up with scott weiland and slash and their boys and go window shopping? (can't drink around them- T totallers). Go see some sights or landmarks? Anything. Right now I'm getting ready for my vacation next week at the sturgis motorcycle rally with gypsy from the site. Its her 2nd year with us. Its my 12th year in a row attending. We have 10 days of plans. I have a lifetime membership at a resort and my own pool and hot tub. And I'm looking foreward to being in it.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:05 AM
And I appreciate it billy. I'm kyle. Glad to meetcha.

no photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:12 AM

dont take this the wrong way but that gave me chills lol

so, whenever you wanna chill

let me know


longhairbiker's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:14 AM
We have some lofty goals at the black hills rally this year. I'm a freebie whore. Because of my AMA racing, my music connections, and my other motorcycle connections, people and freinds just hand us stuff. Just insane. We mail it all home. Last year I mailed 68 pounds of freebies and 27 T shirts home. This year we are shooting for high buck freebies to send home. Jackets, cordura bags, 600 dollar liquid sunglasses. "Oh yes, I will gladly take a pair like mick jagger wears- thank you"! Ha ha ha ha! I give most of the freebies to underpriveledged and abused children when I get home. Except the glasses. Ha ha ha!

no photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:16 AM

We have some lofty goals at the black hills rally this year. I'm a freebie whore. Because of my AMA racing, my music connections, and my other motorcycle connections, people and freinds just hand us stuff. Just insane. We mail it all home. Last year I mailed 68 pounds of freebies and 27 T shirts home. This year we are shooting for high buck freebies to send home. Jackets, cordura bags, 600 dollar liquid sunglasses. "Oh yes, I will gladly take a pair like mick jagger wears- thank you"! Ha ha ha ha! I give most of the freebies to underpriveledged and abused children when I get home. Except the glasses. Ha ha ha!

i dont "want" anything

but hold up....

you could hook up chillin with scott weiland?

do you know how amazing that would be for me?noway

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:18 AM
And right now I'm MC for one concert, backstage for 2 more, and trying to get passes for the tessla/ hinder show. Gonna do it all up in style.

no photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:19 AM
hinder is pretty big in youngstown.....they put on a bunch of shows for "eric ryan productions"

u know who that is?

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:19 AM
Always a joker

no photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:21 AM

Always a joker


longhairbiker's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:22 AM

We have some lofty goals at the black hills rally this year. I'm a freebie whore. Because of my AMA racing, my music connections, and my other motorcycle connections, people and freinds just hand us stuff. Just insane. We mail it all home. Last year I mailed 68 pounds of freebies and 27 T shirts home. This year we are shooting for high buck freebies to send home. Jackets, cordura bags, 600 dollar liquid sunglasses. "Oh yes, I will gladly take a pair like mick jagger wears- thank you"! Ha ha ha ha! I give most of the freebies to underpriveledged and abused children when I get home. Except the glasses. Ha ha ha!

i dont "want" anything

but hold up....

you could hook up chillin with scott weiland?

do you know how amazing that would be for me?noway and 14 million other people? He's an incredible man. An extreme talent. A great father. And a very busy busy man.

no photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:24 AM

We have some lofty goals at the black hills rally this year. I'm a freebie whore. Because of my AMA racing, my music connections, and my other motorcycle connections, people and freinds just hand us stuff. Just insane. We mail it all home. Last year I mailed 68 pounds of freebies and 27 T shirts home. This year we are shooting for high buck freebies to send home. Jackets, cordura bags, 600 dollar liquid sunglasses. "Oh yes, I will gladly take a pair like mick jagger wears- thank you"! Ha ha ha ha! I give most of the freebies to underpriveledged and abused children when I get home. Except the glasses. Ha ha ha!

i dont "want" anything

but hold up....

you could hook up chillin with scott weiland?

do you know how amazing that would be for me?noway and 14 million other people? He's an incredible man. An extreme talent. A great father. And a very busy busy man.

eh i misunderstood but pats fan helped clear things up...

clicking profiles is always smart

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:24 AM

hinder is pretty big in youngstown.....they put on a bunch of shows for "eric ryan productions"

u know who that is?
...nope. A promoter from ohio?

no photo
Thu 07/23/09 03:25 AM
still..i like the way you think..and the chills were real lol