Topic: did you kids ever cut anyone hair?
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Wed 07/22/09 04:16 AM
I run a day care, and the 5 yr old just cut her sisters hair who was 4 yrs old, this week and mom flipped out, she was going to shave her daughters hair but could not get the shaver to work, and well never did anything about it. come to find out, for the last 3 weeks she has been talking about cutting her twin sons hair?????? funny what children hear and what they will do with that information.?????

Anyway, have you ever had your child cut her siblings hair, or someone in schools.

My daughter cut all her dolls hair off.. My son tried to cut his sisters hair.. but i took a leep in the air to grab those scissors... All i could think about was ... It took me for ever to grow her hair long... Don't you dare touch it.

LOL.... As for me. I'm too old to remember..... LOL..

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 07/22/09 05:05 AM
All my girls did that at one time when they were younger
I have pics and now we sit and laugh!!!

no photo
Wed 07/22/09 05:06 AM
my daughter cuts my hair.....when she was little she would cut her own

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Wed 07/22/09 09:55 AM
My older sister cut my hair when we were kids.

A couple years ago my 9 year old son cut his 6 year old sisters hair. She had long blonde ringlets past her butt. Thing is, he didn't have a chance to finish the job and only cut half across the back. She had never had her hair cut before at all.

Now we laugh about how he would make a great barber.

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Wed 07/22/09 10:27 AM
P>S> this was at there home not at the daycare... it was later that night and the oldest was in her room cutting paper, her 4yr old sister came in grabbed her hair and said, cut this i dont like my hair. Then she ran down stairs to her mother, and the mother yelled out the oldest name, She got scared so she cut her hair so she would not get into trouble. Well in the end. neither of them got in trouble...

However the next day the youngest learned no matter what she dose she will not get punished so after mom put everyone to sleep, she walked out of the house at 9:30 and walked over in the dark to her grandmothers house about a block away. Remember she is only 4 yrs old.

The next day, the girls told me, that they can do what ever they want that mom will never punish them.. The end...

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Wed 07/22/09 01:09 PM
My son used to pretend to cut my hair but he never actually did so. He did wrap my hair up in brushes and combs a couple of times which I thought would need to be cut out.

He did, however, give the bunny a hair cut one day laugh

michiganman3's photo
Wed 07/22/09 02:19 PM
Youngest daughter cut own hair one time, but her sister never tried it.