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Topic: Is your landlord a choad?
AndyBgood's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:22 AM
To all you renters out there...

We hear stories all the time of Landlords from hell. I am living that currently.

House has mold,
Landlord decides to approach the job half assed,
no inspection for mold, he just tears a shower a wall out and has the valve replaced leaving me without a bathroom for two weeks.

During this work he was supposed to put me up in a hotel,
"Oh no, that is too expensive and I am not doing that!"

Since then I have had a mold test done,
the technician suggested strongly that I have as Asbestos test done to see if the plaster itself has it or not because the demolition work also potentially exposed me to asbestos,

Yesterday at 7:20 AM I get woke up by the phone ringing and at 7:30 AM (ON A F'n Saturday!) he shows up knocking on my door telling me his uncle is ready to tear out the rest of the shower. (This really gets good)

I hand him a letter telling him to stop all work until he can show me proof from a legitimate lab there is no asbestos and I explain to him I had a (VERY EXPENSIVE but I have yet to tell him that) lab test done for the mold this house has (AND OH YES THIS PLACE IS A SERIOUS MOLD PIT) and again told him he needs to put me up in a hotel. Again "OH NO THAT IS TOO EXPENSIVE AND I AM NOT DOING THAT, You have to work with me."

My next act after the landlord left was to leave a message with my attorney. So far my landlord has not given me any financial consideration for me being without a bathroom for now over two weeks. he has exposed me to even more mold at least not to mention the fragrance that comes from the bathroom now. This man is SUPER DUPER CHEAP.

Somewhere in all of this I have been assembling the evidence to prove criminal neglect. This is the best part, he never supplied us with a mailing address to send correspondences (or legal papers). I am supposed to put my rent check and any letters in a mailbox on the unit I live in. SHADINESS!!!

Needless to say my attorney is foaming at the mouth for this. The best part of this is that my landlord thinks he can hide behind an LLC. I have been doing my homework. The biggest surprise to him will be when the process server shows up at his door.


How about the rest of yous?? What are some of your Landlord from hell stories???

PS I am also seeking criminal charges be filed and boy do I got some good charges to hit him and his LLC with! That is what my attorney is for!

Knowing you are in the right for a change? PRECIOUS!
Owning a landlord without him knowing it yet??? PRICELESS!
Seeing the look on his face when the poo hits the fan?? KODAK MOMENT!

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:37 AM

Kick his ***

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:50 AM
I once lived in a house that was horrible. It was beautiful and had so much potential. It wasn't insulated and got very cold in the winter. The bedroom had no direct heat vent going into it and was even colder than the rest of the house. The mice held social functions every night in the kitchen right next to the bedroom making it very hard to sleep. I would wake up sometimes and swear that there were mice crawling on me. I had to lock the cabinets to prevent the mice from ruining my food. I tried being humane and using live traps, but that soon proved unsuccessful and I poisoned them into oblivion, but then one or more died somewhere that I could not find and stunk up the kitchen for weeks. While the mouse problem was annoying, I couldn't even make a dent in the ant or roach problem and don't get me started on the bats that came in from fireplace.
The landlord was upset at me because I didn't give him a full months notice before leaving.

Misspharry1017's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:54 AM
Ooo thats not good at all. We had a shady landlord as well when my parents were renting. He Never fixed the hot tub, made rude comments about how the rugs looked horrible and he wanted us to pay more of rent. He also wanted us to pay more with rent seeing we had a dog but he had seen her before and decided to tell us last minute. Also he had wanted to leave this expensive big screen TV in the house but knowing the risks and how he would be hoping we broke it lol we told him to take it with him. Also he had taken our blankets, without asking us first, to remove the TV, and we never got them back. Plus he would always have a lady friend each time he stoped by, went on mysterious trips around the world and never left us a number to reach him on or anything. It was dificult. But we moved now so its all good.

Winx's photo
Sun 07/12/09 11:07 AM
Call the city!! He's doing it all wrong and it can spread that way!!

Also, he is required to give you advance notice before coming over to do repairs and ask your permission to come in at that time.

elwoodsully's photo
Sun 07/12/09 11:12 AM
Sorry to hear about your woes, Andy. Here in IL, we have Renter's laws. In there, it states that the water can only be turned off for a period of 24 hours for repairs. If it exceeds that, the renter has the right to rent a motel room, and deduct the amount from the rent to be paid. It also states that the landlord must pay 5% on any security deposits. If you're in a place a year, no biggie, but if, like some, you stay for 5 or 10 years, you reap a nice bit of interest.

I live in a house owned by my landlords, whom are both deaf. My place is separate from theirs, and they don't enter without my permission. Anytime I've had a problem, he's jumped right on it. But at the same time, in the winter, he's out shoveling the snow right outside my door at 4:30 or 5 am, regardless of the day.

When my shower pipe broke inside the wall, I stayed at a cheap motel for the three days it took him to fix it, and gave him the receipt along with the rest of my rent. No problems at all.

Hope yours gets whatever your att'y can give him. frustrated

Queene123's photo
Sun 07/12/09 11:50 AM
i lived in this one apt about 20yrs ago
i had mice in cupboards and i had my traps
it was gross
the landlord was a 'j *** he was a ex cop
and i end up moving from there

i had a friend that lived there with his mom and the landlord decided he would go in there with out 24hour permission, and he gave them a eviction notice... well the landlord should had been reported

and you figure when they have a thing on the laundary room wondow saying security on property they should mean it... they never had security

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 07/12/09 12:09 PM
My landlord CLEARLY is breaking several laws. On top of that I have ALL the evidence lined up along with notifications with proof of service. The out of court settlement is going to be PAINFUL if he chooses to do the smart thing. If I have to sue him it will be for... well put six zeros behind a number. Then I will let the judge decide.

So far I can prove: Criminal Neglect, Criminal Endangerment, Willful Endangerment, and possibly conspiracy among the LLC owning this property. On top of that when I get the Asbestos test done there is also that. I am looking into a second attorney that specializes in Asbestos so I will more than likely hit him with two separate lawsuits. Depends if Asbesos is found.

Now for those of you with rodent problems. Poisons and traps do nothing much. Snakes on the other hand? Try these varieties, Rat Snakes, Corn Snakes, Gopher Snakes. They are natural rodent killers. If you are an advanced animal handler and know how to properly raise and care for ferrets those are much better at taking out rodents.

For bugs in general especially cockroaches, Tokay Geckos! they are nocturnal hunters and are DEATH on roaches. I had a friend living in an apartment building with a bad roach problem. I let three Tokay Geckos loose in his house and in three days succeeded in wiping them out. by a week they were gone to the last one. He had to get used to seeing them sitting on his kitchen counter at night but they went where the food was and stayed out of sight otherwise.

The thing with mice and bugs is they congregate where there is food and no predators. Once predators show up they innately know to go elsewhere if they value their life.

Cats are no good for preventing rodent problems. They are not motivated to kill and eat all the mice they can catch. Snakes are however and they will seek out their nests as well. Ferrets are just NBKs. (Natural Born Killers). If it is small and moves they are after it like a shot.

Queene123's photo
Sun 07/12/09 12:38 PM
andy.. why keep complaining i think its time to move
if i had a landlord like the one i went through 20yrs ago i would had move in nothing flat

before i moved here i was looking at one duplex by the high school its a great area but when i walked into the duplex there was a dang dead rat on the bathroom floor

that grossed me out and they had not cleaned it yet
i called the rental property and i told them about the rat... that rental property is nothing but high expensive place to go to. they charge there depost $500 im not paying that. why if i can find one for half that price.. and upon paying a rental application

where im at now they didnt ask for a rental application fee in fact they dont charge a late fee

i had a problem the end of nov last yr where they never received there rent. the money order was never cashed so it chewed up in the postal machine... they understood that, and so from that ordeal i now have them come down and pick the rent up.

no photo
Sun 07/12/09 12:41 PM
Some landlords are horrible....

The last apartment I lived in I rented from a friend (so I thought).Eveything was good at first. After about a year she tried holding me accountable for things that happened . A water pipe broke inside my bathroom wall and leaked down into her bathroom and caused all kinds of dammage.The basement also flooded and things of hers were ruined. I had a dog when I moved in (she had no problem with) within the year she decided No pets allowed ....then tried to get me to pay a security payment for my dog. Her son broke a door window to my apartment but she said it was my fault because the door was left open.She tried to draw up a 20 page lease after all this with her rules and regulations. I did the same thing as far as getting a lawyer and doing research on renters rights. I refused to sign the lease and she tried to evict me by having a neighbor hand my a printed piece of paper off her computer.

bikerbabe63's photo
Sun 07/12/09 12:48 PM

Some landlords are horrible....

The last apartment I lived in I rented from a friend (so I thought).Eveything was good at first. After about a year she tried holding me accountable for things that happened . A water pipe broke inside my bathroom wall and leaked down into her bathroom and caused all kinds of dammage.The basement also flooded and things of hers were ruined. I had a dog when I moved in (she had no problem with) within the year she decided No pets allowed ....then tried to get me to pay a security payment for my dog. Her son broke a door window to my apartment but she said it was my fault because the door was left open.She tried to draw up a 20 page lease after all this with her rules and regulations. I did the same thing as far as getting a lawyer and doing research on renters rights. I refused to sign the lease and she tried to evict me by having a neighbor hand my a printed piece of paper off her computer.

never repeat never do business with a friend or family.....

Queene123's photo
Sun 07/12/09 12:51 PM

Some landlords are horrible....

The last apartment I lived in I rented from a friend (so I thought).Eveything was good at first. After about a year she tried holding me accountable for things that happened . A water pipe broke inside my bathroom wall and leaked down into her bathroom and caused all kinds of dammage.The basement also flooded and things of hers were ruined. I had a dog when I moved in (she had no problem with) within the year she decided No pets allowed ....then tried to get me to pay a security payment for my dog. Her son broke a door window to my apartment but she said it was my fault because the door was left open.She tried to draw up a 20 page lease after all this with her rules and regulations. I did the same thing as far as getting a lawyer and doing research on renters rights. I refused to sign the lease and she tried to evict me by having a neighbor hand my a printed piece of paper off her computer.

her neighbor? thats non of her neighbors business
that just shows how much of a chicken and non friend she was.... and after a year thats bull. there should had been agreement before hand not a yr later...

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 07/12/09 01:32 PM
P.S. I already am looking for a place to move.drinker

Its finding the place is the other question...

Winx's photo
Sun 07/12/09 03:42 PM
I like the new pics, Andy.happy

no photo
Sun 07/12/09 04:33 PM

Some landlords are horrible....

The last apartment I lived in I rented from a friend (so I thought).Eveything was good at first. After about a year she tried holding me accountable for things that happened . A water pipe broke inside my bathroom wall and leaked down into her bathroom and caused all kinds of dammage.The basement also flooded and things of hers were ruined. I had a dog when I moved in (she had no problem with) within the year she decided No pets allowed ....then tried to get me to pay a security payment for my dog. Her son broke a door window to my apartment but she said it was my fault because the door was left open.She tried to draw up a 20 page lease after all this with her rules and regulations. I did the same thing as far as getting a lawyer and doing research on renters rights. I refused to sign the lease and she tried to evict me by having a neighbor hand my a printed piece of paper off her computer.

never repeat never do business with a friend or family.....

Yeah I learned that one the hard way!

Queene123's photo
Sun 07/12/09 08:55 PM

Some landlords are horrible....

The last apartment I lived in I rented from a friend (so I thought).Eveything was good at first. After about a year she tried holding me accountable for things that happened . A water pipe broke inside my bathroom wall and leaked down into her bathroom and caused all kinds of dammage.The basement also flooded and things of hers were ruined. I had a dog when I moved in (she had no problem with) within the year she decided No pets allowed ....then tried to get me to pay a security payment for my dog. Her son broke a door window to my apartment but she said it was my fault because the door was left open.She tried to draw up a 20 page lease after all this with her rules and regulations. I did the same thing as far as getting a lawyer and doing research on renters rights. I refused to sign the lease and she tried to evict me by having a neighbor hand my a printed piece of paper off her computer.

never repeat never do business with a friend or family.....

Yeah I learned that one the hard way!

that can be the reason why i wont live in one of my moms rentals.. for i know how she is... my oldest nephew lived in one of her complex and he lost his job one yr.. she of course didnt have a choice but to kick him out

catseyes1's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:27 PM
It does sound bad where you are at. Good for you. Sorry no horror stories about my landlord. If I need something fixed he is there the next day. Good Luck to you.

bikerbabe63's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:31 PM

Some landlords are horrible....

The last apartment I lived in I rented from a friend (so I thought).Eveything was good at first. After about a year she tried holding me accountable for things that happened . A water pipe broke inside my bathroom wall and leaked down into her bathroom and caused all kinds of dammage.The basement also flooded and things of hers were ruined. I had a dog when I moved in (she had no problem with) within the year she decided No pets allowed ....then tried to get me to pay a security payment for my dog. Her son broke a door window to my apartment but she said it was my fault because the door was left open.She tried to draw up a 20 page lease after all this with her rules and regulations. I did the same thing as far as getting a lawyer and doing research on renters rights. I refused to sign the lease and she tried to evict me by having a neighbor hand my a printed piece of paper off her computer.

never repeat never do business with a friend or family.....

Yeah I learned that one the hard way!
I am so sorry...stnks when friends treat you that way...I just don't get it

vortecpowered's photo
Mon 07/13/09 11:48 AM
AndyBgood, go find yourself a nice fridge box under a bridge. sounds like it would be less stressful. laugh

Blaze1978's photo
Mon 07/13/09 07:15 PM
I can relate...

I moved on June 9th of this year...and in less than a month, the landlord and I cannot stand to be around each other.

The problems started on the day I moved in. The landlady (with whom I share this condo suite) forbade me from using the oven. Without giving me a reason why. I just shrugged and brought a toaster oven.

Then three and a half weeks into my new situation, she suddenly decides that I'm not worth the thought it takes to close the patio door when she smokes outside. The argument we had after that incident was filled with lots of colorful four letter words, I can assure you.

When I gave notice, I was told it was improper notice, then I get an earful about how I'm too demanding (the need not to be poisoned with second hand smoke is too demanding...pfft), and that my damage deposit will go to fix the door I allegedly broke on the day I moved in (pure bs) and to clean the nonexistent stains on the carpet.

Yes, it's been a real joy to live here.

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